
Is this foreshadowing internet disruption?

From the article:

‘House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner is urging President Biden to declassify information related to a “serious national security threat. However, House Speaker Mike Johnson says the threat is not immediate, and there is “no need for public alarm.” ‘

The secret is out, according to the house chair Mike Turner, Russia has the weaponry, capability and motive to take down our sattelite communications.  Is this foreshadowing a wider scale psyop involving the internet and other communication services?

Things are heating up between the US and Russia, with Biden callin Putin and his team “thugs” referring to the musterious death of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny.

Will we have all out war before elections?  Will this lead to the presidential election to be suspended?


House Intel Chair Turner warns of ‘serious national security threat,’ urges Biden to declassify

Alexei Navalny, galvanizing opposition leader and Putin’s fiercest foe, died in prison, Russia says

What do you think?

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art guerrilla
art guerrilla
8 months ago

fool me once
shame on thee
fool me twice
shame on me

8 months ago

The propaganda and mind control is being spread via the internet. They’re spying on people through the internet. They’re getting people used to using the internet for literally every single aspect of their lives and being connected 24/7. They’re also selling their corporate products (amazon) on the internet and ensuring there are no more small businesses soon. There is no way they are taking the internet down, it’s far too important for the agenda. This is typical “truther” fear mongering.

8 months ago
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If an internet outage is blamed on ‘terrorism’ then digital id will be required to gain access to the internet again. Anyone who refuses to be tagged with digital id would then be considered a terrorist. You would only be able to buy anything online or at stores if you have a digital id. Cash will be obsolete and the only way you can get anything is to barter or trade via the black market.

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
8 months ago
Reply to  Michele

CBDC (in whatever form it takes, i think they just fork bitcoin and add on their social credit score BS) will be top down control…
REAL crypto using blockchain tech *could* liberate us in so many ways… EXACTLY why free crypto must be destroyed…

7 months ago
Reply to  Michele

As crippling as it would be in certain respects (such as banking and email) I’d rather give up my Internet access entirely than be forced to have a digital id. I fear your scenario is likely to occur sooner rather than later.

7 months ago
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As Michele mentioned above, it’s not about taking it down entirely, it’s about allowing a temporary internet disruption episode in order to traumatize the people into submission (A la COnVID, there’s nothing new under the sun).

Are the posted links and sources fear propaganda? Yes, I don’t disagree with that at all. But is the false flag threat real? Oh yes, very real.

To your point, I do agree that there’s deception and emotional/mental/spiritual manipulation occurring from all sides now. The only secure way out through this mess is Yeshua/Christ. The one true God is not a god of confusion, He is the same yesterday today and tomorrow so if there’s any sense of attempted manipulation by something or someone, then you know it’s not coming from God. Read the Word and seek Christ, y’all.

the great plague
the great plague
7 months ago


7 months ago

At&t went down for several hours, it was secretly planned by the Saturn Jew-ish(not quite) cabal gov Media etc controllers and their friends running every major religion. Think outside the box
