
Central Banksters Think Our Money Belongs to Them; Scheming Worldwide to Take Complete Control Through Programmable CBDC (

The U.S. Federal Reserve and its central banking allies are engineering unprecedented changes in the financial system. How do we know this? Because they speak openly about what they intend to do.

I want to show you three 1-minute videos today that describe the vision of total central control currently being implemented by the central banks.

The first is a clip from an IMF panel in October 2020. The speaker is Agustín Carstens, the general manager of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland. The BIS is the central bank of central banks, which enjoys the powers of sovereign immunity. The Federal Reserve is one of 63 central banks which are BIS members, including the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, and the Bank of China.this clip, Mr. Carstens is describing the nature of central bank digital currency or CBDC. The BIS is leading a global effort to implement CBDC, including a partnership with the Federal Reserve.

Let’s see what Mr. Carstens says about where he hopes our money is going. (video)

So, what did he just say?

He just said that our bank deposits are not ours–our bank deposits are an “expression of central bank liabilities”–in other words, it is their money, not ours.

He said that the central bankers will have complete surveillance and control of when, where, and how we can use our bank deposits.

And he said that they can enforce the rules centrally.

In short, our banking system is being transformed from a financial system to a control grid. Mr. Carstens, left, believes that he can put us in digital financial concentration camps and make and enforce the tyrannical rules from outside your state.

He believes that central bankers should be able to control who and how the people of your state can do business and with whom we can trade, including in your state.

The second video I want you to see is Bo Li, the former Deputy Governor of the Bank of China, now the Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), explaining the ability that this technology gives the central banks and governments to program money.

What does this mean? If the rules say you cannot travel more than 15 miles from your home, your money will not work more than 15 miles from your home. If the rules say you cannot eat pizza, your money will not work when you try to buy pizza. Want to disarm the people in your state? Just turn off the bank accounts and credit cards of anyone who refuses to turn in their guns. Shut down the bank accounts of gun stores and dealers. Make sure no one’s money can pay for ammunition. If a State senator or House representative or candidate objects, just freeze their bank accounts, too. While you are at it, turn off their phone and Internet access. Turn off their electricity and gas.

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7 months ago

I recall after the huge global financial crisis fifteen years ago, I read about how a bank in Cyprus seized depositor funds to cover losses. When challenged they claimed that deposited funds are basically shares in the business and depositors should share in the bank’s losses as well as gains. I also recall that around that same time, I also read about a huge Citibank outage where many customer accounts went to a zero dollar balance for hours. I have not trusted any bank since then.

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
7 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

the flipster is brilliant and beautiful as per usual…
those of us who have some inklings of the outrageous LEGAL (not ethical) methods Big Finance uses to screw us, starting with ‘The Fed’ (sic, not a ‘federal’ govt entity in the least), fractional reserve lending, deposits being buying shares, etc, must remind ourselves an unfortunate number of our properly propagandized brothers and sisters are NOT so clued in to these crucial factoids…
if you try to explain these types of things and the implications to your average soccer mom, she will look at you like you are from mars…
(even though she may very well realize *something* is wrong, she is uncomfortable confronting it)

7 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

Soccer mom is already stressed out with her credit card debt, mortgage, inflation and other financial hurdle she’s dealing with. She doesn’t need your diagnostic lecture!
As evil as they are, an economy without banks is impossible! Back to stone age!
What’s your solution against it? How are you going to financially live in society once they impose it? What alternative will you have? Gold, barter?

7 months ago
Reply to  Gagli

All those hardships facing this hypothetical soccer mom is either caused by or part of this parastical and fraudulent system of central banks and interest (ususry,) and taxation (largely goes to paying interest on currency to central bankers.) This and the further scams and hoaxes enabled by the power and control gained from this system of usury and fraud, like the climate scam, the covid scam and engineered financial crises is the very reason why there is so much economic hardship among the citizenry and businesses to begin with.

As you seem to be defending this system of usury and fraud, I take it you believe yourself to profit from it? You won’t, nobody but them will.

You’re strawmanning when you say us critics of Central Banking want a society without banks entirely. I want there to be no *central banks* but rather many independent banks of equal legal footing. I want there to be entirely nationalized and state/publically controlled currencies with no private control whatsoever and I want there to be a complete ban on interest.

7 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

What you don’t get is that the whole system is collapsing, banking, food production, education, healthcare ..
The exception are AI and military which are thriving! The world you know will be soon over. Like it or not, The great reset is underway, the mass migration will soon become civil war!

7 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

Haha thanks, nice nick name. One positive is that just 5 years ago or so I used to be just as ignorant of the way things worked. I’m sure many, many have, like me, woken up to these realities in recent years which also should mean many more who are working waking more people up. Really, from “left” to “right,” Liberal to Conservative, Black or White or Brown we should all be united in wanting to End the Fed and would all be given knowledge of it as we all lose on it and are victimized by it. Even if most people won’t understand or care some will. If you strike up a conversation irl or online about this or other parts of their agenda and ill deeds someone else within earshot or who reads it may take heed, even if the person addressed may not. When you have the Truth on your side debating and arguing is never a waste of time. The more people informed and convinced the more people will be out there working to spread the Truth. Truth that truly unites us all and will set us free if known by enough people. Perhaps we can reach a saturation point where it becomes common enough knowledge that “End the Fed” becomes a major political force, outside of the rigged “democratic” political system. Like I said in another post, I notice more and more people becoming aware of how things work and what is happening. I have a job helping out people with tech problems and I try to discreetly sprinkle in Truth in conversations with clients as much as I can and I rarely find any that aren’t at least interested and receptive and often they have their own obeservations, thought and knowledge to share. These agendas and frauds are so wide reaching that almost any conversation can be naturally steered that way. Just a few days ago some woman struck up a conversation in a super market about the evils of Zionism and I told her about the Freemasonry and Talmudism behind it as well as about their economic and political control. I like to think of it as a quiet revolution against and issuing death by a billion cuts to the Globalist Oligarchy.

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
7 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

THANK YOU, flipalicious for your contributions, needless to say, brilliant and beautiful… 8^)
i would only add to your excellent summation to the defender of soccer moms (nota bene, i am not blaming them entirely for their ignorance, but i am blaming them some for their studious avoidance of reality), i COMPLETELY realize they are consumed by modern life to the point of not having time and energy to delve beyond mainstream BS… that is actually by design by our betters…
i would only add that bottom-up crypto using transparent blockchain tech has the potential to revolutionize ‘money’ and liberate us both from banksters and intrusive governments…
EXACTLY why freedom crypto is being smothered in the cradle…
never forget who is one of the biggest owners of crypto (by way of confiscation) is uncle sam, and as a whale, they can move that market all by themselves…

7 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Actually, they think WE belong to them. Along with everything we own and produce.

randall hewgley
randall hewgley
7 months ago

Diabolical! But to be expected.

7 months ago

That’s why more people should get on Jupiter exchange which doesn’t use fiat currency and doesn’t require identification. It uses only cryptocurrency.

The only way they’ll be able to seize control over it is when they finally get their brain chips working.

If neuralink can already apparently control a mouse, then it won’t be too long but as of now, Jupiter is one of the best bets.

7 months ago
Reply to  Ruth

I trust cryptocurrency even less than regular banks, there is less transparency about who is at the other end of the pipeline.

7 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Being able to move money easily and being able to keep it in your own wallet/external address or even cold wallet is very convenient.

Not like having to go through so many annoying processes and delays for verification or having to announce what you have when going through airports.

In Dubai, there’s a rule that if you aren’t carrying certification of the gold you have, they can automatically confiscate it.

While if it’s crypto, it can be stored in a usb or an app.

I also don’t like the idea of outsiders being able to accurately estimate what I have. (Even though that’s actually not so important in the grand scheme of things)

If you are trading using cryptocurrency on an exchange like Jupiter, it’s very difficult for someone to do this.

There may be less transparency, but there’s more freedom.

Bad people are going to be bad and good people are going to be good at the end of the day, so it’s better to pick a state which allows more freedom than one where bad people are the only ones at the top of the food chain, so to speak.

Having said that, I also like the ideas and ideals of the founder of Jupiter. His heart is in the right place.

There will always be a “remnant” or a “resistance” to evil. Exactly like it is in the Bible, there was always a “witness” among the wicked. A light in the darkness. A way of escape.

Even in Revelation, it says that there will be one during the tribulation, which I find staggering.

Just to be be clear, I am not idolizing this particular solution.

It could be gone tomorrow and I would find a way to adapt because ultimately my hope is squarely in God.