
Reptilian energy harvesting

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8 months ago

Nice book plug

Jimmy Jam
Jimmy Jam
8 months ago
Reply to  Jbizzle

Shut up

8 months ago

Not sure if I believe her, the face filter is really distracting me. Anyone truly see a reptilian before in person?? I’ve seen shadow people, ghosts, strange monkey like small people about 3 foot high at most, a ton of pedophiles but I’ve never seen a reptilian.

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

I’m baffled on how she claims to have absolute control over her third eye!

Le' Great Farting McMurphy
Le' Great Farting McMurphy
8 months ago
Reply to  marie

Phil Schneider has and documented his experience in Dulce Wars.

8 months ago

Okay, tiktok cannot become the new standard for information on this site. From this sites beginnings to now is like th fall of Rome.

8 months ago
Reply to  MrBones

On the contrary, many a thing has leaked on that brain numbing site and a trickle has been quite important, but they usually get deleted quickly. I cannot force myself to keep an eye out there and reptilians sucking human energy while cloaked isn’t the wildest of tales. What I want to know is how she felt so calm to walk around the place for a bite of lunch, I’d be GTFO of there, even if I had weapons f that place. So yeah hard to believe her but interesting topic if people really truly see them then, well we are in the movie They Live again.

Le' Great Farting McMurphy
Le' Great Farting McMurphy
8 months ago
Reply to  marie

Why run?

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
8 months ago

She is clearly a new ager that believes this nonsense. That’s the best I can say.

8 months ago
Reply to  Blind Gill

Sorry to rain on ur parade, dude, but its not nonsense! Poor u!

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
8 months ago
Reply to  xyz

Fear no evil my friend.

8 months ago
Reply to  Blind Gill

I was thinking the same thing. She is so deep in the occult she can’t even see that she is part of the problem.

8 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

And that, is the truth.

8 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Is the “occult” the problem? or the petty mortals that missuse it? C’mon now, emotions like hate wldnt exist if it wasn’t suppose to be utilized in some way. Just like when ppl say “crystals are evil & witchcraft” yet quartz is literally the veins of the earth & over 90% of all modern tech is powered by quartz. It’s abt “balance” ppl, for fucksake.

8 months ago
Reply to  Okaykaykay

Stop playing with fire. You will pay a heavy price down the road.

8 months ago
Reply to  Okaykaykay

You are missing two vital pieces of info: 1. Satan is real. 2. The world is fallen, ie, corrupted by Satan. That’s why the occult is wrong. That’s where it comes from. If you don’t believe me, keep following that path and you will find out for yourself.

8 months ago

New agers are occult. Any form of spiritism still lies within satan’s circle of deception.

Cute but still confused.

Last edited 8 months ago by rick