
Disturbing footage of Nickelodeon 'abuser' Dan Schneider filming in a HOT TUB with a 16-YEAR-OLD bikini-clad Amanda Bynes resurfaces online (

The full-length clip was shared on X, formerly Twitter, in light of the allegations made in the recent documentary titled Quiet On Set: The Dark Side Of Kids TV.

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5 months ago

This explains why she’s so messed up. This needs stopped before they become so insane.

Here’s a related article to pedos: this is about Further Legalizing pedos in Israel. Israel has been a safe haven for pedos for many many* years.
Israhell gets orphans and sex slaves from the poorest European countries such as Ukraine and Russia. They promise the young teenagers and adults jobs working in hotels like cleaning rooms but as soon as they get there they take their documents and force them into sex trade with bars on their windows. The orphans are sold for sex and sacrifices. The sex slaves better perform or they won’t get basic necessities like being fed etc. Since Israel is a pedo den,(worse than Greece) guess where the real Epstein is?

Steam needs to be called out. Do not support them, do not buy their games. The site is supporting and promoting pedophiles, it takes down posts and threatens/bans anyone saying anyone against the pedoz and insane t****y movement.
Steam Allows pedos to post naked anime children and join private pedo groups which require naked children or naked children anime pics to join and no matter how often you report them the moderators who love pedos ignore it.
(Steam Hired mods working for free from Reddit after they were fired from the leftist extremist terrorist site).
Bitchute has started protecting pedos as well as YouTube. Are they working for the elites? Good pedo cop bad pedo cop?

Last edited 5 months ago by marie
5 months ago
Reply to  marie

You really are demonizing Israel but not Islamic jihadists. What’s worse you’re demonizing not a few but the entire nation. Islam Marie

A Sister in Christ
A Sister in Christ
4 months ago
Reply to  john

I have only seen Ms. Marie’s edited comment which includes the following quote from the Israeli flag WAIVING (LITERALLY… it’s apart of their logo and banner, now!), JERUSALEM POST, which highlights the fight that the FIGHTER FOR and protector OF the innocence of ISRAELI CHILDREN from, as the JEWISH, YAMACUH (sp) wearing, CLEARLY Jewish NAMED, Mr. Avi Maoz, who… regarding the ISRAELI potential new LAW to FURTHER lower the age of consent: “In the speech he gave Tuesday, the Noam MK mentioned how he warned a year and a half ago the State of Israel could legalize pedophilia in the near future, citing examples he claimed were of different countries around the world “weakening” their stances on the issue.

He further cited a new report from the United Nations, which he said called to decriminalize certain sex offenses and mentioned that law enforcement should recognize that people under the age of 18 are able to make decisions about consensual sexual behavior.

Maoz slammed this as ‘abandoning children in favor of the morbid lusts of adults.'”

This is another quote that I chose from the ISRAELI FLAG WAIVING, Jerusalem Post that supports the BEAUTY of the ISRAELI CHILD-PROTECTING or at LEAST ADVOCATING FOR/on the behalf OF, Ms. Marie’s previous post in which you railed AGAINST her …a possible JEWISH WOMAN HERSELF (again, unless her comment contained offensive things prior to whatever the edited version of her comment posts now:

“Israel also has had historic issues regarding pedophilia and sex offenders. According to a 2020 report by the Matzof Association, there are tens of thousands of pedophiles who operate in Israel every year, leading to about 100,000 victims annually.

The vast majority of cases go unreported, Matzof said.

According to a 2020 CBS report alongside Jewish Community Watch, a number of pedophiles in Israel are Jewish immigrants who have sought refuge in the country under the law of return.

One of the most infamous cases is that of Australian haredi school principal Malka Leifer, who fled to Israel after allegations came to light that she sexually abused pupils.

After a long legal battle, Leifer was eventually extradited back to Australia, where she was recently convicted.”

Again, quotes were taken from the Jerusalem Posts article posted and introduced by Ms. Marie, here:

A Sister in Christ
A Sister in Christ
4 months ago
Reply to  john

Dear John,

I apologize to you for my hypocrisy, and for my ignorance, and for the sin of being a fool (over zealous due to previous experiences…that had nothing to do with you…!)!

In my memory of a Jewish woman who’d been labeled an anti-Semite (or a I was taught, to more properly say: anti-Jewish), for calling out (bringing attention to) a child destroyer, which was (allegedly) Jewish (I say allegedly, due to having read of Operation Paperclip –an alleged USA Government thing that brought N**i scientists, perhaps others, as well (their families, for instance, I would assume) over to the United States of America in the guise of Jews (because the Nazis were supposed to be awaiting their punishment back then for their crimes against humanity –Jews predominantly –because allegedly, some others were rounded up to be destroyed by the Nazis as well!

I am not the student of history I WOULD to be, however, I know what it’s like to become angry (VEHEMENTLY SO!) for the attacks against all of one’s people… being blamed for that which you not only bore NO FAULT FOR, but are 100% AGAINST!

I know what that is like as an American, but ESPECIALLY …what that is like as a Black (a member of the Black race)!

As GOD wills ..I would the TRUTH about my race, and others, be known! The Media works to destroy SO MANY great nations: the Jew, the Black, the American, etc!

There are some WONDERFUL examples within humanity have once upon a time, and surely STILL DO–unto THIS DATE–comprise the Media.

HOWEVER! It is by and large a tool being manipulated by Satan for the destruction of every beautiful race of people –which is EVERY RACE–as we are and were ALL created BY The LORD GOD Almighty, in HIS…image!

As GOD will, may GOD fix that which Man–in being WOEFULLY DECEIVED, manipulated, and USED by Satan to destroy his fellows AND HIMSELF…may GOD heal our lands–ALL of our lands, and our bodies, or hearts, our souls, and our thoughts! Our wants, and our have-nots! That there be love…and healing…rather than our present day wrath and perpetual volleyball “game” of endless back and forth retaliatory reeling!

I am sorry, my Dear Sir, Mr. “John!”


I would to have IMMEDIATELY said all of this both to you, and the reply above to Ms. Marie, but I failed to do so…and at THAT .. REPEATEDLY!

I hope that you will read that which I penned/typed to Ms. Marie above, as it may help to be that “soft answer that turneth away wrath,” as spoken in MAYBE …the [Holy] Bible book of Proverbs (?).

I’m not too sure, though!

I am sorry, AGAIN! And you have EVERY RIGHT to stand against the demonization of an entire group of people, let alone an entire nation …which I know Israel is (both a land ..and a group of /nation ..of people)!

Ciao and peace unto both you, your people (I assume you may be American, or Christian, or Israeli, or Jew? Regardless, I hope The LORD GOD will bless us to ALL hear, empathize, and listen to each others stories –the Jew, the Muslim, the Christian, the American, the Israeli, the Gazan, the Palestinian, the Sudanese, the pauper, as the European, as the Russian, as the celebrity!

We are ALL human beings! We will get nowhere without the blessing of healing and truth from The LORD GOD Jesus C(.Christ)!

There are probably more who want love and peace than those who would rather strife , hatred, and destruction via the oppression of the suppression of our TRUE thoughts, wounds, and etc, by those who hate us all…or ..are at least led by the adversary of ALL mankind (the Devil) …or at least it was once this way…when I was a
young person.

-with hope and humbleness!

-A Sister in Christ!

A Sister in Christ
A Sister in Christ
4 months ago
Reply to  marie

GOD BLESS YOU!!!! My BEAUTIFUL sister, for posting this article!!! It was the PERFECT SOURCE to counter the spambot named “John” below, who accused you of being a jihadist (though I assumed you to be a lovely and BEAUTIFUL in heart Jewess (sp?) by the unique way in which you wrote/speak in English!

THANK YOU for speaking up!!! I hate that this post hasn’t received enough views!!!

May Christ fill your soul if He hasn’t already! THANK YOU (and others for caring about the children!!!!)

A Sister in Christ
A Sister in Christ
4 months ago
Reply to  marie

I THANK YOU, Ms. Marie, for your vigilance and for this article regarding the NEED for adults to protect the children from the wickedness of sadly, other adults!! This was a GREAT source (the article) to help to teach.

I rebuked John [John], and he was indeed right on the matter of vilifying an ENTIRE NATION, for the sins of the few! It is no different from my country (the United States of America) becoming an object of derision for the sins of those who–NOT ONLY–violate others’ beautiful nations…but, TOO–my/our (my fellow countrymen and myself) OWN COUNTRY (again, the United States of America)!!!

I in NO WAY agree with, and do not presently have the capacity to change that which must needs be, however, I do NOT want to be blamed for the sins of those that I –like the gentleman featured in your article –VEHEMENTLY am AGAINST, and destroyed by the encroachment thereof….

It is not Israel ..but individuals within a country named Israel…and by your OWN ARTICLE, the few perverts in NO WAY stand on the same side as the VERY JEWISH and VERY ISRAELI, yamachu (sp?) wearing MAN who stands against the SAME PERVERSION that YOU DO!

THEREFORE…both you, that Israeli Jew, and the Jerusalem Post stand TOGETHER, and speak with the same voice and are non-divided, but rather united in your shared hatred of child destroyers!

I can in NO WAY rebuke, neither judge you–nor any other human (capable of erring…seeing as we are NOT as GOD –divine!)! I know NOT your anger toward the Jew (the Jewish people, as subsequent reads have brought me to the conclusion that you might have an anger boiling within you against ALL Jews. I judge you NOT in that! I know NOT if that comes from a place of being deeply harmed, dehumanized, degraded, or having had your family destroyed by those who call themselves Jews but worship the Devil either figuratively (in deed) or LITERALLY!

I CAN… however…tell you that you MUST fight the evil–but PERFECTLY HUMAN, IMPERFECT–as we are not…again… GOD (aka divine!)–desire to vilify and blame ALL…for the evils and wickedness of a few!

The LORD and Savior of ALL mankind…and their (OUR) Creator…WAS…and still IS…a Jew (The LORD Jesus Christ)!

Some of the GREATEST, most INTEGRITY harbouring…most morally SUPERIOR…PERFECT (Not according to ME…but according to The Creator of the heavens, the Earth, the seas, and all that in them IS…! You know! The LORD GOD Jehovah/JAH/I AM/God Almighty/God The Son/God The only BEGOTTEN (“and not created,” as the CHRISTian song sang!) Son of GOD…The Lord God Jesus Christ/The Holy Spirit (of GOD The Father…His actual Spirit…within HIM!!!)/God The Holy Ghost!!!

THIS One TRUE GOD, said multiple people (Jews!!!) were “PERFECT!”. The GREAT Jew, Job being ONE of them!!!

Enoch–a Jew–not having been called perfect that I can recall, but the man was so well-pleasing to GOD…that he died not, but rather, The LORD GOD took him up (to heaven…for eternity), after having walked with GOD during his EXCEEDINGLY LONG life , spent here, on Earth!

There are BLESSINGS upon this earth that are BEAUTIFUL and Jewish –whether perfect as Job, or imperfect…as me…and if I am assuming properly… perhaps you as well….

There are CURSES upon this earth that are internally REPUGNANT…and Jewish by birth or by conversion…or …as the Jews who wrote The Holy Bible…have said…these that call themselves Jews, and are NOT, but are of the synagogue of SATAN!

I take it you use Steam…I am not at all familiar with this online platform…I take it. However…your passionate fight FOR the SANCTITY of precious CHILDREN I can see! Are you, and the other decent Steam users to then be rounded up and painted by the same tainted brush as those who are better off hanging a millstone about their necks, and being cast into the sea (as the JEW…The LORD and Savior of ALL mankind –The LORD Jesus Christ said .. regarding ANY who offended these little ones that believeth in Him)?

Heaven forbid!

Then…by your own blessing of an article you provided for us (thank you, AGAIN for that!!), you must then acknowledge that Jew can be blessing…and Jew can be a curse! Just as Steam users can be on the RIGHT side of GOD in the fight for the protection of children…just as Steam users can be ravenous child-PREDATORS!

Just as there is beautiful Black…and there is monstrosity within my race (the Black)!

It is likewise evidently so with men…as with women: not all men are rapist! SOME MEN…break down doors (LITERALLY!) at the sound of a woman screaming because another “man” was raping her (as the GREAT Black man who ripped his peer (I believe a White man) off of a White woman in a college dormitory one semester. That Black man doesn’t deserve the Media ‘s Satanic portrayal of Black men as predators, no less than the Jewish man in YOUR EXCELLENT source article deserves to be persecuted for the sins of those HE FIGHTS against!

FIGHT the temptation to hate an ENTIRE group of humans and also…a NATION, because it is the desire of the Devil to cause you to one day burn! In Hell like him, forever, because to love your fellow…you would to not learn!

It is hard, dear Ms. Marie, when we have been victim to MULTIPLE bad guys of the same group –whether Jew, or American soldier, or USA government, or fraternity or soror'(ity), or etc!

I do not stand neither sit upon a high horse or steed, but rather…with YOU , I plead, the same strivings that I plead with myself , aka me–when seeing the wickedness of SOME UNSEEN , so called Jewish (and quite possibly –Nazis–just search this site and elsewhere online for Operation P(.aperclip)!

It would explain why, as a child, they taught blonde hair and blue eyes as being supreme…when ironically, a band of people were lead by a brunette -haired man, who, unless I am mistaken, ALSO didn’t have the blue eyed thing…..

Shaking my head (smh), how could no one SEE that? But then again…we become blinded by sins and such racism/hate!

Don’t let anything keep you from getting into heaven! I speak not down to, but on eye level WITH you (I am not currently
what and who I need to be to be well-pleasing to The Almighty G.(OD)!

A Sister in Christ
A Sister in Christ
4 months ago
Reply to  marie

Dear Marie,

I forgot to also add that it is not just Israel…. You taught me something that GOD has willed be added to my internal memory library.

The portion regarding the deception of luring precious children from poorer countries…the Ukraine being one of them, into false opportunity for betterment, and a new reality of imprisonment and rape trafficking….

I have learned this tactic goes on within Europe, the United States of America, too.

It is led by Asian gangs, luring with the same false promises of opportunity and betterment for poor Asians want to come to the United States of America (my home country). The Asian gangs, soon upon arriving, confiscate their fellow Asians’ passports, then tell them they are now in debt (for the cost of a TERRIBLE passage from the lands of their father’s, unto the United States of America). Perhaps for $2,000 USD (United States or U.S. dollars). They are then told (with no uncertain terms), that they must now work off their debt.

These Asian men, women, and I assume, boys and girls, are then made to work in prostitution, and nail shops, I can’t recall where else, as it has been years or more (decades?) since I first read/learned these things… wheresoever it was that I learned them! Perhaps even GOOD journalism within the Media, which has been my adversary, my educator (for my betterment), my advocate, and my race’s main abuser! Go figure!

As to the Latin American sojourners to my country…the same: they will have trusted members of their community or family either be duped or conspired against with, in the false promising or those seeking work, and betterment for their families, and safety from the drug cartels (where those who call drugs a victimless crime ..those whose neighborhoods were never made unsafe, frightening, prisons of depression, anxiety, and fear, through drug dealing terrorists…that is…who just buy the drugs…and cross over the railroad tracks to their gates and grand, quietly peaceful and “safe” communities… afterward! No offense meant to those, but my sentiment comes from firsthand, second hand, and etc-hand, eye witness and “ear witness” testimony).

Anyway, same procedure: cross over the border in that which is the opposite of luxury and safety. IF you survive the passage… once you arrive: your passport is confiscated, and you are told you owe the (whomever illegal and scary or intimidating or deceitfully manipulative “helpful” people) for their expenses in transporting you here (to the United States of America).

You now MUST work wherever THEY can get you hired.

This is NOT illegally here, human immigrant’s story!!!!!!

These are just the stories of those that have suffered a similar or same fate as those you spoke of in Israel. I had only learned of the other stories…such as the many African girls and boys, young men and young women, who were told that Aunt so and so (a trusted woman with a higher position due to wealth, perhaps), who could assure your loving parents that she knew of a good family that you (the young African nations woman or man or boy or girl) could go live with and go to school and eventually be able to earn a job to help your family back home one day, as well as, of course, excell within the American Dream yourself…but within Europe…this time (for this example). You will find out you are now a prostitute (if in Europe) or a maid (actually , a slave, beaten, hidden, DENIED the LEGAL MANDATORY RIGHT to go to school, if you are in the United States of America under such a predicament, and beaten by your OWN fellow Africans, treated as their abused, lower caste, servant, and locked away!

AGAIN…! This is not EVERYONE’S story!!!

It is just me going through my memory, after figuratively nodding and shaking my head, at the similarity–worldwide–of those… not just to Israel, but to other countries…who seek a betterment to both their own and their loved one’s lives!

As to the perverts –there was a Jewish American gent who fought against the perverted Jewish priests, just as brother Malcolm X was alleged to have stood up against the allegedly child impregnating Mr. Elijah Muhammad (I have NO IDEA if that is truth, I am SOLELY going by what best I can remember from a Hollywood film by American filmmaker –Mr. Spike Lee from the 1990’s if I am not mistaken! I DO KNOW that Hollywood has a tendency to get things WRONG when telling the REAL “TRUE” stories of beloved public figures…so please do not rely upon my word alone! Anyway, also, same with the rest of this…unless I witnessed things myself, I am retelling that which I read or heard from the lips and ears of others. Only GOD knows ALL!

I just wanted to right the wrongs I’d feared my comments could have (unintentionally) helped propagate…which is Israel or Jewish hate!

It is no better than Israel or Jewish reverence and/or practical worship…SIGH…which exists through incorrect teachings and is 100% UMBIBLICAL!

I even read of the ADL allegedly calling the Holy Bible anti-Semitic (or more properly, anti-Jewish…The Holy Bible…a book written by ALL…JEWS… SIGH!

Lastly…I have thought that even GOD would be called anti-Semitic (or again, more specifically… anti Jewish, as I was told the Jews are not the only people of a Semetic tongue or language).

Anyway, there is Islamic supremacy (I’ve experienced this first hand by my fellow Blacks –not all–and these were African nations, and Middle Eastern GUESTS,too, whose education or work opportunity was being afforded them BY the United States of America… while they were WITHIN the USA! But then, I’ve experienced frightening hatred from at least one Muslim who I don’t know what nation he hailed from (he looked like a White Americans, but his accent was original elsewhere). Anyway, he was kind and respectful toward me, but he had a very alarming hatred toward Jews …..

I have learned that this is taught in some non-secular Muslim Nations — an immense hatred toward Jews.

However, I was shown a video in which the Jewish children had been taught that when the Messiah would come, non Jews would be the servants or slaves of Jews… however, I saw something in The Holy Bible that said something very similar to that, if not nearly that Exact same thing, but I can’t say where in The Old Testament…or what it was about. Or if it meant the future, or if this was something less literal, and if it has already happened in the past.

I don’t remember the passage, so I may have messed up… big-time with that poor recollection.

I am sorry this was so long and a bit rambling! -with love, and GENUINE attempt to get those who read this and those who come across these words regardless , to understand that Israel is not some 3-headed monster…all of these other nations are as containing of the wicked who abuse as well! Most likely to the complete and total ignorance of the decent people who live in these nations…no different than your average Israeli I assume!

-I hope this helps, humbly,

-A Sister in Christ

Shirley Temple
Shirley Temple
5 months ago

This fat f**k is the true father of Jamie Lynn Spears child… The media tried to pin the teenage pregnancy on her childhood sweetheart but refused to cover his own protestations that he was not the father.

5 months ago
Reply to  Shirley Temple

it’s just one giant Jerry Springer episode

5 months ago

This is *them* trying to turn the evident rampant pedophilia among the so-called elites into “The TV director’s shocking relations with a minor, his weird obsession with kid’s feet and the disturbing discoveries on his PC. Movie at 11.”

There are decades of evidence of severe child sexual abuse and even murder of children by elite pedophile rings and cults, ranging from the Boys Town, Nebraska (a 1988 police raid revealed a child trafficking and prostitution ring where many prominent members of society as well as government officials) were involved to Comet Ping Pong to the Epstein elite pedophilia kompromat operation, where dozens of current and recent bigwigs in business, entertainment and politics are implicated by name. There’s also the recent revelation of a recent Australian PM being named in a police document regarding a pedophile ring, along with several top judges. There’s also the “coincidence” of John Podesta being at the resort town were Madeline McCann disappeared at the same time of the disappearance.

This “revelation” serves to make it appear like the media is investigating and exposing sexual abuse of minors while also making it look like minor indiscretions of individual creeps. At best this “exposé” will render reactions such as “what a creep, glad people like this are finally being exposed and dealt with” while others will dismiss it as “repressed moralizing” and then people will move on believing that this is what the big stink about elite pedophilia was all about and that the case is now closed. The vast majority of these people would be horrified and outraged at the TRUTH of the horrific and large scale child sex abuse and even child murder practiced by the “elites” of our so-called society.

More and more people are becoming aware of the the child sex abuse perpetrated by our so-called elites and this is the abusers’ and their accomplices’ play to defuse, minimize and dismiss the issue. Don’t play along with this, keep your eye on the ball. The issue here is large scale child sex trafficking abuse by and for our so-called elites, NOT age improper sexual relations. Any focus on that automatically serves to distract and detract from the real issue, the real EVIL at hand here.

I also wouldn’t be surprised if this also turns into “Me too, part two” and serves to vilify white males as sex predators of young women based on witness statements about their experienced improper conduct or harassment and then piled on through social (control) media with an avalanche of women telling of similar “experiences” suffered by older (white) men, just like when they sacrificed Weinstein to create the first “Me too.”

Goop Generation
Goop Generation
5 months ago

A good article on the new documentary:

Brian Peck’s signed John Gacy painting, and his penpal relationship w/ Gacy, is the creepiest revelation. Though the most mundane one – all the celebs who packed the courtroom to support Peck – is maybe the most infuriating.

Another thing that always weirded me out was how on the show You Can’t Do That on Television, which aired on Nickelodeon from 1981-90, the child contestants got “slimed” with the network’s trademark green goop whenever they would say “I don’t know.” This was (is?) sometimes also done to award winners on the network’s Kid’s Choice Awards. Nickelodeon sure loves to squirt or drop goopy liquids onto kids.

Off-topic, but justified by the fact that Will Smith has gotten plenty of Kid’s Choice Awards in his career, and has even hosted them.… Speaking of awards shows, remember when Saints Pro Bowl defensive end Will Smith was murdered in New Orleans hours before frequent New Orleans visitor Will Smith received the Generation Award at the MTV VMAs? A little window into how the sacrifice game works, though it’s usually far less obvious. These two events occurred on April 9, 2016. That year is noteworthy because it had lots of chaotic stuff, primarily Trump beating huge favorite Hillary in the Prez (s)election, as well as the “Black Panther” Super Bowl, which had a black QB starting for the Panthers and known Satanist Beyoncé’s Black Panther-themed performance. In gematria, zeroes are not counted, so 2016 becomes just 216. This number is seen a lot (e.g. 6’6” Michael Jordan’s listed weight while winning his 6th title & 6th Finals MVP in 6 tries) because 216 = 6x6x6, like 666. This month, two Louisiana siblings were awarded $216M after their stepfather murdered their mom.
And provocative things often happen on 2/16, the 47th day of the year. 47 is the Freemasons’ calling card, along w/ 33. (The aforementioned Gacy is said to have tortured and murdered “at least 33” boys & young men. And news of the Louisiana siblings’ $216M settlement broke on 3/3.)

Oh yeah, speaking of the number 6, Will Smith’s first acclaimed acting role was in Six Degrees Of Separation in which he played… a gay con man / thief who swindles wealthy white liberals. Mmhm. People thought he was impressively acting “against type,” but it turns out he was just being himself. All the world’s a stage…

5 months ago

That fat piece of dog s**t had been on the creep radar for a good minute. I am quote surprised it took so long to burn his a*s at thr stake.