
In keeping with the flow of conspiracy news involving infertility in men …

Some more “we dont want you to reproduce and be a man agenda” news to raise your eyebrow a bit higher.

This article goes on to explain the differences between men and women, chromosome-wise.  It throws in a subliminal by using the word “puny” to describe the Y chromosome, almost as to say you dont need it.

It also hopes to give men reassurance who may find it disturbing by mentioning that two lab rats have out-lived this anomaly.

You cant make this s**t up.


The Y Chromosome Is Vanishing. A New Sex Gene May Be The Future of Men.

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5 months ago

This is no “evolutionary” development but rather purposefully orchestrated through ever increasing systematic poisoning of Americans and others with hormone disrupting chemical compounds which both cause sex dysphoria and infertility. The Satanists/inversionists (Talmudist/Masons) in charge want to invert or destroy the natural order in all things, particularily the natural order of the sexes. They have done so since the early 1900s, at least.

You can read here about how pregnant women for decades were deceived into taking drugs which caused severe hormonal disrution, causing, among other ill effects sex dysphoria and even hermaphroditism. The alternations occur on a genetic level such as that it is even passes on from generation to generation.

the great plague
the great plague
5 months ago

Thousands of years of the lie that men were “created” first, but now they need to do real genetics. Hey Rick, do you have any interest in science whatsoever? Or is the bible your science manual? Lmao.

5 months ago


Last edited 5 months ago by flipthepyramid
5 months ago

That one-eye signal is so subtle… I almost missed it.