
Were John Nelson Darby and Cyrus Scofield Freemasons?

Karl Marx denounced religion as the “the opiate of the people,” and communist states tried extensively to abolish it. However, the Illuminist oligarchs who run most of our world know that man has a spiritual nature which cannot be fully eradicated. They therefore deemed it more practical to infiltrate and control religion than try and destroy it outright.

The basic mechanism underlying the satanic New World Order: consolidation. In the context of nations, this has meant ending national sovereignty – bringing Europe from the Common Market to the European Union, and North America from NAFTA to the proposed North American Union, eventually merging these regional structures into a one-world government. In the world of “big business,” a parallel consolidation process is taking place, as multinational corporations merge with each other and buy up small competitors.

The Illuminati also want consolidation of religions. The technical word for this is ecumenism, which comes from the Greek word “oikoumene” meaning “world” and “earth.” All avenues of life must be consolidated for the Antichrist to rule, and religion is no exception. British globalist historian Arnold Toynbee stated: “I believe that, in the field of religion, sectarianism is going to be subordinated to ecumenicalism, that in the field of politics, nationalism is going to be subordinated to world government . . . .”1

Of the many tasks to which the Rockefellers committed their vast fortune, one was ecumenical religion, which apparently required three steps:

(1) Degrade Christianity as a unique faith; this necessitated providing loans to major churches in exchange for doctrinal changes, and funding seminaries that would produce “Modernist” ministers who would undermine the faith. The subsequent weakening of Christianity would ultimately ripen it for consolidation with other religions.

(2) Specific organizations (such as the National Council of Churches) would be formed as the framework by which various denominations – and ultimately various religions – could be brought together under the ecumenical banner.

(3) To give churches motive for unification, social causes, acceptable within the morals of most denominations and religions, would be promoted as rallying points for “united action.”

The Illuminati understood that Christianity would be difficult to incorporate into a world ecumenical movement, because Christianity has always been unique among religions – offering salvation not by good deeds, but faith in Jesus Christ through His finished work on the cross. An Illuminati goal, then, was to attack the authority and historicity of the Bible.

To this end, the Rockefellers heavily funded seminaries that would question the Gospel, the most notorious probably being Union Theological Seminary in New York City………..

This 2-Part Series is quite eye-opening………………

Part 1:

The War on Christianity, Part I

Part 2:

The War on Christianity, Part II: The Abomination and Blasphemy of Christian Zionism

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Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
5 months ago

It seems like a good thing that the churches include everyone now…
However, after reading the well written piece above, one can see that it is a manufactured event!

4 months ago

Yup, the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine, along with detaching the 70th week of Daniel, all false masonic doctrines.

4 months ago

What happened to your article on this site about the Antichrist? I was working my way through the 300+ comments and it disappeared. Did you delete it?

4 months ago

Excellent article. Thanks for posting. And I’m glad to learn of James Perloff. I’m reading through his site now.

People fight to defend dispensationalism and pre-trib rapture with almost the same ferociousness as the KJV only crowd. There must be some spells over each. We stopped listening to David Jeremiah after he said if you didn’t believe in the pre-trib rapture then you couldn’t be raptured at all.

Now we’ve been completely delivered from the heresy of dispensationalism. We watched a video on YouTube around 2010 (I think from aljazera Tv lol) that traced the Khazars and Sephardics and the pieces just fell in place. We started telling my father-in-law what we’d learned, he called a neighbor who immediately showed up with a briefcase full of dispensationalist propaganda trying in vain to re-program us. It was too late. Our eyes had been opened.

4 months ago

Don’t let this author deceive you

4 months ago

Darby and Schofield were both jews using Christian-sounding fake last names. I thought this was common knowledge, so I’m surpised that VC’s readers don’t know this.