
Normalization of sex and children has entered the collective conscious

Unbelievable to see the images, if they are real.  A little girl waxing a grown adult woman.

Apparently, the mother, Jasmine Moss, owns and operates a small waxing business and stated in the instagram post that she means it when she says she is passing down her company to her children.  The article goes on to state the little girl might have worked for hours doing this.

Normalization of sex and children, child slave labor, endagering a childs welfare and psychological abuse to name a few of the offenses.



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7 months ago


7 months ago

I’m ready to fight

7 months ago

maybe the mother needs some ‘whacks’

7 months ago

Her Mum needs locking up…

Caramella Arden
Caramella Arden
7 months ago
Reply to  Yuyu

Locking up? What the hell for. Off with her head!!

7 months ago

The fact that the pic is included (and that the mass media is owned/run by Talmudists/Masons (i.e. Satanists) makes it quite obvious that this article is not posted to notify the public of a terrible immoral and abusive act involving a child but to normalize it. Like the poster said, to create a mental connection between kids and sex through posting a graphic photo of abuse under the cover of pretending to be upset and concerned about it.

Last edited 7 months ago by flipthepyramid
7 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

It’s strikes me as deeply more than that. It’s not only normalizing but glorifying “passing on” of a sketchy (read: sideline potential” biz that makes money, familialy (after they’ve all but oblitrrated family ties).

This is another emotional needle under the skin of the parents who still want to make sure their children are secure once they’re gone. But their children will be, guaranteed, more indocrtinated slaves and in a few generations won’t have any aversion, nevermind questioning.

think you fools... or die
think you fools... or die
7 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Exactly. It’s yet another obvious ritual based psyop for what you’ve described above. It just still blows me away how the ppl (like the ones who commented above you, etc ) go Straight to the oh so typical emotional banter, literally feeding the very beast/machine they constantly claim they are at war with. They need to be taking notes on the propaganda & how to counter the spells instead of constantly giving them what they want: Your “emotional” sustenance. Your tears are a delicacy to them.

7 months ago

Yes. Thank you.

7 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

People should do more to teach the public/masses exactly what is taught by “Talmudists”/“Masons”. It would make it easier to combat and resist if everyone knew more about it other than some generalizations to them being bad, etc.

7 months ago
Reply to  Jane

I just did just that. I made a post here with a link to an assortment of links to articles which describe and analyze these Talmudic philosophies and ideologies. Up to VG now if it gets published.

7 months ago

Did you see the video making the rounds on tiktok?? About a mom talking to her daughter about her private parts while changing her daughter’s diaper?

Her daughter’s legs are visibly up and open wide in the frame of that video (thought thankfully you can’t see anything else) and a lot of people were calling her out on making content catering to a certain crowd

I saw that a short while back and then this news came out after, so I think you’re right on the money about normalisation of this behaviour

7 months ago

A load of this deviancy is financially-driven. Doesn’t make it any more right (you cannot serve two gods), but it’s a prime illustration for how our outrage feeds this. If it’s marketable, assume it is a commodity and choose wisely whether to engage. This is one of the cases in which I wouldn’t give them the traffic because the story tells all I need to know. Otherwise we’re all nothing but dogs sniffibg butts.

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I sniff too much, sometimes an easter egg pops out… out of the v****a I mean the articles.

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

What you’re (and several others posting similar things lately [this reply is more directed at another commenter who wrote more specifically that he believes it’s all about destroying to then create something new in line with the previous material world but better) suggesting here is illogical and not possible and not true. You need degenerates populating the institutions which shape society in order for those institutions to act to shape society in degenerate ways. Mere greed and profiteering is just not enough to make it this widespread. For one, there are plenty of other ways to make money and also you need a degenerate mind to even entertain the notion of making money of off such degeneracy and evil. Another reason is that if this wasn’t widespread in, acceptance and practice, among our ruling classes, you would have plenty of powerful and/or influential people pushing back and warning the public.

I suppose you’re enamored with the safe and comfortable material world our “elites” have crafted for us and can’t accept that it was all just a charade meant to keep us comfortable and distracted while they worked behind the scenes and pulled the strings to reshape the world in the image of their Satanic and inverted (Talmudic-Masonic) ideals. It’s denial and rationalization. Faced with this degenerate clown world, which has come crashing down on us in recent decades, you’re trying to find a rationale for it other than that that is the way they are and the way they want it to be.

Sorry to be a bit presumptuous, like I stated above this is a more generalized reply to several people who have been suggesting that perversion and degeneracy such as this is not really what the “elites” believe in and practice and that it’s not meant to be normalized and made part of the culture of their New World Order.

I’d implore and advise everyone to read up on the philosophies and ideologies which shape and direct our “elites.”

The Talmud and Talmudism which states and suggests, among other things, that God is shapeless and unknowable. This means that basically there is, in essence, no God in practical existence and therefore “God’s chosen people,” the Jews, are de facto gods. It also states that non-Jews are “soulless beasts” who should exists only to serve Jews and that Jews are entitles to take anything they want from non-Jews and do anything they want to non-Jews, including children. It also promotes child sacrifice of non-Jewish children. Additionally, it states that Jesus Christ forever boils in his own urine and feces.

Freemasonry and Illuminism, with its Talmudic doctrines and ideals of Dualism (good and evil are equal, none better or worse than the other, and one may chose either one,) Inversionism (prefering everything be the opposite of the natural and Godly) and Relativism (no objective truth and morality, truth and morality is whatever one desires chooses it to be)

Freudianism, which teaches that our higher selves, our morality, compassion and conscience, are merely social constructs and that the true nature of mankind of that of a highly evolved predator. It further teaches that people who abide by morality, etc are “hypocrites” and “repressed” and that abiding by morality leads to “neurosis.” Freudianism instead recommends and encourages that people should let their primitive lusts and desires (their lower selves) take control. Freudianism also promotes sexual abuse of children as this is said to “immunize” them against fascism,” with the “reasoning” behind that it causes children to lose faith in authorities. (Of course the Talmudists and Masons behind Freudianism are also the creators of “fascism” [also known as corporatism] as it’s known today and that the modern day Western world is governed according to the principles and doctrines of fascism or corporatism. The people brainwashed with Freudianistic doctrines aren’t aware of that though. They’re useful idiots.)

Winter Watch (winterwatch dot net) and Henry Makow (henrymakow dot com) has a lot of information on these topics, for those who wish to learn more.

7 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

“Sorry to be a bit presumptuous” (but let me continue right on being so). Believe whatever you like of me. My evergy is currently too involved in my studies to get dragged into your pseudoprognosticative slurs.

7 months ago

Disgusting. What a gross bunch of people.

7 months ago

I suggest we don.t expose evil here anymore. no more about cannibalism, euthanasia, abbortions, UFO.s, satanism, pedophiles, abuse, freemasons, witchcraft, abused children, drag queens grooming our kids, schools and kindergardens where children are being taught it.s normal to have s** or m********* etc. (we might get too emotional and contribute to selling that kind of news. we might help normalize it). Instead, I suggest we all treat it like it.s nothing new under the sun when we see this kind of news and move on.

OF COURSE trying to normalize it! Why do we comment when they force vaccination on us all? Because we care; we are angry! When they get ZERO emotion, ZERO reaction – and people would rather watch and comment about Chaning Tatum.s new girlfriend rather than show how angry they are to see, to aknowledge abuse is real and spreads like a virus – done a goood job and normalized it. I hear a lot here about how we feed the infernal machine with our emotions. Emotions are good to let out when you see something wrong. Outrage is normal when one sees something bad happening, especially to children. And when people are angry on the social media (too) and condemn that kind of evil there is a big chance they later get to gather up in the streets to protest against it, do something palpable and even win that battle. and that is a GOOOD thing! The real test is to see if people react or not against evil. If we all get to the point where we say: ,,ok, nothing to see here – just trying to normalize it, we must not show our emotions because that.s what expecting from us,, we might have got to that point where we lost our capacity to feel, to show we care and actually help normalize that very thing. 

I think as long as we are human we are supposed to react, to fight, to speak up. on the streets, on forums, social media … everywhere and anyway we can. Show we care! Denounce evil!

As long as people do react by showing their anger towards a certain thing there.s a big chance these evil-doers think twice before trying to push the limits and get to normalize/legalize it. When I say this I have in my mind my own country. The only times they have managed to normalize and legalize something truly wrong, morally corrupted, perverse was when people were given the clues within the news  and they did not react. Comment section is a good tool that reveals what people think and their capacity and will to react. Whenever there is a unanimous reaction against a certain thing the ,,others,, must and will step back. 

Last edited 7 months ago by crisspf
randall hewgley
randall hewgley
7 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Awareness is more important on this website than worrying about mass influence.
Sorry Mr. Vigilant Links

7 months ago
Reply to  rick

Many people I know think I’ve watched too many movies when I tell them about this kind of stuff. They don’t know and many don’t believe it. I suppose they take their information from the filtered national tv channels and celebrity gossip tabloids. …and that’s how it all got so far, I think.

Last edited 7 months ago by crisspf