
Mandatory University of Wisconsin Law School seminar tells students ‘there are no exceptional White people’ (

A mandatory seminar for new students at the University of Wisconsin Law School denounced “colorblindness” and claimed “there are no exceptional White people.”

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8 months ago

Kalergi plan much?

8 months ago

A skin color is a skin color, and it’s ridiculous to think and believe that there’s such a thing as a superior race. It’s a lie. 

8 months ago
Reply to  username

Depends on the metric which you are measuring superiority, surely? Each race IS wonderfully different in their own way, and each have something beautiful to offer. I, for example, am not superior to some other races in a physical or sporting sense. FACT. Can I sing like Aretha Franklin? Or could she play or sing my cultural music like the Scots could?

Some races are more likely to produce twins, and if having twins was the metric, one race, statistically, would be superior to the other.

Is it true then, by your own assertion that superiority is a lie, that a vegetarian Indian is on the same moral level, as say, a violent cannibal on some island? Or is his race and religion equal?

I disagree with you on the grounds that I find the MASONIC concept of equality a lie. This concept is NOT in the bible. You can read Albert Pike on this little fact. It is a repugnant lie. There is no equality in intellect, in physicality, in faith, in nature, or in peoples of the SAME race. I’m not a surgeon, or a doctor. I understand what superior means, I have a dictionary.

Continuing, a Christian race, to me, is superior. If that Christian Race were brown, and a heathen one were white, I’d point to a superior race.

The Creator made us all, every race, every HUMAN -the Nephilim are hybrid, and as such should be included in this as an argument (I’m sure you see where Im going?) – He separated us, and stopped us speaking the same language.

As a Christian, I acknowledge that the Jewish RACE are the body of the tree of my faith. The bloodline line of David mattered. The bloodline of Cain mattered. The bloodline of Solomon (who was told not to take a wibe from outside his race) mattered. The names in the book of life mattered. Your RACE is different for a reason, unknown to us on earth, and there will be secrets in the DNA we are not aware of. Each one no doubt hiding a superior element in his glory.

Do you think the term blue bloods came out of thin air?

8 months ago
Reply to  Dagny

They were caninites coming from canin. Are you different race from your mother and father? It’s a mindset. The people who claim Jew-ish are just what they claim, they are not really Jews they are jews-kind of, ish*. Imagine being asian-ish negroid-ish caucasian-ish. Truth is right there but no one sees it. Check the redeemer saying his people were everyone with him in their hearts. The old people of Palestine/Israel broke the agreement. You ever wonder why Israel hide certain ancient bones and try to cover up the old mosaics of blond headed blue eyes when they’re found there? Yeah it’s kind of interesting. There were several races of people that lived through that area but one keeps being covered up.

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

Race is not a minset. I can see the differences with the eyes I was given. Mixed race children also struggle with organ donations, blood transfusion and certain diseases. We were created differently for a reason. I don’t know what that reason was, and it’s not for me to know. But it matters.

I agree with you however on the Synagog of Satan, the Cabals and those documents they tell us are a hoax. I totally agree with you on this. But genetics matter, and human DNA matters which is why the elites are obsessed with trying to collect and corrupt it. They are obsessed with mixed races also. Every advert on television is mixed couple? Why push it so? There is a reason.

The question then, which you have touched upon and that I personally think about often is genetics in relation to Jesus and his sacrifice. Through him, Jew and Gentile (human?) could be saved.

Regarding your comment below, I have red hair. I have green eyes in my family. I live in the land of red hair and standing stones, and ‘giants’. It concerns me. The Declaration of Arbroath is also a fascinating document. Our history teaches it was propaganda, but the stone of destiny came from the holy lands. The red hair is here.

8 months ago
Reply to  Dagny
Last edited 8 months ago by marie
8 months ago
Reply to  marie

Thank you 🙂

8 months ago
Reply to  Dagny

You know Solomon had red hair just like Mohammad

8 months ago

I wonder if they have ever sat in a car? Or on a bus? Or a plane? Or went to the dentist? Or taken a photograph? Or had surgery? Or watched television? Or spoken over a telephone? Or listened to a radio? Or read any of the Classics?

I think I made my point that the men who invented these things were exceptional. It’s funny that the West are being taught to think ill of white people, it’s cool now to be openly racist towards white skin. Perhaps, since our statues need to be pulled down, and our literature needs to be removed, then so should everything else? Perhaps these nuts would like to advocate that every race just use and appreciate what they consider ‘exceptional’. See where that gets humanity. There are exceptional people in all of the Lord’s races, I am merely making a much needed point.

8 months ago
Reply to  Dagny

Imagine how fkd up a university has got to be. According to the old days, the redeemer whether euro in genes, or Arab would for under the white people status, as would any Asian.

Last edited 8 months ago by marie
8 months ago

Blatant racism and discrimination but it doesn’t count if its against whitey.

8 months ago

If there are no “exceptional white people,” where the heck does that leave the other races? Whites are the driving force behind every single worthwhile invention & idea in world history.

Besides peanut butter 🙄

8 months ago

The letters DEI, in red, also spell Dei, which is Latin singular for God.
Red is a symbolic color for sacrifice.
A subtle statement of “God is dead, worship DEI now.”
These people follow these cultish teachings with no thought of their own, and just like any good cult follower, will destroy any and all that do not adhere to doctrine. Definitely a religion.

8 months ago
Reply to  realestatepup

Fascinating! Also an anagram of Die…. Phonetics also, DIEversity.

8 months ago

Fight racism with racism.

8 months ago
Reply to  rick
