
A Chilling Hidden Warning to those living within the infastructure his Common Wealth created – King Charles addresses Cop28

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10 months ago

If he believed in what he was saying, he wouldn’t have to read it solely from his notes. I have no doubt humans are destroying the planet more rapidly than if things went about their natural course without us, absolutely. However, these climate events have happened over & over throughout our planet’s existence and will continue to do so. There have been ice ages and super volcanos erupting etc. long before we got here. Now we have governments manipulating the weather…what about that?

This is not a man who cares about humanity or what his grandchildren are left to face. If he did, he would make moves in a direction that would help and not just tell us “pheasants” what we should do. If I had his wealth or influence….I would have already been doing all I could to ensure a better future for my family. Be the change you want to see in this world. Don’t talk about it, be about it.

10 months ago

Couldn’t agree more, though a pheasant is a bird

10 months ago
Reply to  JohnTrippers

Haha I know! I noticed that afterwards 🤣🤣🤣 I meant peasant.

Simon Tanner
Simon Tanner
10 months ago

It fit though. A pheasant is a game bird that is raised to be hunted and eaten. I believe that the elites simply see us as existing for their useage.

10 months ago
Reply to  Simon Tanner

That is good…too many have no concept of where their food comes from, so these archaic analogies elude them – meaning, it’s not about the meat, it’s about a formerly free bird, being drawn in by food, cushy quarters, 3 squares a day and a comfy bed. And I agree with the comparison.

10 months ago
10 months ago

Of course he says the earth doesn’t belong to us, he is in on the whole climate agenda, and WEF ideals like depopulation. This, of course since he is not Christian, he even made it a big point during his coronation, that he is “defender of faith”, not specifically the Christian faith like previous kings (and queens):

For Christians, the opposite of what he says holds true, indeed the earth does belong to us, and we’re instructed to multiply and fill it (read up in the first book of the Bible, Genesis for the details).

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
10 months ago
Reply to  followchrist

Amen to that.

Jean-Marie Bernard
Jean-Marie Bernard
10 months ago
Reply to  followchrist

No, for a Christian the Earth belongs to GOD. And mankind does not belong to the Earth, but to GOD also. God appointed man steward of the Earth, not owner of it, and we’re doing a bad job of it. King Charles, however, doesn’t have the solution, because he isn’t a devoted servant of God as he was meant to be.

10 months ago
Reply to  followchrist


If you think any of the former kings and queens of England were “Christian,” you are sorely mistaken. The Queen Mother dressed exactly according to the esoteric Luciferian calendar for over 50 years….King James was a practicing pedophile, mass murderer and necromancer in the 1600s. They are Luciferians through and through.

Charles simply dropped the thin veneer.

Jean-Marie Bernard
Jean-Marie Bernard
10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Well, I think some of the old pre-Norman kings of England may possibly have been Christian, but that’s becoming quite a distant memory.

10 months ago

@Jean-Marie Bernard

A brief source on King James personal love of mass murder to “burn witches.”

His book on Necromancy; which despite the editorialization in modern descriptions (must read for yourself), it was written from his personal knowledge of necromancy practice, and to justify his personal murder of 10,000 plus innocent humans.

Below a very brief source on his love of “courtiers,” which is a euphemism for pre-teen boys.

Jean-Marie Bernard
Jean-Marie Bernard
10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Where can I read more about the King James controversies you allude to, by the way?

10 months ago


Blind Gill
Blind Gill
10 months ago

I don’t get what this man doesn’t get. If you get your NWO once they seize power the useful idiots like Charles will go first. It’s just communism 2.0. They have to have the elites believe in it to make the changes but once these changes are made…there will be no place for them.

10 months ago

At 1:05 – 1:19, it speaks the real truth about the evildoers agenda. Have a listen!