
Instagram profile picture of rapper Joey Bada$$ features satanic Leviathan’s cross

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7 months ago

Although the symbol is associated with Leviathan it can also be a reference to the monster Typhon it seems. Along the ages many symbols get mixed, each cult using them to fulfill their esoteric vision of the world.

Leviathan/Osiris seem to be the Ouroboros, the circle serpent that eats his own tail, likely an extreme aurora plasma phenomena, as all other “sacred” symbols seem derived from…

For anyone interested in digging in read Van der Sluijs/Anthony Peratt paper about the Ouroboros and/or David Talbott’s 1980 book the Saturn myth. Better yet read Anthony Peratt paper “…Z-Pinch Aurora as Recorded in Antiquity…” part I & II, the first one published in 2003.

Notice that Peratt is very careful, understandably, to not directly link his findings to the development of all of the main cults, occult or not… but when one reads that in some christian gnostic texts Adam is described as a giant that filled the sky it’s hard not to connect him/it to the famous squatter/stickman figure carved around the world. And that’s just one of the countless connections that can be made. The same goes for all divinities/symbols of the diverse cults around the world.

Regarding the bible and connecting the article’s symbol to it could the statement that women should not braid their hair as it is a sin be related to it? It’s not that they are revealing any part of their body by braiding their hair anyway, as their head was usually covered. Albeit a speculation it might indeed be derived from the appearance of this plasma “beast” and the subsequent devastating events that followed it. This “monster” being likely twisted Bikerland plasma currents that surely have not left good memories on the survivors of those cataclysms.

7 months ago

The war between good and evil is getting more and more heated by the day. God help us. Victory in Jesus!!!

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
7 months ago

It’s a really close resemblance to that Pioneer symbol, shared in a post or two above this one..