
The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers: Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings

Our nation’s founding fathers were not Christians. I honestly believe the United States is actually “Mystery Babylon,” and the worse is yet to come because Mystery Babylon is drunk with the blood of the prophets and saints. Watch the video and see the dark origins of our nation.

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8 months ago

Babylon is an antichrist system and has been around long before America existed. However, Americans, as well as, people all over the world who accept an antichrist spirit all comprise the system of Babylon.

8 months ago

You are at the point in your journey where you realise quite a lot, but are missing a lot of the bigger picture by focusing on one tree of the forest.

You realise the archetype of Nimrod is the antiXristos: the Luciferian Solar King. But you don’t realise this is a repeating fractal pattern through time.

You realise Hamaruca (the plumed serpent of the Mayas often now dolled as “Amaru”) is run by Mystery Babylon, but you think it’s just Hamaruca. Mystery Babylon and it’s Harlotte stretches back tens of thousands of years, appearing with a different mask across space and time always drunk with blood of those that dreend The Truth; It is the Solar mysteries that deceive the masses.

8 months ago


You may be able to learn more by listening to Bill Cooper’s Mystery Babylon series, the first 10-12 episodes originally broadcast in shortwave radio. As well as Ben Heath’s series in The Computation is 666

The Luciferian Mysteries are thousands of years old; not American. The Harlotte riding the beast is “The Grear Mother,” called “The Queen of Heaven.” Vatika-Isis-Ishtar-Inanna-Hestia-Ashtarte- Diana- Pacha Mama – Cybele – MarYam… Many names for Lucifer as a Transgender Pagan Statue….

8 months ago


Yes, the Statue of Liberty is Mithras in a transgender form. It is the Myth of RA, the Solar mysteries; it is Prometheus (who is Lucifer) bearing the Torch while being dropped in water. The beast out of the sea. These mysteries stretch back thousands of years ago, the USAr being only the latest incarnation.

the name “Osiris” is actually written and said USA-RUS. Ever wonder why it was USA vs RUSsia? It’s USArus vs the USSaR. Two horns and one mouth of beast; negative and positive pole of an electromagnet.

below are pictures of Mithras from circa 2000 Years ago. You are greatly mistaken if you believe it is just the USA; you must focus on the forest, not just the newest of its trees to sprout.

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Above you can see it is “Deo Soli Invictus” the Unconquered sun god… which is Mithras, just as the pope’s MIT-RE… literally “to eMIT RAys.” They are all Luciferians, all vying to be nimrod, the Solar Man.

that is for instance why there was a popular tv show “Better call SOL” with the character SAUL GOD-man. They fashion themselves incarnations (or avatars) of nimrod, The Horus Risen

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Interesting connection to Better Call Saul. The liberty statue is prominent in the show.
comment image?w=1280

8 months ago
Reply to  seeray

He represents the SOLar GOD MAN. SOL-Amon; The man of the solar mysteries. The Myths of Ra.. .

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
8 months ago

When I realized that beliefs were the complete opposite of knowing…
I stopped believing and started knowing.

8 months ago
Reply to  Michele

America = New Babylon!!!
Mystery Babylon will be destroyed by fire from Heaven!!! 
Sounds like nuclear missiles will be raining down upon the USA!!!

8 months ago

America is under control of Masons!!!
They are the cause of Civil Disorder!!!

8 months ago

America = New Babylon!!!
Mystery Babylon will be destroyed by fire from Heaven!!! 
Sounds like nuclear missiles will be raining down upon the USA!!!

Brian Pierson
Brian Pierson
8 months ago

They were largely deists and freemasons.

Anita McGinnis
Anita McGinnis
8 months ago

That was quite an “eye opening” video! Get it? eye opening…. (very funny…) Seriously though, it was a lot of useful information in one place. Thanks.

8 months ago


Last edited 8 months ago by checkers
8 months ago

The Geneva Bible footnotes agree with you: