
Interesting History Surrounds The Current Location of CERN

CERN is actually short for the celtic horned god “Cernunnos.” In Roman times a temple was there in honor of Apollyon. The people who lived there believed it was a gateway to some kind of underworld. 

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Blind Gill
Blind Gill
8 months ago

I’ve come across this before. Neither believing nor disbelieving…but the stuff in Switzerland is intriguing. The tunnel and the rituals. Very odd.

8 months ago

Some have said they are trying to lift the veil between this dimension amd the spirit world, aka demon world. Some call it the “star gate”.

Interesting video and quite suspicious to say the least.

Last edited 8 months ago by rick
8 months ago

Another site with the Cernunnos name is Lucerne, Switzerland. The Lu- prefix means light, aka Lucifer. Another guise of that thing is the “god” Lugh, whose name is also found in place names across northern Europe. (Lyon used to be Lugdunum for example.) Just another version of Lucifer. The truth really is hiding in plain sight. And for those who don’t believe me when I denounce kundalini as Satanic, well, Shiva and Kali, the beast and the scarlet woman of the Bible, are the lord and lady of kundalini. Kundalini is the power of magic and the force of the demonic realm. Might as well call it Cerndalini.

I.P. Freely
I.P. Freely
8 months ago

Lucifer likes Weiner-Schnitzel.