
What do they know? World's billionaires are building bunkers and assembling fortresses outside their mansions (

Some elites are paying for ‘golden visas’ to secluded nations like New Zealand. Here’s how the world’s rich are preparing for the worst and how the rest of us can prep on a budget

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8 months ago

Anyone who is the least bit in touch with their Christian faith knows that God is going to send a correction to this world very soon. What these rich people don’t understand is that they won’t be able to hide from the sin and corruption that they have created but will be held to account. Repentance is their only hope not concrete and steel.

8 months ago
Reply to  Brooks

As I heard one priest say the current sin is so great that Jesus will not return but God to attone through the universal principles.

8 months ago
Reply to  simon

Jesus shall return, that priest was influenced by a demonic spirit to spill a lie, goes against what the Bible says.

Last edited 8 months ago by username
8 months ago
Reply to  Brooks


8 months ago

None of it matters – they can’t build walls high enough or doors strong enough to shield them from death when it comes calling.

In this, we are all equals.

Next nonsense, please! 😄

8 months ago

Reminds me of “The Masque of the Red Death”. Opulence won’t save them.

8 months ago

“Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of the New World Order, I will fear no evil-doer nor herald of deception: for the Divine Spark resides within me; the fire of truth and the armor of awareness shield me.” ― Remix by Claude

8 months ago

I was just reading about zucks in Hawaii. The builders were saying they want the impossible. I think they’re aware of the natural earth cycles or* they will orchestrate something. They’ve had weather control and plate control for much longer than they admit

Last edited 8 months ago by marie
8 months ago

My guess – Disease X will be germ warfare sadly. I hope I am wrong.

8 months ago

But it’s the Daily Mail telling us this. Must have an agenda and it’s certainly not for our highest good.

8 months ago
Reply to  SeeRay

Yep controlled by cabal.

8 months ago

The bunkers are to protect them from us.

8 months ago

No proof and uneducated conjecture, but I have always been suspicious of 99942 Apophis. Once that came out with such a low percentage they were surprisingly quick with the follow up ‘Nope nope not a threat ever’.

All the wealthy prepping now would line up timewise for it’s 2029 near earth pass.

It wouldn’t be a extinction/planet killer, but if it would impact on land -somewhere is going to have a horrible time. If by sea – many many places.

  • that is if nothing happens earlier
  • Zuckerberg building in Hawaii doesn’t fit with this unless he is working on another elsewhere (or his ranch there is at a sufficient elevation)
8 months ago
Reply to  imtrash3

That’s what I’ve got my eye on too. 2029 is the year when Apophis could potentially go through the “gravitational keyhole”, which as they say would tell us whether or not it would be a major threat to us during its next pass in 2036.

The mass hysteria and vigorous preparation from hearing an asteroid will strike in 7 years could have major potential for speeding up the building of new infrastructure and reshaping social order.

The great fear would make it incredibly easy to shuffle the so-called “useless eaters” into massive underground bunkers where they will be ignorant to whats really going on above ground outside their Plato’s caves. They will also not be free to harm the precious environment. The two years of Covid isolation have already trained the masses for this.

If the asteroid is “broken up into pieces”, as in the movie ‘Greenland’ (which was conspicuously the only hyped-up Hollywood film in theaters when Covid-19 trauma was still fresh) it would give the elite a blameless way to utilize space-based weapons and target multiple regions on earth which they wish to wipe clean to make way for the new.

That’s if the Apophis calculations are bogus, or even bolder – if the asteroid doesn’t really exist. After all, how many people on earth have the tools or the know-how to locate Apophis in the sky and disprove the alleged trajectory?

Coronavirus was an unseen enemy too small, too far below for the common man to analyze. As so could be Apophis, too great and too far above.

7 months ago
Reply to  ripcurrent

I saw a video with NDT talking about this including the “keyhole”. If he’s spreading it then it’s either false or it’s the set up for a false flag.

8 months ago
Reply to  imtrash3

If this is a meteorite impact, Hawaii’s tendency to suffer from tsunamis, volcanism, earthquakes etc doesn’t make it prime prepper real estate.

8 months ago

Rick Ross is bragging about building one as well

8 months ago

It’s funny how some have it underground lmao like common sense hello?!…the ground will open up 😂 smh. These rich people aren’t bright 😅

8 months ago

They put up the Georgia Guidestones, and they took them down before implementation. They’ve told us all in a big stone billboard, karmically they view themselves as clean. It was magic. They want no evidence standing for any survivors to read in the aftermath.

On another note, they spout their freemasonic principles of equality and fraternity. The champagne socialists and Marxists are hard at work to destroy our way of life. But when s**t hits the fan they use their ill gotten gains to save themselves. Hypocrisy at it’s finest.

8 months ago
Reply to  Dagny


8 months ago

It could be nuclear war. New Zealand is one of the safest countries on the planet in case of a nuclear war.

Last edited 8 months ago by Ryan
8 months ago

Did these people not watch the movie “No Country for Old Men”? You can run from death but not hide from it. It will catch up to you eventually. Friend-o.