
Is Kanye West pimping Bianca Censori?

Family fears he is “controling” her.  She is being spotted with revealing clothing and has been posting racy stuff.

Is he programming her for a beta kitten role?  Lets see if she starts wearing feline print.


FEARS FOR BIANCA Bianca Censori’s parents ‘mortified’ after her naked pics in see-through poncho and fear Kayne West is ‘controlling her’

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5 months ago

this whole story has been deeply disturbing to see…someone pls arrest kanye. He’s clearly involved in nefarious things and not some holy whistleblower that some want to believe he is. The symbolism etc. speaks for itself. He’s just as much part of the club as the rest of them.

5 months ago
Reply to  molly

Kanye is just as much as a prostitute as kim or any of his other side kicks. I’m sure he was paid well when he flashed his naked bum for all of the cameras too see not too long ago.

5 months ago

They’re just doing their jobs- destabilising society’s moral compass.

5 months ago

I feel that she entered this partnership of her own volition. Still, I doubt she will use her own initiative to leave. Strange because when Kanye was freaking out(episodes) I thought she was his handler…

5 months ago

Where are these people that once thought KW was fighting the system?

5 months ago

What’s crazy is there was a famous episode of KUWTK where he was getting very upset with Kim for showing off her body to other men by wearing extremely revealing outfits. This was right after he became a “Christian”. Everyone said oh wow, he’s changed. People in my church were debating on whether he had truly become born again or not. I listened to a couple of his “Christian” songs, and I thought they were alright. But this man is just another wicked pawn in the system sent to confuse and pervert.

Caramella Arden
Caramella Arden
5 months ago

He is completely retarded. Pure evil. I’m sure he sacrificed his Mum for fame. Enough said.

One minute he is being anti semitic and then he is crawling up their a***s.

She seems like a complete buffoon too. If her parents are that bothered, they should rescue her.

5 months ago

Caramella, he did sacrifice his Mum for fame…

5 months ago
Reply to  Yuyu

Absolutely, and it’s clear that he regrets it by the way he speaks about her. But no number of albums with her name can bring her back. He chose to make that deal and he got what he paid for.

your getting vamped my guy/girl
your getting vamped my guy/girl
5 months ago

Wow, some of you really have selective memories, or you just like being psychically vamped by every “racy” (humiliation rite) that these monarch victims are made to put out?

You know damn well these two most likely come from multi generational SRA families. Regardless, monarch definitely finished them along time ago. And I can almost guarantee you we haven’t even seen the real Kanye since he intentionally through off that major Hurricane Katrina ritual when he publicly said that the n**i Bush Jr doesn’t like black people. If not, that was definitely the beginning of the end for him.

5 months ago

No way that’s Kanye.
Every time he goes against the powers that be he disappears for 3 months then pops up out of nowhere in some sort of humiliating set up.
No doubt he was first to strike a deal for fame at a young age but he’s been trying to break away from it for years.
Looks like they managed to find him and reprogram/replace him.

your getting vamped my guy/girl
your getting vamped my guy/girl
5 months ago
Reply to  Imo


Caramella Arden
Caramella Arden
5 months ago
Reply to  Imo

No sympathy from me. He made his bed. I hope it’s comfy.

5 months ago

So nobody’s discussing how west is also mentally ill? He’s definitely mkultra’d. I believe he has backslided then got reprogrammed. Both of them are mkultra subjects

5 months ago

Bianca’s family allegedly has Mobb ties so I wouldn’t be surprised if Bianca is the debt used to pay whatever they owe.

The cries for “she needs help” are just them doing their job.

Virginia Guiffre’s parents did the same thing with Epstein and she alluded to it in her book but it went over everyone’s head.