
In their masters image.

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4 months ago


4 months ago

This is not an official logo of the BBB initiative. It’s satire.

4 months ago

Why else would it be so grammatically contrived and contorted? And the people behind this are Satanists so it’s far from far-fetched. They are Talmudists and Masons and those are Satanic/Inversionist cults, there’s centuries of evidence for that, in their writings, beliefs, doctrines and symbolism and more. 6uild 6ack 6etter is about turning our cities into 15-minute concentration camps, enforced by digital smart walls, programmable CBDC and digital ID.

They wouldn’t turn split our cities into 15-minute zones where we’re to have “everything we need” and then not enforce it. And no, it’s not for “carbon reduction,” that rationale is scientifically completely false. For “carbon reduction,” we’d need deurbanization, not more urbanization. The people behind this “initiative” are also the very (Talmudist-Masonic) oligarchs responsible for the sorry state of our planet.

And “carbon reduction” will be the very excuse used when the 15-minute zones transition from suggested and optional to mandatory and enforced. All the tech needed to to so is readily available.

The people behind all this are not philanthropists and environmentalists, rather they are the Central Banker crime families, led by Rothschilds and Rockefellers, who have ruled the world for centuries.
The families who are responsible for and the main profiteers of Colonialism, Slave Trade (which is larger than ever,) Drug Trade, wars, genocides, disease, poverty, social injustice and inequality. Families who built their wealth and power on fraud, ususry and looting of India and other lands which they turned into “the third world.” Families who became the owners and rulers of our world through fraud, usury, theft, exploitation and destruction.

The ultimate evil and, unless stopped, they will soon have us all – (formerly) rich and poor – trapped in digital 15-minute concentration camps, controlled by digital ID, CBDC (our money can be disabled and limited,) and social credit score.

Last edited 4 months ago by flipthepyramid
4 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Forgot to point out that there is no actual scientific basis behind the idea of there being a need for “carbon reduction,” it’s just a $cientific and ScIEnTiFIc excuse to reduce humanity and further enrich and empower themselves. And if “carbon reduction” was desired, wouldn’t the Globalist mass production of unnecessary and/or low quality junk electronics and appliances in China and other Globalist slave plantations be the prime target for this reduction?

Last edited 4 months ago by flipthepyramid