
Taylor Swift is starting to look like a good luck charm for the KC Chiefs.

Taylor Swift is a witch and where ever she goes, death comes along.  Does this have anything to do with Taylor or Ice Spice hailing satan at them game?

I think so … Kelce should feel good as this will likely bring him more championships.


1 dead and multiple injured in shooting following Chiefs Super Bowl parade

What do you think?

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8 months ago

Did taylor hail satan at the game? All i saw her do was drink and cheer. Im not defending her just asking. I know ice spice wore an upside down cross

8 months ago
Reply to  Bueller

Ice Spice did for sure with her hands, I didn’t see Taylor do it.

8 months ago

This could be pushing the gun violence narrative to disarm the common folk, or the workings of some very sick people. Either way it’s super sad, I do find it strange there were multiple people detained – that makes it unlike most other mass shootings. So far they’re saying they don’t think it’s related to terrorism, I hope that gets explained futher ..

8 months ago
Reply to  Archaic

Oh no! The government is coming to take away our guns?!!!!!

If the government wanted to take your guns, they’d kick your doors down and take them.
No militia or gang will stop it.

But they’re not doing that because that thought process only comes from paranoid gun obsessed weak minds.

Check their twitter pages, it will have a verse on top right next to Jesus follower..

Then when you scroll their page it’s nothing but political retweets and hate speech .

8 months ago

It’s not about an arms obsession, it’s the rights of the people to uphold all parts of the constitution from any blatant & systematic tyranny.

8 months ago

Can’t very well have a war if no one is armed. Seems like their intention is to get the US into a civil war.
There is a movie called ‘Bushwick’ that seems to have a plausible scenario for how this could happen. In the movie there are a handful of states that want to succeed – Texas being one of them. Basically several red states want to succeed from the psycho dark blue states creating national policy. American soldiers are sent to Bushwick, NY (among several other deep blue areas) to take over and force the government to meet their demands to succeed. They think that because gun ownership is severely restricted in these areas they can take over quickly without any violence. Only they are met with huge resistance as many more people are armed than they thought. It turns into street wars.
Where I live people are buying guns. There is a convention center gun swap every other week. People are practice firing in their yards I think – the city put up signs that firing a gun is illegal in the city. 

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon


8 months ago
Reply to  Archaic

As soon as I heard about the shooting, I got the feeling it was another false flag. People always come out of the woodwork to criticize when someone suggests this, but so often we see the very same crisis actors in these sorts of events. Either way, definitely pushing the gun control narrative.
I live in a place where many “rednecks” reside — the types of people the media always love to smear as violent and likely to become mass shooters. In reality, they are peaceful folks who care about their freedom and rights, and the rights of others. We should all have the right to own firearms for self-protection, other than those known to be seriously mentally unstable or convicted of violent crimes.

8 months ago

February 14 is a ritual sacrifice date.

Feb. 14 ~ The Feast of Lupercalia (observed in ancient Rome on February 15th), known in modern times as Valentine’s Day (animal and human sacrifice)

8 months ago
Reply to  fuzz

*Observed in Ancient Rome Feb 13-15

8 months ago
Reply to  fuzz
8 months ago
Reply to  fuzz

This is like the modern day..everyday is a holiday obsession.

I guarantee if you search hard enough, everyday has a occult association to it…

Congratulations you spend more time looking up satanic dates then speaking to God.

You should be prideful of yourself

8 months ago

Exposing the enemy’s secrets is part of being a Christian. That’s what this site is all about. Not a lot of people know that there are blood sacrifices that are required on certain dates. I can think of about 10 of them throughout the year that didn’t take much time to look up. Don’t make assumptions about my Christian walk. I read my bible and pray every day and I also have an understanding of the occult because of help from sites like this. If you were in a war, you’d want to read from your enemies playbook. But that seems to be too much legwork for you I think.

8 months ago
Reply to  fuzz

You are very right. Can’t remember where it was, but there was a post here not too long ago where somebody commented with a picture showing all the sacrificial holidays… The origins of modern holidays and how they line up with many old pagan and other holidays involving sacrifice. Nearly every major US holiday celebrated throughout the year has been “borrowed” and reworked from bloody ones of yesteryear.
Do we really believe this is pure coincidence? It amazes me how some people can wind up on a site like this and still be asleep! Some of these people are either woefully unaware, or possibly disinformation agents with an agenda.

8 months ago

Fuzz is right, the holiday could be highly relevant. Look at the Wikipedia entries for Lupercalia and Februus. February is named after Februus, an Etruscan god of the underworld, wealth and death, analogous to Pluto or Hades. In other words, Satan. Februa means to purge or purify and the most primal way to spiritually purify something is to make a blood sacrifice. At the Lupercalia, goats would be sacrificed. I commented on the VC article about the Superbowl that one of the Chiefs players was carrying a baby goat in the victory parade. Yes, it’s a sports reference to G.O.A.T., greatest of all time, but still, a goat, which also has Satanic associations. The Lupercalia was also related to the goddess Juno, a goddess of childbirth who is very significant. Juno Lucina is mentioned by the Roman poet Virgil in the 4th Eclogue, his writings based on prophecies of the Sybilline oracle at Delphi: “Novus Ordo Seclorum a mighty order of the ages is born anew. Both the prophetic Virgin and Saturnian kingdoms now return. Now a new progeny is let down from the heavens. Favor, chaste Lucina, the boy soon to be born in whom the iron age shall come to an end, and the golden one shall arise again in the whole earth.’” That is the source of the phrase “New World Order,” and I like many others believe it’s a prophecy about the Antichrist. The title Lucina is etymologically related to Lucifer, meaning light. The Sybil oracle was supposedly inspired by a snake goddess, the serpent being a guise of Lucifer. Sybil is related to the name Cybele, the Phrygian form of the great goddess. Cybele is derived from an earlier version, Seebali or Sri Bali, a name of Kali, the Indian goddess associated with the fire serpent energy of kundalini, the force behind the prophecies of the Sybil. It is light all right, the false Luciferian kind. Lucifer is both male and female, a fact attested to by occultists in the form of the Baphomet. It is the same entity as Kali and Shiva, and all the other pairs of male and female pagan gods, one of which is the son and the mother Aphrodite and Eros, the deities associated with Valentine’s day as festival of fertility. Aphrodite is associated with a mystery cult of underworld gods called the Caberi that I believe is foundational to the occult beliefs of the Illuminati. That cult’s most important center of worship was on Samothrace and was said to be imported there from Arcadia. Arcadia appears in the conspiracy world associated with the painter Nicholas Poussin, whose work Et in Arcadia Ego seems to be a painting of a tomb in Arcadia that is mentioned in Eclogue 5. Its actual scenery is supposedly somewhere around Rennes le Chateau, also important to the conspiracy world as related to the Priory of Sion and the Satanic alternate history of Jesus as having not died on the cross to redeem mankind but instead going to France to found the Merovingian bloodline with Mary Magdalene. If you look at the Wikipedia article about Lupercalia, it also is said to have roots in Arcadia around the worship of Pan, the half man half goat god who as a figure of Satan was central to the religion of Thelema created by Aleister Crowley. Aphrodite, aka the Scarlet Woman from the Bible, was also worshipped in an underground cavern by the Hellfire Club, and she features in the Rosicrucian text The Chymical Wedding. The protagonist Christian Rosenkreutz finds a sleeping figure of her with an inscribed tablet: “When the fruit of my tree shall be quite melted down then I shall awake and be the mother of a King.” I think the fruit of her tree is the apple of sin, and the fruit of her womb will be the Antichrist. I personally think Satan uses the energy of misdirected worship and both the spiritual energy of blood sacrifice and the physical energy of human reproduction and the DNA from sacrificed blood both human and animal to try to incarnate in the world in a parallel way as God did as Jesus. (That explains the tapestry at Davos, doesn’t it?) Eros/Cupid is an Antichrist figure and the spirit behind Valentine’s Day. So Lupercalia is a sacrificial holiday associated with a Satanic mother goddess Aphrodite, a Satanic nature father deity Pan and a Satanic Antichrist child Eros (Isis, Osiris, Horus), and a Satanic midwife goddess Juno. If you think I am conflating elements from different world religions, just remember one thing: ALL of the pagan deities are Lucifer and are thus interchangeable, no matter what religion or culture, because it is the same force behind all of them. So did we just witness a blood sacrifice at a global festival on Lupercalia Day to facilitate the coming of the Antichrist? You tell me. 

7 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

I keep thinking about the fact that while the Chiefs players were onstage at the rally after the parade, and right before the shooting started, the song that was playing was “I’ve Got Friends in Low Places.” In the context of all these underworld “gods,” that’s pretty bloodcurdling. It doesn’t even have to indicate a conscious choice on the part of a human dj. When there is a “magickal” ie demonic influence on a situation, synchronicity like that cranks up. It reminds me of what I read about Isaac Kappy. The night before he died, he said he was a friend and knew he was in trouble when the Phil Collins song “In the Air Tonight” started playing, from no discernible source, no radio station, CD player, nothing. It’s almost like artists who make a deal with the devil sign away their licensing rights to it to use for its nefarious purposes.

7 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Correction, Isaac Kappy was with a friend. Sorry for typo.

8 months ago
Reply to  fuzz

Some claim that Valentine was allegedly a priest who was murdered by government on Feb 14th after he performed the miracle of healing. Some churches worship alleged pieces of his skull which is yet another pagan practice. Most commonly observed holidays are pagan ritual days that the Catholic Church attempts to obscure with Christian labels in an effort to establish a one world pagan religion.

8 months ago
Reply to  Michele

How lazy can you be to miss out simple details? I find it pathetic that you can’t even get your facts straight just to further your agenda. St. Valentine was a priest who ministered to persecuted Christians (unlike you who persecute Christians online while hiding behind your computer). He was martyred for defending marriage by defying Emperor Claudius’s ban on marriage. He married young lovers and for that he was beaten to death and then decapitated. Pope Gelasius put an end to Lupercalia, a pagan feast day of love and replaced a Christian feast day instead (St. Valentine’s day). May God grant you the grace to someday know the fullness of His truth.

8 months ago

Kelce doesn’t even realize that he is being set up to be the most hated man in the world.

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
8 months ago

she’s just a trashy perverse troll
a clown eager to sell her soul
ice spice this creature’s stage name
joined satan’s team for wealth & fame
vulgar crude and disgusting
no glass ceiling that she’s busting
they promote a low-rent rapper
lyrics straight out of the crapper
rap no longer political
now just a means of ridicule
nothing rapped is very profound
no uplifting words to be found
its all about empty bragging
and the thick hos booties wagging
the perverse values they portray
can’t help but lead young fans astray
they push a worldview that is sick
prep people to worship old nick
all imposed on us with no choice
there’s no chance for the people’s voice
this no mistake or some weird fad
part of a plan that is real bad
not made-up satanic panic
from the elites who are frantic
ice spice a new industry slave
famewhore ensnared by what she craves
she’s now with the elite’s jet set
about as evil as it gets
The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

8 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

I like your poems, truly. Very well done.

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
8 months ago
Reply to  Bueller

thank you, i can see you are obviously brilliant and beautiful !
if you are on the tweeter, ask muskrat to take a poll on letting The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet (SmarterThanYou/GuerrillasGhost) back on…
won’t happen… grrrr

8 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

Whyd they ban you when elons mostly been protecting speech it seems. Your poems arent controversial

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
7 months ago
Reply to  Bueller

“it seems” is the operative qualifier…
my poems were not controversial explicitly, as far as ‘bad’ language, threats, or pron, it was that they were starting to become too popular…
won’t bore you with whole story, but i was going from cpl/few likes, to hundreds, to thousands, to tens of thousands of likeys/etc (often showing a >50% retweet rate), to a post got 70+k likes in a cpl hours…
at that point i was *THEN* escorted off the premises permanently…
bs ‘violation of community standards’ was all they said, not even a specific post they named…
after muskrat offered his general amnesty for other bannees, i wrote another appeal, but it was turned down…
have screengrab vids of tweeter playing all kinds petty games with my posts, including ‘zeroing out’ all the likeys/etc… very weird stuff…
strange but true…

8 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

I love this! Random tidbit, Lil Simz is an amazing mc from the uk. Worthwhile lyrics! These little jezebels are misleading to the masses, but so obviously corrupt to folks like us

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
7 months ago
Reply to  Wowjustwow

someone said you were brilliant and beautiful, and reading your post, i see this is so…
i got major respect for rappers keeping political issues front and center…
not really knowing much about that scene, i still bet political rappers are marginalized compared to the rudie boys who signed with big labels and get the majority of airtime with gangsta/thug life BS rapping…
Komrade, On To Glorious Future !

8 months ago

It’s got more to do with the double-minded people of this country that want to serve God and the government…Yoh cannot have two masters.

It’s because people live in fear and wear 2a as some king of prideful badge.
Instead of trusting in God they need Glock.
Instead of memorizing scripture they quote the constitution.

Taylor Swift is no more of a sinner than anyone reading this.
Pray for you enemies..

I’m surprised so many can see the log with the jungle they got growing in their own eyes

8 months ago

Insider claims that Taylor Swift murdered a fan in a satanic blood ritual.

8 months ago

Peggy Hall does very good analysis of these fakeries. It’s not nearly so dramatic as death following TS. Every single piece of the clown show including the fake relationship is advertising and agenda pushing.

8 months ago
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Why Is Taylor Swift Normalizing Witchcraft, the LGBTQ Agenda & Abortion?