
They just churn out these dumb headlines using agenda buzzwords, don't they

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10 months ago

People wonder why the LGBTQ movement is so prevalent now. I honestly believe that this may be part of the ploy to reduce the population. This is a real concern of the UN and other international organizations. They keep bringing it up all the time. Hear me out. If there are enough young people who are confused about their own gender identities, they certainly aren’t going to be reproducing. They’ll be too busy trying to find themselves and break traditional “gender norms.” Now there’s nothing wrong with not having kids of course. That’s a personal choice. But if you combine this stuff with wars and diseases and chemicals in food and chemtrails and God knows what else, I think the trans and gay movement is a part of it. Another tentacle if you will.

Last edited 10 months ago by fuzz
10 months ago
Reply to  fuzz

Not to mention that more parents don’t want kids because of the sick environment they’d be placing their children in at school. Let’s not forget that factor.

10 months ago
Reply to  fuzz

it’s not prevalent at all actually thry just try to make it seem that way

10 months ago
Reply to  Michael

What part of the world are you in Michael? Just curious.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
10 months ago
Reply to  fuzz

That’s been a theory for a while. An arm of eugenics effective in making ppl that take this seriously – sterile. It also has the added benefit of making them an alien in their own body when it doesn’t work and making suicide a real possibility.

So much more is made of the perverts taking the opportunity to invade women’s space than the incredible harm being done to these kids. Both are equally insidious.

10 months ago
Reply to  Blind Gill

Yes. The suicide rate of course! Hit the nail on the head Gill.

10 months ago
Reply to  fuzz

Some people not being able to breed anymore in this setting won’t be impactfull enough to push transgendrism as main reason. Offcourse it is always a nice side catch.

I think the main reason is to condition people for transhumanism. If you are ok with the transgender thought, it is also easy to accept mixing your body with machines.

10 months ago
Reply to  Dutch_M

Ding ding ding. I’ve spoken to one of these 1980’s transhumanists, who wrote a manifesto, based in Chicago. Incidentally, they’re also into “bimboification” of cis-women and the general dehumanization of the “receiving” end of the sexual process.

But this has been the actual plan, since Brave New World. It just might be slightly more germaphobic, like Demolition Man.

I don’t know why these people hate grandmothers so much…like, moms, I can almost get that…but they didn’t like their grandmothers? Did they have them?

10 months ago
Reply to  fuzz

They do want people to be sterile and prevent reproduction by means of flipping your sex. And also, this defiles the younger generation! A win-win!

Never let a good opportunity go to waste!

10 months ago
Reply to  rick

I read a short story about this, written in the 00’s, I think, that was basically prophetic. A former “Punk” Millennial mother, trying to stop her kid from getting a back-alley sex-change and feeling like a hypocrite, for previously holding radical gender-egalitarian values. I don’t remember how it ended, other than kind of a bittersweet “but she has to learn to love and accept her kid, anyway”.

If anyone knows the title or author, I’d be interested to find this short story, again.

10 months ago
Reply to  fuzz

Glad someone finally caught on. But it isn’t like LGBTQIA people know about this. They’re just being used, by the larger agenda. Arguably, their long-term goal is actually transitioning all “gay” people, against their wills, anyway.

10 months ago
Reply to  fuzz

I’m totally agree with you, but not with “may be part” because it’s clearly part of the ploy.
There’s no such thing as a “trans community” or “trans movement”

10 months ago
Reply to  fuzz

You’re damn right. No doubt about it, it’s to help the depopulation movement. I thought the same especially when GATES says multiple times depopulation is key. Research how obsessed him and his buddies are with that. One of his many dangerous businesses is Monsantos. This is his huge zombie food operation, which is brought out to the public daily.

10 months ago

They always have to do a final trawl for the overly-emotional. Last chance to spark a match.

Le' Great Farting McMurphy
Le' Great Farting McMurphy
10 months ago
Reply to  A E

Check which way the wind is blowing first.

10 months ago

The Luciferian/Satanic agenda is specific in its inversion of every Divine being — including but not limited to Mother Earth and her organic inhabitants — and Life-affirming idea.

Women are *not* the protectors; MEN ARE PROTECTORS. I’m not saying that some biological women feel the urge to bulk up, learn martial arts, and use weapons. But hey, didn’t films like “Kill Bill” propagandize this notion? I think so! I am also saying that women are powerful in using their intuition combined with mama-bear instincts to protect their families.

I’m saying that MEN have the physical strength and the ability to compartmentalize emotions in order to f*****g fight evil.

I personally think it is best for women to tend to their home and children while men ought to be protecting and providing for their women and children.

Sorry not sorry if some readers don’t like my perspective.

10 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

You only contradict yourself. “Mama bear”, so you know that nature has such a powerful force. I don’t think you know what you mean.

10 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

It simply is a bitter truth of history, that most of history involved women having to do more work and defense than you are probably comfortable handling. Not everyone was rich. Not everyone was royalty. You were not cheated out of something that you were never entitled to. Women should not be untrained, or kept as decorations.

10 months ago
Reply to  Charlotte

Now this is what I call a realistic worldview.

10 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

I think you are playing right into this ideology by mixing physical and biological realities of female and male sexes with gender roles that were culturally assigned.

These people also want you to think that “traditional” gender roles are set in stone (which you do seem to agree with), but bodies not. That you need to destroy your body to play on the other side of gender roles.

This is especially twisted, because biological reality is “hardware” and is much harder to alter rather than over time evolve expand the ideas of what women and men “should be”.

10 months ago
Reply to  mechanical

I sincerely appreciate your downvotes, guys.

10 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

Men create the majority of problems, because they are more egotistical, agressive in various forms and drawn to power by nature, hierarchical too. Do women rape , do women causes wars, do women tend to be agressive and abuse physically and mentally their loved ones (and not only them of course) in such a scale that men do? So, men just have to fight against each other and that evil some of them created and will create in the future, because of hierarchical structure between men and because of that social concept they created and they only can change.
And thinking that all men will help and shelter you and your children will make you just another victim of your wishful and not realistical thinking. Look at history, how majority of men treated women when women were dependent. Like slaves or even worse. Because first thing (besides physical) that separates man and woman is agression levels and lust for power of various forms, and men tend to lust for power and control, and especially over women. So, all women be aware of men who are agressive in various ways, controlling, thinks very highly of themselves , do not value women or their opinion and run from them. And do not be naive that your good behaviour and good character or dedication can change rotten fruit. Choose wisely who you let into your lifes.

randall hewgley
randall hewgley
10 months ago
Reply to  Adriana

Untrue! Sounds straight out of a feminist’s textbook. Women in many ways are more cruel, calculating and vindictive than men.
This is part of the war on men. You need weak men to be able to take over and not strong men who think for themselves.

10 months ago

I do not say all men are bad. There are good men of course. So, what I wanted to say, was for women to choose those good men. And agressive and intemperate men are those women should avoid, because they are unstable or stoned emocionally and that does not change ever and puts women, their children and other men and society in danger. Emotional unstability , arrogance, egoticism and high agression levels do not combine into something good. Those ones are responsible for criminality, violence, social disorder, moral corruption. And , yes, women can not do anything , except do not choose those type of men, and only other men can show example that to be unnecesserily agressive , arrogant, violent and unfaitful is not “cool”, show by example with their own actions and choices in life. And that is hard, because people in general are drawn to “follow the herd” so to say.
Look at all countries where men are apreciated and whorshiped more than women, for example, India, African countries, Middle East countries and so on, look at history, what male whorship creates – constant wars, criminal activity, rape, division, poverty, hate for females and real opression on them, even in some countries female genital mutilation, fanaticism. I bet you would not like to be woman in those countries yourself. It is hell on Earth.
And I say that without joy that I can , in your opinion, blame men. It is root couse, sadly.
It is because some men are arrogant and egotistical by nature and when they see from beeing small child that they are treated in some special way because they are men and women should worship them, those who are rotten by nature , becomes unsufferable in various ways and have real tools (violence, social status , social support ) to make lifes those around them (women and men too) like hell.
It is sad for me to say that, I do not feel joy about what I am talking and I am not against men in general. I just say that because of diffrent natures of men and women, women should be more consious when choosing men and not naive. And those who have no choise, they suffer greatly all their lifes.
There are wounderful men. And I sicerely wish that those men be leaders and show that being humaine and good and stable family man with morals are new “cool” role model.
And there are bad women without a doubt, so men should too not only choose women , because they are pretty. Look through the surface always. But women are not hierarchical and do not have such agression levels, so their actions do not have such wide and strog impact, only to closest family members or work place and rearly violent physical.
And sadly , looking by numbers, goodnatured women in general outnumbers goodnatured men. Majority of women wants by nature sincere, faithful relationship , humane , safe and tend to make more compromises while there are disproportionally number of men whose nature are just the opposite, they want just to gain some kind of benefits, play around, not be responsible and lie , posess and control when knowing that these moral and humane traits that they lie they have, they do not , and just playing around.
And yes, I too want to mark, that some things witch are being pushed by our society for women, for example , to be promiscous (to take bad example from men) are horrible. To be prostitute (not necessarily directly) and to take example from that is taking all morals from woman nature. That is disrespect to woman’s body. To be happy with your sexuality and to be depraved is not the same thing – suitable for men too.
And I have wounderful man in my life, saying that only because you say that I have such opinion only I am not lucky in life about my relationship. Witch is the opposite.
And my opinion is based on reality I see happening for real women around me and around the world and from history.
And what I see on those examples is that only women who have good men by nature, with who they feel safe and relationship are sincere and can trust them are happy with their men. This suits for men too, only those who are goodnatured and have goodnaturrd women their partner leads to happy relationship. No amount of tricks, manipulation and psycology can change ones character. If you need to manipulate and socialise with someone in some kind of special way to not be in danger or not to make them angry with you or to have some kind of normal attention, than you suffer all your life. That is suitable for men, of course, if they feel abused. Just women are taught by such societies, which whorships men, to bare that horrible behaviour towards them like it is some kind of irreplacible faith. And in many of them, they have no where to go and to run, and have to suffer horribly all their lifes.
I do not want to insult someone, just observations and reality, and I do not fear to accept unpleasant truth, I think that is liberating and can lead to good changes.

10 months ago