
Andrew Tate says he was offered to become a Satanist for protection and riches

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6 months ago

This is what Mark Passio has been saying for a decade. Satanists run all the echelons of society.

The team Tate is on is still up for debate, but the scenario is legit.

the great plague
the great plague
6 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

Solar cults run all echelons of society, fixed it for you. Saturn is a god of agriculture, look it up.

6 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

This piece of s**t is a disgusting rapist and misogynist, now playing to be the victim.
He is a member of their cult since a long time.

6 months ago

The number of followers he gathered is unbelievable. As always the same scenario : ” i sold my soul for rich and fame but i will cry afterwards how unhappy i am with the terms.” Stupidity should be the only sin.

6 months ago
Reply to  Maciej

Andrew Tate has a large team that helped him rise to fame called the war room. I’ve seen some of these people train with him and they look like genuine hardworking people. It’s unlikely those people are the kind of people who he’s talking about in his tweet, nor do they hold the same level of power.

6 months ago
Reply to  Maciej

Exactly. 8,5 million twitter followers and he still claims he refused? What a joke

6 months ago

I’ve been defending Tate for about 2 years now. I said he was innocent when it comes to the human trafficking charges he’s been laid with which still have no evidence. I agreed and said the same thing he says, that the only reason they attacked him with those claims is because he’s speaking up against the establishment and the satanists that control the world (the matrix).

He didn’t reveal much back then, but now he’s starting to care less for himself and more for humanity and the truth and reveal what he knows (and what many people here know). I did have faith in him that he’s on the right side of history and definitely do now. It’s much harder for a multi billionaire with a large level of influence and fame to speak what many of us here all know, for obvious reasons. (Because many people will hear and listen). We know that unfortunately people less famous have been killed for less.

So he definitely knows what’s going on. He probably knows about the majority of things that are talked about in this website, if not everything. Only now he’s starting to share what he knows to his fan base and the rest of the world. Something I hope to do one day.

Btw, he’s also saying that slavery is coming by 2030. In the form of money, of course. (Carbon credits, etc) I heard a quote from someone a long time ago that said: Money is the head of the snake which is the NW0. That’s their main tool (or will be) to control people. Hopefully it doesn’t come down to that.

Anyway, the point is about that last part is that it should scare anyone, especially if it’s coming from a billionaire. I hope God protects you all.

6 months ago
Reply to  Ryan

Funny enough “ life is spiritual” on YouTube, a lady that used to work as a high level sorcerer and according to her used to work for satan said the same thing. They’re aiming for 2030 for the NWO. That was the plan.

5 months ago

She works for SATAN (Adversary)
Satan is symbolic, of many types of entities…..not literally 1-Being.
Religion is FALSE.
2-opposing universal concepts/forces were PERSONIFIED ie GOOD became ‘GOD’ & Evil became (The) ‘Devil’ then they Psychologically use this Concept as a CONTROL MECHANISM
Revelations state:
In The End Times their shall be ‘NO TRUE RELIGION’ so therefore by default only ‘FALSE RELIGIONS’. The End.

6 months ago
Reply to  Ryan

Right, he’s a good guy. The video of him with the Fresh and Fit duo where he demeans women and openly hits on a 19 year old girl was just him play acting. Just because he says some truth does not make him an angel.

6 months ago
Reply to  Smazzy

Exactly! There’s rape, abuse, deprivation of liberty, proxenetism, but some won’t see that.

5 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Youre Reaching bigtime!!! Lmfao. Yeah we didnt see the girls at the MANSION gate & couldve just walked out!! Its a business there too. When you deal with that many females……no doubt one or2 are gonna get irate & EXAGGERATE or Act Out as The whole world sees today on SOCIAL MEDIA. I applaud the Tates & Myrons today for holding these OnlyHo’s & Fakebook Skags… Their Own Words, accountable. They are ONLY POINTING out the obvious. The Truth burts they say.

5 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Yeah……did you SEE THAT?? Did you. Wow, I call Bsh*t. Hrow up.

6 months ago
Reply to  Smazzy

I’ve seen a lot of what he says and what he says is he believes in traditional gender roles. That men should provide for the family and women should take care of the children and the house. Also 19 is pretty young for his age but it’s not illegal. So if you’re saying it’s immoral that’s up to you I guess. I never said he was an angel either. But i am saying I don’t think he’s on the same side as the Freemasons.

Last edited 6 months ago by Ryan
5 months ago
Reply to  Smazzy

The Women he talks about demean themselves!!! GROW UP!!! Dont shoot the messenger. If women (or Men) want respect, it has to be EARNED!!! Period.

5 months ago
Reply to  Smazzy

Hes done more than MOST A+ celebrities for the Truth movement, against COVID lies & The Matrix of control. What have you done?? Grow up……hes on the side of good 4sure.

5 months ago
Reply to  Smazzy

Lucifer & “HIS Angels” (Messengers) came to Earth to decieve mankind…..Says very clearly who the Fallen Angels are. Symbolic representations of Spirits, ie People were/are Spirits & also the Living Waters – in The Bible.

6 months ago
Reply to  Ryan

You’ve got to be kidding, right? There are videos leaked with both brothers beating and threatening young women if they hesitated to do as they were told to. Sequestration, abuse, p*********y tell you nothing? They have their money mostly from s*x traffic.
He is no Robin Hood, no hero – he is just leaking what he is allowed to leak or/and attract some simpathy. People don’t react nicely when the villain is free again. So yes, he’ll be out one day and he needs to create a conspiracy around him in order to make him look good. That’s how he’ll have the chance to trap and take advantage of naive women again.

6 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

I haven’t seen any videos of him beating or threatening women. Most of their money comes from TRW.

6 months ago
Reply to  Ryan

I did. …and judging by other comments here, it looks like you are a rare bird. The others have seen them, too.

Last edited 6 months ago by crisspf
6 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

You’re full of s**t. Just an outright liar. You’ve not seen a video of either Andrew Tate or his brother beating on women. You may have wanted it to be Tate but you know it wasn’t. This makes you a liar and guilty of slander and libel.
Were I you, I would remove that lie or be afraid of monetary compensation.

5 months ago
Reply to  Ryan

Economic SLAVERY is here NOW….its ALWAYS BEEN HERE. It didnt go away, that was an ILLUSION!! It simply adapted. If a GIVT takes 40% of TACES from You – THEY OWN 40% of you as a PERSON, For life…..that is Not FREEDOM, that is a form of Slavery!! If ALL your efforts & Labour are taken by someone above you & you are EXPLOITED, that is a form of slavery.

Unless you OWN 100% of yourself, your efforts & YOUR BLOOD SWEAT & TEARS. You are OWNED, like SHARES/Stocks in a company. And DONT EVEN KNOW you DONT wholly OWN YOURSELF.
This is the State of existence today. You think the GOVT s NEED your Taxes?? THEY CAN PRINT MONEY…..Think about that for a minute or2, let it sink in.

6 months ago

Oh yeah right, Tate wasn’t arrested bc he was pimping young girls and bragging about it on the internet..he was just refusing to be a member of the satanic cabal! If you believe this trash God help u

6 months ago
Reply to  GodisLove

Facts! Listen to this scumbag in his own words! He says his bottom b was 15 when he started dating her and she was grooming the newer girls! He used the loverboy method to get the girls to do the cam business. He’s still awaiting trial and they have tons of evidence if anyone wants to bother to read the actual charges. Anyone praising this guy is oblivious to reality. Not debating with anyone about this.

6 months ago
Reply to  GodisLove

Thank you for sharing the real TRUTH !

Caramella Arden
Caramella Arden
6 months ago

This dog is shady as f***! Seems to make it up as he goes along. He is completely owned by them so unsure what he is banging on about.

6 months ago

Nice try, Tate. Some of us smell the fresh BS.

Anyone and everyone who is high-profile in any realm of mediated culture is a part of the Luciferian/Satanic/Freemason club, and many of them are full-on bloodliners.

6 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

Coming through with the real take, preach

6 months ago

He was flashing masonic hand symbols when he was ‘arrested’.

Satanic pact? What does that actually matter when he already advocates the murder of Christians and other religious pacifists in an Islamic holy war? When women are animals to be used and abused? He’s already a moral devil! A devil who, dangerously, speaks a lot truth to ensnare lost young men.

He’s telling the masses that Satanic pacts exist but as he is the macho man he will not admit to being controlled. All the world’s a stage.

Yeah Right
Yeah Right
6 months ago

Andrew was literally going to Eyes Wide Shut parties with his brother years before he got famous (there are pics of them online) so if you believe he didn’t sell his soul, I have an igloo to sell you in Madrid.

6 months ago

Surprised no one mentioned that Tate is an Islam convert

6 months ago


6 months ago

The expensive collection of cars, the houses, the girls, the money… and UPSIE, the videos! The videos in which he and his other as-evil- as -he- is brother use and abuse girls. I’ll take a wild, wild guess and say he took the deal.

Flavia Meira
Flavia Meira
6 months ago

The guy has a lifestyle that is far from being inspired by God.

Mark J. Novitsky
Mark J. Novitsky
6 months ago

My name is Mark J. Novitsky and I assure you that I am a VERY well known DECADE pre-Snowden NAT SEC Threat Analyst/WB. I warned congress/doj-fbi/fed court/sec/media about what I called then you know now as BIG TECH – I called this the “Joint Military Industrial Surveillance Complex” (USG/ISRAELI) made up of “private” USG/DOD-IC “Strategic Partners” including my former employer MASSIVE USG/DOD-IC “Contractor” Denver-based TELE TECH HOLDINGS/TTEC – TELE TECH GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS. 2002-2003 I was ILLEGALLY SUED by TTEC & Denver/DC/Vegas UBER Powerful law/LOBBY firm NORM BROWNSTEIN (“America’s 101st Senator / AIPAC BOD) Hyatt, Fraber, Schreck. AGAINST ALL ODDS and basically PRO-SE I “won” and everything got WORSE! – Twice / 2 different people-associations that “Befriended” me I was told I was “pre-approved” to attend their ceremony “Dine with Kings & Queens” I would have “access to unlimited wealth and power” ALL my “enemies would be dealt with”. ONE was Karen Hudes (deceased) presented herself as the former General Counsel of the WORLD BANK recruited by OSS Bill Donovan. We worked together 2 years… Her husband was Barry Spergel lived across river from Langley (CIA) in Maryland and (I was told) an environmental lawyer that wrote Agenda 21. #2 called themselves “The Greeks” EL. 2013 Mike Hastings wrote “Why Democrats Love To Spy On Americans” A week later – after warning his family & associated lay low & lawyer up and expect a visit from the FBI – he “DIED” in a VERY suspect car crash that melted Titanium. WHAT I’VE SEEN – been exposed to politicians, lawyers, judges, FED LE DOJ&FBI- CORRUPT or too scared to actually do their “sworn” jobs. EPHESIANS 6:12 Peace. Mark J. Novitsky 2006 I was interviewed by NYT/WAPO 60 Minutes – ALL SPIKED my story “Too Complicated” 2 US senators that investigated my warnings BOTH forced to vacate their seats…Mark Dayton MN(D) 2006 & Al “But I can assure you this isn’t about spying on the American people” Franken in 2017 (THE REAL REASON!)

6 months ago

No, Andrew, you were put in jail because a terrified young girl who you had groomed and lured to Romania, secretely called her ex-boyfriend in the US, pleading for help because you had locked her up, beaten her and forced her to expose herself in front of web cams.
And also because other women came forward with the same claims.

You should have been put in jail for a long time, for defaming the female sex as “inferior” and to be dominated, abused and used by men. You have violated my fundamental human rights as a woman.
You are the most disgusting, revolting, despicable piece of scum on this planet.
I spit on you !!!!!!!!!