
The Post WWII Holocaust of Germans – 6 Million Vanished (

Did you know there is historical evidence of a post WWII Holocaust of Germans by the Allies?

More than 15 million Germans were expelled from neigboring countries.

Of those around 6 million just vanished.

On 23 Mar 1949, Then-Chancellor of West Germany Konrad Adenauer gave a speech to the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Bern-Switzerland in which he said that a total of 13.3 million Ethnic-Germans had been forced to flee the East, but that only 7.3 million of those German refugees had arrived in the occupied zones of East or West Germany. He noted: “Six million Germans simply disappeared; they are dead and gone [‘Sechs Millionen Deutsche sind vom Erdboden verschwunden; sie sind gestorben, verdorben’]”.

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6 months ago

So the real holocaust was perpetrated upon the Germans. The fact that most people have never heard of it proves that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.

6 months ago

These atrocities occurred in East Germany and Eastern Europe USSR territories; both controlled by Stalin post WWII.

Although it isn’t taught in US schools, it is wIdely known among all Soviet former nations, that Stalin was the most brutal, oppressive and equal opportunity genocidal maniac of the 20th century. Stalin starved 3 million Ukrainians, 2 million Jews in Gulags, and around a million Germans to death post WWII… estimates are the man senselessly exterminated 20 million during his reign.

6 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Stalin was a Masonic puppet and actor just like all the rest. The Globalists (Talmudist-Masonic Oligarchy) weakened Russia through the Napoleonic Wars and then took it over through their genocidal Bolshevik revolution and then established the Soviet Union in place of the Russian Empire they had destroyed. Also, I highly doubt it was the Soviets that handled mass deportations of Germans to the west. Either way though it was the Globalists who were responsible as they controlled both sides.

It’s a preposterous idea we are taught to believe that world events are shaped by individuals, ideas and movements. Nothing major or even significant ever happens without both massive funding and great institutional power and since a long time ago the only ones with such wealth and institutional power have been the Globalist oligarchy. They have controlled the world’s money supply since centuries through Central Banking and through that and through Free Masonry (and other “elite” secret societies set up to corrupt the rich and powerful) they have gained control of the means of power across the world. Stalin and the rest of the Masonic puppets played their parts, just like their counterparts do today, but the ones ulitmately responsible were those behind the scenes who orchestrated and financed it all.

And if you believe the US/Britain were somehow “the good guys” back then (despite many millions murdered in the US wars of aggression which followed) I’ll have you know that the US dropped nukes on Japanese cities after Japan had tried to surrender twice.

The US was fully conquered by the Globalists by the time the WW’s occurred, they conquered it by orchestrating the Civil War to break and bankrupt it and the forced it to submit to them and join the Central Banking system/scheme/scam through the Act of 1871 and then the Federal Reserve act in 1913. The last bastions of opposition were dealt with through the Charles Lindbergh baby kidnapping (forcing popular anti central banking figure to drop his presidential bid and then the “happy accident” of Titanic, which killed off the remaining opposing plutocrats.

They then wielded their newfound power by bankrupting the people, rich and poor through orchestrating the so called Great Depression. This came about by, under the guise of “crisis management” shuttering all banks and then only allowing the largest to reopen, leaving almost everybody penniless. Afterwards they finished the job by forcing everyone surrender all gold in their possession. After all this the US was completely owned and controlled by the Globalist and have been used to do their greedy, evil, anti-human bidding ever since. The “Good Guys” USA is purely a fictional construct created by the mass media and Hollywood.

6 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

The Japanese surrended because the Russians had started the invasion of Manchuria, they surrended to the Americans because they knew the treatment would have been better than the Russians

6 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

The US was FOUNDED by the cabal. Didn’t need to be taken over, just had long standing plans coming to fruition.

6 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

I’m well aware of all of this, and we actually agree. USA-RUS… Osiris. H1tl3r was funded by Prescott Bush at Brown Brother’s Harriman, then the USAr harbored his regime and through lend-lease continually funded the USSaR up to the end of the first Reagan term; which they then let drop into collapse. The world wars are world wide eugenics programs, and so was Stalin. So there is no disagreement between us; although you’ve beat the strawman pretty hard.

What I was doing was providing facts that give a reference to your choice of title to call it a “German holocaust,” referring to about a million Germans, and then to omit the other 19 million people that were slaughtered senselessly under Stalin. It gives an impression of German victimhood, and omits that this was part of the general mass murder under stalin from the 1920s to 1950s.

6 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Thank you for your post and particularly this comment. It was very thought-provoking and enlightening. I always thought a lot of details about the H*l*caust did not add up. Many years ago, I found a very informative website that delved into the history of many of the things you described here… I have tried to find this information again in the years since, but much of it has been scrubbed from the internet; as far as I know, the original site is gone. The details are hazy to me now as it’s been so long, but I wish I could find that information again.
What I found at that time was very damning… I remember one of the most shocking things was a report about a H*l*caust memorial, where the number of J*ws killed was quietly changed… A memorial etched into stone, and the death count was quietly dropped by several million, and nobody seemed to notice or bat an eye.
That particular detail, to me, was extremely suspicious. I’ve never taken the “official version” of events seriously since finding some of that information… But, you can never even begin to suggest anything strange is afoot on that topic, or you’ll risk being branded all sorts of horrible things… Which brings me to another point: if you want to know who’s in power, simply look to who you are not allowed to criticize.
On another note, the more I’ve learned independently over the years about various aspects of history, the more I’ve realized ALL of it is orchestrated and false… There is not one single thing we’re taught in school that holds water upon closer inspection. ALL of it is riddled with plot holes, lies, ulterior motives… History is written by the victor, after all.
Anyway, I could go on about this but I wanted to thank you again for taking the time to point out some of the more glaring aspects of what we’ve been told all these years about certain events. If you have the time or inclination, I’d love to know if you could recommend where I might read more about some of the topics you’ve touched on. Particularly in regards to Germans during that era. As I said before, many of the sources I once utilized have since been scrubbed from the internet. If only I’d thought ahead and archived everything back then!

6 months ago
Reply to  Lee

The German Historical Museum, which is housed in Berlin’s principal 17th century Holy Roman Palace and is extremely pro German, originally placed the death toll at 2 Million Germans in this Soviet atrocity, but now place the figure at around only 600.000, the revision due to the declassification of numerous German intelligence studies which showed many Germans that went missing changed identities, died in the war, or were fictitious persons used to guarantte Nasi wins in the 1930s kangaroo elections. Your estimate is an order of magnitude higher, a huge gap, and has no substantive evidence; unless you can provide primary source proof?

The entire atrocity Death tolls in the War era of the 20th century were inflated, including wartime soldier casualties, civilian bombing deaths, Japanese mass ethnic murder of Chinese civilians (said to be 50 million, more likely 15-20 million, where the Japanese used babies as target practice) and the actual event that’s been termed the “holocaust” that was the purposeful ethnic/religious/genetic cleansing by the Germans of Gypsys, Gays, Jews, and all other “genetic undesirables.” Those documents on the final solution aren’t fake.

I in fact know/knew several people that still had their Auschwitz tattoos, and lost their entire families in gas chambers/shooting lines. One atrocity does not nullify another of Luciferian N3w W0rld 0rder never ending horrors… It is all the worst.

However, this post wreeks of serious Eurocentric internalised guilt and shame over the generally abominable history of the “white man,” (FYI I’m white, and PART GERMAN) that swings so completely the other direction, so as to deny millions of ethnically cleansed deaths committed by Germans, and then trying to replace yourself as this ‘real and unique victim’ of globalists.

Their propaganda worked; you’ve been divided and conquered, just the same as the Isis-Ra-Eli’s indoctrinated into their own unique victimhood while their government run by Ha-Nasi Netanyahu (the word for “President” in modern Hebrew is NASI) now commits ethnic genocide.

Wake up; Nor Germans, Nor Jews, nor Chinese, Nor Uigers, nor Ukrainians, Nor The Hutu-Tutsi, nor the Native Americans, Nor the Paulicians, nor the Carthaginians, nor The African Slaves are unique victims of the Luciferian World Order; we are all sacrificial pawns on their chess board. The great mother is thirsty and her servants must oblige.

6 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

The man you’ve trusted enough to quote here as authoritative had strong personal and professional ties to Allen Dulles, head of the CDI, which was later named the Ci@. He formed these ties through his roles on the Senate Foreign Relations Comittee, where he strongly supported the clandestine operations of those organizations you now completely disavow, including the use of propaganda and censorship on the American public. He is also known as an associate of the 1920s Indiana KKK; from where he found his initial financial support, and then amassed his wealth,
for his Jukeboxs which he got rich from placing in Indiana klan owned and operated businesses in the 1920s and 1930s.

Capehart even wrote personal letters to Dulles to try and get his family members who had been rejected from the Ci@ into high ranking positions.

Your being taken for a ride by secondary and tertiary sourcings with serious agendas to push and lots of partial information that reinforces your own personal biases. Capehart himself had a strong white supremacist agenda and Ci@ agenda throughout his career; go read his senate speeches sometime.

Below the letter from Capehart trying to get favors from his pal Allen Dulles.

6 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Again, you’re quoting the chairman of the Council of Foreign Relations who had a cozy relationship with Allen Dulles, the infamous director of the Ci@, and got rich with the Indiana KKK’s support, as authoritative of your German Protestant “Holocaust,” (agendas…) whilst denying the existence of German massacres jews, and raving about the ambiguous category of globalists….

here’s another personal letter from Dulles to capehart. You need to dig deeper.

6 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

I’m not surpised. The matter of fact tone makes me think this was Freemasons brazenly discussing their crimes in the open as they knew their control of the media and government agencies meant that doing so posed no risk to them. Gloating and bragging basically.

What would the CIA stand to gain from lying about atrocities that implicate the US/West? No, like I said, I see this as bragging and gloating about their evil and depraved (good and virtuous in their satanically warped minds) deeds.

6 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Look, effectively what you’ve done with this article is reinforce their propaganda to people who see the headline and placard you out and won’t dig any further. You’ve fallen for the ruse, and been caught with your pants down (I’m aware of Capehart and was waiting for you to dig yourself the hole a bit deeper) because you think you know, but just read other people’s stuff and then parrot their partial and slanted information that resonates with your internal guilt surrounding the German mass murders… Now you’ll back peddle and claim it’s bragging, and not a KKK man publicising his narrative on a national platform.

What you’ve done is quoted a senator who was the head of the council of foreign relations, whom made his wealth as part of Albert Pike’s KKK and was buddies with Allan Dulles, as authoritative evidence of 6 million deaths upon which the only evidence you can cite for this highly inflated figure are anecdotal reports…. Capehart is of Indiana-German descent; he’s not some Bolshevik commi Sabbatean; he was a Nasi sympathiser. Go take a dig into his connections with Brown Brother’s Harriman, funding the basis from American banks, and his connections with Prescott and George Bush. Then stop quoting him like it proves anything.

Capehart was even a hardcore McCarthyist witch hunter, which was an attempt by the Newly Nasi infused USAr government (Operation Paperclip, Sunrise) Post WWII to root out anyone with influence that opposed their globalist order. In 1949 he took aim at the Harvard economist Kenneth Galbraith as a supposed communist… This is because Galbraith recognised and pointed out that the economic models being used in academia completely ignored market control/manipulation/planning from the massive US Military Industrial Complex and Public Private partnerships aka Facism. This is the mechanism by which the Nasis which joined the US government post WWII (such as genocidal maniac Werner Vom Braun) seized control of the US means of production and shipped them offshore under corporate globalist umbrellas. Hence your “German holocaust” hero, tried to eliminate him from any position of control through falsely accusing him of communism. This is also why Capehart went after Eisenhower hard.

An article below on Capehart’s attempt to censor and remove the adversary of the Nasi Industrial Complex. Capehart wasn’t bragging; he was spouting propaganda that took you for a ride, even 80 years later.

6 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Here is a personal letter from Al Gore Sr. father of Al Gore the Clinton VP, to Capehart, who was a senator and close personal confidant of Capehart’s throughout the 50s and 60s, even though the were on opposite sides of the aisle (democrat and republican.) Gore Sr. eventually became the CEO of Occidental Petroleum, which is one of the biggest, most environmentally and humanitarianly destructive corporate globalist enterprises of the past century, that most people have never heard of. This company paid for all of Gore Jr.’s education and political career… Which should explain his obnoxious role in the “green movement.” Almost comical, if it weren’t so tragic.

6 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

@flipthepyramid your perception of history is not accurate, here are some points:
1. Japan was never nuked! The globalists made this propaganda and spread these mushroom images to end the war and start PAX Americana!
Hiroshima was rebuilt immediately after the bombing and there was no trace of any radiation! Nothing like Chernobyl which was indeed a nuclear explosion!
2. H1tl3r was to Germany what Napoleon was to France. In the recent Putin interview with Tucker Carlson, he said I’m today what H1tl3r was in WW2!
What do these 3 have in common? no one was democratically elected!
They are just pawns executing globalist orders! History repeats itself!
3 A lot of the Germans and Ukrainians you’re talking about were sent to the US and Canada to help build North America.
4. Globalists have been around since at least roman empire, and what i noticed is that once they ALLOW a country to spread, be sure it will be temporary, and the correction is always painful. I expect the globalists to start splitting North America and Australia in the next decade, and i think Canada will lose Vancouver and even the whole BC province to China.
5 The biggest holocaust in my opinion is the one from 1945 up until today! Just compare birth rates before and after 1945 and see for yourself how many lives have been lost!

6 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Being that the Germanic people and European races/genotypes are being heavily genocided with awards given to those who genocide then quickest is unique

6 months ago
Reply to  Lee


Last edited 6 months ago by flipthepyramid
6 months ago
Reply to  Lee

You’re welcome and thanks yourself. Always nice and encouraging to get feedback to confirm I’m making some small impact.

We all just need to relentlessly keep hammering all we can at the lies, frauds and deceptions of the Beast and hopefully eventually be strong enough in numbers and conviction to defeat it.

It’s absolutely true that “The truth shall set us free. The Globalists stand on a massive and fragile web of lies and are dependent upon having that web of lies remain accepted as truth by the masses otherwise they lose their legions of postmodernist and Zionist useful idiots who believe themselves to be doing good and also their legions of self-serving Masonic minions who believe they will be among the winners of this agenda, which they won’t once their usefulness runs out.

6 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

I really, truly appreciate the sincere response to being presented with information which unequivocally runs counter to the internal narrative; its the only way to overcome our own programmed biases.

Now, if you read the letters between Dulles and Capehart, you may notice something:

In the first letter in 1953 Dulles tried very hard to get a redacted family member into the ci@ after being initially rejected. It is not everyday that someone on the council of foreign relations writes a letter using their sway with ci@ to get someone a job.

Then in the second letter in 1960 Caperhart’s son and his wife die and Dulles and his Wife express condolences formally (which is why its findable in the records; which is very unusual, as most personal letters like this are not findable in FOIA requests. This one is because it was sent specifically by Dulles acting in his official capacity as the director of the ci@.) The death of Capehart’s son and daughter-in-law actually involved a plane crash, which was blamed on faulty landing gear, as they were landing in Jamaica… The Caperhart’s son and his wife were on their way to Columbia for “business.”

Of course, in 1960, doing business in Bogota, Columbia for a rich American heir of a Jukebox company, and the son of the then active chairman of the Council of Foreign Relations, is exceptionally odd. This period in Columbia’s history is wracked with substantial guerilla violence in Columbia, and the ci@ was heavily involved in training and executing operations for counter-guerilla forces while supporting the pro-American regime in Bogota.

The point is; the redacted individual Capehart wrote a letter for, who did eventually did get into the Ci@, was his son; who got killed while on his way to perform an operation under the cover of “doing business.”

Not a person to be quoting figures from…

6 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Be careful of butter, butter wrappers are now being laced so no matter how organic your butter is it can be poisoned

6 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

You seem to know a lot. Can you please say what webpages, books or other publictions you would recommend for someone to educate himself?

6 months ago

When/if approved, please put this comment as reply to 444gem. I tried to post it there but it said “duplicate comment detected.”

Stalin was a Masonic puppet and actor just like all the rest. The Globalists (Talmudist-Masonic Oligarchy) weakened Russia through the Napoleonic Wars and then took it over through their genocidal Bolshevik revolution and then established the Soviet Union in place of the Russian Empire they had destroyed. Also, I highly doubt it was the Soviets that handled mass deportations of Germans to the west. Either way though it was the Globalists who were responsible as they controlled both sides.

It’s a preposterous idea we are taught to believe that world events are shaped by individuals, ideas and movements. Nothing major or even significant ever happens without both massive funding and great institutional power and since a long time ago the only ones with such wealth and institutional power have been the Globalist oligarchy. They have controlled the world’s money supply since centuries through Central Banking and through that and through Free Masonry (and other “elite” secret societies set up to corrupt the rich and powerful) they have gained control of the means of power across the world. Stalin and the rest of the Masonic puppets played their parts, just like their counterparts do today, but the ones ulitmately responsible were those behind the scenes who orchestrated and financed it all.

And if you believe the US/Britain were somehow “the good guys” back then (despite many millions murdered in the US wars of aggression which followed) I’ll have you know that the US dropped nukes on Japanese cities after Japan had tried to surrender twice.

The US was fully conquered by the Globalists by the time the WW’s occurred, they conquered it by orchestrating the Civil War to break and bankrupt it and the forced it to submit to them and join the Central Banking system/scheme/scam through the Act of 1871 and then the Federal Reserve act in 1913. The last bastions of opposition were dealt with through the Charles Lindbergh baby kidnapping (forcing popular anti central banking figure to drop his presidential bid and then the “happy accident” of Titanic, which killed off the remaining opposing plutocrats.

They then wielded their newfound power by bankrupting the people, rich and poor through orchestrating the so called Great Depression. This came about by, under the guise of “crisis management” shuttering all banks and then only allowing the largest to reopen, leaving almost everybody penniless. Afterwards they finished the job by forcing everyone surrender all gold in their possession. After all this the US was completely owned and controlled by the Globalist and have been used to do their greedy, evil, anti-human bidding ever since. The “Good Guys” USA is purely a fictional construct created by the mass media and Hollywood.

Last edited 6 months ago by flipthepyramid
6 months ago

Sorry about the double posts, the site wasn’t responding and my posts weren’t showing or were blocked by spam filters.

If admin reads this, please do remove the ones not posted through my account (except this one.) I couldn’t log in on my phone as it requires passing a “prove you’re a human” captha thing but it doesn’t appear when logging in on my phone so it can’t be completed.

6 months ago

Eisenhower death camps is certainly real. As was the building of chimneys at so called death camps post war to perpetuate the myth.

Last edited 6 months ago by Reality
6 months ago

SIX million, huh? 😉

6 months ago
Reply to  Computers

Six million three times