
Jason Derulo album cover

The name of the album is Nu King. Crown of thorns was used to make a mockery of Jesus so this is clearly blasphemy. Seems like it’s open season on a certain religion, which the system approves. Kendrick Lamar also had similar symbolism on his recent album. 

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11 months ago

A crown of thorns wasn’t exclusive to the Lord Jesus Christ. It was meant to be a painful punishment and insult to those who usurped authority or have claimed to be a ruler, hence the crown…of thorns. But King Jesus is not a pretender.

11 months ago

if all the corrupt, occult and evil aspects of the world all seem to put an emphasis on mocking Jesus…. why would that be? It’s because Jesus is real and they know it. You don’t see such blatant mocking of any other religious figure. All of the owned/operated media & hollywood are pretty much exclusively using Go**amn and JC as their primary curse words these days. It’s not coincidence.

11 months ago
Reply to  ibelieve

Agree, ibelieve!

11 months ago
Reply to  ibelieve

Seriously…EVERY. SINGLE. MOVIE. Doesn’t matter what genre—action, drama, comedy, whatever—there’s at least one character saying “Je-us” or “Je Chr!” in some vain form. Virtually everyone I’ve ever mentioned this to has looked at me like in the same form as “They Live”. It’s kinda creepy and bizarre, honestly.

This has been going on for YEARS tho. Part of the reason I stopped watching anything long ago.

11 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

Ha, i’m a critic for, the number one Christian/family review site in the country. I see lots of movies. it’s not EVERY….SINGLE…MOVIE. one great one right now completely without Offensive language is “Wonka.” There are other major ones..

11 months ago
Reply to  Bueller

You’re absolutely right, I was being anecdotal and I forgot my asterisk…EVERY. SINGLE. MOVIE.* (*I’ve watched over my lifetime!). I may not be a professional movie critic, but I’ve watched my relatively generous share of movies…enough to know how demonic and antichrist the industry is.

Oh, and to be clear, just because a movie doesn’t have that type of language, doesn’t mean it isn’t antichrist. One great example would be “wonka”.

11 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

A “professional” movie critic is simply a person with a lot of opinions, but no creative ideas of their own. The easiest thing in the world to be is a critic. Much harder to create than critique.

11 months ago
Reply to  Lee

I do both. This entire site is made up of people obsessed with criticizing anything offered as entertainment. Ya know, EVERY. SINGLE. MOVIE. Lol

11 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

WHAT?! How is THAT antiChrist? You’re delusional. Please enlighten me about the satanic symbolism of chocolate candy. LMAO

11 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

ABC – anything but Christ
And yes, Jesus Christ as offensive words is used often 3 times in most movies. The movie moguls hate Him and mock at every opportunity. And what religious group would they be from?? Not difficult to see and know.

your getting vamped my guy/girl
your getting vamped my guy/girl
11 months ago
Reply to  ibelieve

(to your first statement) Not necessarily. Unfortunately I’ve been doing correlations with Monarch & Modern P**n & in alot of their scenes they have images of the Buddha (statues, wall paintings, etc.) strategically (ritually) placed throughout the shoots. There are other less noticeable archetypes that orthodox religious peoples wld be less inclined to take notice of mainly bcuz they have been made to assume that if ain’t good ol’ Jesus, then it must be evil..

Also the “mockeries” are mainly used as a trigger for you religious types to collectively exert your emotions to be harnessed & then vamped. Classic psychic warfare.

Also the only true “curse” word is literally “Damn”. Everything else is basically British slang the public (slaves) have been conditioned to believe is such via religious roman propaganda. How ironic that ‘damn’ is the curse word you least get offended by. And trust, the Almighty wld be pretty retared to even be bothered with petty human slang period.

What is an ant to a Titan?

11 months ago

I guess his accident was convincing enough to determine him stick to the ,,contract,, . it.s already obvious it.s the industry that.s doing the choices for him. aparently, those like Jason Derulo get to say no until they have a life threatening accident. that.s when NO becomes Yes and pics like these show up..

11 months ago

Free the slaves they said, they will be humble and useful members of society they said…