
The rise of anti-American sentiment among youth.

Osama Bin Laden was right according to gen Z’ers on TikTok.  The CIA asset Bin Laden spilled truths about the US of A in a letter taking responsibility on 9/11 according to knuckle heads on social media.

Anti-American sentiment is on the rise among youth.

Its quite sad that a rogue, out of control government has lead to such hatred for ones own country.  Psy op?  

Never let a good opportunity go to waste!  Rogue gov destroys nation from within and erodes patriotism in the process among the young generation.  

When the s**t hits the fan, whom will defend this nation?  How many will join Antifa?


Some young Americans on TikTok say they sympathize with Osama bin Laden

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11 months ago


11 months ago

“Antifa” nice trigger word used by the US government.

I don’t like that they’re getting their news from the mouth of a snake…But maybe people are finally waking up to the fact that the USA government is corrupt and our “leaders” are just puppets for major corporations.

maybe patriotism is destroying the world..Us vs them mentality..
and everyone needs to wake up and see past the invisible lines that are painted by people like you.

11 months ago

In a way you can’t help but relate to how the rest of the world laughs at us for losing our way. But that is still no excuse for violence.

11 months ago

Antifa is sponsored by the global cabal. It is a communist pushing group whose purpose is to destroy so the evil cabal can build back better with a one world gov. Being patriotic is interesting, you don’t want a global cabal but at the same time we aren’t exactly a free country and our leaders are s**t.

11 months ago

Why call Rick a snake?

10 months ago
Reply to  rick

Trigger is a trigger word

11 months ago

They’re all clones of each other now. I promise you there’s so little difference between young people. They all listen to bad rap and pop music, they all quote the same memes, they all use internet slang and insults, social media is wrecking their social skills, etc.

But they all think they’re unique.

10 months ago
Reply to  fuzz

And it is so much worse than just their repulsive homogeneity:

10 months ago

I have heard of patriots being elitist but when is the last time that an elite espoused patriotism without trying to convince you to do something?

If patriotism were rooted in an emotion which one would that be? Where do children learn to deploy that emotion? or conceal that emotion? The funny thing about children is we raise them and offer them to the elites for an edutainment and are either puzzled or relieved over what they come up with as a result.

We wouldnt trust just anybody to guide children. Well neither would the elites, no expense is spared in ensuring that these kids have a proper understanding about how the world works and how they fit in it. That’s why the defense budget is on par with the education budget. Protect the young minds so we can have have brighter thinking future elites and workers and soldiers to sort out national problems.

They won’t tell you that Patriotism is an investment. You are at liberty to give your lives, efforts, concerns over to maintain positive feelings about the way you live here. To be loyal to what you have here. It really is a better situation than many other places. Keep all of your eggs in one basket and if most of us continue to believe in this place and maybe even the ideals it was founded on, then we will be something for generations to hold on to and flourish within. Afterall, if patriotism were not about generations, and was only about our lifetime membership to a domestic group, we might as well wave corporate flags instead of national ones.

Elites don’t tell you that patriotism is an investment, because the initiated ones have already divested. They are already disenfrachised. They have already bought into ideas that run opposed to patriotism, but will leave its vestage intact while they continue to extract support from us. We are patriotic towards a place that we want to protect, where we find fulfillment and a semblance of peace; and they offer to protect this place that they find useful and profitable in exchange for our supporting them making other places useful and profitable. Where does that leave us

It’s just business to them. Children are beginning to sense their usefulness.

10 months ago

Can’t really trust a letter or the fake corpse of him thrown into the sea so no one could examine and confirm anything.