
Abbot is a member of the WEF

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6 months ago

That’s a bit scary. I’m from Texas and live on the border. What has been going on is unlike anything we have ever seen. I’m glad Abbott is taking a stand and I stand behind him on this. But I’ve read other things about him… also no one associated with the WEF can ever be trusted.

5 months ago
Reply to  Kathleen

Kathleen u might consider gettin away from the danger zone. Why did it take Abbott all this time to send in the guard and barb wire? Texas and the interior has been completely compromised…we have been infiltrated. Godspeed and God Bless!

5 months ago
Reply to  Kathleen

The WEF cannot be trusted. They are not above lying to discredit people they consider enemies. How difficult is it for them to make a profile of a public figure on their pathetic website to discredit them? Maybe, every public figure is in on it or maybe the actual cabal loves muddying the water, so no one trusts anyone and cannot build enough consensus to truly challenge their twisted regime.

I think concrete evidence is necessary. If someone has the time/ability, look into the visitor lists of past Davos summits. If Abbott is actually in it, he went to one of those summits at some point in time. Abbott seems pretty shaky to me. A lot of craziness has been going on in Texas on his watch, from the border insanity to ERCOT energy crises in the state with more energy production than any two other states in the country. Something is rotten in Texas and it certainly wouldn’t be the first time that a Texas governor was in on it (the pile of crap carpetbagging Bushes).

5 months ago
Reply to  Kathleen

I have been seeing pictures of this puppet making Freemason poses occult Elite Allegiance signs for sometime now. Just recently I noticed how they are showing a map of our country with many states labeled red and standing with Abbott in his decisions. This just reeks of priming our country for civil war. Many well-intentioned individuals will fall prey to their “order out of chaos” plans, and go on to murder their fellow citizens. Please keep spreading the truth of Jesus Christ the Messiah as much as you can. He is going to be coming on the scene and at that point there is time to come to Salvation.

5 months ago
Reply to  Kathleen

Unfortunately not 1 politician can be trusted. At least high level ones.
Your local politician could have sincere intentions to better things.

Do not be fooled not 1 high level politican can ever be trusted. To be high level you must be in their exclusive group. you are not getting in that group unless you are one of them.

5 months ago

Well spotted. This is actually chilling. They are really killing whats left of democracy.

Disappointing but still have joy
Disappointing but still have joy
5 months ago

All politicians are bought out…they are all on the huge corporation side with the elite. He’s no different.

5 months ago

Thank you for coming back after a long period of absence, you were missed, I hope you’re doing well, God bless you

5 months ago

Anyone who thinks only the political left is Illuminati just isn’t paying attention.

5 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Or willingly ignorant. Some ppl are comfortable enough with feeling like they’re on the “right side”. Truth is hard to face.

5 months ago

Remember: this is good information to note, however, THIS IS ONLY ONE DATA POINT.

I understand the tendency on this site is to stretch evidence beyond all rationality and recognition, but don’t give into it. Any deeply entrenched enemy will need to be infiltrated, and the WEF is strongly entrenched.

This is not to suggest Abbott is on any particular side, just that there is room for discernment here.

5 months ago
Reply to  chud

I see your point and receive it, and I would agree if these were “normal” times…but there is no more “normal”. We are closing in on the end at what seems at times to be hyper speed.

My point being:
It doesn’t matter who is “good” and who isn’t anymore. If they are a part of the system (regardless of their intention or position), they will go down, as the system will fall.

This has all been written of, if you’ll take time to study the Scriptures. If we keep on relying on humans, we’ll always get destruction.

Babylon will fall. There is no saving anything or infiltrating anymore. Those days are over.

Brothers and sisters, GET OUT OF THE SYSTEM NOW.

5 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

@ Trut4seeker

>”I see your point and receive it”

The rest of your post suggests otherwise.

5 months ago
Reply to  chud

Since communication over text can be numb and lost in translation, I get the impression from your text that you think I’m arguing against you?

No intention of that at all, friend. I think I made it clear that, in general, I don’t refute what you are saying. Discernment is a given. And yes I agree, some here seem to follow their emotions way too quickly just by the mention or sight of x, y, or z.

That said, your point was too generalized IMO toward this particular post and topic. We are past discernment in relation to any politician or other human intervention of any kind. Instead of discerning who is “good” or “bad” on the world stage theater, we should encourage each other to discern what our Creator wants each of us as individual souls to do, where He wants each to go, who He wants each of us to connect with in our own sphere. And to be able to listen and hear what God is telling each of us, we each have to purge ourselves out of the world drama and theatrics as completely and wholly as possible.

5 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

The people were not satisfied with judges and demanded a king to lord over them. We still do, as a society, to this day, although we call our sovereigns by other names.

We need to cast off these chains. This bondage and servitude mindset.

They trick us by calling us “free” and “brave”, or now, “victim”, and “protected class”. Who needs them to tell us who we are if we are free?

5 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Amen, sister. You’re nailing it.

5 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker


>”I get the impression from your text that you think I’m arguing against you? No intention of that at all, friend”

Let’s come back to this one in a minute.

>”That said, your point was too generalized IMO toward this particular post and topic”


>”We are past discernment”

Remember the point above I said we’d come back to? I’d like to come back to it now because this is where you and I disagree:

No matter where we are in the timeline, we are NEVER beyond discernment.

Rather, the closer we get to “the end,” the need for discernment only increases.

>”we should encourage each other to discern what our Creator wants each of us as individual souls to do”

Agreed. I haven’t said anything to the contrary.

5 months ago
Reply to  chud

Lol brother, easy. Again, I don’t disagree with you. At all. I don’t know why you cherry pick my statement and cut out the “in relation to…”.

As I stated (in agreement with you), discernment is a GIVEN. I’ll reiterate that my point is: let’s focus our discernment on the things that matter. Politicians, leaders, celebrities, entertainers, anyone whose influence reaches all corners of the world….they’re all actors of the world, and they DO NOT matter at this stage. The world is at the helm of the enemy, and either you pay more attention to the world or you pay more attention to what God is speaking to you, personally and directly.

Use your discernment in your own personal spheres of interaction. Use your discernment to interpret what it is our Father is teaching and/or telling/guiding you to do.

Just get out of the world.

5 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker


>”Lol brother, easy. Again, I don’t disagree with you. At all.”

I think you’re mistaking my directness with anger. As you said, it can be difficult to determine tone based on text alone. In this case, I am not angry, just direct.

>”I don’t know why you cherry pick my statement and cut out the “in relation to…””

Most people have a difficult time saying what they mean. More importantly, though, most people also do not realize how much they say.

I am showing you short phrases from your text to illustrate what I see as your underlying thought process which, in this case, appears confused.

If you think I’m wrong and disagree with me, that’s okay.

Here is the pattern I see in your previous post. I will quote you in order:

>”Discernment is a given.”

>”We are past discernment”

>”Instead of discerning”

>”we should encourage each other to discern”

5 months ago

He has that “look” so common among public figures.
Vacant eyes and a phony smile

5 months ago

Vladmir Putin is also mentioned in the WEF website. What people need to understand is that at times, the left hand doesnt know what the right is doing.

In this case, Abbott is possibly being used to usher in the civil war and be a gaslighter for the right with the immigration issue.

Think about it. I dont trust him eventhough he seems to have good intentions.