
The Minister of Defense – Reggie White

ESPN released a documentary recently in their 30 for 30 series. The entire documentary is worth watching of this remarkable man.

It is called The Minister of Defense. It is the story of the football player named Reggie White who is probably the best defensive end to ever play. 

Reggie was also an ordained minister from the age of 17 and was never shy about showing his faith. He put that foot forward for everyone to see. And became a lightning rod after taking some controversial stances in the christian religion.

After retirement Reggie made a huge discovery. He lost faith in the church and started a journey of real discovery when he decided to learn Hebrew and study the Scriptures in the original text. What he realized is all of the translations say different things at crucial moments. The original text don’t say anything about hell and brimestone – these are what preachers used to scare people into conforming. Reggie was discouraged that ministers knew they were teaching tradition and not the real word of God. 

 He makes other revelations too – too many to put down here. 

 Just as he had it pretty well figured out after 3 years of diligently studying the real Scriptures in the original language – he died of a massive heart attack. I find this a questionable death as he went public with some of what he learned. 

What do you think?

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Blind Gill
Blind Gill
8 months ago

You lost me at “ordained minister at 17.”

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
8 months ago
Reply to  Blind Gill

It seems the guy was heavily inspired to be a good Christian by his grandmother and was an evangelical Christian in the essence of that. He did study the old testament and learned Hebrew but this seemed to strengthen his Christian faith not undermine it from the things I’ve read. A genuine sinner who walked a better path and defended the faith – and often got into bother because of it. I’m always interested to see the resources you’ve pulled your claims from though. Just this doc or other things he wrote?

I always like to hear stories about God’s soldiers doing wonderful things. It seems Reggie was a real one.

8 months ago
Reply to  Blind Gill

Reggie and his wife called themselves ‘Believers’ not Christians toward the end – that is what the wife Sara said. Reggie never stepped foot in another church – it’s hard to call someone ‘strong in the Christian faith’ with that being said.
I agree he was a sinner we all are. But in his last years he was a True man of God searching for answers by going to the source – not relying on what others have said. Finding Heim in his heart

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

You seem to have a problem with the word Christian and Christianity, rather than having a problem with the people, organizations and entities that propagate and w***e the words “Christian” and “Christianity”.

I fully comprehend why you do, and I’m absolutely in agreement with you.
But in trying to spread the Truth, it’s important to understand that everyone is a very unique stage in their spiritual walk. Lumping true sincere hearted believers who have not yet realized Christianity has been bastardized into the same category as those who push the fake, mainstream Christianity will not help the former to get out and realize the very difference you’re attempting to reveal or share with others.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

I have no issue with study of the word. I think we can easily deviate from the word though and travelling this road can easily trip into gnosticism and confirmation bias.

Full disclosure I listened to only part of this but will certainly look at the rest of it.

The Bible was written and translated to be discerned world wide. It was not to be kept in darkness – it was to be openly understood. Many of us cannot read Hebrew, Arabic or Greek so rely on trusted people to interpret this for us as we do with many things. I understand that we are in a post low trust society right now but this type of discussion really is bordering into realms you should use extreme discernment around.

‭‭Mark‬ ‭4:21‭-‬23‬ ‭ESV‬‬
[21] And he said to them, “Is a lamp brought in to be put under a basket, or under a bed, and not on a stand? [22] For nothing is hidden except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret except to come to light. [23] If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”

My experience of different translations of The Bible as a side note has helped me to understand what is meant on several levels.

I suppose what I am trying to say is we are men. Everything is not to be uncovered to us but what is is simply discerned…even with 5 different translations.

8 months ago


The story is truly captivating and a beautiful portrayal of deep passion and love for YHWH. It served as an inspiration for me to eliminate any residual intermediaries and strive for a closer relationship with Father through gaining an even deeper understanding of Heis word. Thank you for posting.

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

A potential idea that comes to mind is the creation of a few concise posts that explore the fundamental aspects of Hebrew, such as the alef bet, pronunciation, and vowel signs. These posts could prove to be valuable in equipping readers with the minimal essential knowledge required to read the Torah/Scriptures, establish word associations, and overcome any obstacles related to tradition, control, or language that may hinder the understanding of the Truth..

For years, I was under the misconception that advanced mastery/fluency was necessary, but I later realized that even a basic understanding of Hebrew can have a life-changing impact. However, it is worth noting that delving deeper into the language, as the minister of defense discovered, can be irresistible. How many others are just one step away from gaining a deeper understanding of YHWH? There is something inherently natural and easy to learn about ancient Hebrew (AY). Additionally, when I acquired a copy of hebrew scripture and noticed that the chapters and verses were labeled alphabetically (aleph, bet, gimel, dalet, hei, vav, zayin…) instead of using numbers, it solidified the fact that hebrew gematria is not some form of new age numerology.

I acquired the ability to sing the alef-bet in no time under Pharaoh’s tutelage:

search alef with bet Hebrew – Aleph-Bet Hebrew Alphabet Song – Free Biblical Hebrew

Last edited 8 months ago by ttsc
8 months ago
Reply to  ttsc

This sounds like a really good idea @ttsc. It sounds like you are quite a bit further along learning Hebrew than I am. I just started writing the aleph bet.
Putting together a strategy to learn Hebrew quickly sounds good to me

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon


That is so great to hear you are writing the alef bet! What might seem a little daunting at first I believe is unquestionably one of the most important investments one can make in this process. …you will never regret what becomes an indispensable skill in daily life (e.g., interlinear bible use).

I once approached a pastor who had attended a rigorous seminary with intensive Hebrew language studies, asking him if there was an easy way to learn Hebrew and if it was worth it. To my surprise, he bluntly and stoically replied with a firm “no,” abruptly ending the discussion. The response left me feeling a bit bewildered, but the desire to learn persisted and through trial and error I eventually discovered a practical and simplified approach to the basics… it’s unfortunate to imagine time may be dedicated to completing seminary-level courses in Hebrew, only to use software for one-off word searches during sermon preparation without full-immersion in its abundant richness. I will prayerfully consider exploring ways to present a simplified approach that aligns with the spirit of this website… “Hebrew for Viggies” if you will.

8 months ago
Reply to  ttsc

Interesting. I once asked a fairly well known pastor a similar question about learning Hebrew and he answered immediately that he wouldn’t recommend it. I asked him why and he never responded.

8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


You have shown me the essence and core qualities of someone with a heart that fervently wishes to seek the Truth. I express my sincere gratitude.  

8 months ago
Reply to  ttsc

@ttsc There is nothing more valuable than truth. Thank you for your kind words and regard. I have already learned a lot from you. Interesting how rewording or a fresh perspective can help overall understanding. I’m grateful for everyone who contributes here in good faith.

Last edited 8 months ago by lgageharleya
8 months ago
Reply to  ttsc


8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

@lgageharleya @ttsc

What you are encountering is the biggest thorn in many “expert” Christian’s side:

a) Most know they don’t really understand Aryeh Yehudah language nor Hebrew and are self conscious about it but not willing to learn
B) Some were bludgeoned with modern academic Hebrew and found it so tedious they hate it (secretly)
C) They all know that an understanding of Hebrew makes you independent of their dogmatic sectarian teachings that pay their bills

Equally most know or are purposefully wilfully ignorant to the original language scriptures, because it destroys the contradictory dogmas they espouse week after week based on their origin in sectarian political schisms that were political power plays.

When entering seminary (seamen ary, to impregnate the great mother CHURCHi) students are forced to sign oaths of “faith” which state they are to never question the teachings of the church that gave them that seminary… ultimately They don’t need a threat to their power that studies The Truth in the scriptures

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


This makes perfect sense and brings needed closure. You have shown me The Key and the heart of a True teacher. I will never settle for less. Thank you.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

They really don’t like people looking for the truth on their own. I feel a bit sorry for people who go into priesthood with a real desire to find the truth and then discover the corruption in the church. It’s really tragic, no matter how good the original purpose of an organisation is, it eventually gets corrupted if people aren’t careful enough.

This reminds me, what do you think of the book I posted about before?

8 months ago

While I definitely appreciate hearing from the family/wife and hearing about what appears to be a genuine search for Truth in this guy’s last few years, I can’t help but not allow a documentary by ESPN to help shape a proper picture of what the Truth actually is. While it’s good to view, there’s only so much I can truly take away from this commercial production.

I did truly love that moment when the wife stated they are “believers” as opposed to any other mainstream religion. That was a genuine expression of joy she had, one uniquely given by the Holy Spirit.

Last edited 8 months ago by Trut4seeker
8 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

I completely understand skepticism when it comes to big productions and ESPN or the NFL.
There is a moment in the doc, it goes by quickly, it shows the likeness of Reggie in a hand drawn picture. It is Reggie’s head drawn over the Masonic checkerboard and pillars. Because it is his likeness and not Reggie himself – I took that to mean the Masons are controlling this situation.
Because of the dates and timing his death is highly questionable to me. ‘They’ have had heart attack drugs for decades. The NFL can’t have players learning Truths, it would be the end of the league.
So as always one has to watch these productions with a very discerning eye and asking our Father ‘WHY’during the viewing.
To me the NFL is winking at those who know what really happened. They love wiping our faces in our ignorance

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Kinda reminds me of Jordan Maxwell, but in the opposite direction – he lost his faith over the years, so they let him keep dropping other truths, but always under surveillance and using undermining tactics.

8 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Precisely. Good observation

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Well, they can only wipe stuff on your face if you’re actually watching it.

As a former healthcare professional, and a conspiracy realist who doesn’t believe in coincidences, I’ve come to learn ppl die all the time, and whether there were nefarious reasons or not, at the end of the day, our Father allowed it to occur. All that to say, it doesn’t matter if the death was murder by evil will or not.

The enemy is not in control no matter how much it appears to come off that way.

8 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

We have to know the enemy too. We don’t do that by ignoring them out of fear.
They tell us right to our faces many things in their communications which include big production shows and movies.
If you choose to refuse to see what they’re telling us that is your prerogative and I won’t question that.
But when people are constantly saying ‘you’re only propagating the problem by watching their stuff’ I say No! I’m learning their ways with Father’s help

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Oh no, I don’t disagree at all.

And no, I don’t suggest ignoring out of fear. In fact, I encourage the opposite. We have to be able to see these things and not only be able to recognize it, but shun it. Which is what you’re doing, so I don’t discourage you in anyway.

That said, we’re probably just at different levels or timelines. The enemy’s tactics have been in place well before any of us reading this ever started paying attention, and by God’s grace, I’ve personally learned by now that generally /all of earthly big stage/mainstream things are of the enemy (not like this day and age hasn’t been prophesied for hundreds of years already!).

There is no new thing under the sun (Ecc. 1:9), there’s so much truth in that on so many levels.

So I (perhaps personally) don’t need to continually see the enemy’s tactics to know it’s happening and be able to recognize. At one point, I caught myself (stubbornly) being engaged in seeking out the enemy’s behavior just so I can say “ah ha!” more than by doing what’s more critically necessary to fight what’s going on, which is increase my walk with our Creator. It took a series of trials and tribulations to yank me back in line and refocus onto Him. Our Creator and Savior is good, so praise be.

8 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

A balance must be struck I unquestionably agree. Studying them too much isn’t good either. But like learning a new language sometimes hyper focus is applied.
Picking and choosing what to look at that is appropriate for now – some of their stuff is way more revealing than others. Most is a waste of time

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Thank you friends, the genuine exchange of ideas and constructive exchange on this platform is truly valuable to me. It has helped me confront difficult truths and take necessary steps towards personal growth. I find these comments to also be valuable acknowledgements of the importance of discernment and refraining from extreme judgments when categorizing certain content as either entirely positive or negative. And very convicting guidance to resist the temptation of engaging with such content solely for the purpose of satisfying our dopamine cravings or out of convenience or naivety.

In healthcare, it is crucial to not only focus on healthy tissue and systems but also to understand diseases. By comprehending pathology and its processes, we can effectively diagnose and provide care. The same principle applies to spiritual guidance and care, where understanding spiritual pathology is necessary. When it comes to sports, it would be unwise to ignore studying the other team’s tape. Similarly, in spiritual matters, understanding the belief systems and perspectives of those who are ensnared or seeking is essential in building strong friendships. I appreciate the stated intentions in this conversation which are all clearly to provide a broader perspective on the matter, rather than implying the contrary.

A small amount of arsenic in a glass of water can be catastrophic if ingested, it is still important to understand the molecular structure of all elements involved. Water, which is essential but can also be harmful, and arsenic, which is poisonous but has medical applications. Observing their molecular geometry and relating them to divine perfection of creation can add depth to our understanding. Appreciating varying windows of toxicity on a case basis (for both arsenic and water) relates to consideration for where others are on their path, which was such a valuable insight. Thank you both.

8 months ago
Reply to  ttsc

The gratefulness goes both ways. I appreciate your detailed input and completely comprehend.

God’s blessings to you both as well.

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Study away, brother. Praise be to our Father.

Last edited 8 months ago by Trut4seeker
8 months ago

Let’s summarize the true intent of this post :

Doubt the Bible, Christians !

Last edited 8 months ago by quantguacamole
8 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole


Appreciate you taking the time to read through the post. Please allow me to re-summarize my intent: It’s wise to honor Scripture/the breath of YHWH with a thoughtful consideration of source text, rather than disregarding it blindly. Continued blessings on your path.

Last edited 8 months ago by ttsc
8 months ago
Reply to  ttsc

The post was posted by @thekwon.
I am not talking about the comments.

Do you mean you @ttsc also own @thekwon account ?

8 months ago

So Reggie White no longer called himself a Christian, which is a follower of Christ, but simply referred to himself as a “believer”.
A believer in what exactly? 
If he no longer believed in Jesus, then there was no forgiveness available for his sins. 

we have all broken God’s laws. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and the only way to be made right with the Father. The Bible absolutely speaks of hell. It is referred to and sometimes compared to Gehenna, which was a real place outside of the city. It was a place of perpetual burning. It was a garbage dump where dead bodies and animal carcasses were thrown to be burned up. 
 Jesus spoke about both heaven and hell and He made a point to speak extensively about hell. 
 Because both are real places: one being an eternal place in the presence of God, and one a place of eternal separation from God, called the second death, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, and Jesus loved us enough to warn us not to go there. 
Here are just some of the scriptures on hell. 
Matthew 5:22, Matthew 5:29, Matthew 10:28, Mathew 13:42, Matthew 25:30, Mark 9:47-48
By the way, The New Testament was not written in Hebrew, and the New Testament absolutely refers to hell, which in the Greek is often called “hades”. 
Look at Revelation 20:10 ESV. Written by John, one of Jesus’ direct disciples. 

“and the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.”

Fire in Greek is pyr. It always means fire. 
The word for sulfur is theion. 

2303 theíon – properly, sulfur (“brimstone,” i.e. smoky, burning rocks), i.e. sulphurous, named for the sulphur-smell left by lightning; (figuratively) the fire of heaven, bringing down God’s judgment to display His awesome, unstoppable power.

The lake of fire is the final place where death and hell (hades), and all those who reject Jesus, will one day be cast. That’s another discussion, but it’s still an eternal place of fire and brimstone. 
With all the evidence, who in their right mind would believe Jesus was lying about hell? 

I’ve studied the Bible for over 40 years and am improving at reading Koine Greek. The Hebrew and Greek translations are now available to everyone to compare with all the translations. 
What I know for sure is this: God exists. The Bible is reliable. Jesus is God in the flesh. He is the perfect Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Salvation is by God’s grace alone, through a personal faith alone, in Christ Jesus alone. 
The plan from the beginning, recorded in the book of Genesis, was to send Jesus to become the sacrifice for our sins, to reconcile us to God. 
Heaven and hell are real, and whether or not hell is an actual place of fire and brimstone doesn’t matter, because it is a place of eternal separation from God, who is the sole source of light, love and life. Therefore, to be separated from God, would literally be hell. That’s a logical conclusion. 

The knowledge of that truth does not give any human control over me. While I do attend a local church and give some of my money and time to help others, I freely, and willingly choose to follow Christ and Him alone.
In fact, I could leave my church at anytime, never set foot in their again, and not be worried about my losing my salvation, because neither my Pastor or church has a hold over me and my salvation and rights come from faith in Jesus alone. 
However, if I would ever be foolish enough to choose to deny Christ, then I should indeed be fearful of hell, because then I would be denying the only One who can keep me from going to hell, since He took the death penalty I deserve, for breaking His laws. 
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23
It’s good to ask questions and search for the Truth, but there is one Truth, and that is Jesus. If someone is leading you away from Christ, and making you doubt the ability of the One Sovereign, Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent God, to preserve His Word and His Truth for all generations, then you can be sure that person is heretic who is deceived by Satan and is being used to deceive others into conforming to a lie. 

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Setting aside the…enthusiasm (for lack of a better word)…displayed—for which I comprehend your position—what exactly would you disagree with from what was said?

Do you not believe Christ came once and is the Truth?

NOTE: I’m trying to have real discussion here, and to better comprehend your foundation. Not here to argue, if that isn’t clear by now.

Last edited 8 months ago by Trut4seeker
8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

No it doesn’t, I don’t disagree.

The answer is right in your face…to deceive and cause confusion.

Who is the father of lies?

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

A lot more has to be said. You are on hunt for truth, and I respect that, but you’re so fired up in being anti-religious (which is understandable and very reasonable) that you haven’t been able to fully connect some dots as of yet. I don’t say that to scold or rebuke, I’m saying as a fellow seeker and follower of Truth, who’s been in your shoes.

I think many who claim to be Christians would agree with you re: Jesus and Mary iconography. Maybe not so the case with Catholics, but claimed Christians. (You should know the difference in order to truly unwind the deception that’s been effected onto the masses).

Ok. So has Yeshua set foot on earth in this physical realm as of yet, in your understanding?

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Not getting what you’re saying…what do you mean by putting ‘normal’? Or is your contention that Yeshua was not “born of a virgin”?

If you do believe Yeshua has come once, then where do you draw from to believe that? Do you think the New Testament scripture was gamed in a way to (falsely) deify Yeshua?

Again, not arguing your perspective, I’m asking in order to gain understanding of it. (Feel like I need to repeat that, only bc demeanor and tone can not be properly received over text…in other words, i’m not trying to find fault, so I hope you can honestly share for the sake of real discussion)

Last edited 8 months ago by Trut4seeker
8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Fair and received @unwed. (I wouldn’t call out others so quickly for “blindly” following what they’ve heard from their churches tho, until you’ve verified and read that for yourself…)

You didn’t quite answer clearly: do you believe the New Testament was gamed in order to falsely deify Yeshua?

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

You’ve mentioned:
A) the modern scriptures and translations being very unreliable

B) anytime what seems to be a “Christian” posting, and they mention “Jesus”, you talk about how religion has duped them and dismiss their post despite not necessarily disagreeing with what they said (like the one above @aletheuo)

C) you want to Hebrew and go straight to the “source”. Ok, fair and very logically reasonable, but the New Testament was written in Greek, not Hebrew.

D) you’ve not really mentioned much regarding the New Testament, which led to me wonder if you only value the Torah/Old testament and treat that as true to God’s Word.

Your statement “Yeshua is the way and the Life” leaves somewhat contradictory thoughts when comparing to your prior posts.

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

A) Well honestly by you saying “Jesus came out 3 days later” I can’t tell if you’re saying that to question His resurrection (hence I asked “do you believe he’s been falsely deified?” which you haven’t quite answered straight up) or if you’re simply claiming that ‘Jesus’ is a psyop.

B) I’ve honestly never heard that the New Testament was originally written in Hebrew then burned and rewritten in Greek, but I’d love to dive into it if there’s any credibility. Doesn’t quite line up with historians (including secular historians who wouldn’t have a religious bias), as there’s no real evidence to say such. But knowing how much deception has occurred, I’d certainly be open to researching at the very least.

Where did you come upon that info?

C) from your posts, you seem to indicate your position is that the Bible is not infallible—is that the case? If not, then my mistake.
If so, what parts are reliable and what are not? I don’t know how you can definitely state Yeshua is the Way and the Truth if you don’t have faith in the scripture’s reliability.

Again not challenging, trying to understand.

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

You’re not really responding to my points, which is odd considering the impression you portray is that you’re open to honest and real conversation.

To be clear, I get where you’re coming from re: Jesus vs. Yeshua. And I agree.

Thing that you’ve still yet to make clear:
If you believe Yeshua is the Way and the Truth, HOW do you get to realizing this AND learning His knowledge and understanding what eternal life is, if you consider the new testament’s validity questionable???
Yeshua’s time on earth was not recorded in the Old Testament, so where and on what is your belief rooted in? By what ppl here on the forums say?

8 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

Imposterism has indeed been utilized to promote the worship of Ishtar, a transgender temple prostitute/priestess, as Mariam, the mother of Yeshua, in order to revive idolatrous practices and reinstate the pagan trinity of the virgin queen (great) mother, the magna mater. Many names, including Vatika, Isis, Inanna, Ashtarte, Diana, Cybele, and MarYam (Mary), etc. are associated with Lucifer as a transgender pagan figure. The scripture translations have been subtly aligned with ancient Luciferian myths, including the belief in a fraudulent magical virgin birth as a means to reintegrate the Magna Mater (“great mother”). This was initially difficult for me to accept, and I know it all sounds nuts at first.

The name Jesus is deified as a corruption, imposterization, and a code for G-Zeus, combining the G of “Gad” (and geometry) the deity Ba’al mentioned in Isaiah 65:11 (you’ve seen the ‘G’ in other angular symbols on this site as well), with Zeus, who is associated with illumination and is often equated with Lucifer. His actual name is Yeshua. In Greek, there is no J sound, and the phonetic equivalent of his name is “Ye-Shou.” It is not difficult to pronounce and technically would translate as Joshua. The fierce opposition/refusal to using his real name and the focus on the corrupted English word (Jupiter, G-Pater, G-Zeus) is rather telling. We have indeed been saved by his sacrifice on the tree, as he was sent to undo the whitehead knot of looping time. He saved/redeemed us, he is the Truth, he reigns as king of kings for eternity. I personally stopped calling him Jesus for a reason, His name is Yeshua. His name was and always will be Yeshua. YHWH bless you for seeking the Truth.

8 months ago
Reply to  ttsc

In the image/iconography shown top left, one may observe a depiction of a “mona” (insight into mona lisa), i.e., transgender priestess with a baby G(ad)-Zeus, seen making the 666 hand signal. Another picture top right portrays adult Jesus holding up the devil horns. Both images are adorned with the tumbling sun cross of the seasons (zodiac). Additionally, “Mary” is depicted with the 8 pointed star of Ishtar on her forehead, a golden solar halo (which is not part of Aryeh Yehudah iconography), and a stigma in gold fabric-fringe on her purple/scarlet dress (Rev 13), which is identical to the androgynous/transgender Mithras (myth of Ra, the sun god).

The sea is represented by MP=MR=Mar, while the sun is represented by ON. The phrase “Beast out of the sea” carries a significant meaning, particularly as a representation of the Sun, among other meanings. The title “Virgin Queen of Heaven” lacks any scriptural basis, but is identical to the one given to Isis in Egyptian Luciferianism, whose Ka statues resemble the depictions of Mary today (see below), also associated with Ishtar/Innana in Babylon. The truth of YHWH has been impostered and replaced by Ba-Ra-Abban and his harlot of Ba-Ba’al-On. Could this be considered as the epitome of AntiXristos?

Very subtle and insidious manipulation through knowledge monopolization and distortion as we’re deceived into believing it’s shared in all authenticity, never to be questioned. Meanwhile, the divine pact is maintained by leaving The Truth to be discovered by those that engage in critical thinking and discernment only after much careful consideration and individual prayerful connection with the ineffable creator.

8 months ago
Reply to  ttsc

Amen. I’m on the same page with you, and I completely comprehend.

So I’ve often pondered this: do you think all those genuine hearted souls who understand the life and way of Yeshua, but do not know the true information you’ve just stated and continue to call Him by Jesus, they are doomed for destruction?

8 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

Thank you for the insightful question. It’s so evident that you have a genuine interest in seeking the truth and are not simply engaging in idle discussions. The thoughtful inquiries and analytical mindset are greatly appreciated.  

Using the word Jesus instead of Yeshua is perfectly acceptable (I certainly did for decades), and of course we also have the freedom to refer to Father by various names, as Heis truth is universal. There’s no need or basis to enforce such restrictive practices that only serve to disconnect us from Father and one another. What holds significance is the intention of our heart and the meaning we attach to hashem הָשֵׁם (the name). We can’t constantly worry about avoiding luciferian encodings; they have distorted everything. But once we understand the insidious manipulation tactics—symbols, inversions, and linguistic codings— we can more easily recognize a serpent and see their tricks as insignificant magic that no longer sub-consciously affects us. And we can, only with the utmost compassion, begin to educate others with eyes to see, as only the waters of truth can extinguish fire.

The word for sin in Matthew 12:31, αμαρτία “Amartia,” speaks specifically to forgiveness of transgressions committed unknowingly or unintentionally due to deception by the serpent/Amuru/Lucifer. The Hebrew word אָמַ֣ר “Amar,” is the command given by YHWH to חַוָּ֣ה Hava not to partake of the tree of knowledge and Amaru is the plumed serpent himself (some insight into “hAMARUca”). So when translations such as Matthew 12:31 deliberately replace Amartia and its meaning with the coded word “Sin,” a Mesopotamian lunar deity, a pattern slowly begins to emerge as to what exactly is being hidden through deception. This starts to shed light on how translations are indeed still infallible guides to The Truth, but perhaps not entirely in the conventional way we may have previously been taught. With concerted effort, we can effectively remove the veil cast over everything in our world, and walk The Way, The Truth, and The Life with YHWH more freely in every breath.

8 months ago
Reply to  ttsc

Amen, my brother (or sister?!), thank you for all the knowledge and information. This is invaluable food to digest. I very much appreciate it and am grateful to our Creator for having us cross paths like this.

8 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker


I am a regular guy who yearns to live a life based on absolute Truth by fully surrendering to God. Recently, I have managed to liberate myself from the confines of deception, thanks to the invaluable insights shared by various contributors on this forum. They have emphasized the significance of possessing the keys to the kingdom of heaven,κλεῖδας βασιλείας οὐρανῶν, and have shown me that the key lies within our hearts and hands, if we are willing to open our palms and fully unlock the door to Truth. This Truth is founded upon Yeshua’s teachings, which are The Path, The Unveiling (The Truth), and the Essence of Life, as well as the foundations of Hei’s city. I rejoice that our paths have crossed and that we can support each other in our journey of living a life with YHWH. On this site, you will discover information that is like a mustard seed, capable of growing into numerous branches, unlocking all doors. The seed has been brought here and has fallen on fertile soil, resulting in the growth of trees. I can sense that your heart is fertile soil, and the seed is being sown here for those with eyes to see.

8 months ago
Reply to  ttsc

Amen, always such a real blessing to cross paths with true brothers and sisters in our Savior and Father. This is not by accident, as I am sure you know. We the wheat are being gathered and separated from the tares and so we are walking down the same road.

Blessings from our Creator always to you, and I am prayerfully confident I’ll be learning more and more here with you.

8 months ago
Reply to  Aletheuo

Truer words have never been spoken!

Salvation is through God’s grace and our faith in the shed-blood sacrifice and resurrection of his ONLY begotten son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Romans 10:9-13).

Once saved, you can never become unsaved; thus, we have peace in the knowledge of our eternal security through Jesus (John 10:28-29).

Why is the Bible important? Because…faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17). The Holy Bible is God’s inerrant word gifted to us.

8 months ago
Reply to  Aletheuo

Very well written ! They have an agenda and will never accept what you say but it is the truth

8 months ago

Not downplaying the story, but the usual suspects got their signature in there so there might be some deception somewhere. Remember 30 for 30 = 33.

8 months ago

I was working at a moving company in TN when he moved to Green Bay. It took 10 of us a week to pack their house. He is one if the nicest men I’ve ever met, gave each of us $100 tip, but his wife is a total b*tch.

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

It’s easy to fake being nice when you’re getting paid and your reputation is under the spotlight. Don’t have to be a professional actor to do so. The human heart is deceitful at its core.

Last edited 8 months ago by Trut4seeker
8 months ago
  1. The bible is not all written in hebrew. A large percentage is greek. So your premise fails at the start.
  2. I do know greek and have a masters which included heavy greek work. Your english bibles are VERY reliable. All translation notes are widely available online. No one is hiding anything from you.
  3. The church is crucial for our spiritual development. There is no christian in teh new testament who is outside of a local church community.
  4. Its arrogance to assume that you know better than 2000 years of thoughtful men who gave their whole lives to this. You admitted you dont even know the language.
8 months ago
Reply to  Rev


As one that understands and speaks greek more than the average guy on the forum (that is zero if there’s only copy-paste together with G-Zeus and antiXristos mockery) I think you should join the comment sections whenever you see the hebrew-greek “experts” make a garbage out of the scriptures and align it to the new-age philosophy. Maybe you could also explain to these guys how Yeshua becomes Iesous like in Moshe – Moses, Aristotles, Hercules and other tens of male names. People need to see another greek expert, this time a real one, with no hidden agenda behind.