
Pope says priests can bless same-sex couples – BBC News (

Announcing the change, the Vatican emphasised that it continues to view marriage as between a man and a woman.

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7 months ago

…and so it begins: the unacceptable becomes acceptable ,,under certain circumstances,,. It is only obvious it will soon be unacceptable to raise voice against this insanity.

7 months ago

The Overton window is moving

7 months ago

Its coming. Apostasy within the Church.

7 months ago

This Pope is to the church what Biden is to the US. Deliberately trying to destroy it

7 months ago
Reply to  Trevor

If you look at the catholic church’s history, and Scripture, you’d see the very essence of the Pope figure destroyed it hundreds of years ago.

It’s only now being allowed to reveal itself, is all.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
7 months ago

It is a slippery slope. The Vatican isn’t sanctifying the union with the blessing and they’ve had specific instructions on how to use it…

However. We know what this means in the real world. The secular world thinks they’ve won, the RC has given ground although not technically blessed sin…but they won’t understand that and more importantly don’t care to understand it.

The RC shouldn’t be messing with this. The answer is to stay true to God’s will. Easy.

Big Time Kush
Big Time Kush
7 months ago

Well, thank the Jesuit who was crammed in there.

Q. What do Kamala Harris and Kathy Hochul and the Pope all have in common?

A. They were all put into power through copulation.

7 months ago

I have no doubt Francis intends to push things as far as he can, and also to step over the line, if he is able. However, Catholic clergy have always been able to bless individuals who request it. There is no background check for a blessing.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
7 months ago
Reply to  chud

It won’t stay there though. They’ve been told not to do it in a marriage setting but there are so many gay priests the whole things is just a mess.

7 months ago
Reply to  Blind Gill

Yes. I think Abp Viganò was anticipating something like this coming when he said recently that Catholics should consider that a false parallel Church has been created.

7 months ago

The Catholic Church doesnt follow the Word of God.
They pray/worship Mary when Christ said not to…he said to “keep my word and do” instead honoring his mother.
The traditions/rituals of the Catholic Church make “void the word of God”.
Catholic doctrine states/dictates that the pope is “infallible”…so he can do or say what he wants and it is righteous?

7 months ago
Reply to  Jbizzle

>”Catholic doctrine states/dictates that the pope is ‘infallible’…so he can do or say what he wants and it is righteous?”

That is not what Catholic doctrine says. You could look it up if you wanted to.

7 months ago

He is a gay himself