
How Dave Chappelle Fights the Culture War From the Stage (

How does the magik happen..? How do they sell it to us? We’re too smart…right..?

Chappelle sold more tickets in the past year than any other comedian despite repeated scandals and blowback. Now he’s planning to open his own comedy clubs.

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6 months ago

You know this guy talks an awful lot about drugs too. Is that part of fighting a culture war too?

rm p
rm p
6 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Be careful about giving false witness…

6 months ago
Reply to  rm p

Where am I doing that?

6 months ago
Reply to  Neuro

Just because you are too much of a coward to explore the psychedelic aspect of reality doesn’t mean it is evil.

There’s a good reason using certain substances carries out incredibly cruel prison sentences.

6 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

This from the guy that says young girls shouldn’t be off limits. Don’t think we haven’t forgotten.

6 months ago
Reply to  WolfCenter

As the new kid on the block, so to speak, do I even want to ask? 😳 🙈

I’m finding that there’s quite a bit of drama in these parts…quite odd.

6 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

Steven is a pedo who thinks filming and promoting drug experiences is cool. He quit his job to write a book with AI. He repeatedly argues that underage women are attractive on this site. Those are the main points

6 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

We have a lot of shills here. Its normal. It happened over at forums too. It’s loaded with truth spinners.

It is a good sign since we are causing a “disruption” in the grand scheme.

Stevencasteel is that one guy who brings illegitimacy to the site. Possibly scaring off truth seekers.

Last edited 6 months ago by rick
6 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

People are finding it extremely trying to release their lifelong strongholds of belief. It is incredibly difficult and all true progress creates friction. I think it would be more odd if everyone here thought and behaved the same.

6 months ago
Reply to  WolfCenter

“Don’t think we haven’t forgotten.” … 🤣

We have a pedophile among us?

6 months ago
Reply to  rick

Yes, Steven has voiced his opinion many times. Infact i think he is proud and likes to rub being a pedo in peoples faces. I see he has changed his profile picture🤢🤬 He can hide behind a keyboard and pixels but i bet he would not show himself out in the real world. Wicked f*****g coward.

6 months ago
Reply to  WolfCenter

Yes! Steven is a pedo 100%. I really do not believe he or should i call him “it” has a place on this platform

6 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

You can have your demon induced psychosis. I’ll go w/God on this one when he says no sorcery/pharmakeia/familiar spirits/etc (ie, drug induced states).

6 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

Don’t you think it’s interesting that all these psychedelic figureheads like Leary, Grateful Dead, even McKenna were all pushing a government created agenda though? Are you really exploring and expanding your mind, or are you doing exactly what they told you to do, and frying your brain in the process? Grow up Steven, God is waiting for you.

6 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

You claim we are being duped by religion while you are being duped by a fake counter culture of drugs created to manipulate you

Last edited 6 months ago by Theghostofkyiv
6 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

Drugs are a great outlet for demons to allow the lies in. Its a visual delight of deception.

In this world, as wicked as it is, you need all senses intact!

Stevecasteel: I cast ye out of vigilantlinks at once!

(Steven then runs into a herd of pigs).

6 months ago
Reply to  rick

Exactly! I gotta say also I have been finding it very interesting lately to hear how many people went Trans after taking psychedelics, very creepy. Also interesting that the longtime psychedelics research groups like MAPS have been presenting at Davos in recent years.

6 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

Psychedelics are major movers in mind control…is this really surprising? Anything and everything may be toxic misused/overused. Enough water dumped into your belly at once can kill you. Dosage, extracting methods, purpose and intent mean a great deal.
I have never taken psychadelics, but I will never say never to something our Creator placed here, Himself. One man has no right to forbid another man from what is naturally given. It is up to the individual to determine how/what/why and to use responsibly (or keep in reserves for…I dunno…field surgery..?)
I’d be curious to see your studies which suggest these naturual substances cauae transvestitism. Please post them.

6 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

No studies, this is just what I have heard from many in person and online, can’t say if there is anything more to it than that, I just found it interesting. For me, psychedelics helped me deprogram from being raised in a meditation cult, and ultimately led me to God. So I am very grateful to them for that, but once you have a connection with God there isn’t really any need for them, and promoting their widespread use is very irresponsible. I wish I was raised with religion and feel if I had I would have never felt the need to turn to psychedelics for answers.

6 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

I was raised with religion and don’t believe it holds the answers you feel you’ve missed. It did me no favors.
I am fully immersed in belief in my Creator now and full with faith. Religion did not give me that. Religion gave me mostly fear, shame, self-rigjteously furious hypocrisy and despair. Self-loathing. Loathing of others. Glad to see the arse-end of all that mess.

6 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


6 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Rick seems to be a timely proof of my point.

6 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I didn’t miss the answers, I found them, thanks. You seem to be reading your own stuff into my words-asking for studies I never claimed to have, mistaking me saying something is interesting as me being surprised, saying I missed answers that I did not, maybe this is why we have gotten different things out of religion? Anyway best of luck on your path, God bless

6 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

Where is this coming from?

You stated, ” I wish I was raised with religion and feel if I had I would have never felt the need to turn to psychedelics for answers.”
So I spoke to what you stated yourself, you felt you’d missed.
Now you turn that to make it seem as if I insulted you, when I was just sharing my perspective with you.

I think, perhaps, you got more religion than you think. Best to you as well. We’re all flawed and learning.

6 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I rationally asked for studies, because when you make a concrete point, like psychedelic drug use leads to transvestism, you might ought to be able to support it with evidence. Any evidence at all. That is not wrong for me to ask from you.

6 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Wasn’t insulted, my point is just that we seem to think and communicate in different ways, not a problem, but it means we will experience things like religion differently. My point about psychedelics and trannies was an observation, at no point did I claim to have any evidence other than what I have observed

6 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

Saying I have heard about people going Trans after psychedelic use is clearly not claiming a concrete point, it is observation, you read into it, no big deal but as you have done this numerous times in our conversation, clearly we see things differently, again not a problem, just my observation

6 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

No ill will, but I find it hard to have a productive conversation with someone reading into what I am saying, so I wish you the best on this beautiful day!

6 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

That is a cop-out, but your prerogative. Be very well.

6 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

Asking a person to substantiate a rumor (which is not an actual observation) is valid. I’m sorry you cannot see this.

6 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I have heard this from 15 Trans people in my community, and seen many more say this online about their transition. That is an observation, it is my personal observation, but still an observation. You can ask my to provide more info, but at no point did I claim to have studies or concrete evidence, just observation, you read into it, and seem to have a hard time not reading into what I say. It is truly exhausting trying to talk to you

6 months ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

Okay, ghost. Go rest up.

6 months ago
Reply to  rick

That is a repugnant comment to make against a fellow human regardless of whatever error they are currently harboring. Let me examine your life and find grounds to “cast ye” out, too. Find your mote.

6 months ago

Dave Chappelle sold out, He went on Oprah to expose the elite and they whooped his a*s, I mean for real.
They told him that they were going to kill him and his family if he refused the deal, He even wanted to espace the United-States at one point in order to move to Africa, He in fact wanted to flee far away from the elite but THEY GOT HIM!!

6 months ago
Reply to  Username

Dave today doesn’t even look like Dave, IMO. I believe they got him, too.