
H&M Pulls more ‘Creepy’ Back-to-School Ads After P*edophilia Backlash (

H&M was blasted again on social media for sexualizing the girls, leading the company to yank the ad over the weekend.

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Kassaundra King
Kassaundra King
10 months ago

Backlash, Check, Ads Pulled, Check….!!!!!🎯👏🏾👍🏾

Kassaundra King
Kassaundra King
10 months ago

“DELETETHEELITE!!!!!! Great Name!!!!!💯🎯👏🏾😊

10 months ago

The backlash is great…but i feel like they’ve cornered the market on the generational brainwashing. Each preceding generation seems to be more passive than the current one. These ads are nothing more than a twisted psyop experiment to test that. Keep fighting people.

10 months ago

$29.99 inverted and reversed (without the $2 and the point) makes a 666.

Also, those are probably boys in the ad. I’m just saying, boys are highly sought-after in the p*do world of fashion.

10 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

So true, they love the anoos attempting to be taking away the child’s manhood and luciferize

Last edited 10 months ago by marie
10 months ago

Aside from the blantant insidious nature of that advert (boycott time folks), what people need to pay attention to is the use of the word ‘organic’ in fast fashion. Tests have shown that all organic cotton from the third world has been contaminated with Monsanto’s suicide seeds. If you are not familiar do some research on ‘suicide seeds’. They (and I’m not naming names for Vigilant Links sake) are aware of the seeds, and the farmer suicides in India, and they are aware that their products are being contaminated, and yet they do not speak about this and proudly promote their organic cotton. Insidious lot. Tip of the iceberg actually.