
«Qui emmerde la vie de qui ?»

“Who is ruining whose life today? Who is ruining the lives of our caregivers? Who ruins the lives of the elderly? These are those who oppose the vaccine, and the president’s comments seem to me to fall far short of the anger of a large majority of French people” – Gabriel Attal

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1 year ago

France is run by Luciferians for Luciferians in the city of PARISim (The Hebrew word for Pharisees, Fire seers.)

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem Could you please advise me of a country, or a place not run by Luciferians?

1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer


They have a less tightly locked grip on many countries in the “third world,” but they are quickly tightening the grasp, as per what they did in Sri Lanka.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem where exactly? Africa? the test ground for pharama industry, extreme poverty and never ending wars. South America? narco kingdom, where corruption is the law. India? Turkey? Arab lands? Malaysia and Indonesia where WEF summits are regularly taking place? Third world countries are mostly dictatorships under economic life support from IMF and world bank! Please be more precise: which countries do you see as safe places from NWO? Luciferians?

1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer

Remember “The whole world lies in the hands of the wicked one” (1 John 5:19). It doesn’t matter WHERE you go. It matters WHO YOU ARE. Once you know their tricks, they don’t affect you anymore.
We are basically living in a 100% fake world engineered by the Phoenicians to twist and enslave humanity.
See through the fakery and believe me, the anxiety and fear goes away.
Pretty much the whole world is a never-ending professional wrestling match!

1 year ago
Reply to  realestatepup

@realestatepup a lot of people are aware of the dangers of 2030 agenda, farmers are now under heavy attack. In the UK there is the hashtag #savebritishfarming , ppl are fighting back with peaceful protests, in schools parents are mobilized, but it doesn’t make any difference. Their plans are executed and in few years the whole world will suffer famine! Everything is becoming unaffordable! So knowing the tricks is good but it doesn’t protect you! How are you planning to escape inflation, crypto currency, AI, wars, famine … i would like to hear from you

1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer

Crypto currency: scam and I don’t own any
Inflation: live simply and pay down debt while I can. I don’t need a brand new car, fancy clothes, jewelry. My health, my family is what matters
AI: satanic in nature and more fakery and hype to try and make us believe it’s more advanced than it is
Wars: they will come if they come. I cannot control that.
Famine: I have learned how to live without a grocery store and am happy I have.
But most importantly, I do not strive or worry about the evil that men do. I trust Yaweh will do what he has promised and end the evil

1 year ago
Reply to  realestatepup

@realestatepup You’re not alone in this universe, let’s say you are self-sufficient on food, water, energy, once things go bust ppl will knock on your door and it’s not going to be a polite visit! How much ammo do you have? enough to kill 10? 100? 1000? humans to protect your stock of rice and water? where are you going with your logic?
Like it or not, Crypto currency will be the new norm for financial transactions, the days of bills having value are coming to an end my friend.
I saw many comments in other threads saying as long as you’re good with YHWH, everything will be ok, you’re on the salvation path, kind of Noah’s Ark mindset.
Such selfish toughs cannot be approved by YHWH, who’s all about compassion and forgiveness for all humans, am i wrong? @realestatepup? @444gem?

1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer

While I appreciate what you’re saying, I do not believe that living in fear and constant anxiety about any of this is helpful. No one can plan for every eventuality. All my family and I can do is prepare the best we can, stay true to our hearts and Yaweh.
I do not believe that evil will triumph.
I wish you all the best and hope you find peace.

1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer

@wildeer Money was always a false/representative form of exchange. True, it helped travelers to gain what they needed more simply, but what is the value of a meal vs coin in reality? What would a third world tribal member want with our stacks of green papers? They only have value because we attribute value to them. Even precious metals and gemstones – -they created an artificial value amongst commoners who went all out excavating for centuries, dying plenty in the process…then hoovered it all up using their typical manipulations. I think those of us still mamaging to do most things for ourselves need to revisit the barter mindset.
I don’t believe what’s being said here is a disregard or lack of compaasion in any way, in fact, both people you addressed do try to get through to people…sometimes through heroic perserverance, but at some point you have to leave people to their own devices and wash your hands of it. That’s affording them the respect of fully exercising their natural rights.

1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer


I’m not planning to escape; I plan to survive. You cannot run, you cannot hide. The moment you do, you will become a target. Hiding in plain sight my people have survived for many thousands of years; why then do you even ask?

You need to learn skills, and understandings, these will serve you far better than an exit strategy. Keep high calorie non perishables like Honey and Nuts and legumes in reserve in case of supply chain interruptions. Who can make war with the beast? Who may defeat it? Only The Truth and the will of YHWH. Learn a New Song

Want to see one place where the NW0 holds less of a grip? Look at Sri Lanka and Yemen; now bombed and made hungry. Do you wish to run to Yemen?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, @lgageharleya , about running, what i don’t get is why there is a HUGE migration movement happening right now everywhere: Canada, USA, Europe … blatantly organized and encouraged by the elites!
I would like to have an explanation about this MASSIVE movement of population! What’s the purpose of it? Why now? What’s the plan for these illegal immigrants?
In Canada life is now unaffordable for nationals!

1 year ago
Reply to  astronaut


They have sold you the combined lie about immigrants and life unaffordable, to cover their tracks; Whenever noticeable changes are occurring at the level of the populace and changing the status quo, they will often use one and the other to create a scapegoat. In this case:

1) The general populace of Canada notices a large influx of immigrants as it is highly visible from their different race, ethnicity, language, etc.
2) The general populace Canada notices life is getting unaffordable

So the NW0, in order to keep the cattle Mooing at each other, uses its news media propaganda, social media influencers, academic journals, and agents in different institutions of influence (such as private corporations, administrations, education system etc) spreads the rumor that these two things are directly connected, which seems logical to the populace: More people are coming in from the outside, it is thus the outsiders who are taking the housing and using the resources to make things unaffordable for the people. This is a load of bullsh!t, and they are keeping you from seeing what is really going on:

1) Canada has been driven, like most “first world” countries, by industrialization, social pressures, and chemical means (see: ubiqutous low levels of estrogens being pumped into the food and water through medications, agrobusiness, etc.), into a total massive population collapse within the next 15-20 years, as the boomers all die and the millennial females become too old to bear children. The NW0 WEF (See: Trudeau is their lackey) has done this on purpose to wipe out the European Populace who is more educated and demands middle class lifestyles not to revolt. They are now inviting huge quantities of cheap labor from the rapidly reproducing third world countires(see: uneducated slave class willing to accept slave labor lifestyles) to fill the roles and breed in the population. They want a large, easy to control slave class from the third world to be dominant within 2 generations, by about 2052. (See HG Welles The Open Conspiracy)

2) The NW0 WEF has repatriated enormous quantities of cash reserves held in tax havens (like Malta, Panama, The Caribbean countries, Jersey, etc.) into North America through innumerable shadow and shell corporations and trusts, and used it to buy up real-estate and all primary resources and secondary means of reproduction, and squeeze all ownership from the hands of the middle mostly european and asian classes. They also printed enormous quantities of currency (especially dollars which is still required under Bretenwoods) and pumped BitCoin (created by the NSA-CIA and Mossad under some stupid false asian name so they can maintain shady backchannels once crypto is instituted and evade their own controls on CBDCs)

This is done in preparation to create a worldwide technocratic communist state where the NWO WEF rules; a ruling overclass few in number, which presides over a much larger, but still highly reduced slave class; thats why Trudeau is so admirative of China (KAINa). They are distracting you and the populace by obfuscating you with misdirection and false paradigms about their coordinated actions to commit mass eugenics, and reshape the world in the “great work.” Read their name Right to left, it says:

FEW OWN… get it?

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, i totally agree with you, developed nations are heading to a MASSIVE demographic collapse, but the poor countries are not any better demographically, the young generation is the one immigrating and that is depleting these countries from its youth: i saw a documentary about south American countries like Paraguay where an important proportion of young women left the country for Spain and now there is an imbalance significantly affecting birth rate.
The population replacement is in fact real, not only in Canada, the US, but also in Europe, i was lately in Brussels, Paris, and you clearly see the demographic shift.
Thank you for the reference: (See HG Welles The Open Conspiracy)
I will look for it.
In your answer to Wildeer, you said :You need to learn skills, and understandings, do you have some references about NWO survival skills?
I live in a big city, what do you recommend for people like me? get out and move to a village? small town? do i need to learn farming?
Best Regards and thank you

1 year ago
Reply to  astronaut

@astronaut this is copy – paste from a reply from gem in a different topic:
There is no greater practical advice that I can give you: live in Truth, compassion, and with care. Water the tree of faith every day, and as more of us awaken, the mustard seed will move the mountain. Yeshua has commanded so.
Below are some more down to Earth practical advice:

Basic survival skills are indeed important to have within your skill set
1) How to make fire from basic materials, purify water, scavenge, build shelter and navigate by the cosmos. Knowing the map is helpful. Basic medicine: medicinal plants, sewing stitches, set bones, etc.
2) How to build electrical generators from water wheels and bikes using basic readily available materials.
3) Food preservation methods from natural sources.

Spiritual skills are indeed important:
1) develop basic clairvoyance through practiced meditation. Try seeing into rooms you are going to enter before arriving. You will be amazed how far this can go and it will drive you to have intuition.
2) Learn to ask YHWH and to listen to the answers received with a fully open heart.
3) Develop interpersonal spirituality so you can immediately understand others deeply, and share messages on a very deep level in a quick time. Knowing how to energetically repel those that would do you harm before they ever approach you is very important.
4) Learn to read the currents of the Luciferians and their attempts to manipulate the cosmic fractal. This power cannot be overestimated.

Developing Practical societal skills:
1) Learn the Law. No employer can fire you for your truly held spiritual beliefs. No police officer may detain you without your consent or reasonable proof of a crime. You must know the legalese and your rights and how maritime admiralty law works in the corporation of the United States. This is the game.
2) Develop the ability to maneuver in difficult situations, both verbally, physically and mentally. This requires actively making one’s body and mind healthy (eating without consuming processed foods, doing consistent exercise, resting well, taking time to speak to YHWH all of one’s deepest feelings.)
3) Learn languages: I can say “Thank You,” in around 50 languages. Knowing this one word in people’s native tongue has changed the course of my life.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vesica_Pisces

Thank you @Vesica_Pisces

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, I see your plan, and honestly i also don’t see an other alternative. however these times are different than anything before! Will it work?
The elites have satellites that can from space take pictures as precise as the selfies you take from your phone! grip over food and water are closing and in many countries there are projects of law to ban collecting rain water!
I also have deep empathy for every human being suffering, i don’t see surviving when a lot of people die as a victory or luck or a happy thing.
I noticed in my local news obituary section a staggering increase of young people, and it bleeds my heart! that was my comment to @realestatepup.
Does YHVH agree with this selfish mindset of survival?
Does survival even matter? we are all subject to nature law, we will all die, and just like seasons resurrect in another life death cycle. we are eternal beings in regards to that cycle. @444gem, Do you believe in resurrection? reincarnation?

1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer


Life is by design, intended to work to survive. I don’t think that choosing to survive in a harmonious way is “selfish.” I dedicate a substantial portion of time helping to show others what is going on. That really is what we are commanded to do, live in Truth and try and show Truth.

I don’t have any be-LIEfs. To believe in anything is to lie to oneself. What I do is ask YHWH and try to gain understanding as Hei gives it; asking seeking and knocking. The scriptures speak at length about the cyclical nature of the reality in which we are manifest. It also speaks of second comings and the raising of the dead. I advise you to look at these passages, read them in the original languages, try to understand their deeper meanings and to ask YHWH for guidance on this matter.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem first thank you for dedicating a substantial portion of time helping to show others what is going on. I really appreciate you as well as many other contributors in this website.
Do you really have that level of control over life that allows you to confidently say (i work to survive)? lets start with the basics: do you grow your own food? do you have control over everything you put on your mouth?
You say you don’t have any be-LIEfs, well you believe in YHWH, have you physically met him? what i mean by beliefs is our perception of what truth is.
This is why i asked you before about your beliefs on the after death. Let me formulate it in another way, what does the scriptures and YHWH say about the after death? my perception is that we are eternal beings, survival for me doesnt make any sens, the consequence of our acts make events turn in our favor and grant us life, existence so what matters is always have a positive energy, and impact on the world. am i wrong?

1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer


Thank you for the kind words my friend, may YHWH bless you.

On the matters of food and survival: by nature of my study and work, I move around the world a lot, and do not live as a pastoralist or sedentary agrarian. If it were necessary, I have acquired the skills to put these things into practice. Read Josephus writings on the three sects, (Book 2) on the Essenes. Some of us live apart, most are found in and among the people.

I am very aware of what is put into food and the supply chains, and take substantial measures to combat this; albeit grapheme nanotechnology is becoming nearly ubiquitous in the environment, to a point that not even farming on your own would make a difference. As an easy beginners point; avoiding all packaged products and buying fresh produce from truly Kosher markets and supply chains avoids about 80% of the issues.

We are born with a deep and profound knowing of the creator. We are as eternal as Elohim.


Again I wish to point you to the passages regarding second comings, the raising of the dead, and implore you to look at them in Hebrew in Greek. When you have return and tel me what you find.

1 year ago

Gabriel Attal, Jewish, openly Gay, young (34), good looking, clean slate, furiously anti-vaxxer.

This seems like a good contender for the Anti-Christ role, I would definitely keep an eye on this one.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

While you keep staring at each new bright and shiny object they trot out every 2 year cycle, The “Anti-Christ,” has been around for 1600 years, masquerading as Yeshua under the name G-Zeus.

Look away from staring into the sun and you will see.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yeah, yeah… dont forget your medicine today 666gem, you are already loosing it.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

“Call no Man father”
“having graven images you shall NOT”
“Your Incense is detestable to me.”
“It is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than to pass a camel through the eye of a needle.”

The Big PAPA doesn’t care about the commandments of YHWH and Yeshua, he’s got a gold filled palace as the mouth of G-Zues, the Sun Child born on December 25th.

Stop staring at the bright shiny objects my friend; you’ve missed the past 1600 years of the AntiXristos right before your eyes.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Catholics are pagans,
why do you always bring everything about Christianity to the Catholics?

You know there are true Christians out there in the world?

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Christianity is a slightly less immersed paganism in all its iterations, that’s why it’s called Protestantism -in order to protest there must a an original thing you’re protesting. But they kept most of the trappings and still do. It’s been shown to you on this forum ad nauseum yet you continue to argue the same, tired tropes.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

You have no idea what you’re talking about. Anabaptists for exemple are polar opposite with Catholics. 1 follow the Bible to the letter, the other had it mixed with Babylonian & Mithraism rituals. Your New Age group is really out of phase with reality.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

I am aware that there are true followers of The Way in the world my friend. They are few.

My point here is that the antiXristos, the false G Zues put in place of Yeshua by the worshippers of the harlotte of Babylon on the seven hills of Rome (the solar warrior) has existed for a very very long time a prophecy long since fulfilled; it is not some new dangled shiny political pawn of the NW0 WEF.

I also understand anabaptists tend to adhere closer to the scriptures than other gentiles and do not consider themselves Protestants. However, I do not count people succumbing to flipping in tongues to prove their in the “Holy Spirit” during a SUNday mass, as in keeping with scriptures “to the letter.” I’m also not a purist; we are all humans.

I’m not your enemy, even if you seem to think so.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Jesus really existed and was not put into place by men of the Catholic church like you imply it. Some archaeological evidences proved the authenticity of Jesus and the New Testament

The James Ossuary which contain the following reference: “James, Son of Joseph, Brother of Jesus.”. Many experts verified the authenticity of the James Ossuary and proved it was not a forged.

Some historians around the time of Jesus Christ also referred to him and the miracles he made like Josephus who lived from about 37-100 AD. 
There are also testimoniesfrom Josephus and Tacitus & Pliny the Younger, Suetonius and Lucian.

The Early Church did promote his Word but the Catholics highjacked the movement and destroyed it at the time of Constantine the Great (306-337). Catholicism is a mix of Christianity and Babylonian practices and as the Bible say ‘”Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. What does light have to do with darkness”‘. It’s probably the only time I can agree with Freemasons when I say that Catholicism is an abomination that should not exist.

Regarding the anabaptists, indeed speaking in tongues is not a clear sign of receiving the Holy Spirit as demonized people can also do it with the help of their demons. What we call ‘tongue’ is just the language spoken by all men pre-Babel and some demons are proficient in many languages.
When looking at all the Christian religious groups today, the Anabaptists seems to follow the most the teachings of Jesus Christ which I admire.

We are not prefect but we most follow as much as possible the exemple of our leader Jesus Christ.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Upvoting for offering a substantive argument with no name calling and clear sincerity. This is very heartening.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Thanks, you seem open to discussion so let’s discuss

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

I’m actually awaiting Gem’a response as to the phenomena of tongues. I’m also ending a very long workday and have a long drive home, but I’m always open to speak…raincheck?

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

We agree that a man, whose name was ישוע historically existed. What I am saying, very clearly, is that wicked men, Luciferians and Solar worshippers, did start and control the Cattle Lick church in order to overlay a false luciferian syncretism of pagan worship on top of the True teachings of ישוע and then propagated it for the past 1600 years.

This is the true meaning and prophecy of the Αντίχριστος as it actually appears in scripture.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Well, we probably didn’t read the same scriptures as in the Bible it is clear the anti-Christ is a real person that will be demonized by Satan himself to lead the world to destruction. Satanists also worked hard to find this real person anti-Christ that will rule the world (See John Todd and Charles Hacks testimonies). Even New Agers where looking for the real person that will be Lord Maitreya to do the exact same things.

I don’t know where you find your information but people versed in esotericism like yourself enjoy finding hidden meanings where there is none.

On my humble opinion on this subject, this is something to take literally.

Last edited 1 year ago by quantguacamole
1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

I don’t find this information from other sources; it is what is written directly in the scriptures; if you read the original text and understand the original languages.

The Thelema crowd of the early 20th century should not be taken as at all authoritative on Luciferianis that actually run the world; the entire Lord maitreya episode being a good example of their inept nature. They were one branch of low level Luciferians.

The name Maitreya they used is a slight twist on Mithras, and the pope’s MITRE infused with the great MATER (Queen of Heaven, Lucifer Venus). Which is literally to eMIT RAys; the Solar mysteries the myths of Ra. This is the AntiXristos; it is the child dipped in oil to make an ever burning oil lamp (THE SUN), a figure which Luciferians continually manifest on top of The Truth as the solar god man, such as Horus/Dimuzi/Krishna/Buddha/G-Zeus…. All of the cattle church based and derived gentile X-ianity is based on Solar worship; that’s why Constantine a known Solar worshipper and familial mass murderer made its symbol the Chai Rho, which is taken directly from Babylonian Solar curse bowls; the UTUkkim as mentioned as “Wetukkim” in 1 kings 10, translated as Peacock, the Solar bird whose feathers contain the eye of Ra.

You are correct that they each audition to be the next avatar or embodiment of the Solar man; but the antiXristos, an anointed fire lamp in place of The Truth, has existed as a recurring pattern that leads humanity to destruction, for thousands of years.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I think your version of the scriptures is very twisted (Maybe it was a satanic or masonic Bible…), no true Christian can adhere to your beliefs. Sun worshiping is again more of Catholic thing even if it is hidden to the general public.

There are many anti-Christs in this world but only one with rule the NWO as explained in the Bible. We don’t live in cyclical timeline as you and the New Ager crowd like to believe it, there is no age of Aquarius incoming, just the end-times Armageddon so you better be prepared for Judgement Day.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Have you ever read a word of Hebrew or Greek?

It is a fact that the equinoxes precess at a rate of 1 degree per 71.6 years on average. As time passes which constellation is found in the spring equinox moves SLOWLY. And yes, right now when you look at the sun rising on March 20th, the spring equinox; Aquarius is the constellation visible on the horizon due East, just before the sun obliterates the background stars.

This doesn’t mean a great age of Aquarius is here, as idiotic new Agers espouse, it marks the passing of time, a celestial CLOCK… when the disciples asked Yeshua how they would know he is coming on Passover (THE SPRING EQUINOX) He told them to Follow the man with the water pitcher. That’s Aquarius. LUKE 22

Is this a Masonic Bible I’m quoting?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I don’t pretend to read Hebrew or Greek but I have read scholars who did like Alexander Hislop (He read Chaldean too) and nowhere did he ever talk about all the BS you talk about. Textual Interpretation in different languages is a hard task and you might have misinterpreted quite a lot if you did it in good faith (which I highly doubt).

Thanks, I know that New Age argument about LUKE 22 (I think David Icke said the same), funny how you often quote New Age arguments without being one of them. By the way, the Bible clearly condemn Chaldean astrology so there is no way Jesus Christ was refering here to the passage of a new area.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

I’m Aryeh Yehudah, it’s my and my people’s mother language… but maybe I’ll go ask D-icke the brit for some pointers now that I’ve found out he’s an expert in Hebrew! FYI, I happen to agree with many of the points of Alexander Hislop; however, he is also Scottish and a MASON, yes he was a mason… You don’t even know who you’re reading.

It’s not astrology sourguacamole! Its astronomy… The sky precesses at 1 degree every 71.6 years, taking about 2000-2400 years (depending on the constellation and its width across the ecliptic) to move from one constellation to the next. Aquarius is the man with the water pitcher, who now, exactly 2000 years after the life of Yeshua is the constellation of the Spring Equinox. Can you prove any of this is incorrect? You think Yeshua, who you claim as LORD, did not know these very factual things?

The scriptures are absolutely full of references to the stars and the cosmos. Berashid 1:14 specifically states:

Let there be lights in the waters above (Ha-shamayim, NOT firmament) of the heaven to divide between the day and between the night; and let them be for signs/Symbols of PROPHETS/Divine attestations and for seasons, and for days and years.”

What do you think that means? I agree, its not Chaldean Saturnian astrology, or New Age tripe, it’s about the hard factual science of the stars! But you are so black and white, you are as blind as a mason on his chessboard. The word translated as “signs” in Berashid 1:14 is לְאֹתֹת֙ from אוֺת “OATH.” It is used both as the mark of Kain, being 7 which relates intimately to the Fine Structure Constant and the construction of the cosmos (the Heptagon man, the 7 candlesticks on the Menorah….) and it is used in reference to signs of prophets in Isiah, to the Sabbath in “Exodus” being (Shivat, the 7th day) and it is directly used for the meaning of omens and prophetic signs in “EXODUS BY MOSES IN REFERENCE TO THE STARS.” You have not read the scriptures, you have read twisted “translations” stuffed with dogma and confused anything that discusses the stars for the practices of the worshippers of Chiun/Shiva/SATURN….

Job specifically discusses “loosening orions belt” and binding the chains of the pleaides….

Yeshua says “I will give you The Keys to the Domain of the Cosmos.” (with the Greek word Uranos, which specifically refers to the stars and cosmos, changed to mean “fluffy white cloud heavens with pearly gates.” which is just ridiculous and contrary to scripture)

What do you think these things mean? It’s not Babylonian saturnian astrology I assure you… YHWH has commanded that the stars be for SIGNS and Prophets.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

You didn’t read well, I said Hislop was a reference for language translations of sacred texts not the wacko David Icke. The father of Hislop was a literal mason but nowhere it is said that Alexander Hislop was a freemason. Where did you find this?

Again you give us a classic New Age arguments with Genesis 1:14 that I have seen numerous times. The luminaries in the sky are here to help us in our daily lives and experience the flow of time (mark time for us) but the Old testament clearly condemn its interpretation as astrologers do and as you do.

Isaiah 47:13-14
You are wearied with your many counsels; let them stand forth and save you, those who divide the heavens, who gaze at the stars, who at the new moons make known what shall come upon you. Behold, they are like stubble; the fire consumes them; they cannot deliver themselves from the power of the flame. No coal for warming oneself is this, no fire to sit before!

Deuteronomy 18:10-14
There shall not be found among you … anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer

Ah, we know a bit more about the mysterious 444gem, so you are either a Sephardi or Mizhari Jew, Ashkenazi don’t descend of David or Judah. What is sure is that you are clearly not a Messianic Jew unfortunately for you.

Last edited 1 year ago by quantguacamole
1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

You think Mizraim (which actually means “The primordial mound” Egypt…) descend from Yehudah? They’re Cushitic and Persian “converts” with genetic intermixing. Most Mizraim are extremely greedy, and extremely evil; the old ways of the Dog Star worshippers…

Many times before I’ve explained that The Aryeh Yehudah are often now (mis)classed as a subsection of Sephardim; that we left Yerushalem after 69 CE to Iberia (literally IBeru, Hebrew…) and then many went to the Americas and helped create Theo’s Tihuaxan.

What you don’t know, is that I am from the unbroken male line of David, directly descended from the people you claim to understand, but you don’t. I have patience with your constant false accusations and ignorance of the original scriptures because I care enough to do this.

If you read the Hebrew of the original scriptures and didn’t rely on blind interpretation of mistranslations, you wouldn’t call the explanation of the word “sign” as new age, it’s literally three thousand years old; and it’s not about divination or sorcery, it’s about understanding how the universe works. You would not simply dismiss what I have shown you regarding the word אות used in Berashid; being connected to seven, which governs the physical laws of the universe in ways you Cannot imagine; The Fine Structure Constant… 7 words of Berashid 1 (in Hebrew) and 7+7+7+7 letters. The source code of the universe Alef Tav…. What you may be more familiar with as Alpha and Omega.

In time you will learn; but for now it seems you must keep swinging at shadows and remain in the cave.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thanks for the clarification on Mizraim, that explain why the initiated to the masonic rite of Misraim have an open door to the Luciferian Palladium lodge. From Cush came Nimrod, one of the most evil man at the time. Oddly enough Mizraim don’t have the Ethiopian figure that Nimrod had according to Hislop.
(BTW Alexander Hislop is not freemason, I am still waiting for where you found this)

Again I can see you like numerology (From previous posts too), this time finding hidden ‘connections’ with the letter 7. Cabalists are Jews really into numerology…

To me Isaiah 47:13-14 and Deuteronomy 18:10-14 are pretty clear !
Delve into this at your own risk.

Last edited 1 year ago by quantguacamole
1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

You are so quick to point fingers in accusation and slow to ask questions. We are commanded against bearing false witness… I don’t study or practice astrology; but I do study Astronomy. I don’t practice kabbala nor numerology; I study mathematics.

The scriptures are full of deep mathematics and astronomy, many of which use letter, number correspondences; Hebrew is 100% an alphanumeric language, as is Greek; this is just a fact. But you don’t read a single letter of Hebrew nor Greek, and yet are ready to take out the heretic finger at a moments notice. This is what the cattle church built into X-inanity, the mark of the beast…

In apoKALIpso (calypso being the goddess of hiding, the books name means “out of hiding”) it states:

Let the one with wisdom CALCULATE the number of the beast. His number is χξς”

You read it 666 in your mistranslation, but it very clearly is using Greek isopsephy to make the number of Sol Amon (1 kings 10) the sun king, reading the number “Six” in Latin, going right to left as Hebrew. Three languages of the ancient Roman world combined. Should we burn it as heresy?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

No need to say our definitions of mathematics and astronomy differ a lot.

Here is a few questions for you:

Have you studied in a Rabbinical school?
For how long? Are you a Rabbi?
Do you find hidden meanings in the name of the Lord YHWH (IHVH)?

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

no no no. Why would I study in a rabbinical school? If they are run by the descendants of Pharisees and Pheonician imposters that love the Talmud and Zohar? Do you really believe I would be so stupid as to adhere to a Re-legion, another Solar Luciferian variant to make the armies of the sun god? Whether its Cattle Lick, Talmudism, Maha Amutism, Masonry, etc. etc. there just different sides of the solar coin, the SOLidus.

My definition of astronomy and mathematics is based on scientific inquiry, not steeped in Chaldean or New Age superstitious junk. What is yours? Is beta decay Chaldean astrology? Or maybe fundamental physics and equations involving spherical harmonics is numerology for idiots? Do you even know high school calculus, or do you just think all numbers are bad bad dooody witch sauce and have no understanding beyond +-? When you add together how many apples you have, are you calling the devil?

You seem to continually accuse me of stuff I find very off the wall, even though you have yet to ask me a single substantive question, you assume incorrectly, what my ideas are; again like all those marked with the Tau Cross (X), the mark of the illiterate, you are always quick to accuse and rarely ask. When you do at least you ask a question, it appears like you are doing it just to let you point a heresy finger. Swinging in the dark.

What of the infamous passage in Apokalypsis I have mentioned which directly includes Isospephy, and the adjoining table of numbers in 1 Kings 10. Is this heresy for you; the anabaptist that claims to follow the scriptures “to the letter,” but yet doesn’t know how to read a single letter of the scriptures?

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

If you show your mathematical findings to a true mathematics scholar, he will laugh at you ! Same for the astronomy.

Whatever your findings are about 666, both Christians with the Holy Spirit and demonized Satanists in contact with their demons agree that 666 is the number of the beast (Just look at all the hidden 666 messages). When the higher powers (Fallen or not) conjunctly disagree with you, its very probable you are wrong… “Facts are stubborn things”

I don’t think you are a free ‘electron’ as you pretend to be, you and your team have an agenda.

Anyway this discussion is taking longer than expected, congrats to those that read of all this, you have a lot of patience !

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

I don’t pretend to be a fields level mathematician, but I was ranked top 500 in national entry exams for Mathematics to university some years ago, and I have a lot of high-level published material in several different subfields of physics, which is peer reviewed by “real” scholars. But apparently according to you, counting 28 letters in Berashid 1 is for the devil… Okay Bobby Bouche, it’s called counting, or in modern mathematical formalisms: combinatorics.

It never ceases to be frightening to encounter how potent the MAGIk tricks of the Luciferians casting shadows in the cave are at degrading some humans; I’ll await the day when you step out of quivering in fear of letter countering and Earth’s orbital cycles and brandishing heretics, and that you stop claiming to follow scriptures “to the letter,” when you can’t even read the letters in the scripture; it’s nonsense. With time you may become capable of having an open conversation and laying down the heretic trigger finger. Til, then just keep swinging at the shadows on the wall.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Image from the movie PI (1998) :
This will feel right at home with you.

Send me your ‘scientific’ papers link,
I want to have a good laugh too.

Last edited 1 year ago by quantguacamole
1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole


Last edited 1 year ago by quantguacamole
1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

“Bigger, for your tired eyes.”…? Why did you delete your last insult, guac?

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

When you enlarge the picture you send, it doesnt appear enlarged on the site. Its the same image size that was posted previously so it was useless. It doesnt seem you can control the images you post here.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

I see.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Unfortunately, I’m not willing to connect my academic work with this forum, especially not for you, who I have serious concerns about causing issues in my life. Some readers here, who have high level technical capabilities, have seen some of my academic work, and even help me edit it.

FYI I maintain a strong level of mathematical formalism and scientific rigor. You haven’t even seen my work, you just ASSume.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem i would like to get an answer to my comment above if you can, thank you for your time.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Let’s just leave it like this, It’s your word and I don’t believe it. I have seen your ‘formalism and scientific rigor’ many times in the comments or in the 12 monkeys series.

You are a numerologist and an astrologer, basically YOU are a JOKE in the true mathematical and astronomical realm (And its probably the same for your Bible translations). Only gullibles can blindly follow you and I will be happy to remind it to you everytime it is necessary.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Curious as to whether you migjt elaborate on Yeshua’s interactions with the Pharisees and why he was so adamantly against what they taught and believed? Why did it infuriate him?

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Sour guacamole, youre screaming at me, how you feel about yourself when you speak with me. I don’t wish to make you feel bad, but look, I make the jokes because you are frankly so childish with the finger pointing, at a fairly older age, that it is a bit comical, so I make light. I’m sorry if I’ve been to harsh on you and hurt you. However, I’m actually trying to help you grow…

I have not introduced any of my high level mathematical stuff in monkeys; because 99% of people are not going to learn from it, they don’t have the studies so they just get confused. Instead of using long equations and formalism, I introduce concepts in monkeys which are natural consequences of using those mathematics and physics, and have predictive power and easily recognizeable patterns that show up. For instance, the use of computational geometry in ancient artifacts. It is everywhere.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Heres a very basic example in the picture below. In a work I did a while back, I looked at the lead digits of the sums of the words in Berashid 1, and found that the numerical distribution violates what is known as Benford’s law. This well proven phenomenon in natural number sets and lead digits; it is used by everyone from the IRS to detect fraudsters manipulating their transactions, to the military detecting hidden human constructions under forest terrain, to cryptographers trying to crack encoded messages.

The conclusion, is that the numerical sets show a strong and patterened selection bias for specific lead digits that violate Benford’s law. They also show substantial deviation from the average expected letter distribution frequencies in Hebrew texts. It is a high level of mathematical formalism (in a very simple problem) which shows that the authors of Berashid were expressly selecting the sums of the words they used to favor patterns of lead digits. Ist his a joke to you? Maybe its chaldean astrology woo woo poopy devil witch sauce? If they were using mathematical patterns in writing the Torah, then why is it evil to observe those patterns and analyse them in order to understand what the authors were doing?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Indeed that’s basic statistics, as they say in the field : “Correlation does not imply causation”. You assume it was written using mathematical patterns meanwhile there still could be a strong random factor.

The Word of God is very clear, there is no need to look for hidden meanings where there is nothing. Twisting yourself in knots like this will just end you with a confused mind and false pride of being intelligently superior.

Your example is very interesting as it proves me once more you are close to the Kabbalah even if you won’t admit it (Don’t worry that stay btwn us).
In ‘The secret teachings of all ages’ by your hero Manly P Hall, the chapter on Kabbalah is more or less the same as what you do : Toying the name of God HVHI to find hidden meanings, counting words and letters in the Torah etc..
In the movie PI (which I hope you saw) the caballists also do the same kind of search that you do.

Kabbalah will twist the Torah (written for good purpose by God) and lead its followers to evil supposedly because of God’s hidden messages written in it for the very elect. It’s really another simple trick of the devil who many fall into.

Use your brainpower for good instead of doing intellectual m**********n !

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

What I showed you isn’t a correlation; it’s a violation of the proven relationship between natural number sets and lead digits. Basic statistics… with a deviation from the normal distribution of a five sigma result (a one in a trillion chance it’s a statistical fluke.) So either they were selecting digits in writing the Torah, or they managed to write it by accident with a 1 in 1 trillion fluke…

Benford’s law is so strong in detecting non-natural, human selected number sets that it is admitted as proof in courts of law regarding data manipulation in financial transactions, and used in tens of thousands of studies to prove human selection biases in a wide range of data sets from river lengths, to physical constants of nature.

Moreover, this is only one piece of data; I have thousands of pages of materials peer review published, and unpublished stuff, that shows the scriptures contain strongly delineated and complex mathematical patterns that are absolutely impossible to be by happenstance. You don’t stumble into equations for earths gravity by putting a monkey on a typewriter…. These patterns must require human selection with profound scientific knowledge. The methodologies I’m using are called data science on large information sets and you can kick and scream about it being witchcraft it doesn’t change the reality. Where in the scriptures does it command “Counting you shall Not!”

Your logic about me as a “kabbalist” is extremely flawed; it’s mind numbing. You are committing attribution errors and yourself claiming correlations equals causation with no evidence.

You are literally saying:

A) 444Gem knows how to count and reads the scriptures
B) kabbalists know how to count and read the scriptures

Thus, 444Gem is proven a Kabbalist heretic.

This is equivalent to:

A) sourguacamole prays to Jesus and thinks all people that use science are heretics

B) Catholics in the 12th century CE pray to Jesus and think all people that use science are heretics

Thus, sourguacamole is a 12th century Catholic! Omg YOU ARE A TIME TRAVELER OR YOU ARE 800 YEARS OLD!! I must know your secrets time traveling methuselah guacamole.

See how stupid such attribution errors are?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Methuselah guacamole has a time machine!! I can’t believe I didn’t realize until now

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Both of your responses were actually really stupid.
“Correlation does not imply causation” is an expression, I didnt say there was a correlation, go check the meaning of the expression on wiki:
The phrase “correlation does not imply causation” refers to the inability to legitimately deduce a cause-and-effect relationship between two events or variables solely on the basis of an observed association or correlation between them.

A real statistician would have understood it but you are a JOKE. Btw the ‘quant’ in my pseudo is not a mistake, go play with your basic statistics as the amateur you are. That could impress your half-brain followers but not a real statistician.

There is a high probability you are a cabalist, thats all I said. Numerologist, astrologist, esoteric, gnostic, New Age beliefs, Jew, anti-Christian, dishonest… you tick a lot of boxes son. I won’t be sure 100% unfortunately.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

You are not a joke quantized guacamole. But I do make light of your propensity to point fingers and make false accusations, because it is disturbing, disheartening, and I want you to see just how silly it is. I’m aware you’re intelligent and have a fairly high level of training in mathematics.

Yes, I found it a little bit absurd you were citing the phrase “correlation does not prove causation,” (which is from high school statistics class) to try and discredit a small, out of context, and stand alone piece of research regarding Benford’s law and Alphanumeric selections by the authors of Berashid. Benford’s law does have rigorous Mathematical proof and loads of empirical evidence showing that it does provide strong evidence of the causation of human selection bias in number sets.

I found it comical even moreso because you have, for almost a year now, used perceived correlations between what I show on this forum, with “boxes” you use to label people and their beliefs. Do those boxes help you feel more safe in an uncertain word?

I’ve asked you many times, what is New Age; you won’t define it; but you accuse me of it. Then I’m a c1@ spy, then I’m tons of people, then I’m a Kabbalist jew. I am none of these things, you’ve guessed wrong on every single “box” and label you’ve tried to throw me into through your ignorance. I actually have a serious distaste for all of these self organized groups (except what you call “Jews,” who you obviously hate, which are actually isis-ra-Eli’s, because humans are humans and deserve to be treated with respect regardless of ethnicity… )

It seems your logic is to point fingers and ask questions later. This is a hallmark of why many people don’t like X-inanity; lots of accusations and hypocrisy, no real intent to follow the teachings of Yeshua. Is constantly calling people “dumbass” and bearing false witness following the scriptures “to the letter?” It’s not.

On a final note, I’m not a statistician anymore than Neil’s Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Albert Einstein, Erwin Shroedinger, Max Planck, or any other multidisciplinary scientists. Quantum physics employs statistics and probabilities heavily, as a tool, that doesn’t make the person who uses them a statistician. If you must have a label to make you feel safe,
I am a multidisciplinary researcher, who employs methodologies and research from numerous areas such as: linguistics and comparative linguistics, archeology, archeo-astronomy and astronomy, cosmology, computational geometry, quantum physics and electrodynamics, genetics, biology, archeo-botany and botany, oceanography, meteorology, climatology, architecture, electrical engineering, philology, social psychology and sociology, rhetoric, telecommunications, and theology…

Multidisciplinary research is a difficult task, but all of our greatest minds have been multidisciplinary, from Galileo to Archimedes, to Yeshua. Why then do you have disdain for these things?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I admire Multidisciplinary research in general, I think it is often the key to innovation in technical fields. But in your case, you are more of Jack of all trades, master of none. Not good in anything + wasting your brainpower on intellectual mastur-bation is pretty sad. Sorry to say it.

I have nothing against Jews or any ethnicity in general, there is good (Messianic Jews) and bad (Cabbalist Jews) apples in every group. What matter is if you follow the Lord’s rule or no.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

You make yourself sillier and sillier, guac. Gem admonished me week before last to stop listening to Manly P and go to scriptures….got a bit irritated with me, even, lol. But that doesn’t fit your constructs.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

It is really disheartening for me to witness this particular situation, where you are refusing to embrace an incredible opportunity for growth that is right in front of you. I urge you humbly to reflect on the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding that this situation offers, even if you choose to do so privately. Reflecting on it would not be seen as a sign of weakness or giving up, but rather as an act of reverence towards God, acknowledging the depth and breadth of His word. You may still hold contempt towards me and others and consider this information, as the two are not mutually exclusive.

Yes, it may be “clear” as well that an oak tree comes from a seed, but that does not mean that the seed doesn’t contain more than its obvious physical/macro structure, but also a vast amount of mathematically expressed divinely encoded and finely-tuned information. Through the analysis and application of such information, we gain a profound understanding that extends far beyond the basic notion of a “seed giving rise to a big tree.” Can the intelligence of the seed surpass that of the living word from the same creator? Are we, as His beloved creation, too incapable to comprehend anything beyond simplified –and yes at times inaccurately translated and intentionally obscured— non-primary source material? When we disregard the intricate alphanumerics found in the original language of scripture—which are finely and harmonically tuned to the geometric properties of YHWH’s multi-dimensional universe that determine our very exitance—we arrogantly overlook and belittle the intelligence of our infinitely dimensional creator.

Throughout, I have firmly believed in your capacity to transcend the societal conditioning and programmed limitations that bind us all. I humbly and respectfully implore you not to dismiss these fundamental scientific-spiritual truths without careful consideration, despite their potential complexity resulting from being unfamiliar. We have been spectacularly deceived. It keeps us separated from true unified consciousness with YHWH, fighting with each other, and utterly controllable. Heartfelt blessings to you.

1 year ago
Reply to  ttsc

If a dumbass numerologist doing basic statistics is capable of changing your world view like this, you probably had half a brain to start with….

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

I was apprehensive that you might react using the emotional and primitive brain with more recalcitrance, mockery, and disdain. I still believe there is an opportUNITY for understanding.

YHWH is the sole catalyst for transforming my perspective, and it is distressing you choose to use such a derogatory language to describe Him and His creation. Seething in anger as a result of the cognitive dissonance that convicts you is not the path to follow. I genuinely hope that someday you will acknowledge the mathematical and transcendent essence of His Truth, which surpasses blind hyper literal trust in surface level linear (mis) interpretations of secondary source material commissioned by malicious individuals. It is important to note that you insist on receiving primary source evidence from others, yet you are unwilling to examine primary sources yourself when it comes to matters of your own faith. Quick to dismiss those who compassionately attempt to expose religious deceit as “new age,” a term you carelessly employ to discredit such efforts. However, your unwavering devotion to solar symbolism in your own beliefs prevents you from recognizing its true value, a result of your ingrained programming.

They have you praying to the Egyptian deity Amen/Amun who fused with Ra to become Amun-Ra, the horned deity of illumination. “A-mon” means faith by ignorance. Prefix “a” = without; Greek equivalent μην is moon, while incorporating astrotheological symbols (e.g., the two-beam solar eliptical phi cross) that emerged centuries after Yeshua’s sacrifice on the σταυρός (upright stake, not cross), while attending church, the new roman pantheon, named after Cersei the Roman sun god Helios’ daughter, the deity who lured men into her home with false spiritrual wine and turned them into swine (shunting energy from the swine [us] to the ain stein was never the intent of the qahal קָהָל which is more in line with Ekklēsia), while clinging to the term “Christianity,” the compromise re-legion (army of the sun god), when Yeshua was never referred to as “Christ” (a counterfit term for קרשת in Hebrew, the last four letters of the alef bet which refers to YHWHs wisdom) and Christos Helios was the Roman sun god worshiped by Constantine… it literally means “Christ-the-true-sun”… the very reason the שַׁבָּת was moved to Sun-day (more sun worship) while praising the bright morning star which is Venus/Lucifer the diety of blood sacrifice while calling upon Gad and G-Zeus when praying who is Ba’al Gad the illuminator in Isaiah 65 and not the historical Yeshua, while worshipping on Sun-day, Latin Domingo for which Dominus means Sun lord, while reading extremely coded translations in the 66(6) book arrangement of the Helios Biblios (sun book) and conflating with the original language AY scriptures, many of which were destroyed/hidden, while believing in the magical Virgo (constellation) birth of Osiris (sun) that directly correlated with Saturnalia (Dec 25, hence X-mass, X for Osiris…a X-ian holiday) when Yeshua was born in March/April, and not from the imposter Mar-yam (Sea beast) manifesting from various luciferian virgin queen mother of heaven figures such as Isis, Ishtar, and Maryam (the “Virgin” worship relates to a hermaphroditic deity of destruction who self-impregnates and governs the underworld), while falling for the ruse of the numerous luciferian trinities including the solar Isis-Horus-Set (IHS), the hindu trimurti, etc.  despite the absence of the word “trinity” in scripture, while anticipating a magical rapture, another term not found in Scripture, more Magik, while misattributing the pnuema πνεύμα/Ruach  ר֣וּחַ “living breath,” of YHWH into a completely separate entity away from YHWH, when it is Hei the ineffable, invisible creator who is in every breath.

Ironically, it is those who truly follow The Way, Yeshua, YHWH, and the Scriptures who you’ve repeatedly labeled as “new age.” It is crucial to seriously consider these difficult Truths and understand the genuine nature of YHWH, avoiding misguided beliefs and practices that deviate from the true principles of The Way. While it’s important to recognize symbols like the one eye and hidden hand, it’s equally important to see the abundant solar symbolism in “Biblical Christianity.” Acknowledging manufactured conflicts in the news is commendable, but it’s also essential to acknowledge that Vespian created one to eradicate Judea. The reformation movement was another Luciferian butterfly creation of false dichotomy, pitting Protestantism against Catholicism, and dividing the masses to form two stable poles of a harvesting magnet (you literally used the term “polar opposite” validating the construct they demand we perpetuate). The Truth is 90 degrees from both artificial poles my friend. This binary mindset hinders our ability to embrace objective truth and plays into the influence of lucifer, the 101010. I genuinely hope that my sentiments are conveyed with the intended sadness. There are countless divine scientific Truths that you have also ignored or failed to see, which I would be happy to enumerate if you are interested. We must put an end to our childish games and awaken ourselves to the truth, acknowledging the extent of our deception.

1 year ago
Reply to  ttsc

This is excellent. Thank you @ttsc. Says it profoundly.

1 year ago
Reply to  ttsc

We are missing one, where is the angry bad cop @thekwon ? what do you have to say?

Last edited 1 year ago by quantguacamole
1 year ago
Reply to  ttsc

Where is your double account @thekwon ?
If it was spelled like this.

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole



1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

😅 Oh you poor baby. If you can’t tell the very different voices amongst me, kwon, Gem and ttsc, I don’t know how to help you.
Why do you suspect others of having multiple accounts? I for one don’t have anywhere near the time for that.
I know you have a monetized youtube platform…is protecting that what most of your angst is about?

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I can, I just wanted to mess with your new age cult 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Ttsc said it incredibly well. The only thing I would add is what an incredible idiot you are.

For someone with real intelligence you’re also really dumb and stubborn as a mule and will probably behave really badly the worse things get in the world. The worst part is you will do it in the name of Gad!!
It is true I have a problem with anger that I’m working on. I have so much anger largely because of idiots in the world – oblivious and totally self absorbed self righteous jerks who can’t see or hear what is so plain to see. Because of my condition (the evil folks at WB gave to me) I am more sensitive than most to how many people are running around like self absorbed bratty children.
You sir, are the poster child for why so many people hate Christians.

Who do I sound like now?

1 year ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

Why do satanists always attack Catholics if they are cut from the same cloth then?

Last edited 1 year ago by rick
1 year ago
Reply to  rick

Why do the demonrats attack the rebulictards? It’s a football game. I don’t believe one word of the history they present anymore. Look at the melted buildings and tell me we didn’t go through fire already

Last edited 1 year ago by marie
1 year ago
Reply to  rick

They attack all mainstream Christians regularly in movies, music videos, etc. They attack Catholicism more openly because she is the “Great Mother”.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Who thinks, “They attack me because I don’t get it so they gain even more hand” as: “They’re attacking me, so I must be right”?
Meaning, don’t you think they’re smart enough to game you this way?

I’m not saying they don’t use this tactic becuse they clearly do, but it must be contextualized for us to realize their purpose. That’s why it’s so important to learn this stuff, because discernment comes through knowledge, discipline and truthful observation.

The context pervading Catholocism and it’s baby -broader Christianity – tells the true tale.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  rick

Because the main enemy of the Freemasons are the Catholics even if both serve Satan, its a classic Divide and Conquer to cloud the issue.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Are you suggesting Jesus is or was the antichrist?

1 year ago
Reply to  rick

@rick, you’ve been on this forum awhile and this has been explained over and over in incredible detail. If you really wish to know and not just challenge from the offense you feel, follow 444Gem and really read what he writes with an open heart.

I used to be a staunch Christian (but it took mental gymnastics for me to become so) and I am not moving away from truth, but closer to it. This world is (deliberatly) confusing, but the more I learn, the more the Holy Spirit confirms truth within me.

I think Re-ligions and even Denominations are designed primarily to further divide and to incite hatred against “others”. Let’s stop that evil and restore them as brOTHERS. Because they are, like it, accept it, embrace it or no.

Think about it, whom did the embodiement of Truth (Yeshua aka Christ) condemn the most ferociously? Not the dregs of society, but the religious. Ask yourself Why?

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@rick I reread my words and realize they had a rough edge and for that I offer my apology. I was getting ready for work and wanting to address your questions but should have taken the time to proofread in my haste. My bad, as I didn’t mean to come across as abrupt, and certainly not to be offensive. I’ll be more mindful.

1 year ago
Reply to  rick


I am telling you that the synchronised figure of Dimmuzi/Krishna/Horus many call G-ZEUS that the Catulus Liqus and most X-ianity worships, replete with crucifixes, idolatry, death worship, sectarianism, and hypocrisy, is the AntiXristos that was put in the place of Yeshua. This is the meaning of the Greek term αντίχριστο “In place of the Truth,” Christ being the last for letters of the Hebrew Alef Beth קרשת QRST, which letters mean “The Truth enters the head and from the Tooth forms The Word.”

The worship of the Queen of Heaven is also pure Luciferian Great Mother worship.

1 year ago
Reply to  rick

Those guys will tell you Jesus is the antichrist, all religions are worth it and many other gnostic and New Age stuffs but in front they will tell you they are good practicing Christians…

It is either a joke or a classic satanic two-face (I think it is more the 2nd option personally).

1 year ago

Who doesn’t like a good gay romance story?

1 year ago

Looks like his lover boy in all honesty.

1 year ago
Reply to  rick

It’s as gay as the sin o gag sucking babys cut penises saying that it isn’t gay because their mouths are becoming vaginas as they chant. Yes that was the actual excuse.