
When Presidents turn into Pfizer salesmen

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6 months ago

“They Live” was a documentary.

6 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

Too true… One of my favorite movies of all time. I first saw it when I was 15 and loved it even back then, but it wasn’t until a few years later that I realized how accurate to real life it actually is.

6 months ago

Yup, gotta trust “the science” 
Gore & Kerry in 2009: 75% Chance the North Pole is Ice-Free in 5 years. IT’S SCIENCE!

6 months ago

To be fair, they were Moderna and Johnson and Johnsons salesmen as well.

6 months ago

VC, can I give this 1,000 up-votes?!?!?! Governments and their alphabet agencies — not to mention the “global” agencies and phake philanthropies — are a spinning circus of MK-ULTRA clowns and their dancing dogs. (Sorry to all real canines, haha!)

6 months ago

I wonder how much they were paid for the advertisement ;D Lol!!

6 months ago
Reply to  username

Not so much that they got paid, as it was that they were ordered to do so.

They’ve already sold their soul for wealth and power long ago.

6 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker


6 months ago

might as well have Alvin, Simon and Theodore up there…. lo

6 months ago

That moment when you remember the urban consecrated saying: if your president or your government says you must do it – don’t!

6 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Most feared words in the English language : “we’re from the government and we’re here to help.”

6 months ago
Reply to  Lee

I believe these words have an equivalent that inspire the same fear in all the languages. Unfortunately!

6 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

The importance of this notion really became a highlight for me in the past 3-4 years (for obvious and perhaps not as obvious reasons).

Genuine question (and curiosity): do you pay taxes?

Last edited 6 months ago by Trut4seeker
6 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

Yes! For the moment. When not, I’ll be probably living in wilderness. Me and many others. If we’re still alive to make that choice.
Why do you ask, anyways? Don’t you pay yours? 😁

6 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Well, it’s not hard to argue that paying taxes goes against that phrase you said, of which has been a common theme since 2020.

“If your president or government says you must do something—don’t!”

How far are proponents of that phrase willing to stay true to it? It was oft discussed not even by myself, but those around me. A question worth asking and posing not just toward others but one’s own self in 2021 when the jabs were being mandated without exceptions or exemptions. Some ppl who were vehemently against the mandates used that phrase to rally ppl, but it was a topic of debate bc others would point out that those same ppl still paid taxes and “followed the [govt] rules” in other aspects. Rather hypocritical, even if unintentional. One either follows what they say, or they don’t. At the very least, it should spark healthy conversation and debate.

As for me, I no longer voluntarily give my money in instances where I actually have control, taxes or otherwise.

6 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

That’s why it’s: “ THAT moment when you remember the urban consecrated saying: if your president or your government says you must do it – don’t! ”
I believe you realize the context was all about what the government demands in terms of health ( it concerns everybody when this entity called government or the president in person claim they care about your health, life, soul.)

As for money being taken away from wages as part of one’s contribution to the budget and paying the bills this is smth neither me or anyone else can control it. It’s rather unintentional, not hypocritical unless you already have the means to become self-sustained. At the moment I don’t. Do you?
We can discern among things that are evil and immediate and not evil. But I agree, we can take it all to the philosophical level and say we are responsable for all the others when we contribute financially to the comunity we live in and provides for each. Yet, I pay the bills, I work, fees are taken from my wages and still I said a big NO to the jabs. No to the government; no to my family members preasuring me constantly, no to my friends. It was NO. So the same government that takes my money could not convince me and make me obey as it wanted. Can this apply to other issues as well? Yes! Can anybody resist the terror and say NO? Some yes, some don’t ( for hundred reasons).

I reiterate, since you seem to have missed it: I used the saying for a certain issue, this issue specifically: death and life issue and the personal immediate response.
Yes, all governments made that murderous preasure. I did not comply. I did not take the vaccine. No vaccine since I started to express my free will. That is since childhood!

6 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

I was attempting to have conversation with you, sister, not argue, let alone accuse you (specifically) of anything. No need for any defensiveness.

I missed nothing, but you added a lot lol
Life teaches us we must say what we mean, and mean what we say in order to produce healthy communication. Agree or disagree?There’s a fine line between context and contradiction. If there’s any false contradiction, maybe the phrase should be reworked to better express the point.

6 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

Yes, I am sorry if I sounded excessively serious, even harsh. when it comes to subjects like these I don’t always manage to detach myself because there is almost every time a personal experience attached to it, that is why my answers are sincere, complex and not always by the book.
I try to stay true to my beliefs and think critically in the same time.
At the surface so it seems – we are accomplices to the government’s murderous affairs. Still, that would be, at least in my opinion, a rather quick and superficial conclusion to reach. We can all contribute financially, and we can also all say ‘no’ to the bad things they propose (individually and, ideally, collectively). The only real problem there is is that when abuse or excessive misconducted zeal occurs people don’t react. That leads to further abuse. Also, the same money that are being taken from regular, hard working individuals are also being used for paving the streets, paying the teachers, the good policemen (as well as the bad ones), the good doctors (not just the sellouts), are being used to recondition affected schools in poor areas, churches etc. That is what I had in mind, among others, when I said – unintentional, not hypocritical. Also, be sure that for the evil agenda they don’t use the money from the taxes, or at least not only, but from their higher masters, and I talk here about the rich and influential with enough power and money to buy all the politicians.
Given the above I will rephrase: when the government/ the president says it cares about you living a long life, healthy life and does that by keeping you locked in, taking your job, bullying you, recompensating you with hot-dogs or meal- tickets for every experimental shot, contradicts itself etc – don’t do it!

Again! I said no (because when trouble comes and everybody shakes I stubbornly hold on to God… and because I was not scared of getting the virus), but I can imagine many, many reasons why so many people knowing all these things accepted doing it (the jab) and went to slaughter by themselves. and I can still not say they acted hypocritically (not accusing you of anything here). Many had small children to raise, old, sick parents to care for and scarce money and they just felt they couldn’t afford to lose their jobs.

With God’s help, I will become self-sustained. That’s radical, but when things become unbearable and spiritually threatening I won’t contribute financially anymore, if you know what I mean. …and I cannot think of other sollutions. It will eventually come down to this.

6 months ago

Bill Clinton … lol. What a freak that man is.