
Just another day…Cosmopolitan promotes Satanic Abortion

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8 months ago

Lord, have mercy! 😭

8 months ago

This filth penetrated minds, spirits and souls of many woman …and man but differently – it’s a spirit of the age – satanism.
I know many females who work in the school system, including with very young children, and they hate them all! Last thing they care is a child’s well-being, including basic care! Unless someone is looking, they can pretend well.
Main topic of today’s “conversations” beside nasty gossip, slander, plotting how to throw someone under the bus- is women’s rights, abortion….and finding rich husband, unless “ I am not going to have any children, because they are waste of space” – direct quote from a young woman, who is working with children (!)

Good people having hard time to fit into this matrix, good man and woman are ostracized, and that’s a fact. Depends on what you do for a living, if you work from home, or whatever, and you don’t have to engage with people at the workplace you might not be aware of how serious it is, and it’s like zombieland, agents of matrix everywhere, always operating in groups as they would not survive one single day standing alone facing filth inside their hearts they would experience a instant shell shock, that’s why gossip, slander and all the nonsense.
People might think it’s exaggerating but it’s not, it’s evil! Evil should not be underestimated!

8 months ago
Reply to  SlavicGirl

And btw, how at the same thing they care about freaking cat’s right is literally nauseating. It’s satanism, what more proof one might need to see what kind of society it is.

8 months ago

the old religion is making a comeback, just look at it, sign of the faggy luminati, in the triangle! let the luminated ones here (members of the foggy lodge) calculate the sine and cosine of the angles, multiply it by 666*π and meditate on it, their Father will liberate their minds and guide them on their path with 5G signals!

8 months ago

It’s not making a comeback, it’s now able to show itself again. Give a little bit long, it will be out in it’s full glory soon.

7 months ago
Reply to  Jane

If that sh1t and p1ss is glory to you, i dont have nothing to say to you. That filth belongs in the sewers, in the underground with the rats, in the wild with the animals, and as long as defenders of Christendom are alive, it will stay there, away from the children of God!

7 months ago

Christ is not the son of God, please turn away from the satan worship you have tricked into and turn to the truth of Islam!

Longtime Lurker
Longtime Lurker
7 months ago
Reply to  NoPork

I’m just going to leave this here… Think whatever you want to think.

Galatians 1:8–9
8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.

“But Mormonism isnt the only religion that came from an angel. So did Islam! Its “another gospel,” that teaches “another Jesus” (Isa) in their holy book, the Qur`an. It was also supposedly revealed by the angel Jibril, said to be the biblical Gabriel.

When Jibril first choked Muhammad in the cave of Hira, demanding he “recite,” Muhammad ran for his life, afraid he had been bewitched by jinn or devils. Surprise! He was! He should have known better. Galatians 1:8-9 was written almost 600 years earlier to keep us from being deceived by devils about the Lord Jesus Christ.” ( Directly quoted from (

8 months ago


7 months ago

Que porqueria y que asco mk

7 months ago

Creepy advertisement!

Fractured mirror (MK-ULTRA, split personalities), one eye and red (sacrifice)!

Win, win, win!

Last edited 7 months ago by rick