
Hollywood's agenda is blatant.

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4 months ago

End times. Even 10 years ago this would be unthinkable.

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
4 months ago

would we know if aliens lied
stammer and look all shifty-eyed
look away and not meet our gaze
do jedi tricks with mental rays
and just what does a thought connote
can we somehow fact check their quotes
what galactic authority
could we ask for some surety
don’t bother trying to ask snopes
no truth from those dissembling dopes
what if they’re alien outlaws
beings with psychopathic flaws
a**l probes without permission
and abduct without volition
aliens do criminal acts
but their law enforcement is lax
if human perps they’d be in jail
but aliens always jump bail
once they abscond in their space ship
no way our cops can make that trip
these space visitors are scofflaws
a factoid that should give you pause
but these space pervs get a free pass
when they kidnap and probe our a*s
The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
4 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

shout out to all two of my brilliant and beautiful fans !
flipper and harley, that’s you dingleberries !
due to your misguided urging, i have opened up a substack account where my ‘small truths in forced rhyme, i have a good time’ can be seen for FREE (as in beer)…
…for now, bwa ha ha haaaa!
once i have all the kids hooked on my perverse doggerel i will start charging !
i’m thinking $3.69 per month, that number chosen in homage to nikola tesla…
my inaugural poem has not shown up yet (et tu, substackius?), but here is url… start posting a BUNCH of oldies but goodies from when i was on the tweeter, too.. i got hundreds (if not over a thousand) to annoy my fellow nekkid apes with…
let the games begin !

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
4 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

hysterical ! ! !
i just get an email notice my comment was “approved” (gee, thanks ever so much, massah), and i immediately smooshed the link to it, and it already had a negative 1 downvote ! ! !
you botz are the best !

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
4 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

c’mon botz, -6 ?
you can do better than that !
what are you so afraid of, botz ?
“terrible poems” ?
if they are so terrible, why nuke them ?
bwaa ha ha haaaa
no, botz are doing master’s evil because i AM over the target and my truth bombs ARE effective…
muh memes are too strong
how strong ?

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
4 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

why was my reply erased ?
why do VC and VL CENSOR as it is ?
um, isn’t that antithetical to their mission and exhibiting behavior of those they excoriate for the same ?
i don’t get it…
are VC/VL meta honeypots of some sort ?

4 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

Shhh. Settle down kid. And stop with the terrible poetry please.

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
4 months ago
Reply to  fuzz

will not shhh
not settle down
not a kid
poetry not terrible
do YOU support censorship, fuzzball ?

4 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

No. What I support is people not getting high and typing what they think are deep thoughts on a public forum.

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
4 months ago
Reply to  fuzz

versus a moral scold telling everyone to behave in the manner THEY insist ?
yeah, what a contribution uou are making, fuzzytongue

4 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

I sure hope not and since they published my link to article about that there seems to have been a Holocaust of millions of Germans after WW2, I would think not. The Nazism (which logic and evidence reveal as a Globalist psy op) and “Jewish Holocaust” narratives are essential to preserve as this is the origin story of the “Righteous evil-fighting, innocent-protecting democratic US-led West” as well as both the basis of the idea of nationalism being evil and of the “antisemitism” mental (and, increasingly, legal) barrier which protects the Talmudist-Masonic oligarchy.

I found that when I first started posting under my screen name without logging in (login doesn’t work on my phone) I would get my posts flagged for moderation.

I’ve also found that posts with multiple links get flagged.

Could also be that the system triggered on something you wrote as suspected spam.

I believe and hope there’s no reason for concern but it’s good that you’re vigilant. One should be vigilant towards people and entities on our own side as well.

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
4 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

i thought i had seen ppl post links before, so i didn’t think that was verboten (still censorship, but whatever)…
in point of fact, post was announcing i had set up a substack to post my, you know, “terrible poems”, and included that link to my substack…
guess that makes me a bad person…

4 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

No reason to take it personally, filters like that are a necessary evil or else spam bots have free roam to post spam links. Chances are your post and link will appear later when a moderator have gotten to reviewing it, mine almost always are. Looking forward to checking out your work.

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
4 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

thanks for advice, flipper, only a rare and casual viewer here until i started posting the last couple weeks, so did not know the lay of the land…
i am an absolutist on Free Speech, so i disagree even with the childish asterisking of ‘swear’ words (would a poop by any other name still smell as bad?), and other silly games..
knocking out spam bots is laudable, but i would even suffer them for the sake of Free Speech…
now i am spooked about posting my substack link, but if one were to enter theworldsmostdangerouspoet dot substack dot com, one might get there…
except for you, fuzzybutt, you are definitively NOT brilliant and beautiful…
and i can assure you, fuzzbuster, even at my most stoned, i am still twice as capable as straight you… i think that says more about you than me…

4 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

Thanks, will bookmark and check it out. Agree the asterisking is unnecessary and annoying. Especially when you’re not even intending to curse such as when I wrote “h**o capensis” in an other comment and got h**o capensis instead.

4 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

I’d also advise you to stop feeding the trolls.

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
4 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

its a hobby… 8^)
as a stubborn aspie, i like to TRY and engage them in debate, but that rarely happens…
still, i feel duty bound to drop the gauntlet and watch the cowardly botz slink away…
a micro-victory over humbuggery…
given my previous bannings, i am HYPER sensitive to criticism, NOT of muh stoopid pomes themselves, but muh Free Speech, which is infinitely more important than my precious feels…
Free Speech is THE bedrock right all other rights are dependent upon in order to define, demand, and defend them.
that *is* a hill i am willing to die on…

4 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

I like free speech to, thanks to it we can tell who the idiots. Like you

4 months ago
Reply to  Yokel17!


4 months ago

it’s just so damn unnecessary…. it’s like a crackhead holding a pipe, shaking, looking in the mirror and thinking that he’s fine and doesn’t have a problem. There is a certain level of talmudic facism permeating our society

4 months ago
Reply to  ibelieve

The good news here is we’ve identified our oppressors. Just a few years back you never heard talk of the Talmud and Talmudists or even Freemasonry at places like this. We’re making progress. We’re all on the same side as we’re all just human and we all have the same enemy, same tormentors, same exploiters, same oppressors same destroyers and the same enslavers, People just need to become Aware and it all stops. It all stops because they need us unaware to remain in power and they need us to carry out their agendas for them, as their minions and useful idiots. If the people fighting in Ukraine became aware that both sides are governed by puppets of the Globalist (Talmudic-Masonic) oligarchy and that the war is staged and scripted they would stop fighting and turn against their (shared) true enemy, for instance.

4 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

I understand the gist of what you’re saying and I think you’re correct to an extent. But the skeptic in me just feels like there has been more than enough evidence out in the open for so long now, it should have triggered a mass awakening long ago if anyone was truly paying attention. But time goes on, it keeps getting worse, and still no gears seem to be turning in the right direction. Only going further off the rails. I hate to seem pessimistic but it’s a real struggle to stay hopeful in this world. At this point I’m pretty much just hoping for a peaceful ending.

4 months ago
Reply to  Lee

Yes, there has been more than enough for a very long time, you’re not off or wrong about that.

The beginning, and perhaps more interestingly, the end, has already been written. If you take some time to read the Scripture, you’ll find the Truth. There is hope to be found. You’ve got to seek and claim it though, it won’t just fall on your lap bc you cross your fingers.

Failure to or lack of actively seeking and finding Truth is exactly what the enemy is banking on, and the ending will not be good for those who choose that path.

Last edited 4 months ago by Trut4seeker
4 months ago

Of COURSE the first episode is about butt-sex because that is THE death-cult foundation for their depraved “portal” practice in order to achieve “illumination.”

And WOW, look at how super-awesome our world has become because of their poop portal practice and then everyday people not seeing how inverted and perverted everything has become.

Well, it is surely going to be an “interesting” next few decades if those mind-controlled people refuse to wake up.

4 months ago

Whats the backstory of this show. I have never heard about it.