
Red Hot Chili Pepper's "Blood Sugar Sex Magik" (album, circa 1991)

A celebration of lust wrapped in one album.  A celebration of greek goddess aphrodite and sexual promiscuity.

The “thorns” coming out of their mouth are sexually suggestive (oral sex) and also appear demonic (pointy and snake-like).  The rose is also associated with virginity and aphrodite.  

The album disccuses themes of sex, drugs, mutilation and other human low points (struggles).  It remains the most notable album in RHCP’s discography and went 7x platinum in the USA alone.

Question … why did they stylize “magic” with a “k”?  🤔 This was no mistake and had to be a nod to aleister crowley, the beast incarnate.

In Aleister Crowley’s own words:

“Magick is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the Will.”  

In other words: do as thou wilt.  Break the norm and do as thou please.

RHCP embraced it in this album and they saluted him proudly albeit quietly by removing the “c”.

For more information on the difference of “magic” and “magick”, read this article for a full explanation and numerological significance of the addition of the “k” in magic.  I dont care for their art but for those that need substance, there ya go.

Stage magic is also occult as it is the celebration of the “art of deception” … a demon’s most skilled trait takes center stage to dupe the masses.

Note: Take great care into not being seduced by their occult art when educating yourself.

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5 months ago
Reply to  rick

They have a sick song on the album called “Breaking the Girl.” I’ll let you figure out what they’re breaking. This s*** actually was played regularly on alternative radio stations back then.

5 months ago

I think the “k” is a nod to mKultra brainwashing

5 months ago

I wonder what they were doing ‘Under the Bridge’?

5 months ago
Reply to  rick

It was my senior song and it couldn’t have been more fitting. Almost half my class is dead from overdose

5 months ago

The “K” in Crowley’s spelling of magic refers to the fact that K is the 11th letter of the alphabet. There are ten sephirot in the tree of life in kabbalah. The 11th portal in the tree is the gate Da’ath that leads to the underworld and the reverse of the tree, the qliphoth, the realm of fallen angels accessed in black magic. Crowley’s unicursal hexagram if drawn over the top six sephiroth on the tree places the pentagrammatic flower at its center right over where Da’ath is located. It’s all deeply Satanic and evil. And the Chili Peppers are one of the bands in the video Altiyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry. Childs mentions Anthony Kiedis once thanked Satan at an awards show.

5 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Thank you. And 11 is the first “Master Number” of the Freemasons.

5 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

What are the others?

5 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

I have read elsewhere that some believe that 9 is the number of man, 10 is God and 11 is satan/lucifer. It just goes to show how brain washed occultists are to actually believe that the created thing can be greater than the Creator. It is also mentally retarded to believe that such entities can be expressed by or conform to a man-made construct.

5 months ago
Reply to  Michele

I have read that with 10 sephirot, meaning created order, 11 means “outside,” ie, the wasteland, the outlaw zone.

5 months ago
Reply to  rick

“Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.”

5 months ago

Anthony Kiedis is a pedophile. Just like Madonna he brags seducing minors in his biography.
Scar Tissue, page 159. The girl was 14 years old

5 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

I’ve noticed as the men ascend up the industry ladder they go through a mustache phase. A total Chester the molester stach that are associated with pedos. Travis Kelce just went through that.
No one looked more pedo than Anthony though. Yuck

5 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

I’ve never liked that creepy Madonna video Open Your Heart with the little boy in the peep show.

5 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

I read that Madonna admitted in her book that when she was an adult living in New York City before she was famous, she actually admitted to having sex as an adult with a boy that lived in her apartment building. Madonna also claims to have male anatomy and rumours have alleged for decades that she is a man.

5 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Kiedis himself was also a victim of pedophilia. I believe it was in the same book where he talked about having sex with a babysitter when he was 12 or 13. He spoke about it like it was normal. Disgusting individual regardless.

5 months ago
Reply to  Lee

Several documentaries allege that most, if not all, pedophiles and homosexuals were raped as children.

5 months ago
Reply to  Lee

Him being now an adult turned into predator sees it now like a normal thing or so he says (I believe he knows it is wrong, he just doesn.t care anymore having done the same thing willingly).
I believe there is discernment inspite a childhood trauma. There are victims who fight to overcome their trauma and fight the good fight becoming themselves moral and responsable individuals, an example to follow and a real support to other victims and there are those who feel justified to make other suffer (not their abusers,obviously) expanding this way the vicious circle. It.s clear this guy chose the predator.s way in life. CHOSE! He shows no lack of empathy, displaying with every given occasion obscene behaviour and bragging with his pedophile hits. He has discernment, no doubt about it, but as he falls even deeper into the pit, he grows deaf to the voice of conscience.

5 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

*no empathy.

5 months ago

Ugh. Apparently was in a “relationship” with Donovan’s daughter when she was 16 as well as the 14 yr old.

And of course the mocking

The good book says we must suppress
The good book says we must confess
But who cares what the good book says
‘Cause now she’s taking off her dress

Seems kiedis was raped when he was 14 too. Ugh.