
This is Why The Number "13" is So Significant to the Freemasons

The number 13 is used by freemasons, but why? It’s not exactly 666. Watch the 3 minute video and see why the number 13 is so significant to freemasons everywhere. 

Many will think that the antichrist will be born. But when we read revelation 17:8 (New Living Translation), it states “The beast (Nimrod) you saw was once alive (before Revelation was written) but isn’t now. And yet he (Nimrod) will soon come up out of the bottomless pit and go to eternal destruction (Satan never went to the bottomless pit, he was casted to earth). And the people who belong to this world, whose names were not written in the Book of Life before the world was made, will be amazed at the reappearance (resurrects by way of CERN) of this beast (Nimrod) who had died.” 

When we look at Revelation 17:11 (New King James Version), it says “The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven (one of the seven), and is going to perdition.” These two verses obviously mean clear as day that the antichrist, the beast of Revelation, was alive before John wrote Revelation back in 96 A.D., & was dead while he was writing Revelation, but is one of the 7 Kings who died and went to Hell and will one day ascend out of the bottomless pit. 

But I know what some of you are thinking. Isn’t the antichrist supposed to be Jewish? If it’s Nimrod, this isn’t true because Nimrod forsook the God of his fathers. Daniel 11:37 (New King James Version) says “He (Nimrod) shall regard neither the God of his fathers (Cush, Ham, and Noah), nor the desire of women (under Nimrod’s alias, Gilgamesh, his boyfriend was Endiku), nor regard any god; for he shall exalt himself above them all.” 

But will the world accept Nimrod? Let’s examine the facts. The Muslim Mahdi is prophesied to kill all unbelievers. Who will Nimrod be after. According to Revelation 12, after the second war in Heaven (we know this is a second war because verse 10 states “For the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down to earth—the one who accuses them before our God day and night” (New Living Translation)). Satan will no longer be allowed to accuse us to God anymore like he did in the book of Job, so this is obviously a second war in Heaven. So what happens after Heaven War Two? When we read verses 13-17, it sounds like the woman is Israel, the child is the church of Christ, and the woman who escapes for 3½ years is actually the 144,000 Jews. So if Satan uses Nimrod to conquer (Revelation 6:2) after Jesus opens the first seal, removing the first of the Seven Spirits of God (2nd Thessalonians 2:7, Revelation 6:1), then that would mean that the prophecy of the Muslim Mahdi is actually about Nimrod. 

What about other faiths? With Israel destroyed, 144,000 Jews in Jesus’s protection on the planet, and Christians who don’t “fall away” to Nimrod’s side being beheaded, then the rest of the world might actually think Jesus is Nimrod. The Zeitgeist documentary tries to say that the story of Jesus was actually a copy of other past false gods. While Zeitgeist was debunked and proven false, wouldn’t it make sense that the world would embrace Nimrod since all these false gods are based on him, and that Jesus’s story was indeed a rip off (when it wasn’t)? Revelation 17:8 says that the people who embrace him are those not written in the book of life and will be amazed at his reappearance. This is quite the end times deception? Think about it. 

Another point I’d like to add is that Nimrod was beheaded when he died. This is why he beheads us in Revelation. We have all this technology for death penalties, but the beast of Revelation goes old school and beheads us? Why? Well, if Nimrod is the beast, then the answer is quite clear. It’s because he was beheaded. 

How will Nimrod return? Why haven’t the elites resurrected him yet if his body is in a resurrection chamber? When we look at 2nd Thessalonians 2:7, it says a restrainer is taken out of the way. Who is restraining this evil from happening? Many will say the Holy Spirit. I agree. But Revelation mentions seven spirits of God & seven seals. We, too, as believers, are sealed with the Holy Spirit. This means that the elites can’t bring back Nimrod until Jesus opens the first seal in Revelation 6:1, and that won’t happen until after Heaven War Two. 

I leave you with this last thought. Ask yourself, why do all churches preach the same milk, but preach different meat? Why do they say that the meat of the Gospel isn’t relevant for salvation? DOESN’T EVERYTHING THAT JESUS SAID MATTER? IS THE CURRENT 501C3 CHURCH SYSTEM REALLY RAN BY ELITES AND CONCEALING NIMROD’S IDENTIFY AS THE ANTICHRIST AND ATTEMPTING TO MISLEAD US ON PURPOSE? What does the Holy Bible really say? How many of you commit idolatry with your pastors or worship leaders and call them first before getting on your knees to God and reading your Bibles. Last time I checked, the power that once killed seventy men & Uzzah exist inside of us now & is no longer inside the ark of the covenant. He who is in you is indeed greater than your Bible College, Bible teacher, pastors, and worship leaders. My love in Christ Jesus be with you all, amen. 

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8 months ago

nice… I’ve been watching Gene Kim for a while now. Great sermons.

8 months ago

I used to think the number 13 represents the 13 ill families that sit on top of the pyramid

Last edited 8 months ago by Cocoa
8 months ago

The bow and Nimrod represent Orion/Artemis the Hunter. Also known as Vriga the deer in Hindu zodiac, as Artemis was often depicted with a deer.

There is the myth that Orion would kill all of the animals and life on earth until Scorpio (which is the eagle/Phoenix) prevented him. This has to do again with Orion become more visible in the winter when many of the seasonal plants and animals die.

The bowman of the 4 horseman of the apocalypse is Apollo.

The 4 horse chariot is always associated with Solar worship and the SUN GOD, from the Siberian steppes to India to Europe and all the Middle East. It is the chariot of Helios.

The four horseman represent the four divisions of the seasons and the sun, in accordance with the Luciferian solar cults as they progressed through the ages, and thus their Solar-Deus Pater deities and their associated colors in mythology:

1) White Bowman is Apollo of Greece
2) Red Swordsman is Jupiter of Rome
3) Black Scales of justice is Shamesh of Babylon (depicted on Hammurabis code from which a quote is given)
4) Chloros Green Pestilence is Osiris; the Green corpse ruler of the underworld

13 is the number of lunar months every three years to balance the soli-lunar calendar.

8 months ago

Nimrud is representative of the Assyrian-Babylonian genetic line; not a singular man. It is in fact a reference to a well well known ancient sight; the infamous palace of Ashurbanipal II is located at nimrud, constructed in the 800s BCE; at which the inscription reads:

“The palace of cedar, cypress, juniper, boxwood, mulberry, pistachio wood, and tamarisk, for my royal dwelling and for my lordly pleasure for all time, I founded therein. Beasts of the mountains and of the seas, of white limestone and alabaster I fashioned and set them up on its gates.”

Limestone and alabaster are White, as the first horseman, which in revelations refers to the Babylonian-Assyrian descendants in Greece that ran the temple of Apollo. I’ll show you the mosaic located there I’ve seen with my own eyes featuring this bow attached to solar worship.

There are numerous tablets at the palace of Nimrud in which Asherbanipal and lots of other Assyrian kings proclaim “Aku is my fortune,” Aku being the Lunar Deity in AKUddian/Akkadian.

This is referenced in Isiah 65:11 under “Spreading tables for fortune and wine for destiny.” Where the word for “Fortune” is מני “Meni/Mooni” being the lunar deity now known as silver coins called “Money.” The silver coin being a full MOONth. And destiny in this passage is written as גד “god” being Ba’al god the solar deity. Literally a ball god.

That is why in the Metonic Cycle/Calendar there are 13 Lunar MOONths every three years to synchronize the solar and Lunar calendars. The 12th and 13th months are called ADAR I and Adar II. Adar is the name of the Solar Man deity, representative of Adam in Assyrian-Babylonian Mythology. He is the Sun Seed Man; Horus Risen. Hence why Nimrud is 13th in line… he represents Adar, the sun seed man (13th MOONth that synchronizes the calendars) and the founder of the Assyrian Babylonian genetic line that runs all of the Luciferian governments and RE-Legions today.

There are 37 Lunar Months every 3 Solar years; 37 is the root of the Fine Structure Constant, which is the strength of Electromagnetism, or LIGHT. That’s why it’s a MOON-KEY…

It’s a Luciferian forest, but you’re looking at one tree. We’re on the same side, Im trying to help you.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Outstanding analysis. We all know the bible rips off mythology and confounds information to keep the populace —; especially those who actually consider it the word of god— in perpetual ignorance. Are you into gematria by any chance?

8 months ago
Reply to  Lucy


Yes, I use alphanumerics regularly in research. unfortunately the use “gematria” in modernity uses the alphanumerics in a very unscientific way, disregarding the fact that the Aryeh yehudah language is actually originally developed as a form of advanced data compression from the fundamental equations of material reality.

The scriptures themselves do not rip off mythology; it is the other way around. However, the application of scripture by the Catulus Liqus (Cattle Lick) Church and its descendants, is an exotericized from of the Luciferian solar mysteries, designed to keep their cattle grazing for harvesting their Ki. They reserve the luciferian mysteries for their Gno-bility (those allowed to Gno-Sis, or Know the six.) However, they are all originally based on profound scientific knowledge, which is found within the data encoded into the scriptures in a form far more advanced than the mythology of Luciferian offshoots.

8 months ago

Don’t confuse the Luciferians Cattle Church for The Way…

The anger you seethe from an allegiance to an institution of corrupt men will only blind you to The Truth my friend.

8 months ago

Looks like The Great Plague and the anger has returned….

FYI 13 is the 1/(Proton Mass) and 1/(neutron mass) in Planck Units… the universal scale. You are made of protons and neutrons. Everything you see and touch is made by mass, mostly of protons and neutrons. That’s why the “adversary,” what the name Nimrod means in Hebrew, is 13… 13 Lunar months to Adar (mythological Sun man), which is made of particles with a mass of 1/13….

The scriptures contain hyper advanced mathematics.

8 months ago

I rejoice that you find faith in YHWH, and that you seek to follow Yeshua. May you find blessings upon your path my friend.

8 months ago

Bro, who is Diana? You’ve got me confused for somebody else man…

8 months ago

I’m not Diane/Psuedo Occult Media. I’d never heard of this person until “great plague,” starting saying this about a year ago, which I found comical, and now I find disturbing.

I didn’t even know it was a woman until you started calling me Diane in this thread and went off the deep end about witches.

Good luck finding Diane dude, it’s not me

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

And yes you need to learn Hebrew and Greek to get beyond the surface level with the Scriptures. They were written in those languages.

Moreover, Hebrew and Greek from their earliest are alphanumeric languages. As Roman Numerals there are Hebrew and Greej numerals. Alphanumerics are in the Bible, EVERYWHERE. There are seven words in Berashit (which you call genesis) 1:1 in the original Hebrew and seven candlesticks on the Menorah, representing the sun and the 6 planets of the inner solar system in a heliocentric model. You think it says in Genesis 1:1:

“In the beginning Elohim created Heavens and the Earth”

But there aren’t even verb tenses in this sentence, it’s written outside of time. What it really says

“Expansion of Conciousness expand The branching Tree of Space and Time from Alpha to Omega (Alef Tav) The Waters of the illusion measure beginning to end (Alef Tav) the Earth (Seed of the Tree).”

Does this implicate the creation of cosmos and earth? It does, but you’ll never find this anywhere in a translation.

As well, did you know 2 Peter is a forgery from the 2nd century CE? It’s not written by Peter… You’re quoting a forgery, and getting mad because I’m trying to tell you The Truth.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

444gem has way too much experience being a keyboard warlock. Stop going back and forth fruitlessly for days with him. He is a bible corrector not a bible believer. Don’t engage. Just pray for the man.

8 months ago

“Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, But he who hates correction is stupid.”

Emunah brother

8 months ago

I am extremely glad you have looked this up for yourself. I would urge you to move past quoting Wikipedia and look into deeper sources and reflection.

Anyone that reads the Greek in this text, knows this text is not written by an illiterate Aramaic speaking fisherman from Capernum in 60CE. It uses overly complex literary compound tenses and verbose rhetoric more typical of the 2nd-early 3rd century upper crust Asian Greek circles.

Beyond this, the references to the Saul of Tarshish’s writings as “scripture,” including the forgeries of Faul (Fake Saul), make it impossible before 90 CE, and extremely unlikely to be before 110 CE.

Historically there are absolutely no reference material about the letter, plausibly before the mid 150s CE and not definitively until the after 250 CE. For a letter supposedly written by the right hand man of Yeshua; this just doesn’t hold water.

Either Kefar (who you call Peter) went from illiterate to blazing literary scholar of the highest caliber in the last 5 years of his life, then completely changed his style from 1 Peter entirely, and then his works disappear from records for 150 years, or it’s pseudoepigraphical forgery.

8 months ago

Would you like sources for further research?

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

yes please