
Mysterious humming noise keeping Northern Ireland city awake at night

Here’s the link to the article; this is not my work but we need to be aware of the strange phenomenons currently going on:

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8 months ago

I first read about this 20 years ago and it isn’t just Ireland but all over the world including the US. It is truly very mysterious.

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

I’ve heard it personally

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

I’m not surprised – it is a world wide phenomenon that somehow not everyone knows about

Paul James
Paul James
8 months ago

Could be noise from a DUMB–Deep Underground Military Base. They have to vent the place once a day to get out the toxic fumes.

8 months ago
Reply to  Paul James

I agree there are many instances where people are hearing underground construction and activity.

There are many others that are definitely not that. It can only be described as other worldly. The sounds are really strange and eerie, extremely loud filling the sky and a lot of people have recorded them personally and put them out there. It used to be a bigger story not sure if it is being suppressed more now – that is my guess.

I’ve heard people’s recordings they are hard to describe and weird.

8 months ago

Who here has heard this over the years?
I’ve heard this, booms, and a mechanical cracking sound in the sky.

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

The ones I have seen on video and heard have some booms and cracking but also have huge harmonious tones and almost instrumental sounding, occasionally trumpet like. Some I’m sure are fakes but there are many others that are real – videos I’ve seen. Hard to explain. Weather anomalies accompanying the sounds.

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

I’ll add the booming I heard made the trees shake snow off.
You ever listen to this?
It’s supposed to be not possible for human vocal chords and was recorded in the 70s sometime I think.
I’ve heard some strange things in the forests myself but one thing was really odd that brought the hair on my head ‘up’ was when I heard across a large creek, in deep thicket of pine next to a cliff, singing, like a chorus of several voices, in the middle of nowhere, where humans wouldn’t go too thick and steep… I noticed my ‘hair standing on end’ and felt I should GTFO, I just turned around and left trying not to look to freaked out because I didn’t want to spark whatever it was into chasing me like prey for fun. The other incident was continual rock clacking. It started whenever I went outside and stopped when I hid pretending to go inside. There was a black looming helicopter incident too. I went at 3am to lock up some things and as I was walking outside it came. I quickly jumped into the shed. It just hovered above for several minutes 10-15, it felt like a lifetime. I was so bothered I got ear plugs from a convenience bag I got because I traveled a lot back then and put them everywhere ‘just in case’. Anyways the vibrations were too strong it was too loud to ignore. I stayed there until sun rise. That’s all

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

I hadn’t seen / heard that before. Don’t know what to make of the sasquatch deal. Definitely strange sounds come out of the forest.

So, I just watched this video yesterday from The Why Files. They made it a month ago and I just watched it – it has some really good clips of the odd sounds people have been hearing world wide, what I was talking about; harmonious tones, trumpet like sounds, booms, cracks and a lot of other things. It’s called Skyquakes, Upsweeps and Sky Trumpets / Terrifying Sounds That Signify the End of the World.
Sometimes this guy is a bit odd but they put out some good information.

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

You’ve had some strange forest experiences for sure. I’ve had a couple myself. No black helicopters though

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

I’ve had that (black helicopter, but in my pasture) – it folowed on the heels of the Elon Musk Halloween Baphomet suit – the one in which there was a clock behind him on the wall. 10:11? Can’t recall for certain but at that exact time the next day, it was like a switch tripped and I was in a weird plane again. Too weird and anomalous to be shrugged off despite how unimportant/unremarkable I am. Other strange events, too, and several lately.

8 months ago
Reply to  A E

My sense is your area in TN and other places in the south are the center of some globalist movements – land take over moving people around.
So many things are changing really fast here where I live. They are nothing if not predictable.
High strangeness is on the rise it seems stay safe.
Is the nebulizer helping?

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

I feel like I’m in a slow misery hell lately. I can barely open my eyes for pain. So, I’m hopeful this is really digging up prime roots.

8 months ago
Reply to  A E

Oh that doesn’t sound good. Are other people around you in the neighborhood having similar struggles or is this more of a personal healing?

8 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Both, I think. Everyone I’ve spoken with the last 2 weeks have the same symptoms, exactly, except that my sinuses are particularly afflicted. I am sure some old, pervasive fungal infection (weight of decades of chronic infections) is being dealt with. I have almost zero taste and sometimes the drainage is beyond offensive, like, odiferous and rank. Gross.

8 months ago
Reply to  marie

I live next to the davis monthan air base and a few weeks ago i heard a hard humming sound, like the jets sound when they are flying over my house, only this one never waned, never shifted in pitch, and was constant for at least 15 straight minutes, i heard it from inside my house and went outside to see wtf, after standing out there and looking up for those 15 min and seeing nothinh, just gave up and went inside. That noise was awful though, i could feel the buzzing in my nostrils

8 months ago

Weather manipulation or underground activity is the best bed.

8 months ago

When I think of these things, my feeling goes to anthill swarms, dormant until they suddenly emerge and permeate.