
COVID ‘6-feet’ social distancing ‘sort of just appeared,’ likely lacked scientific basis, Fauci admits (

Dr. Anthony Fauci confessed to lawmakers Tuesday that guidelines to keep six feet of separation — ostensibly to limit the spread of COVID-19 — “sort of just appeared” withou…

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8 months ago

Avoid corona (6 letters) by staying 6 feet apart, and collect your $600 check from the government, and get your vaccination (666 in gematria) or you’ll end up 6 feet under. Public health (also 666 in gematria) officials always have our best interests in mind. Hopefully they will give us peasants a generic drug (66 & 666 in gematria) to treat it someday.

The C19 pandem(on)ic was declared (3/11/20) 666 days after the Clade X “pandemic modelling exercise” (5/15/18), and it ended (5/5/23) 666 days after the WEF’s 2021 Cyber Polygon (power blackout) exercise. (The vax-development scam program Operation Warp Speed began exactly two years after Clade X.)

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (absolving vax manufacturers of liability) was enacted 666 weeks before the Gates Foundation was formed, and 33 years 3 months 3 weeks before the pandemic was declared. Gates celebrated 66 trips around the Sun 66 days after the Pfizer vax was approved (8/23/21). He divorced at that age, and enjoys a 66k (allegedly 66.6k) sq. ft. mega-mansion with a 66-ft. pool. But I digress…

Let’s look at these remarkable side-by-side photos of Dr. Ouchie Faux-i and Dr. Thomas Tuttle: “Dr Tuttle was the Dr Fauci of the 1918 Spanish Flu: both advocating social distancing, quarantines and mandatory masks.”
Can you say “elite bloodlines?”

Notice that Thomas & Tuttle each have 6 letters. And the 18 in the year 1918 is interesting because 6+6+6 = 18. (This is in my opinion why one has to be age 18 to be considered an adult & to vote & to go die in battle for your country, etc., at least in the U.S.)

So Fauci can play dumb / naïve all he wants, but we can see this entire thing was clearly planned around the number 6.

8 months ago
Reply to  CPR8

I have six letters in my name. Should I jump off a bridge right now?

8 months ago
Reply to  Sherry

If you wish, you’re free to fall too. It’s obvious they’re obsessed with the numbers with 6s and 33, they number the vaccine 666 with the ingredient name ‘Lucifererase’…, that’s pretty fkng obviously not a coincidence, right? I understand people get a little paranoid sometimes a lot, but this isn’t the right fight for that one. We need to make sure paranoia isn’t out in our faces butt wild but please do a little reading….I’ll link you to a site. I usually don’t spoon feed people because I think they need to learn to research for themselves but i think this is important enough and besides, you might be from California. Here
Or you could go on being ignorant, it’s up to you. I understand how you feel, but this psychotic tunnel goes too deep to be just a basement addition, we are talking a new York sin o gog tunneling with a bloody mattress and children high chairs that goes deeper than explored and this is after they were given a whole yeary to clean up their mess. Not to mention they have this symbolism right next to the tunnel system. If you don’t know what I’m talking about then you’ll have to research that too, it’s quite the sight.

Confused 2
Confused 2
8 months ago
Reply to  marie

Excellent article. Thank you.

8 months ago

They were drawing invisible.”boy in a bubble”. If they made it closer, it’s not so noisy nor awkward to interact, actually converse, and they didn’t wan’t to facilitate that.
If they made it further, that seems so harsh, secluding and alienting (lol) and they needed buy-in. Plus we know how much they love their numbers. 6 feet wasn’t incidental.