
They really dont want us to reproduce …

This is a bit of a let down as I love my morning bowl of oatmeal.  I come to find out this morning that the assassins are slowly castrating me. 

In keeping with the agenda of reducing the population (the soul assassins), it has been reported that “chlormequat” has been found in quaker oats cereals and other products.  This is a pesticide, known by the WHO, that has been known to disrupt the reproductive system of animals.  

Since they see us as animals, they probably asked themselves, in Davos, while drinking the finest champagne available, if this could work in humans … and voila!


Pesticide linked to reproductive issues found in Cheerios, Quaker Oats and other oat-based foods

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art guerrilla
art guerrilla
8 months ago

your stoopid neighbor who says stoopid s**t is not the enemy, elites are…

7 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

Love this, mind if I borrow?

so many people (even the ones who are supposedly ‘awake’) are still buying into the “false left-right paradigm.” They despise anyone who votes for the candidate they don’t support. They’ll go to war for that candidate, be it Biden or Trump.

What they fail to realize is, neither Trump nor Biden gives a rats behind about the common person. They’re all part of the same “club.” Sooner these people realize that you just don’t get to be a billionaire, celebrity, or top athlete unless you swear fealty to Lucifer- the sooner they’ll realize we the common people should be working together, not in opposition.

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
7 months ago
Reply to  Jay

a little embarrassed, its a pretty crude graphic i made, but its the idea that counts, i guess…
please use and abuse as you see fit…
if you’d like, i could upload a decent resolution version to my mega acct for you to get…
i could just tell you are brilliant and beautiful…

8 months ago

Ohers claim that aborted babies are turned into powder and added to processed foods. The aborted babies are allegedly listed as ‘natural flavors’ in the list of ingredients.

7 months ago
Reply to  Michele

Ocean Spray is one such company.

7 months ago
Reply to  Lee

In their drinks? Where did u learn that? Link please

7 months ago
Reply to  Michele

“NATURAL FLAVORS” are derived from various sources (including anything ranging from “real” sources like fruits to aborted fetal cells to a beaver’s a**l secretions apparently).

Upon my moderate research, “NATURAL FLAVORS” are an even more vague product than “ARTIFICIAL FLAVORS” due to the lack of “regulation” applied to the mass production of said product. We have to remember these are all well calculated, legal terms…”NATURAL FLAVOR” is a legal title approved by the FDA. There is nothing natural in the flavor. It was created specifically to deceive the ppl into thinking food products are “ALL NATURAL” (another FDA approved term). Why? Because it sells more and there’s been an uptick of ppl wanting real food, not the processed, chemically induced products they’ve been peddling (poisoning us with) since the 1940s or 50s as the food industry started exploding.

Next time you’re at the grocery store or even at the restaurant with ketchup bottle on the table, look at all the food products you are getting. You’ll find the vast majority, if not virtually all the products (esp the mainstream name brand stuff like what’s posted here) have “NATURAL FLAVOR”.

Last edited 7 months ago by Trut4seeker
7 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

This is very accurate. The labeling requirements and systems and governences have been infiltrated and sabotaged over the decades and now, are quickly becoming irrelevant. When I went down this rabbit hole there were agencies and “deciders” of the industry I had never even heard of. And decades of this history paved the way for an endless number of chemicals and products used in American food that are banned in most other countries.

Research that has been done on the destruction of the Agricultural industry in this country alone is so sad and horrific. It began before WWII but the post-war era involved finding a purpose for the chemical industry (that had been contributing to the war effort in a multitude of ways, primarily for the military). Their products were re-directed toward creating pesticides and other “i-cides” to be used on food.

Read: let’s find another use for these destructive chemicals. The need was not derived from problems growing the food. These chemicals then facilitated mass corporate farming that has destroyed the small farmer, most of our food sources, and our land, water and air–the true climate crisis.

Thanks to the recent scary virus theater, emergency legislation was passed (that will likely never be reversed) that ensured “substitutions” for products and ingredients that do not have to be disclosed, with conditions of course but now food content in some ways is nearly untraceable.

For a decade or so, you could streamline your food purchases to “certified organic” or “non-GMO” and remain somewhat clean. But it’s advised now to buy food directly from a small farm grower whom you know if you can’t grow it yourself. And even then, if you’re trying to feed your live animals you get dairy or meat from —-you face extraordinary challenges. The attack on the small farmer and food grower is a whole other rabbit hole to explore. Do a search for small produce, meat or raw dairy farmer near you (are there any?). It’s advised to do everything you can to support THEM. Stop buying anything but T.P. at a grocery store.

7 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

yeah the beaver’s a**l gland recreates that delicious vanilla flavor we all adore. Who figured THAT out, lol. Sheesh.

7 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

Don’t forget the titanium dioxide to dumb us down and/or give us brain cancer as per the case against skittles….

7 months ago

If you want to have children, go live in countries with high birth rate like Africa.
Developped countries with strong government grip on everything are absolute hell for children and famillies: toxic food, water, air, a school system like a penitentiary, anti familly laws, cost of living …

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
7 months ago
Reply to  Gagli

If you grew up in America, we all had traumatic births in a corporate institution then received chemical injections soon after, then forced into the corporate/government indoctrination institutions, where we are coerced to be married, or nowadays coerced to change sexes….

Better off living in a tribe, unknown to us, in the Amazon.

7 months ago

Amazon tribes have been displaced long time ago + 0 carbon means 0 forests!
Forests are burning everywhere!

7 months ago

Are y’all all still buying and consuming “mainstream” food products?

Assume it is all tainted. Buy sparingly and start learning to grow your own food.

7 months ago

Even if you don’t have much space, you can breed meat rabbits or quail for food. They are pretty quiet, easy to process, cheap to feed, and absolutely delicious. Quail can be raised for meat and/or eggs.

It takes time to figure out how to do these things, but once everything is set up, it is easy to maintain.

7 months ago

makes me think of the classic sci-fi book The Forever War (1970s?). Based on reletavistic speeds and travel to and from Earth, for the main character it is generations between times he is present on earth and relatively young still.

One point when older he comes back and is in small squad, they had been trying to reduce the population over the years using means that are all rather familiar now, and he is only heterosexual member in the group and they think he is weird and give him a hard time.

I don’t remember if it was required by law or they had just engineered everyone into it. But essentially he was an experienced combat veteran of a couple of hundred years (about 10-15 years or so in his eyes) so he was a special class.

Faith Alone In Christ Alone
Faith Alone In Christ Alone
7 months ago

Sirs what must I do to be saved?
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved! ❤️ John 3:16 John 6:47 John 3:15 Acts 16:31 1 Corinthians 15:1-5 Ephesians 2:8-8 KJV OSAS is the gospel! For by grace are ye saved through faith its not of yourselves its a gift from God not of works lest any man should boast!! Please everyone on here it’s good you are all warning the lost about whats going on in this world with the occult, Illuminati and the New World Order…but you should not stray away from the truth which is in Jesus Christ he paid for all your sins of the whole world in full past present and future! He shed his innocent blood for you because he loves you so much he died for you on the cross!! The wicked have already lost…Jesus has won!! People on here should spread the good news…not the bad news… for we have (all) sinned and fallen short of glory by our Lord Jesus Christ! Romans 3:23 KJV

I believe God is coming very soon to take us brethren to be caught up with the Lord during the rapture….the tribulation is coming this is the coming of the AntiChrist…but be encouraged do not let this world of wickedness hinder our joy which is Christ Jesus! Be strong saints and may God Bless you 🙏♥️ please get saved before its too late….

John 5:24
King James Version
24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.