
When men lose sterility, will this be the answer?

Its becoming clearer, they create the problem, then offer the solution.  Ordo Ab Chao.  They sterilize men and now hold the key to reproduction in the lab. 

You want to reproduce?  You must get the blessing of big brother.

From Q&A  section, an educator briefly explains the role of scientific reproduction in Oceania (1984 novel):

“Because the Party (Big Brother) requires absolute conformity and obedience, it can’t risk people developing relationships—which involve intimacy, love, and trust—because then a person’s loyalty would be divided between the government and his or her lover. Thus, the Party makes sex—the most intimate physical act between two people—taboo and pleasureless. Under the rule of the Party, “sexual intercourse was to be looked on as a slightly disgusting minor operation, like having an enema” and in the future “all children were to be begotten by artificial insemination (ARTSEM, it was called in Newspeak) and brought up in public institutions.” By eliminating the family unit as a source of love, stability, loyalty, and support, the Party aims to cement itself in complete control of its citizens, rendering all of the populace as submissive puppets incapable of independent thinking and therefore also incapable of planning and executing a revolution against an oppressive totalitarian regime. As we learn from Winston, “The Party was trying to kill the sex instinct, or, if it could not be killed, then to distort it and dirty it.” By draining all human emotion from what is conventionally an act of intimacy, the Party knows that individuals will not form bonds with one another and their loyalty will remain wholly devoted to the government. Thus, scientific reproduction, which eliminates the need for sex and pleasure, is a way to ensure that the population doesn’t die out while also preventing rebellion or uprising in London, Oceania.”

They are still waiting to see if it produces sperm cells but shows promise.


Scientists grow world’s first pair of testicles in lab that could help with infertility

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7 months ago

Israel finally growing balls