
Sean 'Diddy' Combs accused of sexual assault by male producer (

The male is the fifth person to file a lawsuit against the rapper since November 2023.

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4 months ago

Puff Diddler

4 months ago

My question about cases like this is why are these people just coming forward now when the incidents happened sometimes decades before? People like diddy, depp, manson, weinstein, spacey were protected previously so what happened recently to suddenly cause their crimes to be exposed? I tend to believe that whomever prevented them from being charged with crimes up until recently has stopped protecting them. In the case of depp, manson and spacey, their cases are then dismissed and forgotten. Perhaps these men suddenly refused to do whatever they were told to do, at which point multiple people come out of the woodwork to accuse them of all kinds of crimes, at which point they then comply and do whatever crimes they are told to do, at which point their cases are dismissed? These men sell their souls for fame and then when they get older, decide that they are tired of paying the price and stop paying at which point they are accused of all kinds of crimes. It’s as if the criminal justice system is organized crime threatening and blackmailing these men back into submission.

4 months ago
Reply to  checkers

Exactly. Which makes you wonder who else is going unpunished out there…

4 months ago
Reply to  fuzz

They are all guilty or they get suicided by sacrificing themselves vs family or friends.

4 months ago
Reply to  checkers

Depp is and was a VICTIM of a KNOWN abuser who had been arrested or gotten in VERY, curiously and conveniently “forgotten” trouble before, due to having been VERY PUBLICLY Accused of committing domestic violence on her a previous significant other. Mr. Depp’s ex’s and employees publicly stood up on his behalf… saying their experiences with him, were that of a gentleman. Lastly, as an abuse victim myself, I listened to VERY PUBLIC audio tapes (mutually agreed to having been recorded by both Mr. Depp and Ms. Heard, and she came off as a liar, a gaslighter, a blame-shifter, and an abuser during the mutually agreed to recorded, recordings.

I do not judge her, outside of my personal opinions that she has exceptional outer beauty, and that perhaps she needs to get healthful, FREE, love and healing and fixing for a more optimal version of herself. She seems to DEFINITELY have love in her and kindness, if things I’ve picked up on are accurate, but she, like so many of us, just needs some help from The Great Physician–The LORD GOD Jesus Christ’s Father–to walk in beauty 24/7/365.

Mr. Depp’s name has no place in such a list. Perhaps you mistyped? Regardless, men are victimized JUST for not being women, and that is detrimental to and for the Future health and betterment of society, as men are heads, leaders, and above women and children due to it. However, The LORD GOD…as He did throughout the animal kingdom placed the future of society in the hands of we women/females, as men and their male animal equivalents vie (sp?) for the mere CHANCE to be CHOSEN for potential courtship by we women/females. In proper societies, it is the women who choose the men, and it is the men who work to prove their worthiness as future seed bearers to our wombs. GOD is brilliance…He is brilliant, and His intellect unsearcably without understanding by we humans, at least the majority of us. King Solomon cane closest to understanding Him in the old days, it appears, and even he himself admitted that to know such knowledge as the ways of the world…how The LORD GOD runs it, is to know madness (insanity), and to know depression. Read an CORRECT and unadulterated copy of the Authorized 1611 King James Version of The Holy Bible (pray to The LORD GOD FOR ONE TO READ!!)… specifically, the book within The Holy Bible known as Ecclesiastes.

Cajun Mom
Cajun Mom
4 months ago
Reply to  WhyLie

Thank you! There are many men out there abused by women who keep silent out of fear of being unmanly.
They are taught never hit a woman and if they do so, in self defense, they are accused of abuse themselves.
There has been much evidence that he was the one abused.

4 months ago

Gross. And being a prior victim is no excuse, in fact you should be more aware of the damage.

Last edited 4 months ago by marie
4 months ago

I’d hate to be that man’s personal physician. The routine STD screenings … oh Lord!