
It was only a matter of time: The WHO says we should stop eating meat for the "climate"

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4 months ago

They don’t want strong people. They want herbivores/prey.

4 months ago
Reply to  Ruth

That’s not quite the argument you think it is.

Do I agree their agenda is extremely suspect? Absolutely. But I know plenty of very strong vegetarians/vegans, and many many more weak meat eaters. Physically AND mentally/emotionally/spiritually.

4 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

Even if that were true, it takes a lot more effort to get that way on a vegetarian diet, and to maintain it.

And even then, it’s doubtful that you could reach your fullest potential.

It’s very rare to see vegetarians in the olympics.

4 months ago
Reply to  Ruth

Can you link a source for that “rare to see vegetarians in the olympics”?

I think your statement about it taking more effort is the real argument to be made here. It takes a certain amount of effort to “get that way” regardless of your diet, and that is what tptb don’t want you to focus on. There is a reason people are being divided over meat eaters vs plant eaters. It’s not necessarily the diet that matters (though it does), but the the spiritual character and intent of the heart. Physical diet is an extension of said condition of the heart and spirit.

You’re being misled. I’m not here to argue with you for the sake of arguing and trying to make myself feel better. Take my words as food for thought. I hope you or anyone else reading receives it as the Spirit intends for you to.

3 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

Thank you for your comments on this issue!

Physical diet is an extension of said condition of the heart and spirit.”

Love that.

3 months ago
Reply to  Ruth

Ruth, once I read the almost-buried information about human nutrition, making the transition to fully plant-based eating was so easy.

My husband and I are in our 60s and we both exercise a lot.

3 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

They do tend to advise older people to eat less protein. I haven’t looked into whether that’s truly correct bc I am not old.

But when I watched Mark Sisson’s a day in a life of what I eat video, he was eating heartily. And he’s 70.

I’m genuinely curious do you guys look better than Mark Sisson?

Because I doubt it.

Anyway, it’s not like as if these things are SO important ultimately.

For me, the most pressing point would be whether or not someone has their eternity secured through the Lord Jesus Christ.

I definitely wouldn’t go to war because someone is or isn’t a vegetarian.

I just expressed my opinion on what I think is correct.

3 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

Thank you! I just commented about the same issue!

3 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

It’s not about being a vegetarian, it’s about them wanting you to be cattle while they be predator

4 months ago

Good luck with that. They’ll have to literally eliminate the meat source to get people to stop eating it, and that’s impossible because they’re never going to actually control every human on earth.

It’s pretty amazing how many vegan/vegetarian people I hear about and meet who turn back to meat and dairy after some years. It seems to me that you can subsist for awhile without meat (especially organs) but your body starts to get weak and needs to go back to it at some point if the person wants to be strong. Likewise with a diet of all meat, that doesn’t appear to be sustainable at all. The amount of time someone can subsist on any type of mono diet seems to be different for everyone. I’ve heard too many stories and seen too much of a theme about this to believe that it can work for very long for most people. I believe humans were originally only eating fruit in the garden of eden, but that has clearly changed dramatically over the centuries and we no longer seem to be able to do that and be strong.

None of this means I think people DIE if they don’t eat meat btw.

3 months ago

I’m a plant-based eater but I’m not going around telling people that they’re wrong and weak to eat animals.

For the record, I’m strong and lean, and I know from personal experience that I can go at least three weeks without eating any food while continuing to exercise, and I remain ready to kick evil a*s.

I feel that these psychopathic tyrants are playing both sides off of the middle. They want us to hate each other, and I won’t go there. We each make our choices; we each live with the consequences. Just don’t try to make YOUR consequences MY responsibility, and I will do the same.

3 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

The question is why would they physically be pushing vegetarian lifestyle on people? We know based on experience they are evil and want us to die so maybe animal bodies have less pounding by eating things we wouldn’t. Maybe it’s easier to taint our food directly into a plant, maybe it’s easier to mess up our DNA with their GMO plants. Not attacking your lifestyle, I don’t really care about meat but I care about the right to choose and why …

3 months ago
Reply to  marie

There are not many that are self-sustained. why? because they simply don.t have the means. I take myself as an example – I don.t have a field that I can cultivate, a garden of my own where I can grow my own food and I believe most people take their food from the supermarket-chains because of this reason mainly. Meat eaters? Vegetarians? There.s a war on people, regardless of their gastronomical choices. Vegetarians are not safe either unless they have the means. and the means are not forever. …because ,,property,, is a fragile notion. We have properties now, tomorrow who knows. At the moment the target is to remove animal products (due to fabricated ,,reasons,, many people do buy). As these products vanish from the shelves a battle is lost and is not necessary won for the vegetarian team. Next it will be fruits and vegetables! Famine! (as in nothing left to eat). You think they promote cannibalism for nothing? Don.t be surprised – left without food people will prey on each other.
So, what you all witness now is not a debate about the advantages of being meat-eater or vegetarian, but rather an orchestrated exercise, an exercise in progress of taking away our food and rights. You all see how they do their best to close the animal farms. They won.t stop here, be sure!

Last edited 3 months ago by crisspf
3 months ago

While they rip into their 100 percent grass fed free range beef they want us to eat grass.