
The sick things they promote in "entertainment" happen in real life

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Annie M
Annie M
6 months ago

This happened some time ago in my state. This is a link to an article a year later. Almost every single person is free and walking around. Law enforcement comments are ridiculous. No justice.

6 months ago

remember what Lot did? guy was so horrified that people wanted to rape the angels he offered up his daughters. The deviance and perversion is rampant and can only imagine that we’re not far off from living “as in the days of Noah”

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
6 months ago

when we reach the end of hope
how will you fare will you cope
will you curl in foetal ball
just try to ignore it all
reality made unfair
can’t wake up from this nightmare
this freak show that’s unfolding
and evil thoughts its molding
its intended to confuse
our brains battered and contused
but keep your head screwed on straight
don’t give in to their plan of hate
keep focused on what is right
and gird your loins for a fight
make no mistake this is real
doesn’t matter how you feel
elite’s minds are aberrant
agenda now apparent
mean to subjugate us all
must unite to stop this fall
each of us can play our part
keep clear eyes and a stout heart
but for this war to be won
we must all push back as one
do not obey what they try
stand tall and DO NOT COMPLY
The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

6 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

I hope you save these as they’re seriously brilliant. You should collect them and sell or give away as an e-book.

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
6 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

thank you for your kind words, flippy…
actually had to start taking screenshots of when i entered posts at the tweeter, after i composed them, but before i sent, because if i didn’t take the pic, it would do a blackout thing and swallow the post, never to be seen…
stupid me, i thought it was just crappy connections or whatever, so iwould try again, 3-4, maybe 8-9 times before the post would post…
then when i wised up and started taking screenshots, the blackouts swallowing posts magically stopped…
that is when i got the first inklings tweeter was messing with me…
grrrrr, i hates me some censors…

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
6 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

pretty sure this infographic i did on the RT-PCR test is one reason tweeter had it in for me…
probably didn’t like that i called plandemic and Xvax ‘slow motion holocaust’, either…
i was very careful about avoiding phraseology which would get me banned, but they did so anyway…

6 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Motion seconded. I look forward to them every day!

6 months ago

Our “sick entertainment” is nothing but a view into the inverted/occult/esoteric underworld of the Talmudic-Masonic “elites.” Part of their efforts to reshape the world in the image of their underworld. That is what is meant by the term “New World Order.” The “sick entertainment” is meant to reprogram the public into taking delight in evil deeds.

6 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Can you tell me more about where I can find information on this?

6 months ago
Reply to  jane

Sure. Winter Watch and Henry Makow as well as Health Impact News are the leading authorities and truth tellers on these matters.

winterwatch dot net
henrymakow dot com
healthimpactnews dot com

I’d advise you to start with the three part series on “Illuminism” on Winter Watch.

6 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Actually I think they do whatever they can to destroy society so they can rebuild into their image. That means they use evil and degeneracy as a tool, I’m not sure most are even supporters, they use it to cause chaos.

6 months ago

Wanted to eat a baby, eh? This is nothing new unfortunately and law enforcement cant really do much until the animal has his lunch and then will he fry.

The “law” obviously calls for a sacrifice to go through before something is acted on.