
George Soros fund poised to take control of nation’s second-largest chain of radio stations: ‘This is scary’ (

Audacy includes WCBS-FM, WINS, WNEW and WFAN sports radio in New York City.

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6 months ago

Wasn’t there a huge thing in the 90s about monopolies and how one individual or corporation couldn’t own the entire market for an area? Is this not the same thing?

6 months ago

8 families control the entire world through Central Banking (it’s their way or no more money) and corporate conglomerates controlling both great deals of the mass media and higher education and much more. Add to that their millions of Talmudic and Masonic minions and all the property they own and institutions they control it adds up to basically owning or controlling everything. All the means of power are firmly in their hands but we have the Truth and spread to enough people that is way more powerful.

Last edited 6 months ago by flipthepyramid
6 months ago

Like it wasn’t already owned by the Central Bankers, et al. Soros is just a puppet diverting attention away from the Talmudist-Masonic demons behind it all and also tasked to put a “left-wing” spin on the Globalist/Satanist agenda of oppression, exploitation, inversion, destruction and enslavement of us all. This garners support from the “left” who are led to believe these agendas serve “social justice” and “equality” and also gives their puppets on the “right” an “opponent” to pretend to fight.

It’s all just a charade, just a game. Just ignore it people and independently seek the Truth instead.

6 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Here, here! I couldn’t have said it better myself.

6 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Excellent and astute comment. I love reading your comments and how eloquently you state the heart of the matter at hand.

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
6 months ago

how stupid it is in hindsight
how illogical and not right
media consolidation
has led to our deprivation
yes outright lies are committed
but its mostly what’s omitted
we were warned of this bad result
who voted for this are at fault
our kongress kritters should have known
yet passed by pols the elites own
all that we see owned by a few
who collude to fool me and you
real reporters who go off script
deplatformed if not in a crypt
we can’t trust a word that they say
lies compound with each passing day
we’re dependent upon true news
regardless of what are your views
but its co-opted by elites
their narrative what it repeats
its obvious conspiracy
to talk of it is heresy
their faux news leaves us deaf and blind
that’s how they can control our mind
The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

6 months ago

Soros needs to be held accountable. If it won’t be before Congress or a Judge, it may need to be before a citizen tribunal. He’s an enemy of the state, he does not respect our sovereignty, our laws or our constitution. He’s an evil man, and his son, though proving to be incompetent, is probably even more radical.

6 months ago

I can only imagine the subliminals that are going to ooze out of those radio stations going forward.

6 months ago
Reply to  rick

I’ve heard that music on the radio is already played at a different frequency than in the past, supposedly a lower frequency that subconsciously puts the brain into a state to be more easily programmed. Don’t know how true it is but nothing could shock me much these days.