
Globalist-owned The Guardian is not against brain implants for all (of course)

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7 months ago

One nasty, dystopia peddling news outlet. Funded by gates I believe.

7 months ago
Reply to  paul


7 months ago

The 6G will be an internet of bodies implanted telecom network, they are just starting the advertising campaign. When complete all smartphones and laptops will become obsolete and the only way to be connected will be through implanted connections.
By 2030 the whole should will be on 5G.
Around 2027 beta testing of 6G will begin and we will start hearing about Korean and Chinese population mass implanting and body networks.
6G is the agenda from 2030 to 2040.

Last edited 7 months ago by Collins
7 months ago

All scripted.

Gaurdian: “Should we (=you) be putting in our (=your) brains?”

$cientists and “trusted” authorities: “Yes, because [insert bullshit reasons which sound good to ignorant people.]

Media: “The experts as well as bi-partisan authorities agree: brain chips are the way to go for a safer, more convenient and more capable way of life.”

Elon Musk: “My brain chips are guaranteed 100% safe for conservatives and right-wingers. And you know you can trust me since I say a lot of generic conservative and right-wing sounding things.”

Media “Musk’s brain chips for the right makes it so safe chips are now available for people of all political convictions, are there any excuses left to not get chipped for our common good?”

Expert$ and “authorities:” “No excuse remains to not do your part for a safer and better tomorrow and to show society you have nothing to hide.”

Media: “Broad consensus: No excuse to not get chipped. With no valid reasons remaining, the question is what have chip refusers got to hide?”

FBI: “Crime and violence rampant among the chipless and extremist chipless groups a growing threat to our safety. Chipless extremist groups exposed with plotting acts of terror.”

Media: “Law enforcement authorities warn chipless people are a growing menace and threat to society as chipless crime and violence continues to rise. Extremist chipless groups caught plotting acts of terrorism. How do we deal with this growing menace? Should chips be made mandatory for all?” Monetary and digital expulsion the right way to go or are even more drastic measures warranted and needed?”

And so on.

7 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

This is quite humourous without you meaning it to be in spite of it being on a serious subject.

You really nailed it with false Elon and the chip refusers and chipless extremist groups. Really brings home how malicious and greedy they are.

7 months ago
Reply to  Ruth

Thanks, I did try to satirize but it’s hard when we’ve turned out to be living in a constructed and contrived Talmudic reality that makes South Park look pretty mundane in comparison.

I’ve noticed there’s been a huge increase in TV programs about murder and violence in recent years. Just on my basic cable there’s like 10 or more shows about murder, killers and serial killers every day. Often with a sexy angle or showcasing ingenuity and skill and often spouse or in-family murder. I don’t think it’s because of any great demand for it but rather to normalize it and seed and develop murder fantasies among viewers.

Particularly among young, impressionable ones. Just the other day I heard my 11 year old nephew say he “thinks a lot about serial killers” and that Ted Bundy was “manly and tough.” And no wonder really considering that the media blast people with content about such people, including psychoanalysis, description of personality, motivations and of the crimes, including reenactments. The most popular video game among his age group is a cute and cartoony game about killing other players.

He’s been born into a “culture” made completely focused on material wealth, violence, murder and sex. A soulless, Godless, practically dead culture; a Freudian anti-culture where people are exposed only to the superficial, the primitive, the depraved and the evil with very little that’s even remotely soulful or even good in any way. And where such meaningless, worthless material, primitive, depraved and evil garbage is often presented as appealing and aspirational. Why wouldn’t kids develop such thoughts in such an enviroment. And why would they care about other people, why would they value human life, when people are depicted as and programmed to be primitive and evil. Many don’t even have real parents or family to counter this view. Additionally, chemical compounds such as flouride serves to make the effects even worse as they diminish our higher selves.

I didn’t mean to make that essay long. My point with that, in relation to the main topic, is that perhaps the main reason for this (in addition to the Globalist (Talmudic-Masonic) oligarchy loving death, depravity and violence) is to generate more killing and mayhem to scare the public into believing that such brain chips are necessary to restore safety and order so they’ll line up for them and demand others take them as well, just like with the vaccine.

Last edited 7 months ago by flipthepyramid
7 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

100%. I also noticed this trend of them glamourizing serial killers.

Especially making them seem like some sort of geniuses and people want to be associated with genius.

Same thing with atheism, they make it seem like it’s a high IQ thing to be.

“You don’t have to work to prove your genius, just be very edgy, have a creepy interest in serial killers, have 2 or more “mental illnesses” and be an atheist and you are all set according to MSM. Also take the safe and effective to prove you understand the science.”

No more Isaac Newton, Blaise Pascal, Wright brothers who made genuine contributions, just be Ted Bundy and Ted Kaczynski who made no contribution except destruction. Like the Bible says, the devil comes to kill, steal and destroy.

Being a devil is in vogue.

I used to counter this trend on reddit through using true logic and rationality. Not the dogma a lot of people subconsciously think is logic.

And many times I got downvoted for it, and hate for exposing their self love to how silly their beliefs actually are when faced with good arguments.

Fortunately, there were some reasonable people who benefited a bit from having these ideas questioned.

You can plant some seeds, but only God can water them and make it grow.

7 months ago

It baits people by posing an interesting question and finishes by flooding your brain with subliminal garbage.

Last edited 7 months ago by rick