
Nothing is sacred anymore. Literally.

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8 months ago

Who is Shmuly …witz?

“ Shmuly Yanklowitz (born 1981) is an Orthodox rabbi. In March 2012 and March 2013, Newsweek and The Daily Beast listed Yanklowitz as one of the 50 most influential rabbis in America.”

From Shmuly’s post:
“ While it is certainly true that a plain reading of these early biblical passages suggests that the dyad of man and woman was one of the most pertinent intentions of Creation, a closer textual analysis presents another more radical view: the view that identities of gender, sex, race, and ethnicity are not determined by nature but are largely developed as social constructs to make sense of the world. It would be blasphemous for one to apply one’s chosen construction of what is “normal” or “natural” to marginalize another. ”

“… The first human being was black and white, gay and straight, male and female”

8 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

sounds like its out of the Talmud

8 months ago
Reply to  ibelieve

Shocking content in there. The parts about boiling in urine, and of course the children. I’m not repeating it verbatim but it’s vile.

8 months ago
Reply to  ibelieve

Yes, it is Talmud.

8 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

No, I’d say that that is describing the Cosmic Androgyne from alchemy, which is Satan.

8 months ago

The Jews crucified their Messiah without sympathy, during World War II they were k*lled without sympathy, consequence ? I don’t know. The only reason why God has the Jews in His eyes it is because they are descendants of Abraham and He made a promise and won’t cut the covenant.

8 months ago
Reply to  username

Where do you get that from? That’s not Biblical at all. The old covenant was replaced with the new when Yeshua came the first time. It was no longer about bloodlines (or in flesh terms, traditions), but about the condition of the heart.
Please read Romans 2:28,29.

God has an active covenant with all of humanity, anyone who chooses to keep the covenant with God will be His son or daughter.

8 months ago
Reply to  username

Please read the Scriptures closely. We gentiles are not to be arrogant for the Jews were partially blinded so we could be grafted in. (Romans 11) For G-D’s gift and His calling are irrevocable.. 

and in Isaiah 53:10: “ But the Lord was pleased to crush Him, putting Him to grief; If He would render Himself as a guilt offering……” A sacrifice had to be made for forgiveness of sin. Hebrews 9:11-18 confirms the symbolism in Leviticus 17:11  We sent our L-RD to the cross. It was our sins that had to be atoned.  

It had to be the Jews (as priests) that offered Him up as a Guilt Offering to fulfill G-D’s Law. The scriptures are perfect. It all works according to His Plan. Please don’t twist His Word. 

We should thank the Jews because they were trusted with the Oracles of G-D Romans 3:1-2. Our sins caused the L-RD to come and die here … that is a Love that is hard for me to barely grasp in my fallen state. It is deep.. no other faith based religion can say that. They require something from their worshippers. Only this faith ( christians/ Messianic) can say our

G-D came here and did it all. That should cause us to have a grateful heart not a condemning one.

Radu Filip
Radu Filip
8 months ago
Reply to  username

Marching to Zion. Be kind and watch it.

8 months ago

I partly agree with him, christian religion is extremely racist! everyone up in the sky are white Caucasians!

8 months ago

More crap from Satan’s Synagog. This Shmuly 💩 is laughing himself to sleep at night. This nonsense right here fits their agenda. Anti God, anti family, anti gender, pro refugee and more race baiting. What next I wonder?

8 months ago
Reply to  Dagny

Synagogue of satan indeed.

At some point, you have to roll back the attention given to these beings, and focus your eyes on our Creator. We know for certain the devil’s children run amok and without any shame now. We don’t need to be surprised by anything they do now.

What God wants us each to do is to get out of the world. It’s quite easy to stay in the world (without even knowing it) just by getting too riled up over the next blasphemous thing they do.

Last edited 8 months ago by Trut4seeker
Be Discerning
Be Discerning
8 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

You’re full of hatred

8 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

I feel that the end times are nearer than ever before. We must brace for impact and take heart in knowing that there is a powerful force beyond this fallen realm.

8 months ago
Reply to  Dagny

-> “ Anti God, anti family, anti gender, pro refugee and more race baiting. What next I wonder?” That’s what ‘ dignity for all ‘ means, lately.

8 months ago

Black-trans-refugee is a woke jab-cross-uppercut for the undiscerning. Can’t defend against it.

It’s so cheeky it’s laughable.

8 months ago

The entire story of Adam and Eve is wholly centered around man and woman. To suggest otherwise is beyond blasphemy.