
Walter Veith Sermon – THE Islamic Connection


To summarize: the video presented is by Walter Veith and contains symbolism in both architecture in Roman Catholicism as well as Muslim mosques, ancient gods, and a whole lot of various sources of History combined into a multidisciplinary explanation.

 Perhaps when you’re on holiday dear reader, you will have some time to go back and research further. 

What do you think?

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1 year ago

Good video – it’s undeniable, Islam was created by Christianity to control the Arabs who were True in faith at that time. Both re-legions are nothing but lucifer worshipers

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

Islam is far from a Lucifer worshipping religion it’s true monitheism and denounces Lucifer considerably

1 year ago
Reply to  Red

Symbols rule the world as VC says. The symbols alone with no other evidence, which there is tons of, tells the whole story.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

If you haven’t yet look at VC’s article from a week ago called Sinister Sites Quinta da Regaleira An Occult Palace Built For Masonic Ritual.

It is a fantastic article showing the iconography and symbols used in this deeply occult and scary castle is full of Catholic and Christian symbolism too. They have always gone hand in hand.

1 year ago
Reply to  Red

Did you watch the video? Can any of what was presented by refuted? I prayfully ask these questions with an open and sincere heart, I am not out to prove you wrong for my ego‘s sake.

11 months ago
Reply to  Red


The entire religion is based around an IMAN directing people to pray towards a Saturn black cube with a piece of magnetised meteoric iron.

The word Iman literally means magnet, which is what meteoric iron is, electromagnetic. Luc-I-ferrus = the Iron light.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


Above Ferromagnetism in action with iron shavings. Below the Hajj.

Christianity worships at the MASS which causes gravity. Islam worships the IMAN which causes magnetism.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

While we’re at the topic of religions being dishonest, there is a book called War in Heaven written by Kyle Griffith. I’ve read it on this site:

The book was supposedly dictated to him by a spirit through a medium, which makes me highly suspicious of it’s contents. Another thing is that those spirits do not know of any higher planes of existence or even a source of life.

The book describes 2 groups of spirits fighting in the astral plane, the first group that wanted to create the earth realm for it to serve as a school of sorts and the second that opposed the idea because they believed it would create too much suffering.
After that, the Invisible College was formed to liberate souls from theocrats – groups of souls that devour other souls because they refuse to reincarnate and they need a source of energy. For this reason the theocrats created various religious systems, to harvest souls and their energy.

I’d say that the book is correct on the energy harvesting topic, we’ve all seen how it’s done with the Ordo ab Chao maxim applied and mass media in general. The rest seems like a lot of lies to me. However, it’s a very disturbing book that filled me with dread – there are some reviews online that say the same.

I’d like to know your opinion about it and if there are others that would like to say something about it, feel free to reply.

11 months ago
Reply to  SemperVigilans


I haven’t read this book before, nor was aware of it. I’ll take a look at it and let you know thoughts.

The “dictated by a spirit,” is always a red flag.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

Honest question:

When you state “Christianity”, how exactly are you defining such?

1 year ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

The religion Christianity. Most people in that religion have the very best intentions and are not aware of the nefarious history of said organization. It is much older than Islam – which if you watched Mr Veith’s entire presentation he makes it clear how Christianity created the religion of Islam with many of the same symbols and iconography. The story of Mohammad and Sheba – very revealing.
At that time many Arabs and Africans became a threat to the establishment because many had developed True faith not in religion but in our Father.
I don’t know if I answered your inquiry or not

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

Kinda, but not really.

How do you differentiate those who “have the best intention” versus those who don’t?

11 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

You already know the answer to this. By their fruits. Like Yeshua said.
Those that are mind controlled by the ‘party line’ may have good intentions but their fruit is no good. Are they moving toward or away from Truth and Faith? Those that are deceived will show it in one way or another

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

Better yet, are you saying Christianity and Catholicism are one in the same?

11 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

Catholicism and Christianity are the same in the crimes and atrocities they have committed against humanity. They have hoarded the Truth there is no doubt there. And replaced it with lies that keep people imprisoned in deception. 

11 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

I see where you’re coming from and I get the impression your heart is in the right place, and for that I’m grateful to our Father.

I do think, however, think that as you continue to learn, and share, the Truth, it’s important to differentiate and make mention of what you call Christianity as being the “main stream, worldly recognized religion, 501c3 organizational entity that is labeled as Christianity, as opposed to the congregation and collective gathering of true Christians, sons and daughters of our Creator.

Very easy to cause confusion for those learning about the Truth when you pump catholicism with Christianity without expanding on the verbiage.
Because then that same new seeker will shun all forms of what is called Christianity, and consider truth to be lies because it’s tied to religious matters as opposed to truthful spiritual matters.

Pray that makes sense, by God’s grace.

1 year ago

I would be very careful about this Walter Veith adventist guy here. There is a lot of deception in his “sermons”.

Adventism is a sect. It took birth in the 19th century and many of it’s beliefs are unbiblical. It is also not coincidental that Jehova’s Witnesses, Mormonism and Christian Science movement “saw the light” at about the same time.

The father of this movement was the false prophet, William Miller, announcing a false Second Coming that did not come. Nobody knows the day, as the scripture teaches us.
(“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah). … That is why they came with the concept of Investigative Judgement. Jesus, in their opinion, has to investigate the state of every soul (He doesn’t know us, He needs to investigate. that is not very… omniscient!).
Ellen White, another “prophet” added other concepts – the sleep of the souls and the inexistence of hell.
Another one – christians in their opinion are bound to OT ceremonial laws. That’s why the Sabbath hot potato. (the ceremonial laws of Judaism were fulfilled and done away with by Jesus. He is the fullfillment of the laws. Simply put, that is why also the circumcision and animal sacrifice are no longer required).

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

I’m not necessarily defending Seventh Day Adventist as a denomination, but to say they’re a cult and are unbiblical is solidly ignorant, at best.

Also, while I wholeheartedly agree that Jesus did fulfill the Law, you’re spreading outright lies by conflating “ceremonial” law and God’s Law. I completely agree again, Christ was the final sacrifice, therefore rendering any further physical sacrificing completely unnecessary at best, outright paganist at worst. But make no mistake, God’s Law was not “done away” with Jesus.

Read Revelations 12:17, 14:12 and 22:14 specifically. The remnant church, consisting of the true hearted sons and daughters of God, is that which keep the commandments of God, and faith of Jesus Christ.

Brothers and sisters, always test the words of man against the divine scripture. Careful as the enemy always seeks to confuse. Always remember, God never adds confusion, that’s one of the main tactics and characteristics of the enemy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

“ I’m not necessarily defending Seventh Day Adventist as a denomination, but to say they’re a cult and are unbiblical is solidly ignorant, at best.”

William Miller, Ellen White and their inovations!
You also need to correct your definitions about “cult” and “religion”. To make it simple: a less than two hundred years old group, having no other history behind these years, no tradition, it’s hardly a religion. Instead it uses and distorts the christian content that has a tradition, a history behind.

…my fault for the poor choice of words “done away”. What I meant by that is that he fullfilled the laws and rounded up the laws, not that He destroyed the laws. Being fullfilled they become re-defined with Jesus. “ Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

I agree with you partly on the ceremonial laws. I understand what you mean. Let me try to explain better. People express their way of worshiping God. People used to sacrifice animals, circumcize as a way of showing their devotion and love to God (In relation with the commandment). With Jesus’s Laws (we talk about moral laws again) these ceremonial practices that I mentioned also stopped. Animals are no longer required because with the law of love it’s no longer enough. God wants people to sacrifice their ego. The same with circumcision. It is no longer enough because God requires the circumcision of the hearts. These practices were a big part of how people related themselves to the laws, the moral laws. (Although there is a clear distinction, they are connected). It was a part of their “response” to the commandment.

Let’s see why you call me solidly ignorant: Christ is not omniscient, Christ is not the New Law, hell does not exist, souls ‘go to bed’, ….and I’m tired of how many times they’ve put their finger on a precise day for the Judgement Day (which, by the way, IS unviblical) and then, the same no- history-no -tradition-group came out with a nice story about Investigative Judgement. The Father programed a day, but it postponed it because the Son was not punctual with his investigation. That leads to a question: when is going to be the next Judgement Day if brand new souls keep showing up and not all at the same time? (you do realize the “Investigation” can take forever!)

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

,,Brothers and sisters, always test the words of man against the divine scripture. Careful as the enemy always seeks to confuse. Always remember, God never adds confusion, that’s one of the main tactics and characteristics of the enemy.,,


11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

,,The remnant church,, – adventists together with mormons and other fresh denominations are hardly the ,,remnant church,, . Their doctrines fail in major points to connect to the Early Church partly because there is a huge gap in terms of history, experience, tradition ( that requires time). we also talk about martyrdom, synods/ councils … An analogy – a tree can live hundreds, even thousands of years. it has a history, faces many natural cataclisms. a tree also has a root, branches (the branches survive as long as they are connected to the tree). A mushroom that attaches itself to a tree has a short life (short history) and is parasitic by definition.

11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

The extended definition of Christianity says that anyone who believes in Jesus Christ is a christian. That means that mormons, adventists, even some scientologists that call themselves christians are christians, right? Lil Nas calls himself christian, Madonna,too, many proven satanists, too. Are we to include them as well in this definition? There is a lot to debate here. I say it needs to have a history that goes back till the Early Church. Where is this history in Adventism, Mormonism…? The confession of faith in the arenas, the persecutions, the decapitations and tortures, the ascetic lifes, the synods?

11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Are you and your church the ones who decide who to include..?

Last edited 11 months ago by lgageharleya
11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

we don.t include those who mock Crist calling Him G-zeus, Horus or Tammuz. Don.t include LGBTQ adepts, those who spit on the cross and distort, trash or misuse the doctrines, the Tradition, the Early Church, the martyrdom. we don.t include new-agers! if there is a parallel church consisting of infiltrators that seek to destroy, you can be sure they are not of the Church just as wolves are not of the flock.

11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Except you absolutely do in the most underhanded, sneaky of ways, all while falsely accusing those who have no dog in your fight. There are far worse things than adults doing consensual stuff and people willing to drop the ball and chain and think…even if it means to question whether your dogmas are fair or even within one man’s pervue against another. You set yourself up as a god above others, deciding their fates, all while you are personally blind and scathing in your attitudes towards all who don’t bow and scrape to your views.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

“ There are far worse things than adults doing consensual stuff”
I believe that, too. Yet, don’t forget about
Sodom and Gommorah!

I believe God is in favor for the union between man and woman. That is why we talk about Adam and Eve!

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

-> “… You set yourself up as a god above others, deciding their fates, all while you are personally blind and scathing in your attitudes towards all who don’t bow and scrape to your views.”
No I don’t! I don’t need you to bow! Not to me! I am not _ your mentor!

11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

You do, because you set yourself above and in condemnation of anyone not adhering to your orthodox views.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Funny how this resembles the same exhausting “you do” from: We don t worship G-zeus, it is not the pagan goddess/ the beast out of the sea whom we love and honour etc, etc

So: No, I don’t! ( to all the above and to your last “you do” ). But since you know better than me…

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


AUR = Order/Light
Theo = divine
Dux = The Duke, literally the local Lord

Orthodox = “the lords of divine order/light.”

Eastern/ISHTARian Orthodox = “the lords of the divine light of the East/Venus.”

They tell their subjects, who don’t listen.

Last edited 11 months ago by 444Gem
11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

😆 it’s actually “orthos” + “doxa”, but you can’t help it make use of your homonymic ‘geries.

11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

A mushroom only grows on a rotting, dying tree. So, which came first, the mushroom “parasite” (aka. Clean Up Crew) or the sickly tree?

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

that was an analogy! Intruders in the Church are parasitic mushrooms. They try to destroy from within.

did I hurt your feelings with Lil Nas.s newly discovered christianity? or is it because your adherence to another cult? …and why would you be hurt anyways? you think it.s G-zeus we worship, not Jesus Christ, your teacher declares himself as not being christian so why do you act hurt? It,s ok if you and your little team insult others on a regular basis as long as it is the catholics and orthodox that are being insulted, it,s not ok when others based on what they know or experienced bring in the big errors in other cults.

11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Why would I be hurt? You always seem to see me as one to attack, crisspf, no matter what I have to say…why is that? I’m not on any team or whatever it is you imagine. But it’s instructive to get glimpses of your true mindset.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

-> “ -> “ I’ve been staying out of this, but I’d just caution anyone proclaiming to know which human beings Yeshua might or might not be “good” with. I see true believers in every stage of growth and development, including those still embroiled in some practices perhaps better left behind for their own good.
Please try to take a good, hard look at the spirit behind your accusations and remember whom it is we resemble when we hurl these things.
There is a huge difference between trying to help someone by stating truth as we see things and this.”

This is from you when I reacted against horrible distortions (like any christian that thinks it is his/ her duty to defend the faith)

-> “ I had absolutely no doubt you were a woman, and yet you are still prone to a similar slant – the madonna/w***e complex.”

This is from you when I reacted against horrible distortions (like any christian that thinks it is his/ her duty to defend the faith) although I remember me being polite to you!

Please underatand I have nothing against you as a person. You seem to me like a very nice woman – intelligent, sensitive, willing to learn and honest in your search for the truth. I believe you are on the wrong path, though. Unlike you, I have certainties regarding my faith that is why I always defend it. I don’t attack! i defend (they are different things). I see topics, I read comments like most people here ( out of curiosity mostly and because there is a chance I might learn something interesting and/or useful). I react when I see my faith attacked, the things that I love and treasure mocked, distorted. And a hot potato to me is always when someone insults Jesus, says Jesus is invented or equals him with pagan gods, makes his cross a stick, claim His mother is not worthy of love and honour, John the Baptist is the fish-man, martyrs are invented, scriptures are fake, Matthew is not acurate, Luke neither, letters forged, Mary being a demon, and things like these. Before reiterating these lies to yourself you should take a very good look at these characters (religious background, motivations) and understand where all these forgeries are rooted in:
Ernst Jablonski (1693-1757)
Ernst Friedrich Wernsdorf (1718-1782)
Edward Gibbons (1737-1794)
Charles William King (1818-1888)
Alexander Hislop (1807-1865)
Gerald Massey (1828-1907)
Mithraism, Horus, Constantine… it’s all there!
The myths they are describing are nothing but crass forgeries (remember the zeitgeistic memes that make Jesus look exactly like these ancient gods).
These were the creators of “popular history” which took on a life of its own and that was separated from real, scholarly, evidence-based inquiries into past.

11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

You’re always going to see it how you detetmine to. It’s your decision.
Praying for you and for us all.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

…when someone insults Jesus, says Jesus is invented or equals him with pagan gods, makes his cross a stick, claim His mother is not worthy of love and honour, John the Baptist is the fish-man, martyrs are invented, scriptures are fake, Matthew is not acurate, Luke neither, letters forged, Mary being a demon,
and things like these…

I hope your prayers will reach the destination!

11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

I’m curious @crisspf, where the venom is you perceive in any of the statements you’ve quoted me on above? Try reading them again and act like it’s not me stating these things and maybe you will realize they were phrased differently than your biases allow you to see.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

You cannot blame someone else for the venom content in your comments. I would have never ever thought to make such a choice of words, no matter how inflamed. And I am definitely not the first, nor the only one that noticed this. There were other topics, too. Other commenters, too. The space and time don’t allow me to share the looong exchange of replies. I suggest you take a gooood look at the spirit behind your statements. Those words are quotes (word-by-word) and I will repost them and others too so that you can understand that ‘self-righteousness’ is always something you are not able to spot in your own words. this is for the sake of future and, hopefully, polite and sane interactions.

11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Looking forward to your insights and thank you, I will search myself, because if I am wrong and unaware of it, I want to correct myself.
But, no, I intended none and see no venom in the things you’ve already quoted. Dirrect is not venom. Truths that sting are not venom. I’m in a period of growth as well, so I’d expect people to be able to withness how I’ve evolved here. has kwon and several others here, yet you seem to take little exception towards him, nor the others.

Last edited 11 months ago by lgageharleya
11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Also… this particular tree I belong to has survived for more than 2000 years. No mushroom has managed to harm the trunk.

11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

You’re putting cause and effect reversed. Mushrooms only grow on rotting wood. Some woods take a far longer time to fully succumb (not to the mushrooms, but to what’s doing the rotting).
Still, you’re following and bowing to man’s mandates in a predictable, age old pattern. That you refuse to see this is remarkable. But I actually understand.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

That’s why I said “this particular tree I belong to”.

-> “you refuse to see this is remarkable. But I actually understand.” – I give it back to you!

11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Praying for you brother/sister, not out of any type of animosity at all, please know.

No one here has been as excitably defensive/verbally reactionary as you, I pray you can see that.

Edit: is it “sister”? Rereading one of your posts and interactions and catching on…

Last edited 11 months ago by Trut4seeker
11 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker


11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

To reiterate, I made absolutely zero mention of the remnant church being any particular denomination, including but especially the seventh day Adventist.

To expound on my position so you get a better idea of where i’m coming from, I’ll state the verses I mentioned (assuming you didn’t look them up, but I’d love to make an arse of myself in this case!):

Rev 12:17
And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and he went to make war with the remnant of her seed, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Rev 14:12
Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

Rev 22:14
Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

It appears that the remnant church is not any specific denomination as far as we think of, but rather a collective group of sons and daughters of God who follow the commandments and have the testimony of Christ.

Pretty simple. Our God is not one of confusion.

11 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

I was triggered by your: “… but to say they’re a cult and are unbiblical is solidly ignorant, at best.”
I gave you the explanation why you were in error. I reiterate about this cult: the hell does not exist, the souls sleep, the precise day of Jusgement, the Investigative Judgement…

As for what you mentioned earlier: Jesus Christ, the saints. …It sufices! 🙂

“ It appears that the remnant church is not any specific denomination as far as we think of, but rather a collective group of sons and daughters of God who follow the commandments and have the testimony of Christ.”

I agree!

11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Glad we agree on that, brother/sister.

I was confused by what you were posting 😂
(Joking, don’t take that as a swipe here)

11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

You seem to speak to me as if I’m a member of the denomination.

I presented Biblical substance to you, and you reacted rather aggressively (based on verbiage but we know communicating expression
is rather limited online so that’s considered), but more importantly, presented nothing but opinions of your own in regards to the remnant church.

I did not say or proclaim that the denomination is the remnant church. Though you seemed to have assumed that quite rapidly out of being “sick and tired” of things I did not mention or refer to in any kind of way.

Honest question: do you think the 10 commandments were done away with or lessened in some way when Christ completed His work?

If not, what is their significance after Christ? If so, how do we treat them after Christ?

11 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

Me: That’s why the Sabbath hot potato. (the ceremonial laws of Judaism were fulfilled and done away with by Jesus. He is the fullfillment of the laws. Simply put, that is why also the circumcision and animal sacrifice are no longer required).

The ceremonial laws: animal sacrifice, circumcision… If you think on the matter, they are indeed done away with when we talk about Jesus. People related themselves to the commandments that way (it was [partly] how they felt their devotion and love could be translated).
…It is also common sense – God does not ask from us to circumcize and practice animal sacrifice, relate to His commandments exclusively in a technical way -of what good would that be if there’s wickedness in our hearts? What about when we say “Lord, Lord…” while attacking and mocking His name, his saints, the martyrs, his mother, his sacrifice… .

I am reactionary when it comes to my faith every time I see/ hear people say Mary is a demon and/or we are not supposed to treasure her (as if being chosen from all the women and carying the Son is no big deal) or hear Jesus is Tammuz, or Horus, Dyonisos, Mythras or some other pagan god ( for instance). I came across this pattern way too oft. Maybe it’s not the wisest thing to do when you see the same person/s constantly mocking and distorting. I also don’t think you’ve seen the whole exchange of replies between me and lg ( for example. on other occasions) so as to conclude that I am the aggressive one. I wonder – what would you do when you would see the above? I know, silence is plan b when there’s constant mockery involved (that’s wisest), but I remember those who stood up with the price of their lives and confessed their faith in Christ and I feel ashamed to be silent.

Last edited 11 months ago by crisspf
11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Wait so you’re saying the Sabbath is a “ceremonial law”??

And you’re saying Mary is to be “treasured”????

I see why you haven’t fully replied to my other posts now.

Re: “what would you do”…honestly, the first step is to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead your response, knowing you can become “triggered” by multiple things. Allow the Holy Spirit to sort your emotions out and reflect on you so you can decipher how to best respond.
Secondly, it’s not helpful at all to assume anyone’s position on anything.
Won’t go further, unless you want me to and think it’s helpful.

My sister (and I mean that sincerely, bc I think your heart is in the right place more so than not), but it’s apparent that you’ve been deceived. That’s not a matter of judgment, I’m merely observing as your brother.
You’re in my prayers, genuinely.

Last edited 11 months ago by Trut4seeker
11 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

…and you say I am reactionary! 😂

Mary is the mother oh the Son. She is a unique person in the history of humankind. Do you honestly think that by constantly insulting the mother one can approach the Son? She was considered worthy by God to carry the Messiah! That is enough, I’d say! We love her, treasure her for all that she is and that doesn’t mean she usurps God’s place in our hearts. Think of this: when you wrong someone and you want to repair that relationship with that person but you don’t dare to do that face to face because you are ashamed, you try to approach that person by asking the mother and the close friends to intervene. As orthodox, we aknowledge not only the particular merrits of Mary (/ the saints) that made her worthy of the title of the Mother of the Son but we also aknowledge her love for the humankind. She intervenes for us, she advocates for our forgiveness. So where’s the wrong in that?
As for the Sabbath, as far as I am concerned, this is a minor thing to be hindered by. it was ceremonial in nature by its requirements. Moral: concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character. Ceremonial: relating to or used for formal events of a religious or public nature.

With our belief in Jesus Christ and in His Resurrection (Sunday), Sabbath is replaced by Sunday (the day on which Jesus had risen from the dead, the Lord’s day!). The faith in Jesus! The sacrifice followed by the promise of life!

I gave you the orthodox point of view (with Christ in it).

I want to rephrase your latest statements: My brother (and I mean that sincerely, bc I think your heart is in the right place more so than not), but it’s apparent that you’ve been deceived. That’s not a matter of judgment, I’m merely observing as your sister.

You’re in my prayers, genuinely.

11 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

Mary is the Holy Virgin and the God- Bearer, Theotokos! As orthodox, we treasure all the saints, but Mary has a special place among them, that’s why we honour her above them all.

We worship the Triune God ( the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit) and love and respect his righteous ones/ the saints. Mary, the Theotokos is above all saints.

11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

The scriptures don’t say Mary was a virgin; they say she was unwed.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Your special Dan Brown-ish interpretations claim that, together with the “fathers” of the popular history you collect your ‘gerries from.
So, your claim that she was not virgin is based on the fact that the scriptures do not specifically state that she was intact ( yet they aknowledge her as the Mother of the Son of God). Unweded (meaning also not knowing a man, intimately).

Mary became the vessel for the Lord Himself, and bore in the flesh Him, whom heaven and earth cannot contain. Would this not have been grounds to consider her life, including her body, as consecrated to God and God alone? Or is it more plausible to you that God would choose as a vessel an average woman and even more a woman that sinned before wedding as well? Is that in the scripture? Or is it in your interpretations?! Here you have a one of a kind woman in the history of humankind being given the honour and the mission of being the God-Bearer. Now this in itself is an exclamation mark.
And then there is Joseph’s character to consider. Surely his wife’s miraculous conception and birthgiving (confirmed by the angel in dream-visions) and the sight of God incarnate in the face of the child Christ would have been enough to convince him that his marriage was set apart from the norm. Within Mary’s very body had dwelt the second Person of the Trinity. If touching the ark of the covenant had cost Uzzah his life, and if even the scrolls containing the Law, the Psalms, and the Prophets were venerated, certainly Joseph, man of God that he was, would neither have dared nor desired to approach Mary, the chosen of Israel, the throne of God, to request his “conjugal rights”!
“ This gate shall be shut, it shall not be opened, and no man shall pass through it, because the Lord, the God of Israel, has entered by it, therefore it shall be shut.” (Ezek 44:2,3)”

11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf


The luciferian myths of this period of ~2000 years ago, predating the cattle church invented mythos of Virgin holy untouched perfect Mary by hundreds and thousands of years, are so full of miraculous god impregnating human woman and virgins that I won’t bother to even list it here. How many mortals did Zeus,l impregnate in myth?

Your church’s haughty false pious mythos needs the mother to be so perfect she is a virgin; for this is exactly the mythos of Ishtar and Isis, the mothers of the god-men (such as Horus). It is a perfectly magical explanation to a common theme in human history: a teenage girl gets pregnant from another while betrothed to a much older man. Does this humanity upset you?

Yes indeed, YHWH has always chosen the “average,” to do his works. Not the powerful, or the mighty or the pious. Not the cruelest and most wicked; but the flawed and human. Moshe was a b*****d abandoned by his parents. So was Yeshua a b*****d; the Pharisees taunt him about this at the recounting of his trial. Can you think of any other bastards that were prophets of the Lord?

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


Your (mis)quotations of Ezekiel 44’s translation is also extremely disturbing. This passage is written in first temple period ~600 BCE, and discusses the gate to the EAST (sunrise…) of the temple, stating that only the kings of Judah may enter and exit there during ceremonies. It applied to all rulers as part of ceremonial temple practice.

Would this dictate later have applied to Yeshua had he become king of Judah during official temple rites? It would have, had the temple not been destroyed… but it’s a ceremonial commandment about priestly rites, not Mary’s, er “gate,” or birth canal if you will. It is literally an entrance to a building from where the sun rises, and more esoterically it is a reference to the “whirling fire scythe” placed east of Eden, which is the Solar analemma that rises in the east each day.

That you are trying to apply this to a Virgin teenager’s birth canal impregnated by a god by force, is indicative of the propaganda they have taught you: likening (not so) subtly the Church itself to the Great Mother, Churchi, whom births the sun child, or Lucifer as it’s king.

11 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker


Crisspf is often very ignorant of reality and is blindly loyal to Ishtarian Orthodoxism and it’s Parent the Caraliqus. She has a history of calling anybody that upsets her church narrative a heretic or the devil.

She has thus far stated that:

1) God wanted “Saint” Constantine to boil his wife alive like a crab, (he really did) so he could start the Catholic Church.

2) the cross of Ivan the terrible from the 15th century , who brutally tortured tens of thousands for fun in the name of G-Zeus, is “biblical.”

3) that when John Chrysostome their “high holy hierarchy” wrote and said “Jews are fattened swines fit for the slaughter,” in 587 it was purely allegorical. Even though this man led mass murder in Antioch in 587 (same year) and stated “the devil made me murder” in his writings to plead for a pardon from the emperor.

4) That kissing icons doesn’t violate the second commandment of having now images for worship

5) That the Bible expressly mentions the two beamed phi cross (it doesn’t and the symbol only appears 400 years later.)

6) that when Catholics mass murdered and tortured and burned witches, it was very different than Mayans publicly killing people.

Don’t expect an intellectually honest conversation.

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

…oh, here comes the heavy artilery with the same all lame lies from the “popular history”. (I guess lg needed a back-up like she always does)

The Bible mentions “cross”. It is of no importance whether we use as a symbol the two beamed or three beamed cross; it is still a cross. A cross, not a pile, not a stick. Madonna wearing a cross around her neck doesn’t invalidate the cross, neither does Ivan the Terrible who was just as christian like wolves are sheep, or like 444ger a real aryeh yehuddah (that glows, too! – his words exactly)

Jesus said, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it” (Matthew 16:24–25)

ALSO: Tertullian, in the late second century said believers would “mark the brow with the sign of the cross” during such activities as meals, going to bed, and leaving and entering home. (…and we still do that)

Also: why don’t we persecute jews in the present day given there are so many orthodox and catholics that read those homilies of John Chrysostom and respect him so much? Why stop at Holocaust? The answer was already long before given, but the intellectually dishonest people make false claims stating we hate jews and that’s why we use the homilies in a literal form (false!) That is why these people forget that Jesus was also jew, apostles were jews, John the Baptist was jew, mother of Jesus was jew etc.

Also: the never ending list of gems from ger. This time he chose “boiling his wife like a crab”. On other occasions it was the strangling, then he killed his entire family, then when shown it was not so he corrected it only to reiterate it later with more lies. Then he killed the mother too. Then in another novel the same ger author admitts Helena wasn’t killed, then the mother was also genocidal, later he states again that he actually did kill her and so on. “Popular history”!
I will quote from 444gered history: “ The history of their inclusion into the “Christian” church by Saul of Tarshish (Solar seeker of the six), is found in the texts of Gall-Atians. They later found their way into dominating the Catholic priesthood of Constantine, who killed his own mother at their behest. “
“ Notice the name for mother is “Matar/madar” in the picture below, which means “to kill” in Latin and Hebrew. It is the same root as Martyr and Murder in English, as well as Mother. This connection coming from the Martyring Murder of the Mother. This is why all of the embodiments of the antiXristos, who twist and obfuscate The Truth of YHWH, who is Yeshua, murder their mothers. Constantine (formed Catholicism) King James (formed the KJV and Church of England), and now Yeezy (formed the cult of Ye)…”
Interesting! I’d say that’s why all christians continued the tradition to kill their mothers: because mother is madar. Right! The homonyms of ger! I suppose Helena wasn’t Constantine’s mother (madar the mother) because he spared her.

And the list goes on.

Also: my time is precious and I don’t intend to make another very long and exhausting analysis on 444geries because the last time I did that gem or one in his team reported the comment section. There were only three of us constantly replying: me, gem and chud (who is, by the way, intellectually honest, unlike gem). … and I doubt chud did that.

I recommend people read a good, reliable book from gem’s special recommended library since he ‘madar’ed the bible, a documented book where Jesus is abducted by aliens: ->” Read “The Adam and Eve Story” by Chan Thomas. It describes events 700,000 years ago that led to the divergence of H**o Sapiens through highly increased radiation and genetic mutations.”

11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

“lg” whom you keep taking jabs at, without the courtesy of a single tag, doesn’t carry on in your circular nonarguments. You can’t break through the Magik Shell to even begin to see things the way they are, so there is no point.

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


it was the author of the article in which we were discussing who reported the comment section and then deleted the article he posted upon which we were commenting.

He also accused me of being some woman named Diane who is a “witch.” Then went on a tirade about my female bloodlusting witchcraft for several comments before deleting the thread.

I’m a guy…

11 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Now there’s a lot of venom in your comment here. Others have used the same shortcut (lg) . I didn’t realize I have to share your views in order to use that same shortcut. I also don’t remember to have tagged you in the first place on this topic yet you have honoured me from the top of your mountain with your attention.
My arguments come from real historical sources (Early Church included), not from pop-history (gem included) and Dan Brown like yours.

11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

As I said before, I’m not interested in your circular non arguments and now I’ll add baseless accusations, although that was always applicable as well. Be well.

11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Yet @gem444 appears to be correct in not expecting an intellectually honest conversation…
I’m not your enemy, sister, nor am I trying to offend you. I’m not on anyone’s team or anything like that. By engaging, I’m sharing with you, and attempting to grow/learn from you, if any of that be in God’s will.

I’d like to point out @crisspf, that Christ did not have to defend anything so vehemently in anger or excitement the way you are attempting to. Nor did He place Mary above any one else (in fact He did just the opposite! Matthew 12:48!), nor did He say to treat the cross (a piece of wood!) as a symbol of Him, nor did He say to worship Him on Sunday (but rather a fellow created human being said declared such).

If you want to do things or follow things differently than what Christ exemplified whether by word or action, that’s your choice, and no one but God can judge that. I certainly won’t. But you can’t proclaim it to be the Truth either, not without blaspheming anyway.

That’s the beautiful thing about Truth. The Truth/Word is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Pray that you receive this.

Last edited 11 months ago by Trut4seeker
11 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker


The drama you witness here, was not the original spirit… but as always you have a place where interesting conversation and real dialogue is brought to spur growth, and the Legions of Re (Re’s Legions, Religion) rush into see what they find, and begin to brandish heretics, and spout their opinions as facts.

The Luciferian system is designed this way: to create unending warriors of the solar religions; whether that be Cattle Licks, Maha Amuts, Talmudisrs, or Ma$ons… who when they are shown Truth are immediately confronted with their own ignorance. They don’t take kindly towards being shown the deception the wolves have played on them, by their own desire, and thus spend lots of energy to destroy a gathering of souls and energy that causes this within them.

This is how the Luciferians passively harvest huge quantities of energy from their cattle to create the reality they desire. “the great work.”

11 months ago
Reply to  lenseoftruth

Scholars and academics are part of the problem. I studied a liberal arts discipline at a “good school” and it almost cost me my soul. My education was more of an indoctrination into promoting all religions as equal and thus erasing the unique significance of Jesus. I studied world religion with a mind made too open and thus defenseless against the fallen nature of the world. The one good thing about that was that I was relentlessly curious and followed it to the bitter end because I needed to know what was right, and I did find out, and it is Christ. He really is the Messiah and the savior of souls.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Amen. I felt that over the daemon ran digital transference of energy we call the internet (lol), praise be to our Savior.

God bless y’all, my brothers and sisters here.

11 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

Bless you, too, and Merry Christmas.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Thank you, God willing.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t say with encouragement that I willfully don’t go along with the whole holiday thing anymore (considering not only its pre-dating pagan roots coupled w the fact it’s simply not even talked about in mentioned or talked about in the Bible), but nonetheless I appreciate your sentiment of greeting.

God’s blessings from our Father and Savior to you and all, today and always.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Merry Christmas, Fleur!

Last edited 11 months ago by crisspf
11 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

You, too!

11 months ago

The section where he talks about how the Satanists use Virgin Mary imagery to refer to the Great Goddess, the female half of Satan, is relevant to what is wrong with Hollywood. Los Angeles’ original Catholic Spanish name translates to The City of Our Lady Queen of the Angels. On the surface that is a Mary reference, but if you know that Satan has that feminine aspect it seems more sinister, maybe a reference to the leader of the fallen angels. I lived in LA and caught a really bad vibe there and left. There are an excessive number of occultists there and lots of occult sites, organizations and events, everything from Scientology to the Church of Satan to the Helter Skelter murders. Manly P. Hall’s occult archive is in Los Feliz, and Jack Parsons got up to all kinds of black magic in Pasadena. Apparently that geographic area is associated with the occult back into the era of Native American inhabitation. There has always been something weird there. And the obsession with the purity of Mary detailed in this video also dovetails with the great goddess, who is always described as ‘pure” and likened to clear mountain water. I believe that is because when the esoteric kundalini energies are raised in the human body, supposedly one drop of pure elixir is produced in the skull that trickles down and transforms the practitioner. This is illumination, the goal of all mystery religions and secret societies. It is actually possession, uniting one with the god/dess of this fallen world. This video refers at the 18:00 mark to Shiva, the god associated with kundalini. The occultist Alice Bailey is quoted there as saying that the All Seeing Eye is the eye of Shiva, the third eye of Satan.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

PS It bears repeating here that the Vatican is built over an ancient necropolis dedicated to Vatika, the Etruscan goddess of the underworld.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Awesome info, thank you, sister.

11 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

Thank you, and you’re welcome. It was hard won knowledge, I am very glad if it is helpful to you.

11 months ago
Reply to  lenseoftruth

Thank you for posting it! Ugh re the Masonic excavation. I used to hang out in the Central Library in LA a number of years ago, VC posted about it in his SInister SItes series. When I finally realized what it really is, a Luciferian temple, and what an effect it has on the vicinity, I was appalled. These things have a real impact. I think it’s a factor in the advanced social decay around the LA downtown Skid Row area. I’d be interested to hear what you excavated, if you ever feel like sharing it. I always thought archaeology sounded interesting, but I am glad I did not pursue it.