
Taylor Swift accused of performing 'Satanic' rituals at her Eras tour (

Taylor Swift has been accused of performing demonic rituals at her concerts by Boyzone’s Shane Lynch.

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4 months ago

isn’t that what witches do? …. perform rituals? cast spells? generate consensus trance?

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
4 months ago

who doesn’t like some spam
a thick slice thank you ma’am
then slap between some bread
and now you’ll be well fed
its piggy in a can
made for your frying pan
that gelatinous goo
slithers inside of you
spam of another sort
one i hope you support
i’m an unknown poet
and here’s where i crow it
The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

4 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

There was a dick named guerilla
Who used a corpse as a pillow
He liked his mums bitty
And his dad effed his shitty
Oh what a stupid fella

Terra Incognita
Terra Incognita
4 months ago
Reply to  Yokel17!

Seems interesting how one will dub himself as “the worlds most dangerous poet” when such grandiose titles are usually given by OTHER people after one has accumulated a body of work. Comes off a bit self absorbed. What is “dangerous” about him remains to be seen. If he means dangerous to ones IQ after reading comments that read like a poverty stricken third grader who just sniffed glue wrote them, then yes I can agree with that title.

4 months ago
Reply to  Yokel17!

You must going through the trouble clearing cookies, changing browsers or using multiple devices to multi downvote his posts just to make it seem unpopular. As well as making up different screen names to further back up the idea dislike is widespread.

How utterly simpleminded, pointless and pathetic. Do you have nothing better to do?

4 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

I don’t do any of the above. Weirdo. Just calling out idiots where I see it (happens a lot on this site)

4 months ago
Reply to  Yokel17!

So a standard smug little narcissist putting others down to feel superior. Like small, inferior people with delusions of grandeur need to do to maintain the delusions and not start feeling as small and useless as they deep down know they are. Odd how others are the “idiots” when you’re the one who fail to come up with anything remotely intelligent to say, let alone any actual arguments or retorts. You feel you’re right because you harbor all the “right” views as instructed by “experts” and “authoritative sources” but you have nothing to back it up as it’s all made up bullshit formed into pseudo-religious dogma and fed to and believed by idiots (and people too complacent or cowardly to research and question it.) Idiots who then believes this bullshit “knowledge” makes them the smartest person in the room. Must be real frustrating when those delusions of superiority collide with the reality of your intellectual inferiority and ignorance. Perhaps that’s when the need arises to go bastions of truth and awareness such as this and find people to denigrate to keep those ever present feelings of inferiority and uselessness suppressed and to keep others from realizing how low your really are.

Last edited 4 months ago by flipthepyramid
4 months ago
Reply to  Yokel17!

You can’t even admit your one man downvoting brigade as you know how ridiculous and pathetic it is. Or rather how ridiculous and pathetic it *looks,* as that’s all people like you care about.

Fart gorilla
Fart gorilla
4 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

His posts are unpopular because the poetry is trash and all about self promotion, a bot army isn’t necessary lmao

4 months ago
Reply to  Yokel17!


Fart gorilla
Fart gorilla
4 months ago
Reply to  Yokel17!

Now that’s a good poem

randall hewgley
randall hewgley
4 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

You gotta come with something better than bad obtuse poetry. Pretending it has great and profound meaning but containing nothing.
Embarrassing really!

4 months ago
  1. The Daily Mail calls it a “bizarre accusation” then prints photos showing exactly what Lynch is talking about. 2. Lynch is covered in MK Ultra tattoos – checkerboard and diamond.
4 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Pot calling the Kettle Black, you say?

4 months ago

Plain to see what they’re doing here.

They’re using Swift, a celebrity mass marketed as “cool, smart, edgy, woke, progressive,” to introduce “progressive” youth and young people to Satanism. Thereby making Satanism seem appealing to them. It’s not hard as what they’ve been brainwashed into thinking is “progressive” actually is pseudo-inversionism/Satanism.

Then they’re having their “conservative” media “warn” conservatives and right-wingers about it so that they will react with outrage and thus help them spread the word about Satanism. As “progressives” have been programmed to believe “the right” is evil, this pushback and outrage will only serve to make Satanism seem even more appealing to them.

The best you can do is to:
comment image

Do inform and warn people about the evil Talmudic-Masonic entities and philosophies behind things like this and the evil, malicious, destructive purposes but don’t play their games and don’t use their rigged social (control) media, as that’s just a waste of time and effort. Chances are you’ll just be arguing and bickering with bots and professional and hobbyist Globalist trolls.

4 months ago

Oh too bad her arm hair is standing up like an expired shaved man’s

4 months ago
Reply to  marie

Good eye!

4 months ago

Doubt my comment will go through. Just look at his arm hair and you’ll see what I did.

4 months ago

I’m very ashamed to admit this, but she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

4 months ago
Reply to  BlackSheep

Not a woman though

4 months ago
Reply to  BlackSheep

Until your spirit is strong enough, close your eyes and ears to the demon-possessed sirens, brother.

Last edited 4 months ago by Trut4seeker
4 months ago
Reply to  BlackSheep

In this picture she looks like a mannequin. Pasty white, dead eyes.

4 months ago

The title “Eras” struck me as odd, considering her target audience.
Eros was a Greek god of love and sex (Venus, Aphrodite).
Read right-to-left it is sare – sarus (cycle).
Also, in common usage, era is most often heard in the phrase: “An end of an era”.

4 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Nice points, would make easy sense from those angles.

They have to continue smothering with worldly sexualization/seductive perversion the generation who grew up to listening to her music from when she first hit the scene, as well as introduce it to the wave of children now being born from that same generation.

The Era point makes me think of the “new age” or cycle of which we are transitioning to in real time. The arrogance displayed by TPTB will not go unpaid.

Thank you for your thoughts, as always.

4 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Its also egotistical as hell on her part. You made some albums, sweetie. It doesnt rank with the history of the damn earth

4 months ago
Reply to  Bueller

True, lol, but it goes with her counterpart’s (Beyonce) Renaissance tour. The Renaissance was a marvelous time for the lords…they’re salivating at the thought of that, openly, again. Besides, these two are just the performing monkeys for the kabbal. Swift may have written her older stuff but I seriously doubt (she? Her replacement?) does anymore.

4 months ago

We should all bow down to her