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8 months ago

In Hell, taking orders from his master Satan

8 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

They found his tunnels in New York so he had to retreat further underground

8 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

You do know the ghost of kiev is bs propaganda. It’s as real as the video game they sold the war to you with.

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

🤣 😆

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

Yup and they put out a picture of Sam Hyde as him, which is why I used it because I find it hilarious, but thanks for stating the obvious

8 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

How fitting to be a joke.

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

It is actually, he has been blamed for dozens of school shootings also, its a classic meme at this point but not surprised people here don’t get the reference

8 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

Yep still a joke.

Last edited 8 months ago by marie
8 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Many blessings to quantized guacamole. Remember that The Way of ישוא is full of compassion, wisdom, understanding, honesty, forgiveness, and embracing our fellow humans on the principles of empathy.

Not damning others to hell because we disagree with them….

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Damning to Hell? Your new age cult can’t even see a joke, how can they even find the truth?

8 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

You had me fooled with that “joke.”

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Amazing Photoshop talent I dare say !

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

The way of what is that? If you want to be followed use english.

8 months ago
Reply to  Bueller


The name written above is “Yeshua” in Hebrew.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Hell was Christians who plagiarised and *then* believed that piece from an old Norse pagan (multiple gods) religion. The place Hel was the cold underground afterlife domain named after the goddess Hel. She ruled those who didn’t die in battle with a weapon, which is those who wouldn’t be fighting with the gods in Valhalla to kill the giant wolf and serpent among many other creeping creepy things. If you go to Hel it’s nothing special but actually the norm for everyone and not ruled by Satan, it’s too cold he would freeze and he simply does not exist in that mythology.

Last edited 8 months ago by marie
8 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

I don’t know any of you, nor the history of interactions that’s led to this type of expression of though…but it’s funny bc the ones who damn other ppl in this manner are always the ones not of Christ.

8 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

I think gem said something they got really offended for their religions about.

8 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

You poor, sick baby. You can be healed. Praying so much for you.

8 months ago

The guy is probably a cabalist : he is a numerologist, astrologist, have esoteric, gnostic, New Age beliefs, is anti-Christian and dishonest. He represents what most of the readers of this site despise.

8 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

I’m not a fan of gem’s either but for some reason he seems to have a cult following here who think he speaks the gospel. This post and my comment will probably be down voted to oblivion but I don’t care … Just because someone makes accurate observations from time to time, doesn’t mean we should hang on their every word. Also, he tends to make huge leaps and bounds with the numerology and gematria stuff that goes a bit overboard. I’m not really buying it.

8 months ago
Reply to  Lee

Hes a self absorbed, pretentious nitwit.

8 months ago
Reply to  Lee

I agree. I personally don’t have anything against the man. He makes this site more interesting.

Some of the things he says look plausible, some are really clever observations about the connections between different cultures.
But also sometimes he makes such big stetches, that I’m afraid he’d break his back.

8 months ago
Reply to  Lee

I think he makes a lot of good points and knows a lot about occult and esoteric stuff, which is not necessarily a bad thing – we need to know the tricks TPTB use against us.
I am not sure about some things he says sometimes, but then I just do what I usually do when I am unsure of something – do my own research to confirm or disprove the claim.
I don’t know a lot about gematria, so it feels a bit excessive to me sometimes. I take things I don’t know a lot about with a grain of salt and try to research them further to understand.

8 months ago
Reply to  SemperVigilans


I wrote a series of 10 articles (so far) called 13 Monkeys over about 9 months, and it helped a lot of people learn and do their own research, and advance beyond the Luciferian deceptions with greater ease.

I don’t want anybody to follow me, or take anything I say at face value; many times I am wrong or only have partial understanding, and I invite people that disagree to show me how I am mistaken, so that we can learn and come closer to The Truth. My entire point, beyond offering free information that took me decades to accumulate, is so that people like @sempervigilans can have a help to do their own research and come to their own independent conclusions.

On this note @mechanical @lee these things may seem like “jumps,” but which are fundamental in profound and extensive research and primary source study. Unfortunately, because of the reality of the limits of information which can be expressed in a single message, I often have to limit how much of that underlying framework I lay forth. My hope is that if someone reads and has doubts, that they ask further questions about what appear to be logical jumps or difficult to assimilate information; then I am always ready and willing to show them what lead me to those conclusions in great detail.

8 months ago
Reply to  Lee

He seemed to speak the gospel. What part did he quote that wasn’t? I agree no one should hang on anyone’s every word but it’s not really his fault. Some things I agree with some things I don’t, isn’t that normal though?

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

I’m waiting for anyone to prove him wrong. Not holding ny breath.

8 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

I would hope not @despise.

If you can’t logically and reasonably discuss or handle matters or topics you disagree with without getting overreactionary and hateful, then you are not fit for spiritual warfare. I’m not attacking you, I’m just saying.

8 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

@quantguacamole i had the same interaction with 444Guru in previous threads, he truly believes he’s a prophet! He thinks he comes from a dynasty of prophets “Aryeh Yehudah”, that consider themselves humanity shepherds! Do not dare going that path with him asking for details, or question the VIP privileges he thinks God granted him and his family, you risk hurting his feelings!
He deeply believes in a racial and genetic hierarchy of humans! he believes that he is from a superior race, that he and his family have the best possible genetics God gave to humanity. @444gem do you deny that?

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto

This is ridiculous. Aryeh Yehudah is literally a race. Can you change yours?What is wrong with you?

Last edited 8 months ago by lgageharleya
8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Who told you “Aryeh Yehudah is literally a race”? 444Guru?
Have you ever met an Aryeh Yehudah?
He’s selling you the “chosen people” scam, and you are buying it!

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto


It is my ethnicity; not a “race.” There are people of all races (as the term is defined in modernity…) who are from this ethnicity, which is about a shared cultural, spiritual, and yes to some extent, genetic component.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem you are totally out of touch with the world you’re living in! i really feel sorry for you, i think you were either raised in a crazy sectarian environment or an MK grooming camp! In old comments you wrote you knew, met and discussed with illumiatis and lodge members which i a big red flag! In these clubs, only a member may know other members!
The sad part is that 99% of people coming from that kind of experiences stay in their mind prison for the rest of their lives, and the vast majority are members without even knowing it! I hope you break up from your ego bubble and have some true understanding of reality!
I cannot believe people believe your stupid “resistance to the system” posture you’re trying to show! @lgageharleya do you think 444Guru is resistance to the system? to NWO? that his high school Pi math, “Aryeh Yehudah” glorifying mythology and Monkey articles will help you out of NWO?
@444gem you have tons of time to write intellectual m**********n about useless Gematria, and mirrored images B*s**t, but when it come to pragmatic answers on how to escape NWO, you have nothing! absolutely nothing to say! You also constantly hide behind anonymity protection, well if you’re a true leader then start by setting the example and let me ask you general questions that would absolutely not expose you:
How are you personally resisting to NWO?
What are you concretely doing to protect yourself and your family?
Which country are you from? do you live in? do you live in a city like most people? or a sectarian “Aryeh Yehudah” community? do you send your kids to public schools in your country? How do you protect yourself and your family from EMF? 5G? Are you able to archive a cashless, moneyless life? are you filtering every drop of water you’re consuming? how are you doing that? how are you concretely you and your family and Aryeh community hiding in plain sigh? I hope you have enough honesty and courage to answer that.
You said you’re a traveler, so you have a BIOMETRIC passport, and each time you cross borders, enter airports, you get scanned to the bone! FYI digital IDs and tracking technologies are already fully deployed! + you use internet, smartphones, which means you’re in no better place that the cattle you’re pretending to be the shepherd!
You’re living in a world of dragons, they fed you, transport you, connect you to the world, if you think you’re “hiding from them in plain sight”, then you’re totally ignorant and completely out of your mind! except if you’re in fact a dragon!!! I have known true whistleblowers in sensitive research positions that were literally killed, wiped out in silence, so please stop pretending to be what you’re not!

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto

You twisting finger with a peni$. In those times it’s quite understandable you got this confusion. This knowledge won’t save you from nwo or other group. It will save you from destruction you can bring upon yourself following them. You spit venom, using accusations shouting and pretend to be intelligent. But you cannot even read with understanding
That’s because for me it’s raining and for you it’s a storm, tgat doesn’t mean it’s not wet, get it? Believe me kiddo, lock me, gem and other people from this forum in wilderness we will survive because we know how to do this. You on the other hand, will curl down and start crying and eating your boogers. Begging for help. You know why? Its simple. It’s your fault. You did this to yourself, being miserable, uneducated (not talking about school degrees) sticking your nose into phone screen all day long, scroling tinder brakndead parasite. You are braindead just like rest of the society. Creator gave you brain, use it. Now xan you even answer without acting like a toddler? If not, well you know how it goes.

Hate and venom from peoples opinion on this forum from catolic,christian, jewish, lgbt, xtc, www, and others is very common in those circles. Hold on, isn’t Christianity followed rule “believe in what i am telling you to believe or i will kill you” oh oh, it is Christianity!

1st rule of every religion: do as you have been told to do! No questions ask.

8 months ago
Reply to  Maciej

@Maciej I’m not here to have chicken fights, although 444Guru is obviously a charlatan, he is still eloquent in his answers, he is someone you can have interesting discussions with, and i respect that.
I have absolutely no hate against your 444guru!
You want to defend him, alright, then tell me how are his “teachings” saving YOU personally from destruction? maybe by giving you hope that some day YHWH and his son will come down and sort things up?
You say you are well prepared to survive in wilderness, i wish you good luck! Just don’t kill people once they start stealing from your garden to survive! you will be no different from the demons you think you’re outsmarting!
btw i like the way you speak as if you’re in your ark contemplating me drown!
I can tell you’re being a good disciple! definitely learned and embraced the ego narcissistic mindset of your 444guru!

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto

Thank you. You want to know how “guru” chamged me? He didn’t. I changed. I used to be like you, pretensional twat who thinks he is the smartest. Now i am not as i discovered empathy and love and forgiveness towards people jist like you. I never offended you, yet you claim standard cliche that i will become the same person under pressure as others, killing people. Few years back, exactly that would be my reaction, but now, i will let them steal bit if they will try to hurt me or my family, only a coward would not stand his ground to protect such a treasure. Empathy, compassion, love, and not judging. That’s what i learned and discover by myself, with help of @444gem. Stop listening other people and listen to yourself but you are person when 100 people telling you are sick, yoi go to bed.

Be well @netto

Last edited 8 months ago by Maciej
8 months ago
Reply to  Maciej


I know it is difficult when people are so mean, accusatory, and angry, but you cannot fight fire with fire, anger with anger, accusation with accusation. It only makes the destructive force of the fire/anger grow. Instead, it is important to understand that this person is projecting their internal struggles onto another, and to respond with compassion and kindness to them. This doesn’t mean to be soft, but to return to them Truth with a positivity of message.

Keep learning my friend. I know it is difficult.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Saying facts is not fighting anger with anger and fire with fire. Emotions through screen are often misinterpreted. If i didn’t say that in anger how come you can tell i was angry? By the words i used? You make an assumption. Also i thought you are not a purist.

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto

Yes yes gem tell them how you avoid detection and survive or else, you chicken. Give them a map of your coordinates, give them info on family, make it easy to find and list the sites your people are using as a safe zones. Or you’re a….Chicken!

8 months ago
Reply to  marie


I better tell all of my personal details and survival strategies on an internet forum to people that insult and attack me. That would be genius, and brave!

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, here is your ego narcissist true side showing up, you don’t want to share your survival strategies! what makes you different from dragons?
You find it better to gaslight people with your useless monkeys?
As i wrote before, if you want, you can honestly answer without exposing yourself, and give true useful advice, but that’s not your goal! your goal is to contaminate people’s minds with your P.Hall philosophy. You also avoided talking about when you were in bed chilling out with illuminatis and masons in open door lodge events!
Sadly, there are tons of people out there in dire need of a spiritual master, and you are abusing them! I have pity when i see your victims @marie, @Maciej, @lgageharleya and many others studying your bul**t! You’re doing a great Guru job!

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto

You don’t know personal conversations that we have outside this forum. You just ASSume, because you have a bone to pick; likely over your organized religion or some other personal allegiance I’ve touched. It is not ego to refuse to oblige the demands of angry forum trolls with an agenda.

Many people here know of my personal life/family, many have seen my academic work, many have had lengthy personal conversations. You just point fingers and waste time.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem from the first comment i read from you, i noticed your foxiness!
I never expected anything useful from you!
@444gem, In fact you’re the troll, you’re using this website as a proselytism platform, and that’s exactly what i and many others like @quantguacamole are trying to highlight.
VL is your perfect fishing pond, throwing hooks you call “free knowledge”!
The audience here is the perfect target population for an insane narcissistic prophet of it’s own lunacies and internal demons!

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto


You have not once provided a single substantive response, nor question, nor discussion of anything I’ve written here; from your first comment to the last, you have simply flailed baseless accusations and ad hominem personal attacks based on your erroneous ASSumptions.

Have I touched your Re legion/Church or some other core belief to which you hold deep allegiance? Because Guacamole has previously openly admitted he hates me because he doesn’t like my writings on the churches as deceptive institutions used for mass manipulation and Ki harvesting.

Many thousands of people have read my work, and written me to thank me for helping them learn new things and grow as a person on their own time. Nobody pays me to do this, nobody gives me anything of value, most people who have written me with thanks I have never seen their faces, nor will ever know their names. And that is quite fine by me; I am not here to take but simply to give. In your very limited world view, you can only see nefarious intent in someone who gives. How blind you are.

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto

Ok he has said he loves and follows thee Redeemer and teaches understanding ancient Hebrew and Greek biblical passages to people who ask besides his articles on how to understand what the controllers are saying, their history and what their next moves are. He said to survive to stay away from the crowds of both sides of the political spectrum. To avoid big cities but small towns too as many are in cults which is true. If you learn to read the signs you can see which small towns are less involved. The whole world is being played and plagued by these satanists and it’s been a long well thought it plan of theirs. The best way to avoid them or read their moves is to understand their language and signs and symbols. He doesn’t say to worship him, he explained he knew more because he was in a family that passes the hidden knowledge down. He was excited to finally tell others since he’s had to keep this to himself so long so of course you’ll see energy in finally being able to be open. Now whether he is insane or not it doesn’t matter in the end because the information he provides actually adds up. Remember in ancient days Cesar went to a psychic who were in those days insane, the psychic told him he would die and there were dreams which were interpreted that way. He went about his days normally and got stabbed. He could have listened then investigated who was going to kill him but instead he didn’t. Now here we have gem who gives information and hasn’t asked anyone to worship him or partake of any outlandish rituals. He is not a church. I don’t see him calling the current Jews who have enslaved humanity with the arabs for thousands of years the great race we must all serve so until he starts to prepare is to be the ultimate cattle or sacrifices or tried to get people to be pedophiles or deny the sex they were born with, or be lgbtqpb then why be so hard on him? Ask him questions is one thing but you’re all very spiteful for a guy who is pretty damn forgiving and patient. If I were him I’d curse you guys up and down and spit your corpses out but I’m from a aggressive genetic line mixed with a very docile one so I can appreciate both sides here. There’s something respectable about him and his patience even if he thinks highly of himself he isn’t unkind. I think picking on small things versus collecting and understanding the enemy of humanity minus their select chosen created breed, is an easy choice. I much rather spot them in a crowd to avoid them completely and if I have to learn that they are worshipping ancient Egyptian bs and using their colors to pick a sacrifice, then fine. I am only suspicious of him because I do not know any AY people and am always suspicious of groups of any sort because of my past being forced into cult issues. It’s not his fault so I keep it in check.

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto


I will take a guess here. You are a teenager who just recently discovered that simply saying, we are fuked. You discovered that world is not what everyone was telling you. Probably you experienced something devastating. Now in your anger, you blame others for not telling you a golden tip for survival. There is none. You probably realized that world is a scene with magician on it. Now you are looking for amswers in your anger. I understand that. You trying by shouting and kicking to get the answer which help you survive and stay sane. . All those things you are saying are your personal fears and questions without answers. Let me ask you this, how this is my fault that world is place as it is right now? You have your own opinion but you blame me for having mine. Please understand that we have capability to think by ourselves. You don’t need leaders, you don’t need people telling you what to do. Neither do i. And gem was never a mentor or gury, he was the guy who helped me connect the dots so i can finally correct my attitude and get better understanding about everything. More or less. We are learning through our life. Do your own research, think and ask. Things are not complex, we just not gave them too much of a thinking. Do you really think our purpose here is to obey, pay taxes and just work and sleep? Most of the modern terminology and habits has been invented just recently. I understand you woke up and you are terrified. I really get that, but blaming everyone for all the evil of this world is just silly.

Be well netto

8 months ago
Reply to  Maciej

@Maciej, why are you despising teenagers? i wish i was on but I’m not.
I’m not blaming you for anything my friend, and believe me: I’m totally OK with the world as it is, KARMA is the key word.
I’m living the best possible life i could ever imagine, I’m not a billionaire, just a happy person, in total peace with himself, and night sleep for me is like a journey to heaven, i sleep so well i wish i could sleep 24H a day.
I have a great rewarding job that pays the bills, and I’m fully involved in my local charity organization. I never turned down anyone asking me a service, i always try to help as good as i can.
I fear nothing, and i’m not running from anything, i am surrounded with a true loving and supportive community.
You wrote “Do you really think our purpose here is to obey, pay taxes and just work and sleep?” well YESHUA the son of YHWH paid taxes to Cesar! did you know it?

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto


You do not understand the phrase about the coin and Kasaros images; at all. Coins were the principal identifiable element of the Charagma (the mark, the brand) in the Roman world, bearing the image the KA SARos (The Ka is the spirit essence and the Saros, the Beast, the eclipse cycle). This is directly in violation of the commandment of Moshe in which we are commanded to have no images nor likenesses.

Thus Yeshua says to return to Ka-Saros, what bears his image, the mark of the beast.

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto

And i wish all the best for you. Enjoy your life.

Be well @netto

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto

If you are happy in this world as you say, and it is all as it should be due to karma – then you are ensnared in one of the biggest religious traps of all.
This world is a cesspool and it’s all good with you? Because people have created their own misery through karma right?
That is a sick way of seeing this world. There is a tiny sliver of truth to it because ultimately humanity has free will and we choose – but it completely ignores all the manipulating and evil doings of the luciferians through out time.
Yes, they want people to believe they have done this to themselves and karma is a b***h right.
People that are happy and well adjusted in a sick world are hardly well adjusted at all.
I think you see things on a very superficial level

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Truth is universal, perpetual, and nothing can influence or alter it.
Everything else, is interface.
I think you have built your perception of life through your senses, emotions, and moral values from society.
If you see the world from this perspective then yes, you’re totally right, this world is a cesspool, full of corruption, wickedness, where satanism rule.
However, if you consider all the above: senses, emotions, societal moral values as a VR-device, then you’ll see the world as an interface. Everything that changes, dies, is interface, your body, society is interface. We live in the interface, but it’s not the truth, once we understand the difference between interface and truth, we start then exploring the interaction process between truth and interface, and that’s karma.
@thekwon Monkey series is interface, looking for truth in these over-complicated texts is a catastrophic wast of time and energy!
The story of Yeshua’s sacrifice is a fake event to keep humans trapped in the interface and never see behind: rest well, Yeshua balanced everybody’s mess with his blood, so no need to worry for karma.
You don’t need to die in order to live in truth, you just need to dissociate yourself from the interface, and move your heart from it.
This is why I’m happy, I’m not taking part of anything in this interface, for example i don’t recognize the existence of races, ethnicity in truth, but for @444gem, genetics and ethnicity, are core concept! Differences matter, to establish this hierarchy of master disciple! 100% Dragon satanic curriculum!

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto


You think a fish is the same as bird is the same as a tree biologically? According to your theory, if I jump into the sea I can breathe, and if I lay in the sun, I’ll star photosynthesizing and eating from sunlight. Maybe if I jump off a roof I’ll be so aerodynamic with hollow bones that I’ll fly like a Sparrow…. If you think there is no innate genetic component to biology and our corporeal and mental structure; you’ve lost the plot. I choose accept the reality, where our differences are to be celebrated and understood.

So as you put words into my mouth, which I have never said, and with total intellectual dishonesty try to pretend you can read my mind and speak for me, let’s be crystal clear, again: ALL humans are the most precious creation of YHWH.

Let me know when you find a deer that can do calculus.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem biology is interface, let’s talk about the energetic side of humans: you never talk about human aura, which has nothing to do with biology, and genetics! what about electricity in human body, do we find different voltage in electric brain connections depending on races?
Do you spiritually feel aging? your body of course does, but what about your soul?
You give wrong arguments using animals, does a dog discriminate based on race, and genetics? NO. Why? because animals live in truth!
A deer doesn’t need your calculus to see the world in its true form! he has way more spiritual wisdom that any human full with pride and ego!

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto


This argument is fundamentally untestable; it is a “stand down psy-op.” Simulation hypothesis is a nice way of saying “nothing is real.” Almost as brilliant/useless as “I think therefore I am.” It provides no predictions or useful theories, and is frankly, an artifact of you having lived during an era of computer simulation. A convenient way to avoid reality by declaring it all a false construct.

If you were to calculate the amount of data needed, even with the greatest possible compression, to simulate this universe, the underlying computational structure would be so vast and multidimensional it is incomprehensible to you. It is on the order of 10^10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000… okay my thumb got tired and I’m not even .1% of the way there with the zeros.

Even if we took every computer in the world that has ever existed and used all of their processing power, we could not so much as even run the necessary calculations for a SINGLE protons internal structure. Your body alone is made up of 7 * 10^27 ATOMS, that’s 7 BILLION BILLION BILLIONS of atoms, all made up of many protons neutrons and electrons, all constantly interacting over infinitesimal time scales. A computational simulation capable to encode our entire observable universe is so great, it is unfathomable to us. The hypothesis is nice to appear smart for anyone that doesn’t have a calculator or know how to calculate bit depth, and has a limited comprehension of the computational structure of the quantum scale.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


And here falls this annoying false construct that “truth is simple, it’s all easy.” This electronic device your typing on, whether a mobile device or a computer, exists only because countless lifetimes of the most brilliant humans of the ages went to great effort to reSEARCH, into the least understood aspects of our reality. Taken to an extreme, you should never have learned to write, because I bet it sure seemed difficult when you were 5…

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, computers, cars, airplanes, … humans did transformations on already available materials and manufactured these tools.
Being kids we play with sands and make castles, and figures, in adulthood we make more sophisticated tools, nothing new! It sure needs understanding of natural phenomenons, but it still playing in a sandbox!
Many scientists for example contest gravity concept, many reject the assumption that the heart is a pump! Science is constantly changing.
Truth is beyond the sandbox, you cannot find truth using a microscope!

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


And here again, you show extremely limited comprehension regarding biology and the evolution of consciousness, which fully INTERACT, to manifest physical reality, our thought processes, and our physical bodies.

Let us turn to Berashid 3, when the serpent is cursed to lose its legs, because it has consciously chosen to be cunning. This is not some magic legs disappearing act. It refers to evolutionary biology, whereby the choices of the serpent’s genetic ancestral lineage to be an ambush predator, resulted over long periods of time, in the shortening of its legs, which was beneficial to this tactic, until eventually it’s legs disappeared, and the animal moves in a way that perfectly reflects sinusoidal waves of electromagnetic radiation.

Let is look at a simpler real world example: a Chihuahua versus a wolf. 30,000 years ago, two wolf cubs were born. One chose to accept a free lunch from humans, it was easy, and the other decided to remain wild and hunt. Now today, the ancestor of the one that took a free lunch not only physically looks very different than the wolf wolf, it’s behaviors and thoughts are most certainly very different. We see this even among dog breeds which exhibit clusters of behaviors. You can look to the Siberian arctic fox experiment in Russia in the 20th century, where they took a large, but random wolf fox population, and only selectively bred the wild foxes that were amenable to a human hand giving it food. Within three generations their behaviors had drastically changed (and thus their thought patterns) and were very similar to domesticated dogs, as their bodies began fluffier, with shorter ears, and smaller teeth.

Our concious choices are reflected over time in our biological bodies, and our genetic coding. This is not convenient to admit, but without knowing it, you have been consumed by the sabbaths Kabbalist n3w w0rld 0rder propaganda that directly contradicts these hard, scientifically tested facts, so that they can use this to manipulate you.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Wild fox population*
Sabbatean* kabbalist’s

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

The descendants of foxes who chose to be amenable to human interaction and free food, show substantial changes in their physical bodies, after only 2-3 generations. Our thoughts and behaviors show up reflected in our physical bodies.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Three generations?? That’s incredible.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

I thought stand down psy op as well. If nothing is real, why do anything at all?

Last edited 8 months ago by lgageharleya
8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


It’s total junk, which is mathematically and scientifically not only useless, but basically impossible. That is to say, that any computer program running the universe as a simulation, has such a level of computational fine structure on all scales, that we couldn’t even begin to comprehend it.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem the problem with that reasoning, is that in your imagination YHWH is an immortal human with creation superpowers! you keep saying we are sons of god! who told you that? your man made scriptures?
I think there is an obvious difference between being a creation of god which is a manufacturing process, and being son of god, which is a biological process!
Which one are you for?
I don’t think of the universe as a Sims game god is playing for fun!
if that’s your understanding then you’re wrong.
You also assume that if god wants to create the world as a simulation, he would need super computers! how did you come up with that?
You can unite all computers of the universe, they wouldn’t beat one normal human brain!
You just wrote above: “Even if we took every computer in the world that has ever existed and used all of their processing power, we could not so much as even run the necessary calculations for a SINGLE protons internal structure.”
So having said that how can you consider genetic science and biology as trustworthy?

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto


Again, you just wrongly ASSume that I think YHWH is an old bearded man in the sky… this is so, so wrong. You are imposing a common modern X-inanity mental conception onto me, without even asking.

This conception of the old bearded man as Gad, is taken directly from the conceptions of Deus Pater of the ancient steppe serpent religion. We see it appear with Odín, Chronos, Zeus, Baal Hammon, on and on. I use the English word “children,” because it is the closest thing to the term “generation of,” that exists in Hebrew in Greek, we are te generation of his breathe. It is not a LITERAL reference to an old giant dude scatting into mama earth. Seriously…

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

The most common allegory which I employ to give some sort of mental conception to others of the creator, which we cannot comprehend but may truly know, is an infinite sided shape in infinite dimensions.

You have posited that biology is an “interface” and we inhabit a simulation. This hypothesis directly postulates that the universe is a false construct, that employs bit depth and binary code to generate an existence, which you have postulated we interface to through biology. Aka The matrix. The point is not that YHWH would need computers to run it, it’s that the informational quantity encoded into the universe is so vast, that the hypothesis of a simulation; aka being in a false reality based on coding, produces such nonsensical, untestable, and useless results, that it is a null hypothesis. Pure philosophical m@sturb@tion as you’ve said.

And this brings us to your statement that id yet another logical fallacy of tremendous proportions: you postulate that because we cannot compute what’s inside a single proton, this genetics must be useless. This demonstrates a total lack of understanding of chaos theory, and scientific method.

The universe is set up in such a way, by the very construction of its numerical systems, within its essentially infinite complexity at all scales, that reproducible outcomes within tight parameters of probability can be discerned within individual slices of that scale. You can calculate how far a cannonball will travel and what trajectory it will take within very tight tolerances given you know its mass, the force of the gun powder used, and the angle at which it is launched. This is because the numerical construction of the universe causes order to arise within chaos. This is an extremely beautiful construction by the creator.

The test for any theory is whether it produces accurate predictions across a wide range of disparate phenomena. Newton’s theory of gravity and laws of motion are excellent at predicting the cannonball’s trajectory, as the planets motion in the solar system, because these sit within a low energy slice of the universe’s scale. These seemingly disparate phenomena arise from the same underlying mechanics. However, Einstein’s theory was needed to predict the orbital motion of mercury, because it experiences a high energy environment due to its proximity to the suns large mass.

Genetics are valid to a very high degree of accuracy (better than 1 in 10 million error samples) because they have shown over and over in controlled double blind experiments the ability to accurately predict:

1) the relationships between people such as parent child, siblings, cousins etc.
2) Idebtify an exact individual from a genetic sample given, matching in relationship to hundreds of millions of genomes.
3) Identify markers for verifiable genomic disorders (ie Downs syndrome) 4) Identify people’s verifiable physical traits from only a genetic sample, such as skin color, eye color, hair texture, earwax composition, food preferences
5) Create predictable behaviors in biological organisms through manipulation of that genetic code (ie getting yeast to produce insulin)

You are so ignorant of reality, and yet so accusatory and assumption, that it tests my patience. I do really appreciate that you’ve toned down the accusations, and I appreciate this real question you’ve posited regard scientific method.

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto

I spent some time in that religion – the simulation. It doesn’t hold water my friend.
YHWH is The Way. Yeshua was the greatest human to ever walk the earth.
Search it out – I think I understand what you’re thinking.

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

@thekwon if you think YHWH is The Way, then it automatically means you’re living in a reality show fully created, organized and managed by YHWH!
You don’t even know for what you’re being tested!
You live in a mess where every religious group thinks he holds the truth! a society divided by millions of considerations: race, genetics, religion, education, gender, finance, age …
You believe “Yeshua was the greatest human to ever walk the earth”, did you met him? You don’t even have scientific proof he existed!
What’s your true perception of YHWH? do you see him as a human looking entity with extra powers? In fact you’re the one without even knowing it that believes in the simulation!
We don’t belive in truth, we know truth!

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto

It isn’t religion – that has been repeatedly said. YHWH created everything and the stage yes – but He gave us free will.
Part of faith is not having all the answers and all the “proof” It is in the heart too. YHWH communicates.
There comes a point of KNOWING. It is difficult to explain you just know because He communicates subtly and quietly.
I spent decades searching – in all the religions. Not until YHWH did I ever FEEL the truth and existence.
Simulation theory doesn’t have faith at all. There is a Creator – there must be

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yes, makes sense huh. Seriously you should keep that stuff sealed no matter who asks. I can guess but it’s better I don’t.

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto

666gem’s head will explode if he would respond to all those questions without lying (He probably never said the truth once).

What interest me is who pay this guy and his bumboy bots to do this work. Its obviously at least a part-time job for them. To me, it seems the NWO try to bring the most awaken and smartest ones today to their cabbalistic religion. I have seen many open-minded groups like this one shifting to New Age beliefs after a while, this site is just one of many.

8 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Okay respond the same way, tell us where you live and who your family is

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto


The definition of “charlatan” is someone who claims falsely to have special knowledge. I never claimed falsely to have special knowledge, but rather I freely share the knowledge I have gained from my personal studies, research, and experiences offer; I have spent 20 years of my life traveling around the world learning countless languages, studying archeology and archeo-mathematics, and immersing myself in the search for Truth. Nobody owns The Truth; it is there for those who take it. There is no ego in then offering what I’ve observed to other people for free. Yet, rather than ask any questions, you come here to point fingers and bear false witness; who are you to judge? Let it be YHWH, not you, who decides. And supposedly I am the ego driven individual…

What you call mental “m@sturb@tion,” observing mathematics in the word of our creator, has actually led me to various discoveries which are deeply fundamented in scientific principle and offer predictive power through modeling of the universe. From studying the scriptures and the profound wisdom contained within, I have even been able to derive a rigorous theoretical calculation of the Fine Structure Constant, 1/137.035999084 and all the free parameters of quantum physics, from first principles. It’s called differential geometry, hyperbolic scaling, and Hausdorff dimension. The derivation of the Fine Structure Constant was something that was an obsession of many a Nobel prize winner, like Wolfgang Pauli, Paul Dirac, and Richard Fineman, yet they could never manage, for all of their brilliance.

I’m not smarter than these people, not even close, but the scriptures certainly are. The breath of YHWH is there within, do you truly expect that the mathematical principles which govern the universe are thus devoid in this text? This is the definition of arrogance my friend.

As to my personal data; I’m not publishing any of this on this website, specifically because I go with caution not to end up like your friends who paid the price for discovering something within the system, that is too dangerous for them to have. No, I don’t live holed away in some sectarian paradise; I live in this world, just like everyone else. I’m not rich, I was born without ever knowing either of my parents. I’ve even been *GASP* a drug addict! But through asking, seeking, and knocking to father, I grew, and relentlessly searched for the Truth. Now after so long doing this, I offer it for free, and you, who does not know me at all and has never engaged in an honest conversation free from false accusation and insult, comes to me to call me an ego maniac for trying to help others. Do you see how foolish this is?

I am also aware of everything the NW0 is perpetrating; the playbook is 100,000 years old man. The point is not to filter every drop of water (it wouldn’t matter), to live a completely cashless life (it wouldn’t matter), to run around scared and quaking in my boots at everything horrible they are doing. I do have the scientific and practical knowledge in a huge variety of areas, so that yes, I can live without being a slave to any of these things, and to protect myself from their most deleterious effects in my general life. Do you know what a faraday cage is, it’s quite easy to block mm waves using low grade faraday cages and aluminum pain.

Yet, you clearly do not understand. The person that has had the greatest impact upon the entire earth, whom has forever saved humanity and altered the course of history, Yeshua, walked around in sandals and spread The Truth, The Way, and The Life through the word. Did he go around clandestinely avoiding every roman soldier? No. Did he try to raise an army to defeat them? No. Did he run for political office? No. Did he build himself a castle and hide away? No. Did he grow his own grain? No. This is for the QAYIN, whose name means “the possessors possessed by his possessions.” The Shepherd, Hevel, is “The Empty one” Yeshua walked around in sandles and taught The Truth, and forever saved humanity from its own self destruction. This is the power of The Way, which I surrender to following.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Why are the Phoenician type, the serpent seed-
Why are they so adamant about continuing their evil? I assume they like how drunken on pleasures of this world it can make them- but how can they be so articulate while drunk?

Do they really think they can beat YHWH?

I have unfortunately been bested by temptation at many many points, but I have always been left more disoriented than before, whenever I’ve fallen. How do they remain so cunning?

And how do the serpent seed operate? On a global scale. How do they receive their instructions?

And, if you would like. My email is primeclock462@gmail dot com. It is not the main one I use anymore, but rather just used for initial contact. If there’s anything you could send me, it would be very appreciated.

I hope you’re doing well. I am joyful to report that I have begun sharing knowledge acquired with those around me, inspired by your articulation over these last couple of years. It’s been a gift, truly.


Last edited 8 months ago by channah
8 months ago
Reply to  Channah


In order to understand their motivations, requires one to release any conception of a normal human thought process. Can you understand a psychopath like say, Ch@rles Mans0n, through your own psychology? Absolutely not.

These people are outliers across the spectrum of humanity; and they indeed are ILL luminated. The word Illumu on Sumerian is the number 9, which within vortex math always returns to itself; that should give you an idea.

What you are witnessing is people that are profoundly sick with this disease: they are bred along bloodlines of thousands and thousands of years, just like those arctic foxes in Russia. Except instead of being bread based on their receptiveness to humans (as the foxes) they are selectively bred to exhibit the behaviors you are asking me about: sociopathy, narcissism, lying, desire for control, and disassociation of multiple personalities.

You see this even in the way that royalty used to keep large harems; while the average male kept one woman, maybe two, and bred with her, the Know-bility, infected with ILL lumination kept harems of thousands and thousands of women that they essentially force impregnated constantly. Their genetics and descendants are heavily tilted into the modern human populace. A good example is genghis Khan, who fathered at least 10,000 children in his lifetime. Something like 5% of the world’s population is a direct descendant from one of the most vile, bloodthirsty, and power hungry men that ever lived.

It is the same effect of the pharaohs, the European knowbility, the Arabic tribes, the mesoamerican luciferian societies, on and on. This has tremendous effects upon the world, and through this genetic passing and tilting, along with constant manipulation of the conciousness over thousands of years, you have the world we see today; the ones “running the show,” are those who have most aptly won the game of thrones, which is a form of selective breeding and eugenics which creates these sociopaths.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thank you for your answer. I began studying vortex math for the first time yesterday, actually. I didn’t even know what it was until yesterday. Very interesting stuff. I’m trying to source material for learning about it straight from Tesla’s work in an effort to dodge some more questionable spiritual teachings- not that they are necessarily wrong, but because I’m trying to find a good “objective” teaching tool to learn about the subject for the time being.

If you know of any solid resources, please let me know, but aside from that, thanks again for your response. As much as possible, I’m trying not to ask for free handouts, as it is much better for everyone if I become good at searching for answers on my own. Nonetheless, every time I read a thread in which you post, I learn something new that starts a whole new pursuit of learning. Thank you for spending your time this way.


8 months ago
Reply to  Channah


Vortex Math is only really applicable if you have a solid understanding of electromagnetic waves (maxwell’s equations), calculus, and chaos theory. There is a lot of hocus pocus, bibbidy bobbidy doo psuedo spiritualism that tries to attach individual meanings to numbers in a sort of “new agey,” concept, that really has little to no basis in anything of substance. This is what a lot of angry guacamoles on the forum are associating what I’m teaching with.

Rather, this framework of vortex math, which is a geometric conception of inherent numerical progressions in digital sums, is helpful in order to identify patterns in theoretical technology, mathematics, as well as physics, that repeat across scales, and reveal sort of the numerical gearings of mathematical operations in things like the Navier Stokes equation for fluid dynamics.

Try to learn the concept for itself, and don’t buy the “meanings.” I will tell you that the numbers 7 and 2 interplaying, within this system (as well as trigonometrically), give rise to the fine structure constant, which is the most important numerical artifact in the universe. It is 272.72 miles from Giza to Hinnom, the Field of the potter, which is exactly a 1:91.3 scale (arcos (2pi/7)*2 = .913) of the circumference of the Earth.

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto

What is a dragon to You? How do they look? What is their features?

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Ah ok thanks for the clarification, then Aryeh Yehudah is some made-up BS you created, pretty sure you are not even Jew. Like trans that think they are boy or girl, one day I can wake-up and decide I am Aryeh Yehudah, you re such a joke 666gem.

8 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

You are not a joke sour guacamole. But you are angry. Let the anger and hostility go and you can begin to learn to grow and heal the wounds.

Ask questions, if you disagree, show my directly what is wrong in the teaching, with substantive evidence and profound reflection. This I welcome, so that we can learn and grow together.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

A bit of respect please, today I decided I was Aryeh Yehudah too, maybe tomorow I will change my mind !

8 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Man you really don’t get it… You can find my ethnicity specifically listed in Berashid and Apokalypsis, which are 3500 and 2000 year old texts, and yet you mock incessantly. I’m sorry that you have been so hurt that you take joy in making a fool of yourself, when someone is kind to you.

Let me know when you decide you are Berber, maybe tomorrow? or maybe you’ll be a Chorokee on Sunday? Who knows possibly you’ll be Han Chinese the day after? and in March you will be a Basque, and Taglog in May? Looking forward to witnessing your search for your trans-ethnic identity.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem what a racist answer to guacamole’s joke!
@quantguacamole lol that was funny, but to be an Aryeh Yehudah you still need a DNA test showing traces of Anunaki!
@444gem, you like to analyse words, so lets analyze “Aryeh Yehudah”:
Aryeh: comes from Aryan Race, the supreme N**I race resulting from mass human genetic breeding!
“Yehudah” which is a synonym for Jew.
So you claim being the cross breed of Aryan and Jewish chosen people?!

8 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Look into the genetics of ash Jew. They are identical to Spanish mixed with other Europeans. The darker ones are identical to Palestinians.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

So genetically, have the controllers been able to pin you guys down?
You can call it race or ethnicity ethnotype or breed. You’re from Canaan but somehow splintered later right? Do you guys look like the mosaics the is rah el ee are covering up? The bones they hid?
I know we all human but I wouldn’t call a doberman the same as a Chihuahua, maybe related and dogs but there’s differences. It’s been written that some races have harder times procreating with others even. And I have o neg blood so even if I’m from Europe some Europeans my body would just not produce with and other races if they weren’t mixed with European I couldn’t breed with unless I took some shots to stop by body from doing what is natural. Do you guys have that too?

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

The male haplogroup type of the male Aryeh Yehudah (as Josephus states regarding the Essenes as the only “Iuodaion by ethnicity” in the 1st century CE) J2, M-172, is identical to the male haplogroup shown by archeo-genetic tests. The haplogroup is found highly prevalent in Kemet (Egypt) from 2700-1600, and then appears in the levant exactly in the range of 1500, following the explosion of Thera. This is now backed by large scale archeogenetic studies in the region.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, Do you have more details about these genetic studies? like who did it? with which instruments? finances?
Who owns everything in this field of research? isn’t it the dragons? the Rockefellers?
rockefeller . edu / news / 32087-the-human-genome-is-at-long-last-complete/
You claim being AY thanks to the results of Dragons DNA tests!
How can you be at war with Dragons and at the same time adopt their science?

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto


There is lots of infiltration by Luciferians into every aspect of society: science, religion, finance, politics, housing, education, healthcare, on and on.

When I read studies, of course I check the authors credentials and publication histories, and the funding first. I also analyze the methodologies and data myself, as I have significant study in genetics and biochemistry. I also rarely read “conclusions,” until after I’ve reached my own thoughts from the raw data if they’re methodologies are rigorous. Independent reproducibility of results by unrelated teams with diverse funding and allegiances, when using different methodologies drastically reduces the chance that the data is manipulated. Yes, often times the conclusions, and “science” policies implemented are completely ridiculous given what the experimental data shows. Climate change “science,” is an excellent example of this nonsense.

Now, your assertion that I think I’m Aryeh Yehudah based on Rockefeller funded scientific research is patently wrong. This conclusion is based on triangulation of several different research methodologies, many of which I have performed independently from primary source evidence, including:

1) Archeological Artifacts and Records
2) Archeo-Linguistics and comparative linguistics
3) Archeo-botany, which is tracking the spread of seeds and crops and domesticated and/or wild plants
4) Archeo-Genetics and Archeo-biochemistry, such as analyzation of isotope ratios in remains
5) Archeo-Astronomy and Archeo-mathematics in combination with studies in theology and literature
6) Geology and Sedimentary studies
7) I have lots living kin and others in my ethnicity, as well as lord of familial records.

This is a very small portion of the evidence. My point here, is that the conclusions I come to, whether about my own history, or the world, are not reached lightly, but are arrived at based on my own primary source research over two decades, which I cross compare with other independent secondary sources with great discernment.

And the evidence from so many different fields is so robust, that the Luciferian dragons choose to control peoples thoughts by telling them the conclusions they should teach through secondary and tertiary sources, knowing most will never bother to go take a measure of sarcophagi themselves.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

I read something a while back about them now being able to test people’s DNA just by being near their trash can or car. Apparently your breath is all they need and they don’t need a lot of it. They will be able to go down a street in a van with a testing device. You guys will need to find a way to hide from that

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

@marie your argument “I know we all human but I wouldn’t call a doberman the same as a Chihuahua” is by far the the argument of choice for racist thinking.
You cannot compare humans and dogs, because this poor animal “the dog” has been abused for centuries and specifically bread to meet human needs from work, protection, to comfort and cuddling.
“I’m from Europe some Europeans my body would just not produce with and other races if they weren’t mixed with European I couldn’t breed with unless I took some shots to stop by body from doing what is natural”.
I’m also of European descent and i never heard of such a Bul****t! Do you have references about it?What i indeed heard of is Jewish genetic diseases!

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto

I have nothing against dogs. I can use cats if you’d like.
Look into the rh negative blood and having children. My body rejects the fetus of a positive whether you have heard of that or not it isn’t bullshit my fault or my problem. Perhaps you should do a little research first before calling bullshit to something.
The blood comes from Spain and Celtic area only occuring in Europeans and those they have bred with. You can be angry but we aren’t the same. Being racist to some degree is what keeps races intact. I hope every race even the elitest Jews who want to exterminate us will stay races and not get genocided by this weak fragile mindset of not offending races by seeing we are different. We must get past this bs and realize we have strengths and weaknesses and can help each other more by loving each others differences while we study accept and embrace them without forcing ignorance in favor of the current socially brainwashing induced and acceptable forced crap. Keep it up and you’ll be calling snow colored clear and white bread light beige. It would be much better to increase our strength and work on our weaknesses.

Last edited 8 months ago by marie
8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I wonder how to paint them, like in a painting. The statues in Sumer have different features but almond eyes, blue grey and brown. Some have the hump nose some straight. Einstein and Tesla look nothing alike to me, one has Spanish mixed German features and the other is straight up Slavic.

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

Einstein is half Ashkenazi, through his mother.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


You may be mentally comparing a young Tesla with an older Einstein. Obviously across an ethnicity there is a lot of different looking people; especially when the ethnicity mixes across races.

Still; Einstein and Tesla in their youth look quite similar.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Einstein at the same age

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thanks I’ll check it out more

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

I’ll look for some without the mustache. Einstein is easy to see typical Jewish Euro, I wouldn’t be able to see the lion in him yet, the other still looks Slav but sometimes those genetics are tricky and things skip. A while ago I talked to a Tesla relative who said Tesla wasn’t Jewish so now I’ll have to look into his genealogic profile because you sound pretty sure of it. Look at those ears though, they are very unique! He said he talked to aliens maybe they were like antennae. I liked him better than Einstein personality and work wise.. I’m not seeing the similarities with the sumarian statues yet.

8 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

@quantguacamole i had the same interaction with 444Guru in previous threads, he truly believes he’s a prophet! He thinks he comes from a dynasty of prophets “Aryeh Yehudah”, that consider themselves humanity shepherds! Do not dare going that path with him asking for details, or question the VIP privileges he thinks God granted him and his family, you risk hurting his feelings!
He deeply believes in a racial and genetic hierarchy of humans! he believes that he is from a superior race, that he and his family have the best possible genetics God gave to humanity. @444gem do you deny that?

8 months ago
Reply to  Netto


All humans are the most precious creation of YHWH, regardless of their race or genetics or ethnicity or any other innate characteristic they possess and are given by the LORD. We are all children of our father. I have stated this countless times over the past several years, and yet you continually hurl these veiled “you’re a nasi” accusations at me. Why? You are the most precious creation of our father my friend.

The term “Aryeh Yehudah” is the name of my ethnicity. Is this a problem? It is first found in the scriptures in Berashid 49:9, when Jacob names his fourth son, Yehudah (who you may know as Judah) as the Lion, which is “Aryeh” in Hebrew. Yes, all those that have written the scriptures in the “Bible” are Aryeh Yehudah, and all of the HaNavi (unveilers) named in the scriptures are Aryeh Yehudah; as Yeshua, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Amos, John, Matthew, etc. In Apokalipsis 5:5 it is described specifically that the “Little Lamb” from the tribe of the “Aryeh Yehudah,” (Lion of the Tribe of Judah) unseals the 7 seals of the scroll, for the purpose of self sacrifice.

Deep in our history we were sheep herders, pastoralist shepherds. The scriptures are replete with this allegory, from Hevel and Kain (Shepherd vs Agricultural city builder) to Yeshua, who shall rule with a “rod of iron,” a shepherd’s staff. This does not make us better than anyone. It means we give away our time and energy to serve others and try our best to protect them from wolves, even at our own peril.

Last edited 8 months ago by 444gem
8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Honestly being a sheepherder sounds peaceful and fulfilling.

8 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

EXACTLY. Arrogant and self obsessed with lots of nonsense to say.

8 months ago


Matthew 4:4, the 12th word of the passage is ανθρώπου 4+4+4 in the 4th verse of the 4th chapter.

If you have an email I can send you new stuff.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

It’s been a while. Did you read that book I asked you about before? If you did, what do you think of it?

8 months ago
Reply to  SemperVigilans


I have not found the time to read through the whole thing; its been a crazy busy period for me. After taking a cursory look into it, it appears to me that this book is revealing a lot of the darker aspects of “astral” realms, but that its conclusions are erroneous.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

No worries, I have been quite busy too lately.
I have a feeling that what the book describes as the astral realm is related to dreams and lucid dreaming. The way you wrote astral with the quotation marks also raises a few questions.

8 months ago

Isn’t the same word appears in verse regarding ‘number of the beast’?. The number itself is a human number. Carbon-12 isotope is the the main ingredient to our life. 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons, correct? “World” has been created in 6 days, we got 6 directions,
אולי יש חמשים צדיקם

36 is the number of the righteous man?

The Son of Man

That’s retorical

Be well my friends

Last edited 8 months ago by Maciej
8 months ago
Reply to  Maciej

It’s good to hear from you @Maciej

36 is 1/.277777777777…, the 27 heads of the beast, the 27 days for the sun to spin about it’s axis, the root of the fine structure constant (2701) which is the sum of the first passage of Berashid.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


I respected your last words from our conversation ages ago.

8 months ago
Reply to  Maciej

Love you, my brother. Be very well. I hold you in my heart forever.

8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

My heart fills with joy hearing from you again @lgageharleya
I am trying to be well. I cannot take any credit for your healing but i thank you for your words. It make my day.

Be well.

8 months ago
Reply to  Maciej

So much love to you and yours. Breathe.

8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


8 months ago
Reply to  Maciej

We are in a weird world and things don’t make sense unless we break them down fully. Even so it can be weird

8 months ago
Reply to  Maciej

We are in a weird world but nothing impacts us without our consent.

8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Let yourself fully feel. All enotions, even worst case scenarios. Feel it all.

8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@Maciej I have learned to let all feelings come fully up. I let them flow and then they dissipate. If you try to deny or refute or repress it just gets worse.

8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Sorry for the repeats. Unusual snow here, lol, and buggy signals.

8 months ago

I appreciate 444gems work. I cant see what negative influence he has had on the site personally??

8 months ago
Reply to  simon

You have always seemed like a clear spirit to me, Simon. I don’t pretend to be a guru but I am comfortably attuned to much of what you are., I think.
Bless your staunch will. Bless your convictions.

8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Bless you, thanks.

8 months ago

For everyone still desperately clinging to their Religion – those of us who can easily see past them are mind boggled how lost so many are when they think they know everything.
And absolutely refuse to see the clear evidence what a scam Religion is. 

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Emunah @thekwon

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

YHWH bless you Gem

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Yeah religion is a scam, so I just listen to a random j@wish man on the internet and his numbers. Solid plan.

8 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

Sounds like maybe you are hung up on the ‘jews run the world’ conspiracy theory.
This is manufactured bologna to create more division among people and keep us arguing.
And which jews are we talking about? The jews that the n**i’s had herded into jerusalem after WW2. Or the askenazi jews or the rothchild jews? Who are the jews you hate and fear so much?

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Phoenicians… the followers of Shabbatai Zevi. Who place the deal of Sol Amon on everything. They are imposters.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

1666 by Robert Sepehr explains this. Secular jews. He recently posted a video on YouTube about Zionism. He spoke about Churchill’s article ‘Zionism versus Bolshevism’.

8 months ago


Churchill was an open eugenicist, who knew H1tl3r well from the Thule society. Together they were key in orchestrating world wide eugenics II.

Sepehr has some good information, but often omits details that are prejudicial to own former occult society allegiances and genetics.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Prejudicial to his own*

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

H!tlr was also from the imposter Jew line. Look at his mother, you’ll see it. Look at his child lover and the letters they wrote. See how he continually avoided winning and killing off allies by sending troops into areas they weren’t needed when they got too close quickly pulled them out and ordered them not to kill. He’s had several people in his charge completely ‘Jewish’. He’s also working with the ‘Jewish’ R0thschild/Bu3ller$ though you probably know this as you’ve made statements on the BAL.four document. He was very excited to make sure they get a homeland and they spoke about how to create one they needed to push them to it, sure they would ‘loose a few’ the ‘price and prize worth it’. The original wording was more grotesque.

Last edited 8 months ago by marie
8 months ago

His last name is Hebrew for sypher meaning he could be a cabalist posing as a good guy, or not. He’s dropped a lot of true information and he speaks out against the immigration campaigns and sex changing but I have not stopped looking at him sideways since seeing him throwing up waving the peace sign around walking backwards as he entered in the temple of Anubis/anpu and has since been waving it around in every video in a very purposeful* way.

Last edited 8 months ago by marie
8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Literally only talking about your Jewish culture leader gem.

8 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv


8 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

Sick baby

8 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

There is another different ‘type’ of Jew.

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Quite a few types apparently.

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Did I say I hate or fear anyone? Gem cult followers love to jump to conclusions lmao I’ve been through this before with his other followers. Yall are all the same, just get in the pile man.

Last edited 8 months ago by Theghostofkyiv
8 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

You write with overt hostility; which is usually a sign of Anger and/or hatred… to you it is “gay” and “creepy” that people, which are evenly split female and male, are happy to speak with each other as friends after a while of distance.

8 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

What other followers? List every follower you’re talking about

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Jews run the world, look up who runs Hollywood who runs the government who runs the United States, who runs Israel, who the 13 families are, why the Pope wears a kippa like every president and global leader surrounded by rabbis..

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

I’ll allow the possibility that the current Jews are not the original Jews, it is very likely as it is written in history about their thieving people’s identities after killing them

8 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

He’s not of the same genetics but that it matters as he openly stated it’s a holohoax, and went on to connect dots for those who didn’t look into it

8 months ago

4 is the number representing physical matter. 5 if the number representing life. 6 is the number representing man and structure (man’s structure). 7 is the ever elusive perfection. 8 is renewal and rebirth (Jesus). 9 is the horizon. 10 is completion. 12 is God’s order/structure.

444 being the number to represent humans doesn’t make sense.

8 months ago
Reply to  juppys


In the alphanumerics of the Aryeh Yehudah language, the numbers to letter correspondences are:

4: ד = Dalet
40: מ = Mem
400 ת = Tav

DMT is from the word Demuth דמות Which means the image or likeness and is used to describe humanity in Berashid 1:26, (26 is the sum of the letters YHWH) when Elohim is creating humanity inland declares to create them in Heis image and likeness.

The 4th word of Berashid 1:26 is אדמ “Adam” which means “out of the earth/clay/blood” to refer to all humanity, and it’s digits are 1-4-40 (144 the 12th Fibonacci number and 23 squared) and it is the 120th alphabetical word in the Hebrew Scriptures (40+40+40). The summer value of Adam summed value is 45. The word דמות sums to 450… 1:10 scaling factors.

Where did you get the numerical “meanings,” you are citing?

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

DMT the Spirit Molecule

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

DMT, enlightens life and opens up the pineal gland, which the ones that rule the world try to calcify by puttting fluride in our waters. The Spirit Molecule

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

What you wrote about the first man being represented by the number four doesn’t disagree with my generic number symbolic meanings. When God made man in “our own likeness and image” and formed Adam out of the dust of the Earth, man did not have a soul yet. A man’s body would be represented by the number 4, his soul by the number 5. But man’s works and structures (whether it be social, physical, political, etc.) are the number 6.

The numeric symbols interpretations I’ve gained over time through lots of study, thought and … math. My favorite book on the topic is “Constructing the Universe: A Journey Through the Numbers 1-10”.

8 months ago
Reply to  juppys

I second the question: what is the source of your information?

8 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

The Bible links divination and uncanny power to spiritism. Wicked spirits can maneuver events to suit their purpose. Whether this is the case in a specific instance or not, one thing is certain: The practice of spiritism is condemned by God, and it can bring one under the control of wicked spirits.​—1 Samuel 15:23; Ephesians 6:12.

Numerology is devoid of scientific basis, and it fares badly when examined under the light of reason. More important, because it is a form of divination, numerology conflicts with Bible teachings. In view of that, numerology is not a beneficial means of regulating your life or planning your future

8 months ago
Reply to  Oj

Trust the Science right?

8 months ago

See why the bible tells us not to waste time with fantasies and old women’s tales.

8 months ago

Was he ever missing? Why not just ask him vs publishing the article? No offense but I couldn’t publish many articles I spent time on that had very good information and I ended up just deleting in frustration. Is this an ad? Some kind of promotion?
I think he just invited you to his … club . Not sure about that as I’m not. Probably due to me being suspicious of the cloaking, and people behind the curtain.

I hope we are all on the same team in the end against the cabalists who are employed to enslave us and be public figures to keep us controlled by the creepers living on the off limit lands and under the ground/mountains/sea etc with their high tech who aren’t human and use us all like disposable napkins.

Side note:
There are people lurking the site to leech off others words, thoughts even personal histories etc. This is true evil. I curse anyone leeching and preying on others, especially their histories they’ve shared. May you feel the impacts of those you thieve from 2000k x more intimately than your victims, may you fall with whatever you stole.

I’m so sickened of people behaving like ai; and you have no excuse, you know who you are. Shame on you and suffer until you rise above your petty pathetic acts.

8 months ago
Reply to  marie


There’s no club. I’ve not been posting the Thirteen Monkeys series here because frankly, as you can see, there are now a number of overtly hostile legions of Ra that serve as a vocal minority, and that aren’t willing to have an intellectually honest, constructive conversation when they discuss things they disagree with, or don’t understand.

However, I have been working tirelessly on more advanced material in the mean time; both research and publication. I offered to email buddhaboy some of that material since he has now asked twice for more 13monkeys in the form of a post. If you would like to read some of the new work, I am 100% willing to email it to you as well. Just let me know where to reach you.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Hi gem, I’ve read all of thirteen monkeys and have anxiously been awaiting more. I’d love for you to email me more. Thanks

8 months ago
Reply to  Susie


Thank you for reading and considering. If you pass me your email I can send you some stuff.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

“a number of overtly hostile legions of Ra”
There’s like two or three, it’s only natural with how many read, embrace it. It’s all a point of view. These guys want to be offended over things you cannot control and their religion and are not interested to have a conversation atm, so be it, they decided. You were trying to explain yourself and you admit you can be wrong about various things so that’s respectable. You are who you are. There’s Nothing wrong with having your opinion and finding what you feel/see is truth then throwing it out to benefit others. You can’t go through life not offending people, that is just impossible and they’ll get over it or waste energy.
As for me I’m just suspicious naturally. I said what I said because It sounded like everyone was on some mail club thing, a month or so ago I read something to make me think there was some collecting of a list of people into joining something. Glad to hear it’s not a club, or religious event but just sharing monkeys stuff.. Thank you for the offer for me to read more articles, that’s the kind of thing I’m interested in. I will make an email address. Your monkey series was brilliant and it’s quite a shame it’s silenced…Maybe you should make a book for a broader audience and piss off more people?

It seemed like this turned into some kind of popularity pole which is kind of unfortunately stupid but it looks like it’s more than in your favor which is fortunate and more than some people speaking truth get, some get a bullet in the back of the head and reported as suicide.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thanks Gem, I knew you’d understand my post. Making sure you’re still alive and kicking. Be well my friend.

8 months ago
Reply to  Buddhaboy19

I’m going out on a limb here and will say I betcha didn’t think this post would turn into this

8 months ago
Reply to  Buddhaboy19

I didn’t mean you offense or to hijack your post. I send you warm greetings, happiness and comfort and s**t.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

If you’re no longer posting them here, could I get your information up catch up?

8 months ago


Pass me your email and I’ll send some stuff along

7 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

I know you’re busy but I’m trying to be patient, if you pass me some I’ll read it. Send it to the super duper secret account I linked from my dispo email I sent you if* it’s not too much trouble thank you.

Last edited 7 months ago by marie
7 months ago
Reply to  marie

@444gem um are you okay or just busy?

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

I wish to continue, please. I know I’m not that bright but I want to see if you will

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem
Not sure if that @gem444 thing works here.
I’ll reply with a perm account..

Last edited 8 months ago by marie
8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

How do we get our emails to you? I haven’t seen anyone post them here. Is there a way to private message?

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

We are on the same team @marie. Seems to me trust doesn’t come easy but consider coming up with ways to vet things out and make a decision in your heart. You know a lot about how things operate but some times I think you go a little over board. Not everything is a conspiracy.
At some point worrying about ‘them’ tracking and stealing from us emotional ‘property’ (I agree things get leeched from this site) is just that worry. Worry is a destructive emotion in my book. So what if they know your email and learn some things about us through this site. Personal healing is worth that. I’ve shared more personal stuff than anyone here along with AE and I bet she would agree. I stopped caring that they are watching.
Hiding in plain site as Gem has said. I am curious, what is concerning you?
It was you who started the proton email which was a good idea I like the service I subscribed to it. 

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

I agree, Kwon. I don’t care what anyone thinks anymore unless they are helpful. Been through more than enough. I’d bare my heart if it would help somone. Been there, done that.

8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I had a feeling you would say something along those lines haha!
Thank you for responding my friend.

It is my opinion it is more than helping others potentially that they hear something that resonates. It is also about courage to not give a darn what others think. It is also about Faith. Speaking truth without fear of consequence.

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

I can’t edit this for some reason @AE – you said you don’t care what others think unless they are helpful – that is so spot on.
What I am trying to get at beyond that is the unseen watching that marie refers to on occasion. To not care that they do steal our emotional ‘property’ because they can only mimick and not create. They listen through the phone, internet, all over so f-em’. Let em have their little victories.
For me, developing faith helped get past the fear around that.

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Yes, haha. Marie’d love my occasional litany, I think, although it’d likely be toowhitebread, lol. I try to not let them get to me but now and then it just comes out.
Was just speaking with some people recently and one said an opportunity was missed for an individual to capitalize on something they know how to do but others don’t (in the middle of a snowstorm). I was so proud of the several people who responded with variations of “why would you charge for that?? I may be way off but I can see changes for the better.
All my heart goes out to people who give freely.

Last edited 8 months ago by lgageharleya
8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

It’s not what you’re both talking about. I mean I appreciate what you’re saying and you should know I don’t give a rats a*s and say what I want most the time but this is something that isn’t beneficial.

Last edited 8 months ago by marie
8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

It’s not what you guys think.

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

I ran into some impersonating minions. Anyways the message Wasn’t for you guys it was for them, letting them know I’m not giving them more. I could see this thread would attract them.
Conspiracy wise depends on what everything you’re talking about, remember the see eye aye said they’re not successful until everything we believe is a lie? If you think I go too far, do tell and I’ll back it up. I like people to look things up for themselves but if you tried I don’t mind giving.
I don’t care much about proton mail, I was wondering what the goal was and saw something about joining and thought this might be innocent or not but I’ll throw it out and see what I get with that. Proton mail is okay but they’re getting nosey when creating accounts which makes me wonder. It’s hard to trust email providers when they start that.

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

Here is a little story about what might be some leeching eyes.
It was the second day after saying on here I thought Meghan Kelly was trans, that a short video comes in my yt box. On a whim I watched it which is rare – it is Meghan on her news show making jokes that she could be a man. Making jokes about being trans. No one in the comments took it at all seriously. But I did.
The all seeing eye yes – there is that too. Not sure how that all works.
Impersonating minions – how do you describe this?
So, I disagree with your take on jews running the world. Hollywood ok, and definitely have undue influence in the US gov. But who was it Clinton repeatedly ‘slipped’ milititary technology to? China. I don’t think jews have much influence in China or Saudi Arabia or parts of Africa or Anglo Saxon countries either.Jew is such a loaded word. There are fake jews, imposters, and on and on. It doesn’t seem as simple to me to say jews run the world @marie

Last edited 8 months ago by thekwon
8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

That happens to me all the time. I’ve actually been quoted by the news several times and purposely made it happen. I’ve had so many accounts banned, it’s a good laugh. I’m not talking about those little things.

I respect you disagree but I would like to propose to you China is run by them too, the Saudi are in bed but do light rivalry. They’re the same 13 families they don’t have borders, the borders are for the slaves. The labels to break and hide their work. These were made to keep control. I can break it down for you but it will be a long long document and a lot of photographs. If you want to do your own, start with the U$. Check who has dual passports to Israel, checks how many on both sides “Jewish” “married to Jew” do the same for military. Next research WW2, see how it was made by the family, see how they were in Russia with the communism then China. Ask yourself, if the Saudi really weren’t with them they would crush them easily. They have been working together enslaving more people than any one.
I am not saying every single Jew is involved. Some they use, sacrifice. Some are desperate to get out and can’t. Imagine how having a family of baby eating satanists who pedo you and sell you out to their friends, impregnating you then sacrificing your child, no one to turn to because everyone with power is 99 percent infected or can be blackmailed, with a network spanning everywhere how must it feel like for those poor people? No I pity them, would help if I could and it would be wrong to hate them for what their family does. But the controllers work in bloodline family and the worship of satanic s**t. Just like some bugs are insects, all insects are not bugs. The controllers that do the controlling of us in person are what the world calls Jews, the people/thing behind them, that is who we never see. We cannot turn a blind eye because we are afraid to be called racist. There’s a reason they made being called racist worse than being called a pedophile. There’s a reason why they make up words like antisemitic when most their genetics are less Semite than the Palestinians they are genociding. You don’t bulldozed entire cities in a war and while you’re at it sell the land before people are dead with the excuse you need to see the ocean. Right under than place is oil and they can control everything with that water. Ask yourself why the rich Saudi slow this all to go on. And in another note Imagine because there were tear- er- hists in Jew York tunnels, profiling kids with blood stained mattresses and high chairs located right next to a pedophile take down, them imagine that we would miss like and bull doze all the buildings with people inside calling it war.
Back to gaza guess who built those tunnels, is ra hell. What is it with these people and digging tunnels. Look at the trafficking numbers. You know where pedos go after they fake a death? Israhell. You know how it’s common there to take your death? It’s almost a joke. Ask yourself why. Ask yourself why the dome looks like nothing and you see fireworks. Ask yourself why there’s 43 percent Christians in Gaza and they’re attacking Christian facilities but it’s not really mentioned because they call them animals. Then look into the kabaalah, see how the same language pops up? Animals. The whole thing is a sacrifice. The holo co$t, “the whole sacrifice”. They sacrifice things to get things. If you need me to I’ll send you information but if you look without using mainstream search engines that are owned by guess who? Yep same people.

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

Sure, send me something that proves jews run the world I’ll read it.
Certainly Israel is involved in a lot of crap.
It is difficult to define a jew now and across time.

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Both kissed the wall with a kippa like the popes. How do you think the Jewish bolshevists spread then set up communist China? Russia is not fighting Ukraine and Ukraine isn’t fighting Russia, both leaders are wearing small hats. The purpose was as they said it to be, to set up a new Israel. They need to wipe out the populations of Slavs, set the place up make it pretty, send some Jews there when finished. When you own major places like the “bread basket of Europe” when you are the Christians, Muslims, Trump’s, Bidens, Xi’s, when you can murder entire cities and be supported like the victim even though you killed your own people you’re getting “revenge” for…

8 months ago
Reply to  marie


You are correct. Where you are missing is that it is not “jews” (aka Isis-Ra-Elis and Aryeh Yehudah) running the world; it is Phoenicians. Phoinos = red in Greek, as the Red Child (Roths-Child, means Red Child in German.)

It is important to look into the history of the founding of the Saturn Hexahedron (San Hedron), which was created upon the returning of the “jews” from Babylon in 191 BCE, the same imposter Phoenicians which set up the Talmud and later the Zohar. This is where most of what is now known as “modern Judaism,” comes from. Prior to 191 BCE, there is zero archeological evidence of anyone engaging in the practices of what is now identified as orthodox “judaism” in modernity.

The hat wearing, kissing, black cube wearing, serpent wrapping embeded into the culture of Isis-Ra-Elis, is the first of the three piscean solar Re-legions to be instituted by the Pheonician-Serpents, in order to effectuate control by dogma over the Isis-Ra-Elis, who are descended from slaves, and have always been apt to idolatry and slave mindset and practice.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Interesting. I will definitely read more into this. It’s very sad to see Israel tricked into killing Palestinian brothers and sisters. They could live happily together if not for those who want the dollar as the Christian Jews and Muslims all lived there without war for many years before Rothschild.

Okay so I call them Jewish because since the 18th century for years around the world that’s the name they went by. Now you stated they stole it from the original Jews, that isn’t very nice in fact it’s fkd up and I feel bad for your people, I’m sorry to you guys and will whenever I can lend assistance to crush the serpent. But since they stole your identity no one calls them Phoenician or firemen so if I named them by their original handles they wouldn’t be identified unless someone who works 9 to 5 then deals with family posts and relaxing has time to study which is abnormal. What do we know? They work in family groups. Obsessed with their bloodline. They monopolized the world using their family, like weeds that choke everyone else out of power positions only hiring within. Not everyone is guilty of the plot but they use the ties. They are a mob, a gang so please don’t be offended, when I saw Jewish I do not mean ancient Hebrews living in Palestine, I am saying Jewish as in these guys calling themselves Jewish occupying Palestine by ruling everyone there, trying to kill everyone so they can rule from there, by fresh water and oil. Do I hate every one Jewish? No, and I’m very proud of those who stand up against these assholes because it takes a lot more courage than the usual goyim like me, I know goyim means people but they use it as cattle because they are elites and not people but gods in their heads.
Rothschild was not their original name it was Bauer or bower (not bueller) which was originally German like many Jewish names turned into monopolized Jewish. The mother’s family which were kohans. Cohens, common Jewish surname meaning priest in Hebrew. They also offspring Jewish Karl Schwab the Jewish Rockefeller family which took over and programmed the educational systems, books even history being changed until people are completely unaware of major changes and events of the world because they work too much to look into those things and progress is all but impossible for them. All because of these 13 family elite which are pretty much all related but they feel really special.
What is elite?
For those who aren’t aware, El means gods in Hebrew then lite, which means descending from.
How do I know they control the world? They own the world financing system. They choose when to have war, when to have poverty, when blood is spilt they make money, humanity having crisis is more money. Rothschild started the occupation of Israel, he owns 80 percent that he admits to so why does America have to support the military and social healthcare needs? If you look at every controlling government corporation etc the majority is Jewish. This cannot be an accident.
Next we go to communism which controls the populace. They took over Russia with the bolshevists and were more than 75 percent Jewish, not Russian, when you look into family trees it’s even more. They starved everyone, even their own poor people and started several world wars to get Israel, why their own people? Again because their own people are simply worth more than cattle, are greater sacrifices for more receipts a bigger prize. Nothing was more important than Israel. Now they’re after the bread basket Ukraine to erase the Slavs and enter Jews from Israel. How will they do that? War. Economics.
The family has been such a problem to this world that the entire family of Jews even those partially related to them have been kicked out of country after country, something more than 1 thousand times, this is not an accident or being antisemitic it is what happens when people become murderous, torture sacrifice cannibal pedophilic, money controlling leeches, so much to society that they’re finally pushed out in mass because it’s hard to separate which is what. When I was a child I wondered why would Germany do such awful things so I investigated, I needed a real answer. When I found out it was all orchestrate so they could get Israel I was offended for the Germans and the dead Jews who the majority which was much smaller than Germans dying, died of disease.
I can get deeper into this with links if you’d like. I’m very sorry for your people. No I don’t want everyone Jewish to be exterminated, I want them to rise up against themselves and say no more. We were used enough. We do not want to own the world, we do not want to own Gaza or kill everyone for it and we can see it’s a ruse. I know it isn’t happening but that’s what I want. My opinion is Now the elites want to destroy the people who kicked them out most by erasing them genetically. Kalergi plan, part of that is to destroy Christianity no matter if they control the religious figures they cannot have people wanting to love their neighbors and have loving successful families with morals and s**t. They cannot stand Europeans and have stated time after time through history that they will annihilate the Germanic races. They had to marry into them into the ruling classes to gain control but they owe no alliance to anyone but their elitist bloodline. They can’t rule the world with people who will fight against it so they are completing their genocide and then mix the cattle so they can claim to be the elite Europeans, fk being a Jew at that point right? They genocide whose identity they want to steal. They will be successful to make mixed people without a homeland or history and be their “creators” or gods or elite ruling the world in a more evil way than ever with luciferous satanic open blood sacrifices, sexual abuse cannibalism and so forth. The innocent Jewish people whether they are Phoenicians or Hebrews are mixed into this in an awful way but if we cannot identify who controls what, even if it’s simple with money allocation and their precious bloodline then we cannot bar them from gaining powers. My solution is to eliminate money and use trade, confiscate all their wealth and redistribute it to the world. Create room for a mixed people country then create racially more closed places so that our genetics that have taken years upon years to perfect to each climate and food source won’t be weakened so when the earth goes through the cycles of changing we will be prepared to survive. They don’t want us to. If you look into the skulls of all humans they are shrinking, they are poisoning humanity and are likely taking some kind of antidote or living in Antarctica more than they show. Why else would they own an island there? We know it isn’t just a bunch of ice. We know they are hiding other lands. Maybe once they delete our people and history that information will be lost and people will be more easy to control.

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

Thank you for all this and your other posts!

8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

You’re welcome, I didn’t want to make it too long but there’s a lot of info to cover. I just don’t see how Jews being 1 percent or less of the population could accidently be controlling so much, it’s statistically impossible. It helps to be able to recognize their last names and investigate their mothers. I don’t think an average Jew is involved much besides being hired into a cushy position with connections with family but these guys are obsessed with their bloodline. They can appear all races but the bloodline is a big deal to them. If I end up being one having o neg DNA, I’ll still fight against them. They’re destroying souls, human DNA, bodies the plants and animals, everything. Anyone who hurts a little kid needs to meet an axe imo. If I woke up one day and found out I was a dirty molester human trafficker or whatever I’d kill myself right away and anyone working with me so I cannot relate to these monsters.

8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Forgot to say, You’re welcome! I respect and enjoy yours. I don’t mean to offend anyone innocent but. Here check this out
Saturn Hexahedron ?
I think or feel the el ite are being controlled by something bigger and more complex than themselves. Something is definitely ancient here. They seem to have everything marked out like they’ve done it all before.
I wanted to show you guys some things I’ve ran across by studying on my own but it’s so much…

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

I’m not so innocent, @marie, still naive? Sure. But I’ve learned a great deal so sickening it’s beyond belief.

This video was hard to watch. It really shows how the outer face is a complete mask. I’ve only ever seen Orthodox Jews comporting themselves with as much dignity as is musterable in such a get up…to see their crazed behaviors in their synagogues is really something.

Reminds me of certain Protestant sects who make a show of dancing, whooping, turning cartwheels down the aisles, etc, all in the name of the “Holy Ghost”…except I’ve never seen Bohemian Grove-esque effigy torture as a feature in theirs.

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

It feels like Satan really is their master in the end. Blinded by the light of the one who fell from heaven like lightning.

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

The one thing I wanted to challenge you about was the blanket statement ‘jews run the world’. I think it is inflammatory because it is a blanket statement. There are many ‘types’ of jews. Most are very deceived or outright knowingly saturnian and demonic like your video shows.
Having lived in NYC I realized there was nothing ‘holy’ about the jewish culture there.
The jews you are referring to are the rothchild jews or Phoenicians who predate many people’s conception of what jews are I would say. And one could argue this group ‘rules’ the world in many ways.
The Aryeh Yehuda are another ‘type’ of jew still.
I’m just trying to clarify my thoughts here I mostly agree with you.

Last edited 8 months ago by thekwon
8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Yeah I agree, I say that only because they identify as that and identify each other as that and have some obsession with wearing kippas kissing a wall in Israel among other things It doesn’t mean they are the true bloodline. Even if they were an offshoot they really got manipulated into worshipping evilness and are in a cycle of their own damaging and damning themselves they need to focus on editing that out of themselves. Everyone has potential and this is the time to stop, to step back and refuse. I tried to clarify later I don’t mean every one Jewish is controlling but everyone controlling is in the elite “Jewish” family. Several Jews have fought against them heroically.
Sorry read this late

Last edited 8 months ago by marie
8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Here is some info for anyone

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

These take me back to my days on 4chan’s /pol/ and /x/. Finding out these people are actually Phoenicians really confirms what was said in the Bible. They say they are Jews, but they are not, they are the synagogue of Satan.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

All claiming Jewish

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Here is one. His mother Maria Anna Schiklgruber “sheckle grabber” was Jewish. They don’t care about the lower Jews so much as they need to use them and also make them in charge of the regular goy cattle. The natzi “Prince” killed his body double and lived happily ever after

Last edited 8 months ago by marie
8 months ago
Reply to  marie

This wasn’t his mother I was just giving more info besides that point I made. He was always with little girls. This Jewish woman Barbara Spectre is responsible for genetically erasing a lot of Nordic genetics. She however believes only Jews should be in Israel so that their genetics will not be muddled. Why is it so important to erase Europeans for these guys? I’ve seen American politicians with lists of Europeans numbers dropping, like goals. This has been going on a long time. They are making kids hate their lineage and skin because of slavery. I’ve went through the slave ship owners, the slave owners, name by name the major slave holders more than 90 percent Jewish. The slave ships Jewish. Why do Norwegian Americans have to hate their skin when they have nothing to do with this? It’s not right. And when you find clear evidence the Holo cost or whole sacrifice (Hebrew) was for the purchase of Israel and the gas chambers didn’t exist and they built the chimneys after the war which is not only documented but photographed.. those starving photos they used were found to be from soviets being starved by the bolshevists… And it is a crime in Europe you can go to prison if you question this stuff… That really came as a blow to me. Here I was trying to find out why Germans were evil and I found out a giant lie after lie we were sold

8 months ago

Does anyone else realize that this is 444Gem’s website? This is the second article asking. They don’t publish all articles, but publish an article looking for a specific user? 444gem is the admin obviously. I’m not using this website anymore. God bless you all.

8 months ago


It’s not my website; I don’t even know VL. Buddhaboy has been asking me to post the next chapter of Monkeys here for a while now… Back in the day I had posts which were denied, including one on Gugal’s use of DNA tracking.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

They denied your posts, thats great news ! I tought moderation was inexistent on this site. I don’t know why they approved this post of Buddhaboy, doesn’t bring anything interesting to the table.

8 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Sorry for boring you Guac, I’ve been a bit busy raising a family to come up with creative content for your pleasure. You seem like a totally cool dude though, yeah.

8 months ago
Reply to  Buddhaboy19

Your pseudo is Buddhaboy19… Your opinion doesn’t matter to me, like none of the other bots you are with.

8 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

whatever dude, grow up

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

I wonder why all these articles get denied it’s such a pity they’re all probably interesting and there should be a place for us to post them without flat denials and no explanation

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

I have never had an article denied. I haven’t written that many but none have been denied.

There were a few times when I had to tweek the article some – improve the heading and/or improve the writing and flow of the words.

After some tweeking and resubmitting it was approved.

But many people have said their stuff gets denied. I don’t know VC personally either just some business communications that were always satisfactory outcomes.

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

I made quite a few in guessing there’s trigger words etc

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

Looks like someone was triggered by my reply

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

I’ve lost so many too. Maybe they were better than we thought? But we should get to decide.

8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Yeah we need to ask once to have a review or to ask human permission for articles that don’t contain anything wrong but are still denied. A lot of good information is lost.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem
8 months ago
Reply to  Buddhaboy19

@444gem please send me new materials too

8 months ago
Reply to  arif
8 months ago
Reply to  arif

Glad to see your name here, @arif.

8 months ago

I played with the idea but it’s not likely. He is obviously using English not as a first language, though he’s now using slang it looked to me like he studied from older books from maybe the 50s or had a teacher who was older with a good solid command of language, probably from the United Kingdom, with him being a single pupil or in a very small class. The vigilant guy is American and wouldn’t have time to go through this. I can’t verify their relationships but being the same person just feels too much work for what it is. Until you meet someone face to face and see them for some time there’s always possibilities so you have to go with the most likely scenario but always allow for anything else. At least that’s my habit

8 months ago

Why are these gem disciples always talking about how their hearts swell and fill with joy when they talk to each other? Seems pretty gay to me lol, just saying. Yall need to just get in a pile and f@ck, everything about gems army seems creepy and suspect, lmao you are right, this site has lost it.

8 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

This is the ignorant stuff that is corrosive to everything around it.

Bratty child, will you ever grow up and take responsibility

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

If throwing childish insults at things you don’t agree with is the best you can do, that is a sad way to go through life.

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon


Last edited 8 months ago by Theghostofkyiv
8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Yeah acting like everyone who is religious is dumb and you understand what they can’t is way better tho right? OK bud, enjoy all your shiny gems of knowledge

8 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

My intention was not to make anyone religious feel dumb I’m sorry if that is the way it sounded.
Over the last 3 years I am of the firm opinion an airtight and inarguable case has been made 20 times over – that Religion is a manufactured institution in every case, designed to sucker humanity into it and keep them trapped in negative cycles. What has been said about Religion that you would like to refute?
Is it so terrible to believe you don’t need a church or anyone telling you how to have a relationship with Father? That in fact some of what is preached about has no basis in Scripture at all.
Anyone can learn to quite their mind, get control of all the crazyness going on in our heads. It takes a lot of work and dedication but it is more rewarding than almost anything imaginable. We have to be able to see all the subconscious and conscious “stuff” that comes in waves. It is work – but it is healing work.
Most people can’t sit for 30 seconds with a quite mind. I can sit for hours, truly for hours and it feels amazing. This is how a deeper relationship with Father is built – one way at least.

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

I agree. Religion is ‘Jewish’/freemason/khab alah-ist/controlled. The leaders are always tired to each other, it’s always money making, hoarding wealth and entrapping people. Religions are cults. I offended everyone but it’s only because unlike them I looked into the history of the religion I was forced into and then looked into others, saw the patterns and knew it’s no coincidence. Name your religions out there guys, I’ll show you the dirty

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Lol OK Jerry Mcguire boy, enjoy your j3w numbers and swelling heart conversations. Lmao

8 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

I was unaware that numbers belonged to an ethnicity. Why drip with so much hatred over people being happy to speak to a friend?

Look, I get why this can seem out of place to anyone who is trained and following in the ways of the modern (post 320 CE) world: to feel separate and “other” from the rest of the world… to view any real independent thought as crazy… To believe that our written and spoken Language has nothing to do with mathematics.

I’ll tell you man, that when we let this facade drop, being happy to see friends (which yes, can cause us to get a warm feeling in our heart area) and studying ancient thought won’t arouse such disdain in your thoughts.

Last edited 8 months ago by 444gem
8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

When I hear any real or independent thought from you or your followers I will let you know. I think yall are creepy and seem kinda gay but I don’t hate anyone, I just think you have put a lot of effort into pushing out other opinions and have way too much ego behind your points, which has made this site pretty lame. Enjoy!

8 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

Let your guillt and shitbird watcher stuff go.

8 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

**What other options?**
How does it rule the site into lameness, he’s not even using it for articles now.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Amazing. Because I feel so little of this. Is chefing racist? Can we all just chill? My goodness. Tired of this crap.

8 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

woah its sam hyde!

8 months ago
Reply to  george

Haha someone finally got the reference

8 months ago
Reply to  george

So he’s playing a part just to be an a*s? So droll.

8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

He chose what defined him, he thought this fit

8 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

You know what’s gay? Being obsessed over someone with jealousy like a little b***h.

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

Being obsessed over someone is pretty gay

8 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

You can’t give me any real dirt on him but you continually go at him as if you got some. He’s been more than fair to you. I am not patient enough. Either give me something really juicy or stop nagging.

8 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

Gross. What a sick mind.

8 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

Because they’re pals and obviously haven’t spoken for a while and are trying to adhere to biblical type conversing. They can not be gay it is impossible for them. What is gay is the obsession over gem but being irritated others follow his work and are fans of it. It’s perfectly natural for authors to have people follow their stuff. If he isn’t eating tortured baby blood crackers and meeting up to use people or control them then it doesn’t matter what they do.

8 months ago


8 months ago

vigilantlinks is not 444Gem’s site but I agree with you, it is curious this kind of thing is tolerated (possibly encouraged). The owner of this site doesn’t often moderate but, when he does, it is with a chainsaw rather than a scalpel. Anything truly controversial is likely to be deleted given enough time (just look at the VC forums), but if you want to discuss the possible symbolic significance of a hand gesture from a backup dancer in a pop music video, this is a safe space.

8 months ago
Reply to  chud

I don’t understand why this article was written. Gem had commented just a day or two before so it seemed unnecessary.
People making assumptions that there are personal relationships with VC are incorrect.
Some things VC does mystify me too. But I also try and put myself in his shoes sometimes.

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Also, VC appears to be of the Catholic faith.
If he had a bias with Gem it would logically be against him.
The last time I subscribed to VC I accidentally forgot to use the sale code. I emailed to ask to reverse that charge and he did no questions. Another time I was having technical issues logging in and and we had a few emails about that. VC has always been prompt and professional.
That is the extent I know him. And at risk of speaking for someone else I know Gem is the same. A few basic emails that’s it

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

>”I don’t understand why this article was written. Gem had commented just a day or two before so it seemed unnecessary.”

Succinctly put. I agree.

8 months ago

Y’all crazy. The amount of attention this person receives is disgusting. Focus on God, pray to Jesus and think about your salvation. It’s like a grotesque big cult here. It used to be such a lovely place and a safe haven. This numbers ain’t ish. God is everything. God is more important than analyzing this person. Read yo Bible.

8 months ago
Reply to  Monica


8 months ago
Reply to  Monica

He’s authored a bunch of interesting articles and these obsessed little wenches create drama every time he posts. I’m getting annoyed. I was willing to listen to their reasons and concerns feeling neutral I wanted to see both sides but they cannot even have decent arguments and it seems he hasn’t done jack personally to them, they were not able to point to anything in particular just completely ignoring his argument in response so I’ve lost interest and whatever they say now holds no water or air
A side note
He’s offering more documents through email it seems to avoid the guys following him bitching at his posts causing his friends to feel the need to defend him since he’s a bit too peaceful for the proper insulting they’re asking for. This in turn has elongated the comments. The post itself I still feel could be avoided by a simple comment directed to him somewhere but it’s ballooned into other things which seemed ridiculous but if they want verbal warfare I’ve got some time I can schedule them in.

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

Then get out !
This site doesn’t need you.

8 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

You’re not vc, you’re not even a side dish

8 months ago
Reply to  Monica

He is teaching basic scriptures. In original language. But sure, let’s keep emotional iterations instead.

8 months ago

My, has it become toxic here, to varying degrees and from many angles. The enemy has truly infiltrated. Not surprised, but I am disappointed and mildly disheartened.

God bless all of you, no matter what “side” you’re on. I will see those true brothers and sisters one day, God willing, and continue to pray for those souls who reject the Truth.

@444gem can I ask you to email me your material? I have no intentions other than to potentially learn more. (Is there a way to reach each other, or relay more direct communication in a means other than by posting here on the public comments section?)

8 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker


If you have an email I can reach out to you there. Let me know.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

I would like your material, I’ve read all your monkey posts and am still the eternal skeptic but hey I’m at least open minded enough to give it a read through.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

blueyedtwink98 AT gmail DOT com

8 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

Meh it’s not usual it’s just the obsession coming to a head for them they got him as a subject so they they got to get it out. He had some good articles people like and want to read more and they hate it maybe feel jealous or offended and need to push the same. I think it’s not up to them to decide what articles other people like to read, I should decide for myself and don’t feel like tolerating the lies on the side.

8 months ago

444gem’s 13 Monkeys series connected a lot of dots in my research. I enjoy reading their comments as well. Very insightful. Thanks. 😊

8 months ago


Glad I could help you along your path 🙂

8 months ago

Completely different topic, but Gem, have you seen that Russell Brand “seems” to be exploring Christianity? You had mentioned in the comments of the Monkeys series that he learned late in life that he is Aryeh Yehuda. Could this be part of his awakening?

8 months ago
Reply to  Seeray

He’s talked about Russell before. Said he’s part Aryeh and came back after being scared shitless by Katy Perry. They don’t trust him, so gave him an easy job. Between him and Father now.

8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

That certainly fits. Thanks 😊

8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Tell them he’s got too big a following for easy

8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Sometimes I don’t know if you are joking or being serious.

Russel Brand, the Rothschild in-law (With Jemima Goldsmith), who had a sex dungeon in his mansion house (Testimonies of his ex-barber Richie), who raped many girls that we know of (many we don’t know).

You tell me this obvious satanist was scared shitless by Katy Perry, and he is now part of your made-up group Aryeh Yehuda. Somewhat 666gem is connected to celebrities.

Your New Age cult really is ridiculous, I don’t even need to make jokes about you, you do it yourselves very well !

Last edited 8 months ago by quantguacamole
8 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

I’m saying what was said, he came to them, they didn’t trust him, so gave him a simple task and left him to see if he’s sincere.

8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


8 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

You don’t have to respond in douchebag, it’s interesting what you said about brand and of like to look into it but you’re so fking difficult raging all the time

8 months ago
Reply to  Seeray

He has a 33 on his arm and many signs in the backgrounds a lot. They have to lead everyone, even the black sheep

8 months ago
Reply to  marie


8 months ago
Reply to  marie


8 months ago
Reply to  marie


8 months ago
Reply to  marie


8 months ago
Reply to  marie

He’s selling something

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

Green drag

8 months ago
Reply to  marie


8 months ago
Reply to  marie

They love the skulls don’t they.. and Buddha but Cross too but the serpent, eye of Dollar Bill God, yeah all these tats that just happen to be illuminist winks he accidently got for other reasons I’m not even going into deep research but I’ve seen him wearing a necklace black pyramid then a cross, black and white.. I just can’t trust him, doesn’t mean he won’t say any truth but if he is saying come follow me just like sephr I’ll watch from afar

Last edited 8 months ago by marie
8 months ago
Reply to  marie

He’s so emotional

8 months ago
Reply to  marie


8 months ago
Reply to  marie

Here’s one triangle. Gold. He always has meaning attached to his stuff

Last edited 8 months ago by marie
8 months ago
Reply to  marie

Triangle 2. Black.

Last edited 8 months ago by marie
8 months ago
Reply to  marie

Cross but freemason hat tip. That hat signifies you’re a big wig. Especially the top hat the queen wears

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

Here’s the hat of hats.

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

Now maybe I’m wrong but it’s just not looking good. He had a big following but isn’t killed yet or cancelled. I guess his coat photos were scrubbed so those will just have to do. If he’s some undercover dude, how far will he go? I mean swapping clothes with a girl, spit with a man.. I’m not going to research him more that’s up to his fans but… Just saying maybe look into him if any of you guys like him so much. I think he makes some good points but I can’t take much it felt controlled to me.