
A reminder your primary care provider was bribed to get you vaccinated

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8 months ago

It’s all such a farce. Remember all the “freebies” major companies were offering for getting vaccinated? I remember seeing one in the summer of 2020 that was advertising free ice cream when you get your vaccine. Infantilizing and disgusting, what actual moron would compromise their health for a damn ice cream cone? I felt like I was living in a science fiction dystopia seeing that bs.

The book says it.
The book says it.
8 months ago
Reply to  Lee

I remember that too.
You said that absolutley
Perfect my friend.

People young, and healthy dropping dead after.
That old saying rings true.
Sick, Sad , World.
Im sorry this fits soo many things in this day in time
From A to Z.

8 months ago

Indeed. One of the alarming things to me is how many young athletes are dropping dead on the field, yet the mainstream media manages to suppress it. Even when that player on the Buffalo Bills had a cardiac arrest and nearly died… Then the media spun it and made a huge deal of it, so much propaganda in support of that athlete yet not one mention allowed of what caused the event.
My own parents are football fans and watched that happen live, yet still do not question what’s going on. They are both quadruple vaccinated… Whole world is upside down now. I often wish I could time travel back to about 1999 or so and just stay there perpetually — last time the world made any sense.

8 months ago
Reply to  Lee

Currently there’s a push by glowing bal lists to get media to list causes of death before or after sudden death as car accidents etc. there has been such a push that now the family etc are forced to fight the lies using the death certificates etc

8 months ago
Reply to  Lee

-> “ what actual moron would compromise their health for a damn ice cream cone? ”
The burger, the medical investigation for free, the vaccine for free (if you’re quick)… it was such a creep show to watch how they advertized the whole thing. It was as if a pervert was trying to put his hands on a kid with the classical candy. Adult adapted version. And it worked.

I’ve heard many like these ones:

“We won’t be able to go to restaurants anymore”

“We can’t travel and see things, go somewhere in our vacation”

“…see a movie in a cinema”

8 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Too right. Personally, I was already living a rather isolated lifestyle for the previous 2 years before covid, so the threats of losing access to those things had no impact on me. Being an introvert and disliking large crowds to begin with ultimately worked in my favor. That said, being so disconnected from it all (including television) only made the agendas that much clearer and more alarming to witness. To see all of society crumble, so many adults behaving like petulant children sent to bed without dinner… Over lack of access to things that are literally entertainment? THAT was eye-opening!

8 months ago
Reply to  Lee

“ Personally, I was already living a rather isolated lifestyle for the previous 2 years before covid, so the threats of losing access to those things had no impact on me. Being an introvert and disliking large crowds to begin with ultimately worked in my favor”

The same with me.

As for tv, It was turned on every evening because of my husband. I don’t trust media for many years now and to watch how the ‘good’ doctors contradicted themselves, the officials contradicted themselves, the WHO ‘experts’ contradicted themselves gave me the sensation I was watching a horror series. It was not the virus, but the obvious lies that gave me the chills, the way they put on that creepy show to fool so many people. To see intelligent people stop reasoning, falling for those lies, panick and align for vaccines was the real shock for me.

8 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Makes pure sense to keep arguing and treating like garbage people who agree with you.

8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I kind of felt sad seeing this line coming from you. Are you serious about this? I really don.t understand why the need for this reply.
What.s obvious is that agreeing on health issues (I see we do and I.m glad we are on the same page on this one) is not the same with agreeing about a certain religious belief or sharing the same view on christianity. where in my comments have you seen I treat people like garbage? If that.s your interpretation you should perhaps take a good look inside and see who.s twisting what. (I wouldn. t trust that spirit! It.s the same spirit that whispers in some ears that christians are in fact pagans, Jesus is this and that, his mother is a demon and the baptist is the man-fish). I do my own research. I don.t need a guy.s ,,discoveries,, whom I don.t personally know, some guy from the internet who says he can turn on the light for me because I.m in the dark, to tell me who my God is because he knows better than me who and what I am and whom I.m praying to. I read real theology – wisdom and knowledge that comes from 2000 years of thoughtful practicing men of faith – theologians, ascets and elders. My faith relies on what I inherited as belief (my whole family is orthodox, the men in my family were priests up until my dad) experienced, learned and observed. I observed and learned from men of God, from monks, from priests,from nuns that practiced what they taught and from the common, regular yet profound, genuine christians around me. And as importantly, I experienced things that are a solid confirmation of my beliefs. That is why I felt many a times now the urge to stand for my faith and for others. that were unjustly attacked and insulted here simply because of being christians (orthodox or not, catholic or not).
To clear things once and forever, because I really don.t want to argue with you on faith, (a waste of time for both me and you – since we both fail to convince one another of the contrary) there.s a huge difference between constantly attacking, mocking, trashing people.s faith and how they relate to their belief system and other thing is to defend that faith. I.m not the one that attacks people here and treats them like under-class, medieval-age ignorant sheeple. Can you guess who that is?

I think we should try to have a nice conversation next time we interact on whatever topic except theology since that is obviously a hot potato for both you and me.
Again, always appreciated your views on health, your capabilities of self-sustenance and your constant fight to help your close ones. I admire that.

Have a nice day!

8 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

It looks like you both love the redeemer but cannot agree on how to be close to him. I will say there’s confirmation in every religion or there wouldn’t be so many people. I don’t believe the confirmation is for the religion so much as for the thought of a loving creator but you can all disagree. One thing is obvious that the people in control are slowly majorly changing Christian religions and sending as many people in another direction like straight to their new religions of choice vs putting up with the changing. Personally I just want a unedited Bible or books that I won’t have to read upside down backwards with a magnifying glass in ancient Hebrew ancient Greek ancient Ethiopian but you know the vat I can is like the sm1thsonion only more a**l in giving people a deep look, a real look.

8 months ago

This is thuggery at its most institutionalized and normalized both in the halls of academia and the homes of tv-viewing, uncritical people everywhere.

8 months ago

These m***********s should not be. They are brainwashed during school, they do not think for themselves, do you imagine they think for the patient, they only care for money. F**k them, why should I beg to extend living this miserable life? True doctors are very few left, old, and for certain do not work in the “system”. New ones are idiots thinking they know. Pray to Jesus to save you from illnesses and believe that everything that happens, happens for a reason. If you go, you return to the Source. The exit is painful to some extent but believe you won’t get there unless “approved”. Do you really imagine a cell coming from a 2-minute f**k experience is capable of thinking? Have you seen an ant scientist or even a cow speaking in foreign languages? Most likely you’ve seen a flying pig.

8 months ago

“It’s no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
~ Krishnamurti

8 months ago

Unfortunately, the grim reality is that our medical institution has been hijacked highly influenced by top drug makers like pfizer. Its not surprising that these doctors read a lot of garbage pumped out by them and also act as linebackers for the insurance mafia. No wonder people get denied proper testing and thus suffer in the long term.