
Any guesses on the director?

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9 months ago

Which movie did he crawl around on his stomache?

9 months ago

King always felt seedy to me.

9 months ago

The things these people go through for success in any of the industries is just insane man🫢

9 months ago

It seems that almost everyone I see these days flashes the freemasonic hand sign, even women now. It’s rampant!!

9 months ago
Reply to  cate

Ironic considering women aren’t allowed in the Masonic ranks.

9 months ago
Reply to  Lee

Ever heard of the Masonic Order of the Eastern Star ?A masonic order where women apply.

It’s also hidden but there are real women lodges in normal freemasonry too.
Charles Hacks (Dr. Bataille) talked about it in his book.

A Sister in Christ
A Sister in Christ
9 months ago
Reply to  cate

That is a COMPLETELY NATURAL way to hold one’s hands upon a surface, or in the air (like a reporter standing in front of a weather green screen in a news station, filming live), unsupported (no surface, like a table).

It’s also a common way to take a picture as a young male.

It is either natural for the human body… COMPLETELY subconscious and instinctual if you will…OR…it is COMPLETELY subconsciously NATURAL to the human body, because we’ve grown up seeing SO MANY adults doing it. No different from holding one’s chin in between one’s thumb and pointer finger, with the rest of the fingers clasped over the lips/mouth, with the forearm OF said hand’s fingers, bent at, approximately a 90°+ angle, whiles the attached elbow TO said forearm is resting on a supporting surface, or in the folded-across-the (said person’s) stomach, with the opposite (or folded across the stomach forearm’s hand holding aforementioned elbow.

There may be times where this is [Non] Freemasonry symbolism (no offense to any people within that organization, but it appears to me, that the “perks” come with a yoke about one’s neck. Also, how can one be “free” if one is NOT FREE (so therefore in bondage/a bondsman or bondswoman/servant/SLAVE) to leave outside of death (ALLEGEDLY!) like the Bloods (red colored) or the Crips (blue colored) street gang?

I say allegedly, because there are brothers in Christ who have stated that they renounced–FORMALLY–to their former gangs, that they were leaving to now serve and be a son of GOD Almighty in Christ (The Lord God Jesus Christ)! They lived to tell the story, hence were not killed! I remember ONE such Christian brother-in-Christ’s testimony in which he’d done JUST THAT in jail or prison… knowing the official consequences!

After speaking to his former gang members… telling them he renounced his membership as a gang member wholly and fully to now be a CHRISTian, after going back to his jail or prison cell, a former gang member came (due to having been sent and ordered by said former gang) to kill him…but told him… something wouldn’t let him (the assigned and ordered gang member ordered to carry out the hit or murder for leaving the gang)!

The gent’s sent to kill him was scared, and told him, that he sure hoped that that Christianity thing BETTER be right, because he–THE ASSIGNED HITMAN–couldn’t kill him (the “new creation in Christ”/new son of GOD Almighty) for reasons UNKNOWN by him (the hitman)!

The brother-in-Christ ended up leading the guy whom Satan had sent to KILL HIM…to Christ right THEN!!!

I heard a CHRISTian SISTER-in-Christ (not me!!) in a Communist (?) country–perhaps either Russia, or some other nation (Slavic maybe?), or an Asian nation (most likely, but I apologize that I TRULY CANNOT remember!). Anyway, the government’s perhaps secret police, or something similar (?), sent a government police fellow or whatever, to come kill her (and now I am semi wondering if maybe this was a brother in Christ…sorry, it’s been quite so many years since I’ve listened to the testimony and I’ve listened to SO MANY over the years…read and watched a few as well)!


The sister (if I am not mistaken)… knowing she was in danger for being a CHRISTian, and possibly continuing to spread the Gospel to others, heard a knock at the door. It was the government official sent to kill her for not ceasing from spreading the Gospel of Christ, etc. At some point, GOD turns the gentleman sent to kill HER…to them ask how HE COULD be saved from his sins as well!!!

What you [Satan] meant for evil…GOD…meant for GOoD!! This sister in Christ not only lived to tell her testimony, she gained a brother in CHRIST who would I THINK go on to continue working but now maybe secretly… initially…HELP to PROTECT his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ/GOD’s church!!! He may have eventually left/given up his government position (I don’t recall)!

Regardless, GOD works in mysterious ways!

A Sister in Christ
A Sister in Christ
8 months ago

My comment went WAY off subject, and was TERRIBLY DIFFICULT to READ!! HOWEVER, I wanted to clarify that the last line is taken from a VERY BEAUTIFUL passage on forgiveness, in which a gentleman who had suffered MUCH WRONG, and MUCH GRIEF, had assured some who had once done a bad and grievous thing unto him…that they needn’t WORRY, neither FEAR, because he had forgiven them LONG BEFORE, and two, he wanted them to look at the bigger picture, in that GOD used their BAD ACTIONS, to bring about unbelievable GOOD!!! Even unto the saving of not only all of THEIR LIVES (the life of the wronged man, included!!), but also, the lives of NATIONS of FAMILIES and PEOPLE PERIOD!!!

So the wronged man, had spoken–in love, saying: what you meant for evil…GOD meant for GOOD! And I was trying to say…in the recounting of the testimonies that what SATAN meant for EVIL…GOD meant for GOOD! Because Satan had put it in the hearts of some others to kill people for choosing Christ, hence those people sending hitmen to commit the sin of murder FOR THEM. HOWEVER…GOD not ONLY didn’t mean for that to happen in those two particular instances (and others, I believe, too!, though not all) but He meant to gain a two new sons in Christ!!! So what Satan meant for evil, GOD meant for good, is what I was trying to change the original quote’s “you” part for. However, it looks as if I had called “you” Ms. Cate, “Satan,” which I would have caught had I read my comment over before hitting send!

Sorry for any clumsy confusion on my VERY POOR writing ‘s comment!


9 months ago
