
Girl raped while satanic child abuse ring ‘clapped and cheered’, court hears (

One girl was chased by people wearing devil masks, hung by her clothing from a nail on the wall and shut in a microwave and fridge, court heard

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9 months ago

Absolutely heartbreaking. And some still think this is a one-off occurrence instead of a global travesty.

9 months ago

If found guilty, they should be executed but only if

9 months ago
Reply to  john

Why? You were cool with innocent Palestinians being slaughtered thousands upon thousands to get a couple evil guys so why all of a sudden does the possiblity of innocence matter as long as you get a couple evil guys, why have a trial at all you could just blow up the entire country and make sure to get the bad guys. Or is this some kind of racist religious fanatical thing where only Israel gets to kill innocent people by the thousands for a few evil they know they can’t really hit who are hiding deep in the IDF built tunnels which won’t even be effected by the missiles and aren’t the true point of the mass killing anyway.
Or I have an idea…
Maybe we should just go after evil people and let the innocent people like the neighbors to this story of complete hell and insanity live without blowing them to pieces.

9 months ago
Reply to  marie

Please don’t bring political crap into this. Your comment has nothing to do with this article!

9 months ago
Reply to  Netty

Agree Netty! 100 percent

9 months ago
Reply to  Dagny

Or you.

9 months ago
Reply to  Netty

Chill. I was pointing out hypocrisy. It has nothing to do with you

9 months ago
Reply to  marie

This is by far the most tone deaf comment I have ever read on this site, or anywhere. Ever. Normally I agree with you Marie, but wow!

9 months ago
Reply to  Dagny

And I think that you’re both tone-deaf. It’s all related, you idiot. Do you even believe in God?

9 months ago
Reply to  Charlotte

Name calling. Sigh.

9 months ago
Reply to  Charlotte

Sorry Internet went dead.
I was also going to say, don’t you know Charlotte that you cannot be impolite or call the ignorant white knight supporters of the mass murder supporters names because of offence that I brought out the hypocrisy in what John said? We need to fold our arms, bow out heads and refrain from making a ruckus by comparing how in one article he supports mass deaths then turns around and frets over pedophiles getting fair trials before their deaths in the next article. How dare I not stick to what they want right? No the most important thing here is to not rip open his eyes or give him something to think about but to never Ever dare offend people or you could get punished by the people with their mouths hanging open for the flies, in awe and shock “how could you” “no more likes for yee”- oh well guess I’m doomed to net unpopularity. But seriously why should we always agree and why would we need to? Can’t we be very different and agree here and there and argue happily ? The only time I have an issue enough to point things out is with pedos and now mass murder supporting. I cannot refrain because that is how it gets worse. That’s the reason.
I will Now probably offend you and say would you like or dislike the Redeemer and your creator more over skin race or looks? If his skin isn’t dark enough will you be disappointed? It’s a tricky area to decide on skin tone there. Dad is a creator, mom isn’t… Or so the story is told. And lights and darks both appear in that area in the Bible… You know since he created different races to deal with different climates he could look different from all the races since the creator’s climate is a bit different.. he could just have glowing skin or something. In the vedas people had blue and purple skin, there were ten races and lots of different animal hybrids and human hybrids but those races and hybrids don’t exist at least openly now, unfortunately. We cannot really trust history it was hijacked for every single race. The cabal owns our history and our energy, we can only stop this by in unison going after them, not supporting their money and just trading, throwing them into the giant pit of hell in Antarctica with the beast or wherever the biggest deepest pit is then going through the Vatican to find out wtf happened since our stolen history is probably in there.
Okay next since the finger cramped bots above me are crying that my post triggered them, to show the little boogers I’ve no malice that they’re ignorant… I’ll say
these witches are everywhere doing their disgusting sex abuse mental abuse animal abuse rituals and they spam every country. They are in the largest cities and in small towns. There now, calm yourself, drink some wine, pray and s**t.

9 months ago
Reply to  marie

Context – I used to live in Glasgow, the story is personal to me, and I felt the mentioning of Palestine was taking away from the children of the impoverised city I grew up in. Those poor wee weans! Hence, in my opinion, tone deaf.

I’m certainly not ignorant, a ‘white knight’, or any of the other s***e you typed, you do not know my opinions. At all. Your comment is very ugly and totally unhinged. Any nice message you are trying to say gets lost in virtiol.

No need to name call, different opinions are necessary. If not you are no better than those you’re ranting about. Ranting. In my experience those who resort to name calling, or brand other people who disagree ignorant, are…well it wouldn’t be polite to say.

God bless the victims of this coven. God bless the victims in the holy lands of the luciferian NWO. God stop us being vile to each other.

9 months ago
Reply to  Dagny

Look buddy, first I was misunderstood, this had nothing to do with politics. Next I was called a troll (a name calling event) because a difference in opinion. I guess was one of those “necessary” opinion comments to you. I noticed you ignored that name calling, completely put it aside and just didn’t have a problem with that because you agreed heartily but you pointed out the two of us name calling because you disagreed with us. That’s hypocritical as s**t. Next you proceed to half assed name call me/insult me as if that technicality of “…” would make your name calling immune from criticism, keeping you an innocent in your head which is hypocritical as fk and you could learn something from that, it’s kinder style manipulative. Try harder if you want to insult someone and feel pure, you’re fooling no one but your own self. We can have a insult battle I don’t care, but don’t claim better than thou when you’re first make a hypocrite move next another hypocrite move and dare look at me, judging me on your pulpit.
I will brand ignorance wherever I see it, it’s not always an insult so much, we are on earth to learn, but take it however you want, you’re choosing how offended you get over this.
You say I took from the article for you because of pointing out John’s hypocritical statement, I can live with that. If people have enough brain cells they can see me criticizing support for mass murder in one moment and worry for a couple pedo lives in another, the hypocrisy it is, and maybe reflect on that, they can further be able to think about the children being abused, think about it occurring around them and maybe keep their eyes open. But I’m not going to play by your rules. If they want they can do the usual reply with “thoughts and prayers” or something more interesting but you actually bring more attention to my comment (thanks) and never mentioned your delicate position about the children that you were so concerned over before this. I didn’t see a tit nor tat of you personally being effected and having insider experience, I’d expect you could bring yourself to add something about that with it being so close to you. I’m not stopping you, you can put attention there and I like most people like interesting behind the scenes comments. I have no hate or like for you, a slight annoyance atm will disappear or be fed, but I will defend myself next time without mercy because my patience and trying to be less combative than I can be, only goes so far. Your move, peace or war is in your head and through your fingers.

9 months ago
Reply to  Dagny

Calm yourself, you don’t have to agree with everything.

9 months ago
Reply to  marie

Jesus Christ was a brown-skinned, Palestinian Jew.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
9 months ago
Reply to  Charlotte

Most Christians are more than aware of that. What’s your point?

9 months ago
Reply to  Charlotte

Palestinian Jew? Where are you getting this information from?

9 months ago
Reply to  Terf2001

The Bible.

9 months ago
Reply to  Charlotte

I don’t care if he was yellow, I was pointing out to him he was fine with the killing thousands of innocent people but wanted to give these pedos a fair trial before execution

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
9 months ago
Reply to  marie

Go away troll – we are not trip trapping on your bridge.

What is happening in the middle east is disgusting on both sides. That doesn’t mean that bad things don’t happen on other places too. This is the moral relativism we should avoid people.

9 months ago
Reply to  Blind Gill

Not talking to you either, has nothing to do with you. He is a hypocrite and me point it out to him to show him that has nothing to do with you white knighting.

9 months ago
Reply to  marie

you’re right, of course, our hypocrisy wreaks. I’m good so long as you applaud my outrage of your enemy, no matter how big or small; and while we’re at it, I will applaud you so long as your enemy is my enemy as well. funny and sad how that works.

Regardless, I remain hopeful, as young, old, and everything in between are being exposed to a litany of harsh realities and truths that are a part of this world.

Spread the light, walk away from all the darkness.

9 months ago

This is abjectly horrifying. Even worse, I think this kind of activity is going on in every city and town around most of the supposedly “first world” countries. Former death-cultists have been telling us for decades that this stuff is happening and that it’s ramping up because adults refuse to wake the eff up and take personal responsibility for themselves and their children.

Instead of doing right by themselves and their families, they’re busily entertaining themselves with all the A.I. black-screen-box BS and leaving every aspect of their lives to “experts,” “officials,” and “authorities.”

Well, we’ve seen over the past few years how *that* stance has turned out.😵😭🙏

9 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

That’s victim blaming. Do you really think each and every parent whose kids get victimized are inept, willfully neglecting their children? when they are working hard sending their kids to school, they trusted the institution to teach their kids, not rape them. Shouldn’t we be persecuting the criminals and not the victims?

9 months ago

Scotland. Witches. The devil. A story old as time.

Last edited 9 months ago by Dagny
9 months ago

Its just hearsay! What’s the medias favorite phrase?? Oh yeah, “satanic panic!”