
Globalist Henry Kissinger dead at 100

Chicken hawk, war monger, member of the bilderberg and globalist Henry Kissinger has died at 100.

One more globalist architect has met his fate.


Henry Kissinger, legendary diplomat and foreign policy scholar, dies at 100

Kissinger calls for a new world order | Buchanan

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7 months ago

F him, one interesting tidbit, he was against sending military aid to Israel when they were almost eliminated in the 1973 war against Syria and Egypt. then he diplomatically brokered a deal between them with shuttle diplomacy and got a Peace prize for it. Unbelievable, dude was a demon goblin

7 months ago

Among those whose names are publicly known, he was near the very top of the satanic “elite”: perhaps equal in stature to the Rothschild patriarchs. He was the most frequent attendee of the Bilderberg Group meetings, a member of the most elite “camp” in Bohemian Grove, and the main mentor of Klaus Schwab. He was largely responsible both for the ascendancy of aggressive, self-reinforcing American imperialism and for the emergence of China as a major economic and military power, possibly setting the stage for a great nuclear conflict between the two intended to usher in the Kingdom of the Antichrist. Since his protégés are but bleak copies of the likes of him, the power of the evil one is clearly waning in this world, all appearances to the contrary notwithstanding. In other words, luciferians have to rush their final plan, since God is about to purify this world once and for all.

7 months ago
Reply to  Jakub

I wonder how many more levels up the dominance hierarchy there are above his ilk? The main Rothschild guy really is as pathetic physically as Mr. Burns.

Taking it further, how many more layers until you get to non-human entities? Then how many layers until you get to non-physical entities?

There have been way too many resets / purges / purifications already.

I’m 100% for self-defense, but killing is fear based consciousness. AI super intelligence will be here soon. Having some angsty fundamentalist goad super-tech into giving the Georgia Guidestone creators what they want population size-wise is not the way forward.

Wrestle with pigs in pig sh**, you get covered in sh**.

Let’s behave properly ourselves and teach our local communities to behave properly. Build new higher consciousness communities and pay less attention to the evil loosh harvesters. We might have 1000x energy and intellegence available as tools to transform how we do things by 2030.

Another reset is happening regardless. Let’s take the reigns and doing things properly.

7 months ago

Good riddance to bad rubbish

7 months ago

Biggest mass murderer still alive until now always was Henry K.
I am sure he went directly to hell and the devil personally greeted him at the gates.
He lived far too long, he should have been hanged a long time ago.
Never forget the “secret” bombings of Cambodia !

7 months ago
Reply to  Aluna

He was a Rockefeller protege.

M. Brzezinski
M. Brzezinski
7 months ago

I hope the worms enjoy eating him the same way he enjoyed eating feces.

7 months ago

Perverted, inverted broker of Divine Life.

Will he meet his Maker this time, or will the “believing masses” stay asleep, allowing him to re-incarnate for another round of this utter insanity?

7 months ago

Ding Ding. The Devil is dead…

7 months ago

Don’t want to piss in the Cheerios but he’s probably cloned and put in a new skull like his friend Lizzy. We can only hope he’s truly dead from some malfunction in the command chain. If by some miracle anyone ever happens to kill one of these people; over do it. Don’t be the idiot that walks off leaving their heads attached for reassembly. Make them into sludge and dispose through fire or chemical.

7 months ago

Ding dong. The Devil is Dead…

7 months ago

Young man, you have the courage of a hero. And breath as fresh as a summer ham.

7 months ago

May be so-ros will soon follow!