
Covid vaccine injury flood cannot be sandbagged

The “largest” covid vaccine study has found links to blood, neurocognitive and heart related issues.  The flood cannot be controlled anymore.

Is this setting up for Disease X some how?  Or is it that they cannot control the narrative?  Either way, the number of injuries cannot be hidden and tucked away.

However, the propaganda machine is still undermining the severity of it all by continually using words like “small”, “less likely”, “isolated”, “rare” and continues to insist that they are the best protection by using words like “best”, “defense”, “keep out of hospital”, “save lives”, “severe illness”, etc.

God have mercy on us all and help those who are suffering from injury.


Largest ever global study of COVID vaccines finds small but real link to neurological, blood, heart-related conditions

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art guerrilla
art guerrilla
5 months ago

“long c0v1d” is BS, no such thing, simply used as cover for lingering, chronic effects from Xvax…
Stay Strong Refusenik Scum
Stay Strong Til Kingdom Come!

5 months ago

As has been shown and proven several times over, the reason why the link is “small” is because different batches contain different contents. The reason we are seeing more vax injuries in certain countries and areas than others is that the more harmful batches have been more common in some places.

There’s also no evidence that it protects anyone against anything. This “virus,” if real, is no more harmful than “the flu,” which it is obviously actually a straight rebrand of. Even the official stats which are inflated by the murderous “covid treatment protocol” as well as fraudulent tests, show it to be harmless to everyone but those basically already dying. In fact the vaccines are known and proven to cause these issues it it claimed to protect against as they commonly, to varying degrees, harm our immune systems. This is also why all kinds of formerly very rare illnesses have become much more common and also the reason for the sudden increase in cancer (which is easily curable, btw) particularily “turbo cancer.”

Has anyone else noticed how extremely common illnesses of varying, severity and duration, among elite athletes have become? I follow cross country skiing among other sports and every time the commentators speak of athletes missing due to illness or returning from illness or that they’re underperforming due to problems with illness.

I even heard of one poor guy, an elite swimmer, who struggled a long time “with covid” and got put on a ventilator In reality elite athletes – and really almost everyone – suffer no risk from “viruses” and can easily immunize themselves by good and varied nutrition as well as supplements. This guy was obviously sickened by the vax and then “tested positive” for “Covid” whereupon he was put on the heavy drugs (Fentanyl but stronger) of the Covid treatment protocol and weakened to needing the ventilator. The ventilator then caused further harm, as they do. Or perhaps he was subjected to the early version of the treatment protocol, where covid postitive patients were drugged and put straight on the ventilator, causing the high fatality rate early on.

5 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

I also recall a skiing event in the early days of the vaccination where literally about half the starting fields didn’t participate due to illness. And, no, it wasn’t lockdowns, masks and restrictions keeping the “pandemic” at bay before as, in addition to the official stats showing it to be harmless to all but the sickest, weakest (0.1% or so fatality rate, much like “the flu” [because generally that’s what it is],) it was also proven many times over that lockdowns and masks cause there to be *more* health problems and sickness. Places with no lockdowns faired the best in the so-called pandemic.

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
5 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

SO many levels of BS in plandemic, that IF, IF, IF we had a functioning watchdog media, they would have shredded the ‘science’ and lame ‘reasons’ for lockdowns, masking, social distancing, etc, in the first week…
precisely why capture and neutering the media was the prerequisite for this whole scheme…
further, EVEN the BS “emergency use authorization” was distorted beyond normal use… the EUA is SUPPOSED to apply to ONLY the formulation in question, they applied it to other SIMILAR ones with NO AUTHORITY to do so…
ALSO ONLY supposed to apply to a SPECIFIC concentration, NOT approved for one concentration and given blanket approval for all others…
ALL totally illegal (nevermind ethics), but it still happened…
if a law is broken in the forest, but the kops look away, was a law broken ?

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
5 months ago

If you got the V: Never forget it and ask if thats the reason if anything comes up later.
Born 83: fully V xxed by 86… Damaged ever since.

5 months ago

Lately Pf123r bought a company specialized in cancer treatment for mire than 40 BILLION $. You only make such a huge investment if you’re sure 1 Billion % about future profitability!

5 months ago
Reply to  Gagli

Then they will also make sure the treatments don’t work too well, if at all. There’s no profit in cured people.

5 months ago

Even the wording is deceiving: “finds ‘small’ but real. It’s anything but ‘small!’

5 months ago

The med-tech-kill-cartel is pushing *numerous* vaxxxes, now for pneumonia, too. What next? A jab to stop feeling sad when you see constant [fake] death-and-destruction on the news/newsfeed? Oh, wait, that’s called psychotropic pHARMaceuticals, and at least 25% of the US population are taking at least one of them. Happy, happy, happy, or whatever-the-f**k, just not sad. They have no connection to the Creator-given senses.